Radio Stations in Panama in 1953

Panamá, 1963

Panamá City and the surrounding area
was visited in 1963 when these pictures
were taken.

Radio Reloj - 1015 AM.
Frequent Time Checks and News Items were a feature of this 24 hour station.

Circuito Unido - Radio Cadena Universal
Universal 1140 AM Canal 13 1330 AM
Radio TNT Kaboom on 1470
The Canal 13 studio. Note how egg cartons are used for acoustic treatment,
and the transmitter is left permanently open.
TNT Kaboom was an English language Top 40 station
for the people in the Canal Zone who otherwise had
AFRTS to listen to.
Radio Mia 640 was part of a political movement.
Radio Mia had a free health dispensary for the listeners
who could not afford medicines.
The antenna of Radio Reloj on the roof of the office building.
Radio TNT Kaboom's tower was a bunch of pipes bolted together.
The structure is noticably distorted at the top.
La Voz de Panamá 1380 had a longwire broadcast antenna
on top of this older building in downtown Panamá City. It ran
250 watts into the wire.