Milton B Sleeper |
FM, TV and High Fidelity pioneer. A biograpical abstract by
Jeffrey K. Ziesmann |
Depending on how you look at it,
I had the fortunate or unfortunate experience to work in FM
radio before FM was completely cool. A career broadcaster,
my first jobs were with FM stations starting in 1973. In
fact, it wasn’t until 1981 that I did any work with an AM
station. Those first seven years were interesting. It took
one FM station I worked for eleven years to get on the air
24 hours a day. Another sold FM converters over the air-
direct to the listener- in an attempt to get FM sets into
cars in the early 1970s. Make no mistake about it. These
facilities were either neglected stepchildren of AM stations
or struggling independents that were forced into some pretty
radical business models in order to survive. And these were
not small market facilities- they were all part of a top 25
metro area.
Despite this, I
knew that many FM stations dated back to the 1940s and 50s.
I wondered how a medium that was clearly superior to AM
could have suffered such a fate, and I wanted to know the
history of the situation. When I tried to research it, I
quickly discovered something else. There was very little
information on early FM. AM history was easy. There were
many books and periodicals on the history of AM. The Crosley
Empire was well documented as were the major networks. But
FM was another story. I discovered that FM was only
documented in periodicals. These publications had recorded
the history of FM as it happened, but there was just not
enough interest in FM development for anybody to have
assembled the information into books on the subject.
One publication that I was
familiar with was High
Fidelity. The local library had a subscription going
back to Vol.1 Number 1, April 1951. In those pages I began
to learn about early FM. The articles were often written by
(and the magazine was published by) one man- Milton B.
Sleeper. That is how I came to know Sleeper and his
background. In 1954 his name disappeared from the masthead
as publisher. I noticed two things about that fact. First,
the coverage of FM radio began to drop off and second, I
didn’t like the magazines as much without him. It morphed
into a semi-snobbish classical music rag with equipment
treated merely as a way to listen to opera. I appreciate
that music to this day far more than most, but when Sleeper
was there the magazine was aimed at listening to any type of
music in hi-fi as opposed to trumpeting the superiority of
one type over another. Further research led me discover his
second audio publication,
Music At Home.
Milton Blake Sleeper was
born in Illinois in 1896 and spent his entire adult life in
and around Great Barrington Massachusetts. He was married
twice and had two children by his first wife, Ann Farris, in
1930. That marriage ended. Ann Farris lived until 1971.
Sleeper’s second
wife, Ethel Mary Vonasek Sumi Sleeper was born in 1907 and
survived until 2004. She was a registered nurse whose first
husband was casualty of World War II. She married Sleeper in
1942. Her obituary states that she assisted Sleeper with
“his several radio, TV and audio magazines in Great
Barrington and New York City”. It also mentions that 2
stepdaughters, Sara and Mary Sleeper, predeceased her.
Sleeper would have been
around 18 in 1914, the start of World War I. While there is
no record of military service he writes years later of
working in Lee DeForest’s laboratory on technology that
would be used to create the first military electronic
aircraft navigation systems. Electronics were clearly his
passion from a very early age. The Internet contains
articles by him in long-forgotten magazines about early
radio and circuit construction dating as far back as 1914.
Working with Pilot Radio he co-designed an early
sophisticated regenerative shortwave receiver called “The
Wasp” which was regarded as a seminal piece of shortwave
receiver technology.
In 1919, Sleeper formed The General
Apparatus Company, which he renamed Sleeper Radio in 1922.
He turned management of the company over to his brother,
Gordon C. Sleeper and visited England. While he was away the
company had financial difficulties. Milton withdrew and sold
all his stock by 1923, blaming his brother for the
misfortunes of the company. Gordon pressed on, selling
nearly one million dollars of company stock and securing a
million dollar contract with Music Master to manufacture
their receiver line. Music Master folded, leaving Gordon
Sleeper with a worthless contract. The company was
eventually sold to Temple- a manufacturer of speakers- that
was, itself, bankrupt by 1930. That was the end of Sleeper
as a brand name on equipment but it was enough to create a
life-long rift between the brothers. Gordon returned to the
commercial insurance business. Milton had already returned
to writing, publishing and design while making it a priority
to notify his readers that he had “no affiliation
whatsoever” with Sleeper Radio.
In the midst of this
turmoil and The Great Depression, Sleeper formed a lifelong
friendship with Major Edwin H. Armstrong. It is merely
accurate to say that radio as we know it would not exist
without Armstrong’s technical contributions. He was the
inventor of both the regenerative AM circuit that moved
radio listening from attic-based headphones and onto living
room loudspeakers and FM. Sleeper immediately recognized the
superiority of Armstrong’s FM method over standard band AM
broadcasting and became an enthusiastic supporter. This led
to the formation of the FM Company in 1942 and the
publication of FM
(later FM/TV) Magazine. Considering the fact that
Sleeper had started a publication specifically to champion
Armstrong’s invention, it is not surprising that the two men
became friends.
Sleeper was present when Armstrong
demonstrated FM coverage from the Empire State Building in
1942. He received one of Armstrong’s REL 646 tuners as a
gift. This tuner appears on the very first
High Fidelity cover. FM
magazine detailed the construction of several old band early
FM stations. FM was on its way to establishing itself when
World War II called a halt to station construction and
receiver production. Following the end of hostilities,
Sleeper joined Armstrong in vigorous protest of the FCC
decision to re-allocate FM to the present 88 to 108 MHz
band. Both men understood that the move would obsolete all
existing receivers and transmitters- from a business and
audience standpoint a complete disaster. From an engineering
perspective, they understood that there was no transmitting
equipment in existence for the new band and that the
propagation characteristics of it were not well understood.
Regarding this they were correct- the new band is, to this
day, inferior to the old one. It requires more power to
cover, is more susceptible to terrain issues. Tropospheric
ducting, which plagues FM in many localities every summer,
was apparently almost completely absent in the old band.
Nevertheless, the FCC plunged ahead, forcing FM to rebuild
from scratch. The first “new band” tuners were not sensitive
and listeners see med
not to understand that they needed
an antenna for FM. Then along came television.
RCA, who along with
CBS, had done all they could to stifle FM development to
preserve their 50,000 watt AM stations with their
competitive advantage, adopted the FM system for television
sound. The resulting patent infringement litigation and
Armstrong’s unwillingness to settle the disputes eventually
led to his suicide. The cumulative effect on FM was that,
between 1951 and 1956 hundreds of FM stations permanently
suspended operations and surrendered their licenses to the
FCC, believing them to be worthless. In this environment
FM Magazine
soldiered on, focusing on FM two-way communications the
occasional article on surviving commercial FM stations and
the FM nature of TV sound.
Such was the deplorable state of
affairs for high fidelity broadcasting in late 1950. Other
media would bring about the birth of the hi-fi boom instead
of radio. Columbia Records had introduced the LP record in
1948 with its quiet surfaces and wide range. Prior to that
both Pickering and GE had- within weeks of each other-
introduced the first magnetic phono cartridges. Tape had
come into its own as the mastering medium in recording
studio. Tape units for the home were beginning to appear.
Better amplifiers with far less distortion were being made
and Paul Klipsch, working in tiny Hope, Arkansas was
manufacturing a wide-range folded corner horn loudspeaker he
had patented. The Klipschorn shrank speaker enclosure size
down far enough for installation to be practical in the
average living room.
There was a magazine covering
all of this. It was
Audio Engineering. The name would later be shortened to
just Audio, but
back then it was a magazine aimed at the professional sound
engineer. Audio
soon had a second audience, early hobbyists seeking to get
better sound quality into their homes. Sleeper reasoned that
a magazine less technical in nature that dealt with the
hobby side of audio in a way the average consumer could
understand would find a market. He was 55 years old in 1951,
but he clearly wasn’t ready to walk away from publishing or
FM radio. Plans were laid instead to launch a new
publication in April of 1951 called
High Fidelity.
When High Fidelity
was launched Sleeper was joined in the venture by Charles
Fowler. Fowler knew the magazine business and was Harvard
educated. Prior to that, Roy Allison, who would later become
famous as a speaker designer, had been hired to edit
Four issues in, they
were joined by John Conley, a Washington reporter who
favored the coverage of music in the form of record reviews
over equipment, FM and installation coverage. G.C. Burke had
written a couple of complete discographies on classical
composers that sold well in the first issues, so the lines
were drawn over which direction the magazine would go.
Launched as a quarterly,
High Fidelity
would go to bi-monthly publication, then with Volume 4,
monthly frequency, riding the beginning of the hi-fi wave.
High Fidelity was an extremely interesting magazine. The first issue
contains an article by Paul Klipsch on how best to use a
Klipschorn. Klipsch had a sense of humor that was evident in
his contention that he had the misfortune to be developing a
high fidelity loudspeaker before there was any high fidelity
program material to play on it or to test it with. Other
articles in early issues included custom installation
information- the cabinetry being needed for the wife to
accept hi-fi in “her” living room. FM was well covered by
Sleeper himself. In issue 2, he transferred a wonderful
article on WMIT at Clingmans Peak, North Carolina from
FM to the pages of
High Fidelity.
Appearing in slightly truncated form in the “consumer” book,
the article detailed the mountaintop installation of this
incredibly wide-covering southern FM station. Established
before the FCC put power limits on FM, WMIT was operating
with 325KW ERP (horizontal only, of course) from the highest
point east of the Mississippi River. It was said to put a
solid signal into Atlanta, 190 miles away. WMIT still exists
today, although the power has been reduced. The antenna
still resides on Clingmans Peak and the signal is still one
of the best in the country. It was donated in 1962 to
evangelist Billy Graham after the owners in Sleeper’s
article finally gave up trying to make FM turn a profit.
Subsequent issues profiled WQXR New York, WFMT Chicago, KPFA
Berkley and WABF in New York. Articles making the case for
FM were also numerous. In one memorable piece, Sleeper
blasted AM radio by stating that there was no New York
station (80 miles away) that came in well enough to listen
to at night in Great Barrington. We tend to think of AM
interference as a modern issue. Apparently, things were
already bad in 1951.
There was apparently quite a bit of friction
internally between Sleeper, Fowler and Conley.
High Fidelity was
a big deal within a very short time. Sleeper was used to
shoestring publication operations. He had a rather off the
cuff business style which the others, with their formal
training, disliked. In addition, Sleeper was opposed to
music content edging out the technical side of things, which
was his background and the reason he had established the
magazine in the first place. In 1954, things came to a head
and Milton Sleeper sold his stock to the others and
withdrew. High
Fidelity quickly moved in the direction favored by
Conley and Fowler, becoming a classical music magazine that
happened to also cover equipment.
The tenth anniversary issue of the magazine makes no
mention whatsoever of Sleeper, despite the fact that he
founded the publication. The twentieth anniversary issue
does mention Sleeper quite a bit. He is portrayed as
cantankerous, unsophisticated and lucky. It states that the
magazine actually got off the ground because of generous
terms offered by a printer rather than Sleeper’s effort. He
is portrayed as an unfair boss whose business methods were
slipshod and out of date. This issue states that it was left
to the others to change those methods and establish “proper
salaries for the staff”. It is a very unflattering portrayal
of the founder of a successful magazine, publisher, inventor
and engineer. Even Sleeper’s relationship with Armstrong
does not escape criticism in this issue. The article implies
that his coverage of FM was excessive because Armstrong “was
one of his heroes”, ignoring the fact that FM was the only
high fidelity broadcasting medium of the day and therefore
should have been covered and covered well.
What, you might wonder, would cause such rancor on the
part of Sleeper’s former associates toward him?
By 1971, Sleeper was dead and gone. Yet, there is no
respect for him, nor is there the silence that often comes
as the result of the desire to not speak ill of the dead,
since they are unable to defend themselves. First, it is
important to note that, even though the magazine had been
sold to Billboard Publications by 1971, the publisher was
part of Sleeper’s original staff. Fowler and Conley were
also still present. Yet, Sleeper had been the one to leave
and no reasonable person would deny that he was entitled to
compensation for his interest in the publication. Why not
let bygones be bygones? The answer might well be the fact
that, clearly, there was no non-compete agreement upon his
departure. This would prove to be a major mistake that would
come back to haunt his former colleagues five short years
later, when the parent company of
High Fidelity
would have to buy out Milton Sleeper’s interests in a hi-fi
magazine for the second time.
Upon leaving his first publication, Sleeper promptly
signed a lease on New York office space. There, he
immediately launched a magazine to compete with
High Fidelity
called Music At Home.
This time there would be no partners.
Music At Home was
owned 100% by Sleeper and his wife Ethel. His partners at
High Fidelity might have succeeded in getting him out at the
magazine he founded, but in the process they ended up
funding the start-up costs of a direct competitor- run by
the man they had just removed from his own masthead.
The first issue of
Music At Home is dated March- April 1954. The publishing
statement reads as follows: “Music At Home is published
bimonthly by Sleeper Publications, Inc., Hi-Fi House, 207
East 37th St. New York, 16, NY. Editorial,
circulation and advertising departments are located at the
address above. Music At Home is not connected or associated
with any other magazine.” As he had done years before with
his brother, Sleeper declared his independence from his
former High Fidelity
associates. The battle lines were drawn.
Issue 1 of Music At
Home was full of advertisements from the contacts
Sleeper had. Editorial content was weaker, reflecting the
hurried nature of the start-up. His wife contributed an
article on taping a children’s recital at the school where
she taught. Sleeper was shown manning the tape machine and
playing the tape back for the kids. Cute, but hardly major
league stuff. It is the only editorial content ever
contributed by Mrs. Sleeper. Articles included comparisons
45 EP and 33 LP records, how to plan your system, what you
need to know about FM and how to get your system serviced.
The Air Coupler- a speaker system Sleeper had designed at
High Fidelity with
Charles Fowler and Roy Allison- was dusted off and given
“origin of” treatment. Several years before The General
Apparatus Company had been resurrected as a means of selling
parts kits for Air Couplers. Instead of record reviews there
were pre-planned “at home concert” programs tying the
magazine’s name to the content. It was all a well done, if
somewhat hurried debut designed to instantly compete with
his old publication.
On page 32 of the first issue of
Music At Home is an article by Sleeper himself. It is his obituary
of his old friend Edwin Armstrong. Between Sleeper’s exit
from High Fidelity
and the premier issue of
Music At Home,
Armstrong had committed suicide by walking out the window of
a tenth story hotel room. Nearly bankrupt as a result of his
protracted legal battles and his refusal to settle them,
Armstrong had buckled under the pressure and ended his life.
The article must have been extremely difficult for Sleeper
to write, but it stands as a compelling source of
information on Armstrong and has great value even today. It
was written from the perspective of someone who knew
Armstrong well and was actually present as all of his legal
problems played out. It is clearly written by a man agonized
by the death of a good friend and respected colleague. Yet,
Sleeper is gently honest. He says, on Armstrong’s refusal to
settle his legal issues- “Offers of settlement running to
millions of dollars were rejected without consideration,
because he was concerned only with establishing and exposing
what he believed to be wrong thinking on the part of those
whose actions gave rise to the suits he instituted. No one
could dissuade him from this punitive course. The process of
reasoning which had served the radio industry so well could
not tolerate a compromise. Yet he discouraged and
antagonized those who were most interested in expanding FM
as a public service…” The obituary ran with the only picture
of Armstrong smiling I have ever seen.
Over the next several years, well capitalized, Sleeper
expanded his new magazine.
The “at home
concert” concept proved a flop and it was soon replaced with
normal record reviews. For these, he got the best. Leonard
Feather reviewed jazz. Douglass Cross, a competent musician,
radio programmer and one of the writers of “I Left My Heart
in San Francisco”, edited the magazine. Celebrities of all
kinds appeared over the years and the magazine seemed to get
stronger each year. Through it all, coverage of the things
Sleeper felt important- equipment, installations and FM
broadcasting were maintained. The words “Hi-Fi” had been
added to the masthead, effectively retitling the magazine
“Hi-Fi Music At Home”. This, in turn, had been shortened in
print so often to just “Hi-Fi Music” that the magazine
referred to itself in just this way.
In 1958, Sleeper expanded once again. He had
continued his rather unorthodox business methods. He still
lived in Monterey Massachusetts. He would commute to New
York on Sunday nights and return home Thursday evening,
closing the magazine’s offices every Friday.
That commute took him
through Grand Central Station weekly. He heard a choir
singing Christmas Carols one December evening. He decided
that Grand Central, with its massive crowds, would be the
perfect place to demonstrate high fidelity music to normal
people who might not otherwise hear it. And he knew actually
hearing high fidelity would be the only way to get the
concept of hi-fi before them. They weren’t going to read his
audio magazine or any other. Besides, no printed publication
would sway them like an actual demonstration would. Thus
plans were made to erect a building within the station which
he named “Hi-Fi House”. The concept was that equipment
manufacturers would pay to exhibit their equipment there. No
sales would be made, but literature would be available
directing customers to dealers. Each hour a program of music
would be presented free of charge for people to listen to
over a reference system, thus exposing them to the hi-fi
Construction on Hi-Fi House
began. Sleeper ran articles on it and solicited advertisers
for it in his magazine. It opened after costing three times
as much as originally estimated because of building code
requirements. Nevertheless it was well received and the
magazine was, by this time, a formidable competitor to
High Fidelity.
Sleeper also made additional money by distributing regional
“program” editions of the magazine with the program listings
of local classical FM stations stapled in. Several of my
copies list the daily fare of WASH in Washington, D.C.
It was therefore a surprise to staff and readers alike when
the May 1959 issue was published. In it, Sleeper announced
that the magazine had been sold to…the owners of
High Fidelity. By
now the masthead read
current issue would be the last and Sleeper would move onto
other things. In contrast to the portrayal of him in the
1971 issue of High
the staff of
Sleeper’s magazine seemed to genuinely like him and was very
sad at the decision to sell and fold the publication.
Sleeper himself wrote “an accounting” to his readers where
he blamed the decision on a broken rib that laid him up for
a while causing him to suddenly resent having his life ruled
by a publishing schedule. Even now, that doesn’t seem like
much of an explanation. Possibly it is the whole truth, or
possibly he was a sick man and didn’t want to talk about it
in print. It is also possible that, at the age of 64, Hi-Fi
House had drained his energy and/or resources. Sleeper had
no trouble leasing the Grand Central space to Acoustic
Research who turned it into the first of their “music
rooms”. These used Sleeper’s public demonstration idea, but
limited the equipment on display to AR speakers and Dynaco
Sleeper told his readers he would be back. For a time
he edited Heathkit advertising. He also tried to start a
newsletter for hi-fi kit builders. But the May 1959 issue of
Hi-Fi Music At Home
was his last major publication. The
High Fidelity management from Sleeper’s days there would see Sleeper
get paid off a second time to “leave the room”. Most of his
famous staff never worked in hi-fi publishing again. An
exception was a lady named Shirley Fleming who was Sleeper’s
Assistant Music Editor. She joined the staff of
High Fidelity and
apparently kept in contact with her old boss.
The March 1963 issue of
High Fidelity has
Leontyne Price on the cover. At the end of an article on
singer Richard Dyer- Bennett written by Shirley Fleming is a
box containing a single sentence. It reads “It is with
regret that we inform our readers of the death of Milton B.
Sleeper, High
Fidelity’s first publisher, on January 31, 1963.” There
was no mention of the fact that Sleeper founded the magazine
and the presence of the announcement of his death is not in
the index to the issue or referenced anyplace else in the
issue. There is no expanded coverage of the death of their
founder in future issues of the magazine
When G.C. Burke- the author whose discographies sold
so well that they refocused the magazine toward music and
resulted in Sleeper’s departure- died in the early 1970s,
the publisher, who was a holdover from Sleeper’s days at the
publication, gave him a tribute consisting of the entire
first page of the magazine. Draw your own conclusions.
High Fidelity Magazine 1951-1974: various issues
Music At Home Magazine 1954-1959: various issues
Berkshires Today 2004: Obituary of Ethel V. Sleeper
Radio Manufacturers of the 1920s, Volume 3,
Alan Douglas, Sleeper Radio information
FM/TV Magazine: Various issues from 1951