Search 2550 issues of Broadcasting Magazine |
Enter one or more keywords in the search fields. Select year ranges and results per page. | Once you select a reference, just the page the reference is on will display, not the whole book. |
After you get results, pick the
location containing the
"BC-YB-1946-Page 101" is page 101 of the 1946 Year book, for example. You
will then see the page from the book you selected. Text may be inaccurate or garbled as Optical Character Recognition on old faded documents is imprecise so for this reason try different keywords if you do not immediately get results. The text which appears is not the high quality image of the page you will see once you select the reference you wish to view. |
search will provide links to the page(s) where the search term(s)
are found. The linked file is now a single high-res PDF page... and will be a totally readable image of the original where the search reference occurs. OCR is used only to facilitate searches. You may view the whole issue by going back and selecting it from the Broadcasting Yearbook master list page. All issues are copy and print protected. This is a library, not a bookstore. Programmed by David Gleason using ZoomSeach. At present (12/09/2010) about 2350 issues from 1935-1984 are searchable. There will never be 90's and later. |
Note that '*' and '?' wildcards are supported. "exact expressions" in quotes will search for the words in that order only (like Google). | |