
Call Letter Meanings

Origins and Significance of many Call Signs

  Calls     City of License          *  Explanation/Notes
-----     ---------------          -  -----------------

2BD       Aberdeen, Scotland       L  Ab)erd)een
2BE       Belfast, Ireland         L  B)e)lfast
2BS       Bathurst, NSW            L  2 = New South Wales, B)athurs)t
2DE       Dundee, Scotland         L  D)undee)
2EH       Edinburgh, Scotland      L  E)dinburgh)
2LO       London, England          L  L)o)ndon
2LS       Leeds, England           L  L)eeds)
2LT       Lithgow, NSW             L  2 = New South Wales, L)ithg)ow
2RN       Dublin, Irish Free State E  RN=phonetic of 'Eireann' Gaelic for
2WR       Birmingham, Witton       L  W)itton R)adio Note: changed to 5IT
                                      when BBC took over from Western
5IT       Birmingham, Witton       L  Wi)t)ton
5NG       Nottingham, England      L  N)otting)ham
5NO       Newcastle, England       L  N)o)rrth of England
5PY       Plymouth, England        L  P)ly)mouth
5SC       Glasgow, Scotland        L  S)c)otland
5SX       Swansea, England         L  S)wansea, X a cypher for the second
5WA       Cardiff, Wales           L  W)a)les`
6BM       Bournemouth, England     L  B)ournem)outh
6CK       Cork, Irish Free State   L  C)ork)
6FL       Sheffield, England       L  Shef)fiel)d
6KH       Kingston, England        L  K)ingston upon H)ull
6LV       Liverpool, England       L  L)iv)erpool
6PR       Perth, WA                L  6 = Western Australia, P)er)th
6ST       Stoke-on-Trent, England  L  S)toke-on-T)rent
CBA       Moncton, NB              O  C)B)C A)tlantic
CBCV-FM   Victoria, BC             L  C)B)C) V)ictoria
CBE       Windsor, ON              L  C)B)C E)ssex County
CBF       Montreal, QC             O  C)B)C F)rench Network
CBG       Gander, NF               L  C)B)C G)ander
CBH       Halifax, NS              L  C)B)C H)alifax
CBK       Regina, SK               K  C)B)C K) refers to Kelsey, the Explorer
CBL       Toronto, ON              L  C)B)C Great L)akes
CBM       Montreal, QC             O  C)anadian B)roadcasting M)ontreal
CBN       St. Johns, NF            L  C)B)C N)ewfoundland
CBO       Ottawa, ON               L  C)B)C O)ttawa
CBR       Calgary, AB              L  C)B)C Calgar)y
CBR       Calgary, AB              L  C)B)C R)ocky Mountains
CBSI-FM   Sept-Iles, QC            L  C)B)C S)ept-I)les
CBU       Vancouver, BC            L  C)B)C Vancou)ver
CBW       Winnipeg, MB             L  C)B)C W)innipeg
CFCF      Montreal, QC             S  C)anada's F)irst, C)anada's F)inest
                                      (CFCF is Canada's oldest radio station)
CFCO      Chatham, ON              L  C)oming f)rom C)hatham, O)N
CFFB-TV   Iqaluit, NU              L  F)robisher B)ay, former name of Iqaluit
CFGP      Grand Prairie, AB        L  G)rand P)rairie
CFJP-TV   Quebec City, QC          O  J)ean P)ouliot
CFLC      Brockville, ON           S  C)anada's F)inest L)ittle C)ommunity
CFMO      Ottawa, ON               S  F)M) O)ttawa
CFMT-TV   Toronto, ON              S  C)anada's F)irst M)ulticultural
                                      T)elevision Station
CFNB      Fredericton, NB          L  F)redericton N)ew B)runswick
CFOS      Owen Sound, ON           L  O)wen S)ound
CFPL      London, ON               O  F)ree P)ress L)ondon
CFPR      Prince Rupert, BC        L  P)rince R)upert
CFRA      Ottawa, ON               O  F)rank R)yan A)ssociates
CFRB      Toronto, ON              O  C)anada's F)inest R)adio B)atteries or
                                      R)ogers B)atteryless, Radio
CFRC      Kingston, ON             S  C)anada's F)inest R)ugby C)hampions
                                      Note: operated by Queen's University at
                                      Kingston, it is Canada's second oldest
CFRE-TV   Regina, SK               L  R)e)gina
CFRX-SW   Toronto, ON              S  C)F)R)B Ex)tended Range
CFSK-TV   Saskatoon, SK            L  S)ask)atoon
CFTK-TV   Terrace, BC              L  T)errace-K)itimat
CFTO-TV   Toronto, ON              L  T)o)ronto
CFTR      Toronto, ON              O  T)ed R)ogers, see CFRB-Roger's
CFTU-TV   Montreal, QC             O  T)ele-U)niversite
CFVP-SW   Calgary, AB              S  V)oice of the P)rairies
CFWH      Whitehorse, YT           L  W)h)itehorse
CFYK      Yellowknife, NT          L  Y)ellowk)nife
CHAM      Hamilton, ON             L  H)a)m)ilton, ON
CHAT      Medicine Hat, AB         L  H)a)t)
CHEX      Peterborough, ON         O  Peterborough E)x)aminer (newspaper)
CHEZ      Ottawa, ON               E  CHEZ = French 'home of'
CHFD-TV   Thunder Bay, ON          O  H). F). D)ougall
CHNC      New Carlisle, QC         L  N)ew C)arlisle
CHNS      Halifax, NS              L  H)alifax, N)ova S)cotia
CHOO      Ajax, ON                 S  C)ountry H)eart o)f O)ntario
CHQM      Vancouver, BC            S  Q)uality M)usic, was once classic and
                                      easy listening
CHQM      Vancouver, BC            S  Q)uality M)usic, was once classic and
                                      easy listening
CHSJ      Saint John, NB           L  Saint John
CHUM      Toronto, ON              E  CHUM = chum (friend)
CHWK      Chilliwack, BC           L  C)h)illiw)ack)
CHYR      Leamington, ON           E  CHYR = 'Cheer'
CICT-TV   Calgary, AB              S  I)ndependent C)algary T)elevision
CIDC      Brampton, ON             O  D)oug C)unningham (founder)
CIHF-TV   Halifax, NS              L  H)alifax and F)redericton
CIII-TV   Toronto, ON              F  III=Roman numeral for 3, refers to
                                      Global, Canada's third TV network, of
                                      which CIII-TV is a part
CILQ      Toronto, ON              E  CILQ='silk' Note: was to be easy
                                      listening, silky smooth, now rock
CINF      Montreal, QC             S  I)n)f)o 690
CINW      Montreal, QC             S  940 N)ew)s
CIOO      Halifax, NS              E  C = SEA IOO = 100.1 mHz
CIPA-TV   Prince Albert, SK        L  P)rince A)lbert
CISA-TV   Lethbridge, AB           S  C)anadian I)ndependent S)outhern
CITE      Montreal, QC             E  CITE = French 'city'
CITL-TV   Lloydminster, AB         S  I)ndependent T)elevision in
CITO-TV   Timmins, ON              L  T)immins, O)ntario
CITV-TV   Edmonton, AB             S  I)ndependent T)elev)ision, now part of
                                      Global TV Network
CITY-TV   Toronto, ON              E  C)i)t)y) of Toronto, from the fact that
                                      Toronto is Canada's largest city
CIUT      Toronto, ON              O  U)niversity of T)oronto
CIVI-TV   Victoria, BC             L  V)ancouver I)sland
CIVM-TV   Montreal, QC             L  V)ille de M)ontreal
CJAD      Montreal, QC             O  J). A)rthur D)upont
CJBC      Toronto, ON              O  J)arvis B)aptist C)hurch
CJCB      Sydney, NS               O  J)ennie Hathanson C)apre B)reton
CJCD-FM   Yellowknife, NWT         O  C)harles D)ent, former member of
                                      legislative assembly
CJDC-TV   Dawson Creek, BC         L  D)awson C)reek
CJKL      Kirkland Lake, ON        L  K)irkland L)ake
CJME      Regina, SK               O  J). M)arsh E)llis
CJOB      Winnepeg, MB             O  J).O). B)lick
CJOH-TV   Ottawa, ON               L  O)ttawa-H)ull
CJRT-FM   Toronto, ON              S  J)ournalism R)adio-T)elevision (Ryerson
CJTT      New Liskeard, ON         L  T)ri T)owns of New Liskeard, Haileybury
                                      and Cobalt
CJVI      Victoria, BC             L  V)i)ctoria
CKBB      Barrie, ON               O  B)arrie B)roadcasting
CKCL      Vancouver, BC            S  C)l)ear
CKCO-TV   Kitchener, ON            L  K)itchener, C)entral O)ntario
CKEK      Cranbrook, BC            L  C)ranbrook K)imberley E)ast K)ootenay
CKJD      Sarnia, ON               O  K)eith J). D)ancy Note: now CKTY
CKLC      Kingston, ON             L  K)ingston-L)imestone C)ity
CKLT      Saint John, NB           S  L)T)V (former nickname for station)
CKLT-TV   Saint John, NB           S  L)ionel T)elevision (Name of system
                                      station used to be part of)
CKLW      Windsor, ON              L  L)ondon-W)indsor
CKNB      Campbellton, NB          L  K)ampbellton = Campbellton), N)B)
CKND-TV   Winnipeg, MB             L  N)orth D)akota, station used to be
                                      located in Pembina, North Dakota
CKRD-TV   Red Deer, AB             L  R)ed D)eer
CKRN      Rouyn, QC                L  R)ouyn)
CKSA-TV   Lloydminster, AB         L  S)askatchewan and A)lberta
CKSO-TV   Sudbury, ON              L  S)udbury, O)ntario, now CICI-TV
CKVD      Val d'Or, QC             L  V)al d)'Or
CKVI      Kingston, ON             O  K)ingston C)ollegiate and V)ocational
CKVN      Vancouver, BC            O  V)ancouver N)ews (newspaper)
CKVR-TV   Barrie, ON               O  V)alerie and R)alph Snelgrove
CKVU-TV   Vancouver, BC            L  V)ancou)ver
CKWS      Kingston, ON             O  K)ingston W)hig-S)tandard
HCJB(SW)  Quito, Ecuador           S  H)eralding C)hrist J)esus' B)lessings
                                      Note: in Spanish - H)oy C)hristo J)esus
ICRT      Taipei, Taiwan           S  I)nternational C)ommunity R)adio
KAAL(TV)  Austin, MN               L  A)ustin-A)lbert L)ea
KAAT      Oakhurst, CA             E  KAAT = cat
KABC      Los Angeles, CA          O  A)merican B)roadcasting C)ompany
KABF      Little Rock, AR          O  A)rkansas B)roadcast F)oundation
KABI      Abilene, KS              L  A)b)i)lene
KABL      Oakland, CA              E  KABL = Cable (Cars)
KABQ      Albuquerque, NM          L  A)lb)uq)uerque
KABR      Aberdeen, SD             L  A)b)er)deen Note: now KGIM
KACC      Alvin, TX                O  A)lvin C)ommunity C)ollege
KACV      Amarillo, TX             S  A)marillo C)ollege V)oice
KADA      Ada, OK                  L  A)d)a)
KADY-TV   Oxnard, CA               O  Once owned by Meshulum Riklis and
                                      then-wife Pia Zadora, named after
                                      daughter Kady (same spelling)
KAFA(FM)  Colorado Springs, CO     O  A)ir F)orce A)cademy
KAFB      Petaluma, CA             S  K)rowing [sic] A)lways F)or P)etaluma,
                                      (poultry area) now KTOB
KAFF      Flagstaff, AZ            L  Flagsta)f)f)
KAGG      Bryan, TX                S  A)g)g)ies (Texas A&M city)
KAGT      Anacortes, WA            L  Ska)g)it) County
KAID      Boise, ID                L  A)da county I)D)
KAIN      Nampa, ID                O  KAIN='Cain', Dolye Cain, original owner
KAJN      Crowley, LA              E  KAJN = Cajun
KAKC      Tulsa, OK                O  Sam A)vey, K)ellough and Glen C)ondon
KALB      Alexandria, LA           S  K)now A)l)exandria B)etter
KALN      Iola, KS                 L  A)l)len) County
KALP      Alpine, TX               L  A)l)p)ine
KALS      Kalispell, MT            L  K)a)l)is)pell
KALV      Alva, OK                 L  A)l)v)a
KALX(FM)  Berkeley, CA             E  KAL = Cal, University of California
KAMD      Camden, AR               L  K)a)m)d)en
KAMO      Rogers, AR               L  A)rkansas M)issouri O)klahoma
KAMR(TV)  Amarillo, TX             L  A)m)ar)illio
KANA      Anaconda, MT             L  A)n)a)conda
KAND      Corsicana, TX            O  Wolf Brand Canned (KAND='canned') Chili
                                      Company, wanted W)O)L)F) but FCC
                                      regulations prohibited
KANE      New Iberia, LA           E  sugar KANE = cane
KANG      Angwin, LA               L  A)n)g)win
KANO      Anoka, MN                L  A)n)o)ka
KANS      Larned, KS               L  K)a)n)s)as
KANU      Lawrence, KS             O  K)a)n)sas U)niversity
KAOR      Oroville, CA             L  K)a)lifornia O)r)oville
KAOS(FM)  Olympia, WA              E  KOAS='chaos'
KAPE      Cape Girardeau, MO       E  KAPE = Cape
KAPJ      Apache Junction, AZ      L  A)p)ache J)unction
KARB      Price, UT                L  KARB='Carbon' for Carbon County
KARE-TV   Minneapolis, MN          E  KARE='Care' 11
KARL      Carlsbad, CA             L  K)a)r)l)sbad
KARM      Fresno, CA               O  George Ha)r)m)
KARN      Little Rock, AR          O  A)rkansas R)adio N)etwork
KARV      Russellville, AR         S  A)rkansas R)iver V)alley
KARX(FM)  Claude, TX               S  The K)a)r)
KARZ      Phoenix, AZ              L  A)r)iz)ona
KASC      Conway, AR               O  A)rkansas S)tate [Teachers] C)ollege
KASD      Aberdeen, SD             L  A)berdeen S)outh D)akota
KAST      Astoria, OR              L  A)s)t)oria
KASU      Jonesboro, AR            O  A)rkansas S)tate U)niversity
KATD      Pittsburg, CA            S  The K)a)t)
KATH-TV   Juneau, AK               O  K)a)t)h)y, owner's wife's first name
KATL      Miles City, MT           E  KATL = cattle
KATN      Boise, ID                F  A)da county, TN='10', 1010 kHz
KATU      Portland, OR             F  K-2, analog channel 2
KATV(TV)  Little Rock, AR          L  A)rkansas T)V)
KAUB      Auburn, NE               L  A)u)b)urn
KAUS      Austin, MN               L  A)u)s)tin
KAVA      Burney, CA               E  KAVA = lava (Mt. Lassen)
KAVE      Carlsbad, NM             E  KAVE = cave
KAVL      Lancaster, CA            L  A)ntelope V)al)ley
KAWC-AM   Yuma, AZ                 O  A)rizona W)estern C)ollege
KAXE-FM   Grand Rapids, MN         S  AXE='the cutting edge' in the Minnesota
KAYS      Hays, KS                 L  Ha)y)s
KBAD      Carlsbad, NM             L  Carlsb)a)d), calls now in Las Vegas
KBAY(FM)  San Jose, CA             L  San Francisco B)a)y) Area
KBBC      Lake Havasu City, AZ     L  B)ritish B)roadcasting C)o.  Note: home
                                      of the relocated London Bridge
KBBF-FM   Santa Rosa, CA           O  B)ilingual B)roadcasting F)oundation,
KBBI-AM   Homer, AK                O  K)achemak B)ay B)roadcasting, I)nc.
KBBQ      Burbank, CA              S  K)-B)ar-B)-Q), country format, later
                                      Ventura and Santa Barbara
KBBY(FM)  Ventura, CA              S  Originally 'K-B)ab)y)' as album rock
KBBZ(FM)  Kalispell, MT            O  BBZ = 'Bees', owner Benny Bee
KBCI(TV)  B)oise, ID               L  B)oise C)ity I)daho
KBCM(FM)  Sioux City, IA           S  B)est C)ountry M)usic Note: now WNAX-FM
KBCO      Boulder, CO              L  B)oulder, C)O)
KBEC      Waxahachie, TX           L  E)llis C)ounty
KBEM      Minneapolis, MN          O  B)oard of E)ducation-M)inneapolis
KBET      Reno, NV                 S  Place your BET
KBEW      Blue Earth, MN           L  B)lue E)arth
KBHU      Spearfish, SD            S  B)lack H)ills U)niversity
KBIG(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          S  'K)-B)i)g)' 104
KBIS      Highland Park, TX        E  BIS = 'Business', financial format
KBJR      Duluth, MN               S  K)eeping B)usiness J)obs and
                                      R)ecreation in Duluth
KBLG      Billings, MT             L  B)il)ling)s
KBLI      Blackfoot, ID            L  B)l)ackfoot, I)daho
KBLI(FM)  Bellingham, WA           L  'BLI' airport code for Bellingham
KBLR(FM)  Blair, NE                L  B)l)air)
KBLX      Berkeley, CA             E  BLX = Black's
KBME      Houston, TX              S  B)est M)usic E)ver Made (was KKBQ)
KBMR      Bismarck, ND             L  B)ismark-M)andan R)adio
KBOB(FM)  West Covina, CA          O  B)o)b) Burdette Investments
KBOC      Bridgeport, TX           S  B)est o)f C)ountry
KBOI      Boise, ID                L  B)o)i)se, Idaho
KBOM      Los Alamos, NM           E  BOM = bomb (birthplace of atomic bomb)
KBON      Mamou, LA                E  K-BON='que bon', French
KBOW      Butte, MT                S  Silver BOW County
KBOZ      Bozeman, MT              L  B)o)z)eman
KBPI(FM)  Denver, CO               O  B)ill P)earson I)nc.
KBPR(FM)  Brainerd, MN             S  B)rainerd P)ublic R)adio
KBPS      Portland, OR             O  B)enson P)olytechnic S)chool
KBRK      Brookings, SD            L  B)r)ook)ings
KBRR      Leadville, CO            E  BRR = brrr!
KBRS      Springdale, AR           L  B)entonville R)ogers S)pringdale
KBST      Big Spring, TX           L  B)ig S)pring, T)exas
KBSU-FM   Boise, ID                O  B)oise S)tate U)niversity
KBTM      Jonesboro, AR            O  B)eard's T)emple of M)usic Note:
                                      Originally licensed to Paragould
KBUE(FM)  Long Beach, CA           E  'Que B)u)e)na' ('Que' is how you
                                      pronounce 'K' in Spanish)
KBUF      Holcomb, KS              S  B)u)f)falos, mascot of Garden City
                                      Community College
KBUR      Burlington, IA           L  B)u)r)lington
KBUY      Amarillo, TX             S  B)u)y) and Sell (see once co-owned
                                      KSEL, Lubbock, TX), now KTNZ
KBVO(TV)  Austin, TX               E  BVO = Bevo, University of TX Mascot
KBVR      Corvallis, OR            S  B)eav)er), Oregon State Beavers
KBWS      Eden, SD                 L  B)ritton W)ebster S)isseton, cities
                                      served by station
KBXJ      Los Ybanez, TX           S  West Texas J)ukeb)ox)
KBYU      Provo, UT                O  B)righam Y)oung U)niversity
KCAL(TV)  Los Angeles, CA          L  C)a)l)ifornia
KCAP      Helena, MT               L  C)a)p)ital of Montana
KCAT      Pine Bluff, AR           S  K)eeping it C)hristian A)ll the T)ime
KCBI(FM)  Dallas, TX               O  C)riswell B)ible I)nstitute
KCBN      Reno, NV                 S  C)hristian B)roadcasting N)etwork
KCBQ      San Diego, CA            S  C)olumbia B)roadcasting Q)uality
KCBS      San Francisco, CA        O  C)B)S), Inc.
KCBY(TV)  Coos Bay, OR             L  C)oos B)ay)
KCCI-TV   Des Moines, IA           O  C)owles C)ommunications, I)nc.
KCCK-FM   Cedar Rapids, IA         O  K)irkwood C)ommunity C)ollege
KCCM      Moorehead, MN            O  C)oncordia C)ollege-M)oorehead
KCCM(FM)  Moorhead, MN             O  C)oncordia C)ollege M)oorhead
KCCO(TV)  Alexandria, MN           O  WCCO-TV satellite station
KCCR      Pierre, SD               S  C)apital C)ity R)adio
KCCV      Independence, MO         S  K)ansas C)ity's C)hristian V)oice
KCCW(TV)  Walker, MN               O  KCCO satellite station-W)alker
KCDA(FM)  Coeur'd Alene, ID        L  C)oeur'd) A)lene
KCDL      Cordell, OK              L  C)ord)el)l
KCEN-TV   Temple, TX               L  C)e)n)tral Texas
KCET(TV)  Los Angeles, CA          S  C)ommunity E)ducational T)elevision
KCFB      St. Cloud, MN            O  C)hristian F)ellowship B)roadcasting
KCFE      Eden Prairie, MN         E  CFE='Cafe' Note: now KZNZ
KCFR      Denver, CO               S  C)olorado F)ree R)adio, early 1970s
KCFW-TV   Kalispell, MT            L  K)alispell, C)olumbia F)alls, &
KCGQ      Cape Girardeau, MO       L  C)ape G)irardeau
KCHA      Charles City, IA         L  C)h)a)rles City
KCHJ      Delano, CA               O  C)harles H)enry J)ones
KCID      Caldwell, ID             O  C)ollege of I)d)aho
KCIK-TV   El Paso, TX              S  C)hrist i)s K)ing
KCIS      Seattle, WA              S  C)hristian I)nformation S)tation Note:
                                      see KCMS
KCIT(TV)  Amarillo, TX             E  C)I)T)='See It'
KCIT(TV)  Amarillo, TX             S  C-IT 'See it here'
KCIX(FM)  Boise, ID                F  CIX='six', for 106 FM
KCLD      St. Cloud, MN            L  St. C)l)oud)
KCLE      Cleburne, TX             L  C)l)e)burne, TX
KCLS      Flagstaff, AZ            O  C)heryl L)ynn S)aunders, daughter of
                                      owner Ken Saunders
KCLU-FM   Thousand Oaks, CA        O  C)alifornia L)utheran U)niversity
KCLV      Clovis, NM               L  C)l)ov)is
KCLX      Colfax, WA               L  C)ol)fax)
KCLY      Clay Center, KS          L  C)l)ay) Center
KCML(FM)  St. Joseph, MN           S  C)entral M)innesota's L)ite Music
KCMO      Kansas City, MO          L  K)ansas C)ity, M)O)
KCMS(FM)  Shoreline, WA            S  C)hristian M)usic S)tation Note: see
KCMT(TV)  Alexandria, MN           S  C)entral M)innesota T)elevision Note:
                                      Now KCCO
KCMU(FM)  Seattle, WA              O  C)om)mu)nications Dept Note: dept at
                                      the UOW originally ran station
KCMW      Warrensburg, MO          L  C)entral M)issouri - W)arrensburg
KCOH      Houston, TX              O  C)all o)f H)ouston, Newspaper
KCOR      San Antonio, TX          O  Raul C)o)r)tez, original owner
KCPN(LP)  Amarillo, TX             O  C (co-owned with KCIT-TV), UP)N)
KCPQ-TV   Tacoma, WA               S  C)lover P)ark (Technical College)
KCPT-TV   Kansas City              S  K)ansas City's P)ublic T)elevision
KCPX      Salt Lake City, UT       O  C)olumbia P)ix) (pictures)
KCRG      Cedar Rapids, IA         O  C)edar R)apids G)azette
KCRO      Omaha, NE                S  C)hristian R)adio O)maha
KCRW-FM   Santa Monica, CA         S  C)ollege R)adio W)orkshop
KCSM(FM)  San Mateo, CA            O  C)ollege of S)an M)ateo
KCSN-FM   Northridge, CA           O  C)alifornia S)tate
KCSU-FM   Fort Collins, CO         O  C)olorado S)tate U)niversity
KCTB      Cut Bank, MT             L  C)ut) B)ank
KCTV      Kansas City, MO          L  K)ansas C)ity T)elev)ision
KCUR      Kansas City, MO          S  K)ansas C)ity You) Ar)e
KCUV      Littleton, CO            S  C)olorado's U)nderground V)oice
KCVT      Silver Lake, KS          S  C)hristian V)oice of T)opeka
KCVW      Kingman, KS              S  C)hristian V)oice of W)ichita
KCWC-TV   Riverton, WY             O  C)entral W)yoming C)ollege
KDAC      Ft. Bragg, CA            O  D)an a)nd C)harlie
KDAF(TV)  Dallas, TX               L  D)allas a)nd F)t. Worth
KDB       Santa Barbara, CA        O  D)orothy B)arnes, see KGB
KDBM      Dillon, MT               L  D)illon, B)eaverhead and M)adison
KDBN(FM)  Haltom City, TX          S  D)a B)on)e, was used on 1480 AM in
                                      Dallas for D)allas B)usiness N)ews
KDCK      Dodge City, KS           L  D)odge C)ity, K)ansas
KDCR      Sioux Center, IA         O  D)ordt C)ollege R)adio
KDDB      Paso Robels, CA          O  D)eller D)avis B)roadcasting
KDDB(FM)  Paso Robles, CA          O  D)ellar-D)avis B)roadcasting, former
                                      owners, now KWSR, San Luis Obispo CA
KDDS      Duluth, MN               E  KDDS='kids' Note: planned to go to Kids
                                      format; that never happened, but the
                                      calls remain
KDEC      Decorah, IA              L  D)e)c)orah
KDEN      Denver, CO               L  D)e)n)ver
KDES      Palm Springs, CA         L  D)e)s)erts adjoining Palm Springs
KDEW      DeWitt, AR               L  D)e)W)itt
KDEX      Dexter, MO               L  D)e)x)ter
KDFC      San Francisco, CA        S  D)amn F)ine C)oncerts, classical, may
                                      be apocryphal
KDFI(TV)  Dallas, TX               S  D)allas-F)t. Worth I)ndependent
KDFT      Ferris, TX               L  D)allas-F)t. Worth T)exas
KDFW(TV)  Dallas, TX               L  D)allas-F)t). Worth
KDGE(FM)  Gainesville, TX          E  DGE = Edge (alternative format)
KDIS      Los Angeles, CA          S  Radio D)i)s)ney
KDIZ      Golden Valley, MN        O  DIZ-'Disney' Radio Disney
KDJW      Amarillo, TX             O  D)onna J)ean W)alton, owner's wife
KDKR(FM)  Decatur, TX              L  D)ek)atur)
KDLH(TV)  Duluth, MN               L  D)ul)uth)
KDLM      Detroit Lakes, MN        L  D)etroit L)akes M)N
KDLN      Dillon, MT               L  D)il)lon)
KDLR      Devil's Lake, ND         L  D)evil's L)ake R)adio
KDNA(FM)  St. Louis, MO            O  'DNA', ownership was Double Helix
                                      Corp., now KEZK-FM
KDNS      Downs, KS                L  D)own)s)
KDNT      Denton, TX               L  D)enton N)orth T)Texas
KDNW      Duluth, MN               O  D)uluth-N)orthwestern C)ollege
KDOE      Antlers, OK              S  Antlers is Deer Capitol of the World,
                                      thus 'doe'
KDOG      Mankato, MN              S  The D)o)g) Slogan: We've got a leg up
                                      on the competition
KDOM      Windom, MN               L  Wind)o)m)
KDRG      Deer Lodge, MT           L  D)eer) Lodg)e
KDRO      Sedalia, MO              O  D)r)o)lich Brothers
KDRY      Alamo Heights, TX        O  Dry, Owner was non-drinker
KDSU(FM)  Fargo, ND                O  North D)akota S)tate U)niversity
KDSX      Denison, TX              L  D)enison-S)herman, TX), now KKLF
KDTH      Dubuque, IA              O  D)ubuque T)elegraph-H)erald, Newspaper
KDTN(TV)  Denton, TX               L  D)en)ton)
KDTX(TV)  Dallas, TX               L  D)allas T)X)
KDUK      Eugene, OR               S  University of Oregon D)u)ck)s
KDWG(FM)  Billings, MT             S  The D)a)g)
KDWN      Las Vegas, NV            E  DWN = dawn
KDYN      Ozark, AR                S  D)y)n)amite Country
KDZN(FM)  Glendive, MT             E  DZN = 'Dawson' County, was KIVE
KECA      Los Angeles, CA          O  E)arle C). A)nthony, owned both KECA
                                      and KFI Note: now KABC
KEEZ-FM   Mankato, MN              L  KEEZ = 'Keys', refers to Mankato's Key
                                      City nickname
KEGE      Minneapolis, MN          E  EGE=The 'Edge' Note: now KXXR
KEGL      Ft. Worth, TX            E  EGL = Eagle
KEIN      Great Falls, MT          E  KEIN = 'keen', was KFBB
KEIR(FM)  Dallas, TX               O  E)lkins I)nstitute of R)adio, now KMGC,
                                      Rush Limbaugh worked there
KELD      El Dorado, AR            L  E)l) D)orado, AR
KELK      Elko, NV                 L  E)l)k)o
KELP      El Paso, TX              L  E)l) P)aso
KELW      Burbank, CA              O  E)arl L). W)hite Note: now KABC-LA
KELY      Ely, ID                  L  E)l)y)
KEMB      Emmetsburg, IA           L  E)m)metsb)urg
KEMC(FM)  Billings, MT             O  E)astern M)ontana C)ollege
KENO      Las Vegas, NV            S  Keno is a Vegas numbers game
KENS      San Antonio, TX          O  S)an Antonio E)xpress-N)ews
KEOK(FM)  Tahlequah, OK            L  E)astern O)k)lahoma
KEOM(FM)  Mesquite, TX             S  E)ducation o)f M)esquite
KEOS      Flagstaff, AZ            O  E). O). S)mith
KERG      Eugene, OR               O  E)ugene R)egister G)uard, newspaper,
                                      now silent
KERN      Bakersfield, CA          L  K)e)r)n) County, CA
KERR      Polson, MT               L  nearby K)e)r)r) Dam on Flathead River
KESM      El Dorado Spr, MO        L  E)l D)orado S)prings, M)O
KESN(FM)  Allen, TX                S  E)S)PN) Sports 103.3
KETR(FM)  Commerce, TX             S  E)ast T)exas R)adio
KEUN      Eunice, LA               L  E)u)n)ice
KEVA      Evanston, WY             L  E)v)a)nston
KEYC-TV   Mankato, MN              L  K)e)y C)ity, refers to Mankato's Key
                                      City nickname
KEYT(TV)  Santa Barbara, CA        S  'K)e)y) 3'
KEZI      Eugene, OR               S  E)-Z) on the I), easy on the eye
KEZY      Anaheim, CA              E  EZY = Easy (format)
KFAA      Fayetteville, AR         L  F)a)yetteville, A)rkansas
KFAC      Los Angeles, CA          O  F)uller A)uburn C)ord, car dealer in
                                      1930's Note: calls now used in Santa
KFAI      Minneapolis, MN          S  F)resh A)i)r Radio
KFAM      St. Cloud, MN            O  F)red a)nd M)aude, the original owners
                                      Note: now KNSI
KFAN      Minneapolis, MN          S  The F)a)n)
KFAR      Fairbanks, AK            S  K)ey f)or A)laska's R)iches
KFAT      Gilroy, CA               S  All sorts of things based on 'FAT'
KFAV      Warrenton, MO            O  F)aye a)nd V)ern Kaspar
KFAW      Santa Ana, CA            S  K)ept F)rom A)wful W)inters, station
                                      dark since 1925
KFAY      Fayetteville, AR         L  F)a)y)etteville, AR
KFBB      Great Falls, MT          O  F). B)uttrey B)roadcasting
KFBC      Cheyenne, WY             O  F)rontier B)roadcasting C)ompany
KFBI      Wichita, KS              O  F)armers and B)ankers I)nsurance Note:
                                      KFDI, originally licensed to Milford as
KFCF      Fresno, CA               O  F)ree C)ollege F)oundation
KFCR      Custer, SD               O  F)rench C)reek R)adio, original
KFDC      Ft. Dodge, IA            S  K)eeping F)t. D)odge C)ountry Note: now
KFDM      Beaumont, TX             S  K)all F)or D)ependable M)agnolene Note:
                                      Magnolia Petroleum Co., now KLVI, calls
                                      on channel 6 TV
KFEL      Denver, CO               S  K)an't F)ind E)nough L)ikker Note: now
KFFX(TV)  Pendelton, OR            E  FFX='Fox' affiliate
KFGI      Crosby, MN               E  FGI='Froggy' Country
KFGI      Brainerd, MN             S  FGI='Froggy'
KFGO      Fargo, ND                L  F)arg)o), ND
KFH       Wichita, KS              S  K)ansas's F)inest H)otel, Hotel Lassen
KFI       Los Angeles, CA          S  F)armer's I)nformation Station
KFIA      Carmichael, CA           S  F)aith I)n A)merica
KFJC(FM)  Los Altos Hills, CA      O  F)oothill J)r. C)ollege
KFKB      Milford, KS              S  K)ansas' F)irst, K)ansas' B)est, Doc
                                      Brinkley's station Note: evolved into
KFKF      Bellevue, WA             O  K)emper F)reeman x 2
KFKU      Lawrence, KS             O  K)ansas U)niversity
KFLG      Flagstaff, AZ            L  F)l)ag)staff, AZ
KFMJ      Tulsa, OK                O  F)red and M)ary J)ones Note: now KGTO
KFML      Little Falls, MN         S  F)M) L)ittle Falls
KFMT(FM)  Fremont, NE              L  F)rem)ont)
KFNF      Shenadoah, IA            S  K)nown F)or N)eighborly F)olks Note:
                                      now KYFR
KFNW      Fargo, ND                O  F)argo-N)orthwestern C)ollege
KFNY      Enid, OK                 S  F)un)ny), comedy format
KFNZ      Salt Lake City, UT       E  FNZ='Fans' all sports station
KFOG      San Francisco, CA        L  San Francisco: F)o)g) City
KFPW      Ft. Smith, AR            S  K)nown f)or p)oor w)ages
KFPW      Ft. Smith, AR            S  K)ind F)riends, P)lease W)rite
KFRA      Franklin, LA             L  F)r)a)nklin
KFRC      San Francisco, CA        S  K)eep F)orver R)adiating C)heer OR
KFRE      Fresno, CA               L  F)r)e)sno, CA
KFRM      Salina, KS               S  F)ar)m) Radio
KFRO      Longview, TX             S  K)eep F)orever R)olling O)n
KFSA      Ft. Smith, AR            L  F)t. S)mith, A)rkansas
KFSG(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          O  F)ours)quare G)ospel Church Note: once
                                      on 1150 kHz
KFSN(TV)  Fresno, CA               L  F)res)n)o
KFTM      Fort Morgan, CO          L  F)t). M)organ
KFUO      Clayton, MO              S  K)eep F)orward U)pward and O)nward
KFWB      Los Angeles, CA          O  F)our W)arner B)rothers (Harry, Albert,
                                      Sam and Jack), K)eep F)ilming W)arner
KFWD(TV)  Ft. Worth, TX            L  F)t. W)orth-D)allas
KFWR      Mineral Wells, TX        S  F)ort W)orth R)anch
KFXO      Bend, OR                 S  F)ox) O)regon
KFXR      Dallas, TX               S  F)ox) Sports R)adio
KFYI      Phoenix, AZ              S  F)or Y)our I)nformation
KGAN(TV)  Cedar Rapids, IA         O  Guy G)a)n)nett Communications
KGB       San Diego, CA            O  G)eorge B)arnes, see KDB
KGCC(FM)  Sherman, TX              O  G)rayson C)ounty C)ommunity College
KGDN      Edmonds, WA              S  K)ings' G)ard)en), religious
KGDP      Santa Maria, CA          O  G)loria D)awn P)atterson, wife of owner
KGEF      Los Angeles, CA          S  K)eep G)od E)ver F)irst, now dark
KGEI(SW)  San Francisco, CA        O  G)eneral E)lectric I)international
KGEM      Boise, ID                L  G)e)m) State, Idaho's Slogan
KGET(TV)  Bakersfield, CA          S  K)ern [County] G)olden E)mpire
KGFJ      Los Angeles, CA          S  K)eeping G)ood F)olks J)oyful
KGGL(FM)  Missoula, MT             E  GGL = Eagle
KGGR      Dallas, TX               S  G)reat G)ospel R)adio
KGIL      San Fernando, CA         O  G)i)l) Paltridge
KGLA      Gretna, LA               L  G)retna, LA)
KGLD      Golden Valley, MN        L  G)ol)d)en Valley Note: now KDIZ
KGLE      Glendive, MT             L  G)l)e)ndive
KGLN      Glenwood Springs, CO     L  G)l)en)wood
KGLO      Mason City, IA           O  G)l)o)be-Gazzette, Newspaper
KGMO(FM)  Cape Girardeau, MO       L  Cape G)irardeau, M)O)
KGNC      Amarillo, TX             O  G)lobe-N)ews C)orporation
KGNO      Dodge City, KS           S  K)ansas G)rows N)o O)nions
KGO       San Francisco, CA        O  G)eneral Electric-San FranciscO)
KGPR(FM)  Great Falls, MT          O  G)reat Falls P)ublic R)adio
KGPZ      Coleraine, MN            L  G)rand Rap)ids
KGRC      Hannibal, MO             O  G)reat R)iver C)ommunications
KGRE      Greeley, CO              L  G)r)e)eley
KGRN      Grinnell, IA             L  G)r)in)nell
KGRR-FM   Dubuque, IA              S  G)reat R)ock n R)oll
KGRZ      Missoula, MT             S  G)r)iz)zlies-school mascot
KGTK      Olympia, WA              S  G)reat T)alk)
KGTO      Tulsa, OK                S  G)reater T)ulsa's O)ldies
KGUC      Gunnison, CO             S  G)u)nnison C)ountry
KGUD      Longmont, CO             E  GUD='Good', K-Good
KGVL      Greenville, TX           L  G)reenv)il)le
KGVW      Belgrade, MT             S  G)allatin V)alley W)itness
KGVY      Green Valley, AZ         L  G)reen V)alley)
KGW       Portland, OR             S  K)eep G)rowing W)iser
KGWY      Gillette, WY             L  G)illette, W)Y)
KHAK      Cedar Rapids, IA         E  HAK = Hawk, state bird of Iowa
KHAY      Ventura, CA              S  K-Hay, country format
KHBI(SW)  Saipan, Mariana Islands  O  H)erald B)roadcasting
KHBJ      Canyon, TX               S  H)appy B)irthday, J)ulie
KHBT      Humboldt, IA             L  H)umb)oldt)
KHCC      Hutchinson, KS           O  H)utchinson C)ommunity C)ollege
KHCK(FM)  Denton, TX               E  KHCK = 'Kick' FM, Hot Tejano Hits
KHDN      Hardin, MT               L  H)ard)in)
KHEY(FM)  El Paso, TX              S  H)e)y)! (Country music)
KHHT(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          E  HHT='Hot' 92.3
KHIH(FM)  Denver, CO               E  HIH = High
KHJ       Los Angeles, CA          S  K)indness H)appiness J)oy Note: was
                                      KKHJ and KRTH(AM), reverted to KHJ in
KHKS      Dallas, TX               E  KS = Kiss
KHLO      Hilo, HI                 L  H)il)o), HI
KHMO      Hannibal, MO             L  H)annibal M)O)
KHNE(FM)  Hastings, NE             L  H)astings, N)e)braska
KHNR      Honolulu, HI             S  H)awaii N)ews R)adio
KHOB      Hobbs, NM                L  H)o)b)bs
KHOG      Fayetteville, AR         L  H)o)g)s (Home of Arkansas Razorbacks)
KHOK      Hoisington, KS           S  H)eart o)f K)ansas
KHOP      Modesto, CA              E  HOP='hope', a religious station at sign
KHOW      Denver, CO               O  Robert H)o)w)sam
KHOZ      Harrison, AR             S  H)ub of the O)z)arks
KHPO      Merced, CA               S  The H)ip)po)
KHQA      Quincy, Il               L  H)annibal Q)uincy A)rea
KHTY(FM)  Santa Barbara, CA        S  Santa Barbara's H)ot)-FM, Y)97
KHUS      Bennington, NE           S  U)S) 93-3
KHUZ      Borger, TX               O  HUZ='Hughes',
KHVH      Honolulu, HI             O  K)aiser's H)awaiian V)illage H)otel
KHVN      Ft. Worth, TX            E  HVN = Heaven (Religious Format)
KIAK      Fairbanks, AK            E  KIAK = Kayak
KICG-FM   Iowa City, IA            S  I)owa C)ity's Greatest, now using other
KICO      Calexico, CA             L  Calexi)c)o)
KICT(FM)  Wichita, KS              L  I)C)T)-Airport Code Wichita's Airport
KICY      Nome, AK                 E  ICY (cold in Nome, AK - brrr!!!)
KID       Idaho Falls, ID          L  I)d)aho Falls, Idaho
KIDO      Nampa, ID                O  K)i)d)do), knickname for member of
                                      owner's family
KIFW      Sitka, AK                O  I)rene F)rances W)agner, first owner's
KIII(TV)  Corpus Christi, TX       F  III = Roman numeral 3
KIIS(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          E  KIIS = Kiss
KIJV      Huron, SD                L  I)n J)ames River V)alley
KIKC      Forsyth, MT              E  KIKC = kick
KIKS      Iola, KS                 L  I)ola, K)ans)as
KIKU(TV)  Honolulu, HI             S  Japanese for Chrysanthenum, station
                                      formerly ran Japanese-langauge
                                      programming, Now KNHL NBC-8
KIKV      Alexandria, MN           E  KIK='Kick'
KILO      Colorado Springs, CO     S  as in kilo of ???? (AOR format, you
KIMA(TV)  Yakima, WA               L  YaK)i)m)a)
KIMN      Denver, CO               O  I)nter M)ountain N)etwork Note: once AM
                                      950, now FM 100.3
KINA      Salina, KS               L  Sali)n)a)
KIND      Independence, KS         L  I)n)d)ependence
KINF(FM)  Dodge City, KS           S  K)ansas I)n)f)ormation
KING      Seattle, WA              L  K)i)n)g) County, WA
KINN      Alamogordo, NM           L  Originally located in the Holiday
                                      I)n)n) complex
KIOA      Des Moines, IA           L  I)o)wa)
KIOI(FM)  San Francisco, CA        F  IOI = 101, 101.3 mHz
KIST      Santa Barbara, CA        E  KIST='Kissed', now used on Clear
                                      Channel's 'Kiss FM' in that market
KISW(FM)  Seattle, WA              S  I)ndependent S)tate of W)ashington
KITC(TV)  Nampa, ID                O  I)daho T)elevision C)ompany, now KIVI
KIVI(TV)  Nampa, ID                F  I)daho V)I)=Roman 6, TV channel 6
KIWA      Sheldon, IA              L  I)ow)a)
KIXI      Seattle, WA              F  IXI = Roman 9-10, Original Frequency
KIXX      Watertown, SD            E  KIXX = Kicks
KIXZ      Amarillo, TX             E  KIX='Kicks'
KJAK(FM)  Lubbock, TX              S  K)eeping J)esus A)s K)ing
KJAM      Madison, SD              O  J)oseph A). Muggley, original licensee
KJAZ(FM)  Alameda, CA              E  JAZ = Jazz (Station's format)
KJBR(FM)  Jonesboro, AR            L  J)onesb)or)o
KJBS      San Francisco, CA        O  J)ulius B)ruton and S)ons Note: now
KJCK      Junction City, KS        L  J)unction C)ity K)ansas
KJHK      Lawrence, KS             S  K)ansas J)ayh)awk)s, KU's team mascot
KJIA      Sioux Falls, SD          S  K)ing J)esus I)s A)live
KJIL      Meade, KS                S  K)ing J)esus i)s L)ord
KJIN      Houma, LA                E  KJIN = Cajun
KJIR-FM   Hannibal,MO              S  K)ing J)esus i)s r)eturning
KJIW      Helena-West Helena, AR   S  K)ing J)esus i)s W)orthy
KJJO      St. Louis Park, MN       S  K)-J)o)e Note: now KMJZ
KJLH      Los Angeles, CA          O  J)ohn L)amar H)ill, original owner
KJLH      Los Angeles, CA          S  K)indness J)oy L)ove H)appiness Note:
                                      Acronym attributed to Stevie Wonder who
                                      owned it.
KJLS      Hayes, KS                O  L)arry S)teckline
KJLY      Blue Earth, MN           S  K)ing J)esus L)oves Y)ou
KJNO      Juneau, AK               E  JNO = Juneau
KJRH(TV)  Tulsa, OK                O  J)ohn R). H)oward (Scripps-Howard)
KJUL(FM)  Las Vegas, NV            E  JUL='jewel'
KKAN      Phillipsburg, KS         L  K)a)n)sas
KKAR      Omaha, NE                E  KAR = car (chosen to reflect where a
                                      large number of listeners are
                                      presumably located)
KKAT      Salt Lake City, UT       E  KAT='Cat'
KKBJ      Bemidji, MN              L  B)emidj)i
KKDS      South Salt Lake, UT      E  KDS='Kids' (formerly a childrens music
KKFN      Denver, CO               E  FN='fan' (sports format) Note: once
                                      KIMN 950
KKGO(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          S  G)o) Country
KKJM      St. Cloud, MN            S  J)am)
KKJO      St. Josepth, MO          L  J)o)seph, MO Nite: in 1947 was KRES,
                                      for the four owners, Kaufman, Roscoe,
                                      Epstein, and Shanin
KKJZ(FM)  Long Beach, CA           S  J)azz) format
KKLF      Denison, TX              S  KLF='KLIF', simulcasts KLIF, Dallas
KKLZ(FM)  Las Vegas, NV            S  L)ed Z)epplin, was rock now classic
KKMR(FM)  Haltom City, TX          S  MR = 'Merge' Radio
KKMT      Whitefish, MT            L  MT='Montana'
KKRL      Carroll, IA              L  KRL='Carol'
KKSR      Sartell, MN              S  S)tar), also once known as K)is)ser) 96
KKSU      Manhattan, KS            O  K)ansas S)tate U)niversity
KKUL(FM)  Tulsa, OK                E  KUL='cool', now KJSR
KKUP(FM)  Cupertino, CA            L  KUP = Cupertino
KKXS      Shingletown, CA          E  KXS='Kicks' [Country format]
KKYA      Yankton, SD              L  Y)a)nkton
KKZN      Haltom City, TX          E  ZN=The 'Zone'
KLAC      Los Angeles, CA          L  L)os A)ngeles, C)alifornia
KLAK      Durant, OK               L  LAK = 'Lake', K-Lake (Texoma)
KLAK      Lakewood, CO             L  L)a)k)ewood
KLAN(FM)  Glasgow, MT              E  KLAN = 'clan', as in Scotland
KLAS(FM)  Mandeville, LA           S  K)eeping L)isteners A)ware in S)tyle
KLAS(TV)  Las Vegas, NV            L  L)a)s) Vegas
KLAV      Las Vegas, NV            L  Las Vegas
KLAY      Tacoma, WA               O  Klay = Clay Huntington (owner)
KLAY-FM   Tacoma, WA               O  KLAY='Clay' Huntington, owner
KLBB      St. Paul, MN             E  KLBB='Klub' 14, refers to their lounge
                                      music/Music of Your Life format
KLBJ      Austin, TX               O  L)yndon B)aines J)ohnson, Former Owner
KLCB      Libby, MT                O  L)incoln C)ounty B)roadcasters
KLCC      Eugene, OR               O  L)ane C)ommunity C)ollege
KLCL      Lake Charles, LA         L  L)ake C)harles, L)ouisiana
KLCN      Blytheville, AR          O  Daily C)ourier-N)ews
KLCS(TV)  Los Angeles, CA          O  L)os Angeles C)ity S)chool District
KLEF      Anchorage, AK            E  KLEF='cleff', a 'G' Cleff, as in
                                      classical music
KLEI      Kailua, HI               L  L)e)i)
KLEM      LeMars, IA               L  L)e)M)ars
KLEX      Lexington, MO            L  L)e)x)ington
KLFD      Litchfield, MN           L  L_itchf)ield)
KLGA      Algona, IA               L  Al)g)ona)
KLIB      Liberal, KS              L  L)i)b)eral
KLID      Poplar Bluff, MO         O  Don L)i)d)denton
KLIF      Dallas, TX               L  Oak Cliff, former suburban city of
KLIT      Los Angeles, CA          S  L)i)t)e Rock
KLKO      Elko, NV                 L  El)k)o)
KLLK      Willits, CA              L  L)ittle L)ak)e, name of a major street
                                      in the area
KLMR      Lamar, CO                L  L)am)ar)
KLNG      Council Bluffs, IA       E  KLNG = Calling (formerly talk format)
KLNO(FM)  Ft. Worth, TX            S  Estereo L)atin)o)
KLOL(FM)  Houston, TX              F  LOL = 101 (101.1 mHz)
KLOM      Lompoc, CA               L  L)o)m)poc
KLON      Long Beach, CA           L  L)o)n)g Beach, now KKJZ
KLOS(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          L  L)o)s) Angeles
KLOU      St. Loius, MO            L  St. L)o)u)is
KLOV      Loveland, CO             L  L)o)v)eland
KLPW      Union, MO                O  L)eslie P). W)are
KLQL(FM)  Luverne, MN              F  LQL = 101, 101.1 mHz
KLRA      Little Rock, AR          L  L)ittle R)ock, A)rkansas Note: now
                                      dark, calls used in England, AR
KLSU(FM)  Baton Rough, LA          O  L)ouisiana S)tate U)niversity
KLSX      Los Angeles, CA          S  K)las)six) Rock
KLTF      Little Falls, MN         L  L)it)tle F)alls
KLTY      Ft. Worth, TX            E  LTY='Light'
KLTZ      Glasgow, MT              E  KLTZ = 'kilts', Scotties ball team
KLUA      Kailua, HI               L  Kail)u)a), HI
KLUC      Las Vegas, NV            E  LUC = luck
KLVE(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          S  'K-L)ov)e)'
KLVI      Beaumont, TX             F  LVI = 56, Roman for '56'0 kHz
KLVT      Levelland, TX            L  L)ev)elland, T)exas
KLWN      Lawrence, KS             L  L)aw)ren)ce
KLXK      Minneapolis, MN          E  KLX='Classic' Hits Note: now KXXR
KLXS      Pierre, SD               E  KLXS = Classics (Oldies Format)
KLYQ      Hamilton, MT             E  KLYQ = 'click'
KLYT      Albuquerque, NM          E  LYT='Light'
KLZR      Lawrence, KS             E  LZR = Laser
KLZZ      St. Cloud, MN            E  L)oon ZZ)ZZZZZZZZ
KMA       Shenadoah, IA            O  M)a)y Seed and Nursery Company
KMAG      Ft. Smith, AR            L  M)a)g)azine Mountain, once transmitter
KMAN      Manhattan, KS            L  M)a)n)hattan
KMAQ      Maquoketa, IA            L  M)a)q)uoketa
KMAV      Mayville, ND             L  M)a)yv)ille
KMAX(FM)  Arcadia, CA              O  M)a)x) Isoward
KMBC      Kansas City, MO          O  M)idland B)roadcating C)ompany Note:
                                      now KMBZ
KMBI      Spokane, WA              O  M)oody B)ible I)nstitute, See WMBI
KMCL      McCall, ID               L  M)cC)al)l
KMCM      Miles City, MT           L  M)iles C)ity, M)T, Note: See below
KMCM      Odessa, TX               S  M)usic C)ity M)all, location of station
KMCO      McAlester, OK            L  M)c)Alester, O)klahoma
KMCS(FM)  Seattle, WA              O  M)arketc)asters in S)eattle
KMDY      Thousand Oaks, CA        E  KMDY='Comedy', used when station was
                                      'Comedy Radio'
KMED(TV)  Medford, OR              L  M)e)d)ford Note: now KTVL
KMEO(FM)  Flower Mound, TX         S  M)e)mo)ries
KMER      Kemmerer, WY             L  K)em)me)r)er
KMET      Los Angeles, CA          O  M)e)t)romedia, now KTWV
KMEX(TV)  Los Angeles, CA          S  First Spanish-language TV station in
                                      market M)e)x)ican
KMFB      Mendocino, CA            L  M)endocino-F)ort B)ragg
KMFR      Hondo, TX                S  M)ighty F)ine R)ock
KMGC      Dallas, TX               E  M)ag)ic) Note: now KDMX
KMGK      Glenwood, MN             E  MGK='Magic'
KMGQ(FM)  Santa Barbara, CA        E  MGQ='Magic'
KMHD      Gresham, OR              O  M)ount H)ood) Community College
KMHI      Mountian Home, ID        L  M)ountain H)ome I)daho
KMHL      Marshall, MN             L  M)arsh)al)l
KMIC      Inglewood, CA            E  MIC='microphone', Universal Microphone
                                      Company Note: now KXTA, Los Angeles
KMIT      Mitchell, SD             L  M)i)t)chell
KMJC      El Cajon, CA             S  K)ing M)aster J)esus C)hrist
KMJZ      St. Louis Park, MN       S  M)inneapolis J)azz)
KMKI      Plano, TX                E  MKI='Mickey' Mouse (Radio Disney
KMKR      Meeker, CO               L  M)eek)er)
KMLB      Monroe, LA               O  M)onroe L)iners B)roadcasting
KMMJ      Grand Island, NE         O  The M). M). J)ohnson Co.
KMML(FM)  Amarillo, TX             O  Started by Mel Tillis, M)-m)-mel)
KMMO      Marshall, MO             S  K)eeping M)arshall M)oving O)nward or
                                      M)arsall. M)O)
KMMR      Malta, MT                L  M)alta M)ontana R)adio
KMMS      Bozeman, MT              E  MMS = Moose
KMNR      Rolla, MO                S  MNR = 'Miner', Joe Miner, university
KMNS      Sioux City, IA           S  M)usic N)ews and S)ports
KMOJ      Minneapolis, MN          S  Kim)o)j)a (means community)
KMOM      Monticello, MN           L  M)onticello and O)tsego, M)innesota
                                      Note: now off air
KMON      Great Falls, MT          L  M)o)n)tana Note: also referred to as
                                      'C'mon Radio'
KMOO      Mineola, TX              S  K-M)o)o)
KMOX      St. Louis, MO            L  K)irkwood, M)O), X)mas, according to a
                                      local legend
KMOZ      Rolla, MO                L  M)issouri O)z)arks
KMPC      Los Angeles, CA          O  M)cMillan P)etroleum C)ompany
KMPH-TV   Visalia, CA              O  M)ike P)ete and H)arry Pappas
KMPL      Sikeston, MO             S  K)ey to M)odern P)romised L)and
KMRN      Cameron, MO              L  KMRN='Cameron'
KMRS      Morris, MN               L  M)or)ris)
KMRY      Cedar Rapids, IA         S  M)emor)y), adult standards format
KMSD      Milbank, SD              L  M)ilbank S)D)
KMSM(FM)  Butte, MT                O  M)ontana S)chool of M)ines
KMSP(TV)  Minneapolis, MN          L  M)inneapolis-S)t. P)aul
KMSU-FM   Mankato, MN              O  M)ankato S)tate U)niversity, now
                                      Minnesota State University, Mankato
KMTI      Manti, UT                L  M)ant)i)
KMTN      Jackson, WY              S  M)ount)ain)
KMTR      Hollywood, CA            O  K). M). T)urner R)adio Note: now KLAC
KMUW      Wichita, KS              O  M)unicipal U)niversity of W)ichita (now
                                      Wichita State University)
KMXJ(FM)  Amarillo, TX             S  M)ix) 94.1
KMXK      Cold Spring, MN          E  MX='Mix'
KMZK      Billings, MT             E  MZK = 'music', formerly KMAY, KUUS,
KNAU      Flagstaff, AZ            O  N)orthern A)rizona U)niversity
KNBC(TV)  Los Angeles, CA          O  N)ational B)roadcasting C)ompany
KNBH(TV)  Los Angeles, CA          O  N)B)C-H)ollywood, later KRCA(TV), now
KNBR      San Francisco, CA        O  N)ational B)roadcasting R)adio, former
KNCI(FM)  Sacramento, CA           O  N)ationwide C)ommunications, I)nc.
KNCK      Concordia, KS            L  N)orth C)entral K)ansas
KNCQ      Redding, CA              L  N)orthern C)alifornia's, Q) [Q-97]
KNDY      Marysville, KS           O  An)d)y) Graur, Station Manager
KNED      McAlester, OK            S  K)eeping N)eighbors E)ntertained Daily
KNEI      Waukon, IA               L  N)orthe)ast I)owa
KNEV      Reno, NV                 L  N)e)v)ada
KNGS      Hanford, CA              L  K)in)g)s) County, CA
KNIM      Maryville, MO            L  K)ansas, N)ebraska, I)owa and M)issouri
KNIN(TV)  Boise, ID                F  NIN='Nine', TV channel 9
KNIX(FM)  Phoenix, AZ              L  Phoen)i)x), AZ
KNJO(FM)  Thousand Oaks, CA        L  NJO='Conejo' Valley (both a euphonic
                                      and a location!)
KNLD(TV)  Duluth, MN               S  N)orthl)and)
KNMC(FM)  Havre, MT                O  N)orthern M)ontana C)ollege
KNMS      Las Cruces, NM           O  N)ew M)exico S)tate University
KNMT(TV)  Walker, MN               O  N)orthern M)innesota T)elevision Note:
                                      now KCCW
KNOE      Monroe, LA               O  James A. N)o)e)
KNOM      Nome, AK                 L  N)o)m)e, AK
KNON      Dallas, TX               S  N)o)n)-commercial
KNPR      Las Vegas, NV            S  N)evada P)ublic R)adio
KNSI      St. Cloud, MN            S  N)ews S)ports I)nformation
KNST      Tucson, AZ               S  N)ews S)ports T)alk
KNTU      Denton, TX               O  N)orth T)exas State U)niverity (now
                                      University of North Texas)
KNUS      Denver, CO               E  NUS = News (CNN Radio) Note: once used
                                      by McLendon in Dallas
KNUU      Paradise, NV             E  NUU='new' (All news format)
KNWC      Sioux Falls, SD          O  N)orthw)estern C)ollege of Minneapolis
KNWD      Natchitoches, LA         S  N)orthw)estern State University
                                      D)emons, mascot is the Purple Demon
KNWS      Waterloo, IA             O  N)orthw)estern College
KNX       Los Angeles, CA          E  NX = Annex of Spring Street Arcade
                                      Annex Note: original location
KNZA      Hiawatha, KS             E  KNZA='Kanza', Indian tribe for which
                                      Kansas is named
KOA       Denver, CO               S  K)lear o)ver A)merica
KOAC      Corvallis, OR            O  O)regon A)gricultural C)ollege
KOAI      Ft. Worth, TX            S  O)a)i)sis (smooth jazz format)
KOAK      Red Oak, IA              L  Red O)a)k)
KOAL      Price, UT                E  KOAL='Coal', coal mining industry in
KOAM      Pittsburg, KS            L  K)ansas, O)klahoma, A)rkansas,
                                      M)issouri Note: now KKOW, calls on TV-6
KOBI(TV)  Medford, OR              O  O)regon B)roadcasting, I)nc.
KOCA      Kilgore, TX              O  O)il C)apital Broadcasting A)ssocation
KOCO(TV)  Oklahoma City, OK        L  O)klahoma C)ity O)klahoma
KOCP(FM)  Camarillo, CA            S  The O)c)top)us
KOEL      Oelwein, IA              L  O)e)l)wein, IA
KOFI      Kalispell, MT            E  KOFI = coffee
KOHS      Orem, UT                 O  O)rem H)igh S)chool
KOIL      Omaha, NE                O  Mona Motor Oil) Co.
KOIT      San Francisco, CA        E  KOIT = Coit (Tower, landmark of city)
KOLD-TV   Tucson, AZ               S  KOLD = Cold Note: see KOOL, Phoenix
KOLM      Rochester, MN            L  O)l)m)stead County
KOLS      Dodge City, KS           O  L)arry S)teckline
KOLV      Oliva, MN                L  O)l)iv)ia
KOLY      Mobridge, SD             S  Owned by Coleman family, men are
                                      nicknamed 'Coley'
KOMA      Oklahoma City, Ok        L  O)klaho)m)a) City, OK
KOME      Tulsa, OK                S  K)overs O)ver M)agic E)mpire, later
                                      KCNW, KXXO, and KMOD(AM)
KOME(FM)  San Jose, CA             S  I KOME while I drive
KOOL      Phoenix, AZ              S  KOOL = Cool Note: see KOLD, Tucson
KOPB(TV)  Portland, OR             O  O)regon P)ublic B)roadcasting
KOPR      Butte, MT                E  KOPR='Copper' mines
KORE      Springfield, OR          L  O)r)e)gon
KORG      Orange, CA               L  Or)ang)e County
KORL      Honolulu, HI             E  KORL = Coral
KORN      Mitchell, SD             E  Corn Palace in Mitchell
KOST(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          S  KOST='Coast' 103
KOTI(TV)  Klamath Falls, OR        O  variant of parent station KOBI
KOTN      Pine Bluff, AR           E  KOTN = Cotton, Major crop in area
KOTO      Telluride, CO            S  K)eep O)ur T)ransmitter O)n,
                                      non-commercial FM
KOTR(FM)  Cambria, CA              L  O)t)ter), sea otters in nearby Pacific
KOVA      Ojai, CA                 L  O)jai V)a)lley, later KMYX, 'K-Mix'
KOVC      Valley City, ND          S  K)all o)f V)alley C)ity
KOVO      Provo, UT                L  Pro)v)o)
KOWH      Omaha, NE                O  O)maha W)orld-H)erald, Newspaper Note:
                                      now KCRO
KOWZ      Blooming Prairie, MN     E  KOWZ='Cows'
KOXR      Oxnard, CA               L  O)x)nar)d
KOZT      Fort Bragg, CA           E  KOZT='Coast'
KPAG      Pagosa Springs, CO       L  P)a)g)osa
KPAM      Troutdale, OR            O  P)a)m)plin Broadcasting-Oregon, Inc.
KPAS      El Paso, TX              L  El P)a)s)o
KPBC      Garland, TX              O  P)ercy B). C)rawford
KPBS(FM)  San Diego, CA            S  P)ublic B)roadcasting S)an Diego
KPCA(AM)  Marked Tree, AR          L  P)oinsett C)ounty A)rkansas
KPCB      Seattle, WA              O  P)acific C)oast B)iscuit Co.  Note: now
KPCC(FM)  Pasadena, CA             O  P)asadena C)ity C)ollege
KPDX      Portland, OR             L  P)D)X) - airport symbol for Portland
KPDX(TV)  Vancouver, WA            L  PDX=Portland International Airport,
                                      across the river from Vancouver
KPEL      Lafayette, LA            S  P)e)l)ican, Pelican State
KPET      Lamesa, TX               S  P)e)t)roleum country
KPFA      Helena, MT               O  P)eoples F)orum of the A)ir: Note now
                                      KBLL, see above
KPFA      Berkeley, CA             O  P)acif)ica) Foundation
KPFX      Fargo, ND                E  FX='Fox'
KPGE      Page, AZ                 L  P)ag)e)
KPHO-TV   Phoenix, AZ              L  P)h)o)enix
KPHR      Milbank, SD              E  PHR = Power
KPHX      Phoenix, AZ              L  P)h)oenix)
KPIG      Freedom, CA              S  The P)i)g) at 107 oink 5 FM
KPIK      Colorado Springs, CO     L  P)i)k)e's Peak
KPIR      Granbury, TX             O  P)i)r)ate Broadcasters, Inc.
KPLU      Tacoma, WA               O  P)acific L)utheran U)niversity
KPLX      Ft. Worth, TX            S  Flex your P)l)ex) (Dallas-Ft. Worth
KPMC      Bakersfield, CA          O  P)ioneer M)ercantile C)ompany
KPMO      Mendocino, CA            E  PMO='Pomo', name of the Indian tribe
                                      that originally populated this area
KPNT      St. Louis, MO            S  the P)oin)t)
KPNX      Mesa, AZ                 L  P)hoen)ix)
KPOF      Denver, CO               O  P)illar o)f F)ire Ministries
KPOJ      Portland, OR             O  P)ortland O)regon J)ournal, newspaper
                                      original owner
KPOK      Bowman, ND               E  POK = Poke (Cowpoke)
KPOL      Los Angeles, CA          O  John P)oo)L)e Broadcasting Note: now
KPOW      Powell, WY               L  P)o)w)ell
KPPC      Pasadena, CA             O  P)asadena P)resbyterian C)hurch, Former
KPRC      Houston, TX              S  K)otton P)ort R)ail C)enter
KPRK      Livingston, MT           L  K)-P)ar)k), near Yellowstone Park
KPRL      Paso Robles, CA          L  P)aso R)obl)es
KPRM      Park Rapids, MN          L  P)ark R)apids, M)N
KPSN      Pasadena, CA             O  P)asadena S)tar-N)ews Note: station no
                                      longer exists
KPTL      Carson City, NV          S  P)raise t)he L)ord
KPTS      Hutchinson/Wichita, KS   O  K)ansas P)ublic T)elecommunications
KPTV      Portland, OR             L  P)ortland T)V)
KPUB      Pueblo, CO               L  P)u)eb)lo
KPUR      Amarillo, TX             S  14K) P)u)r)e Gold
KPVI(TV)  Pocatello, ID            F  P)ocatello VI=Roman 6, TV channel 6
KPVL      Postville, IA            L  P)ostv)il)le
KPWR      Los Angeles, CA          E  PWR = Power
KPXD(TV)  Arlington, TX            S  P)ax)net-D)allas
KPXN(TV)  San Bernardino, CA       O  P)ax) N)etwork originally religious
                                      KHOF, K)ing's H)all O)f F)ortune
KPYK      Terrel, TX               E  PYK = Pick 'The pick of the dial'
KQDI      Great Falls, MT          E  QDI = 'cutie', formerly KUDI
KQED-TV   San Francisco, CA        S  Q)uod E)rat D)emonstrandum, Latin for
                                      'that which was to be demonstrated, has
KQIC      Willmar, MN              S  Q)uick I)nc)ome
KQMB      Midvale, UT              O  Q)uarry M)ountain B)roadcasting,
                                      original owner
KQNK      Norton, KS               L  N)orton K)ansas
KQQL      Anoka, MN                E  KQQL = Kool (Kool Gold for Twin Cities)
KQRS      Golden Valley, MN        S  Q)uality R)adio S)tation
KQTY      Everett, WA              E  QTY='cutie' Note: now KWYZ, one of the
                                      Wally Nelskog stations all phonetically
                                      spelling cutie
KQV       Pittsburgh, PA           S  K)ing of the Q)uaker V)alley
KQW       San Jose, CA             S  K)ing's Q)uickening W)ord Note:
                                      KCBS-San Francisco, Charles Herrold's
                                      Pioneer Station
KRAL      Rawlins, WY              L  R)a)wl)ins
KRAV      Tulsa, OK                O  George K)r)a)vis, now owned by Cox
KRBC      Abilene, TX              O  R)eporter B)roadcasting C)ompany,
                                      Newspaper Note: now KFQX
KRBM      Bozeman, MT              O  R)obin B). M)acNab, Note: now KMMS
KRBN      Red Lodge, MT            E  KRBN='Carbon' County Note: now dark
KRBR      Superior, WI             E  BR='Bear'
KRBR(TV)  Duluth, MN               O  R)obin B)r)andt Note: now KNLD
KRCA(TV)  Riverside, CA            L  R)iverside, C)A)
KRCA-TV   Los Angeles, CA          O  R)adio C)orporation of A)merica Note:
                                      now KNBC
KRCC(FM)  Colorado Springs, CO     O  R)adio C)olorado C)ollege
KRCG(TV)  Jefferson City, MO       O  R)obert C). G)oshorn, father of
                                      original owner
KRCH      St. Louis, MO            S  Ar)c)h - named after arch in downtown
                                      (Now KYKY)
KRCS      Sturgis, SD              L  R)apid C)ity-S)turgis
KRDO      Colorado Springs, CO     L  K)olor)ad)o)
KRDU      Dinuba, CA               L  R)adio D)inu)ba
KRDY      San Antonio, TX          S  R)adio D)isney)
KRDY      San Antonio, TX          S  R)adio D)isney)
KREC      Brian Head, UT           S  R)e)c)reation (Southern Utah is a major
                                      tourist destination)
KREJ      Medicine Lodge, KS       S  K)ansas R)adio E)xpecting J)esus
KREP      Belleville, KS           L  R)e)p)ublic County
KRET(TV)  Richardson, TX           O  R)ichardson E)ducational T)elevision,
                                      now KUVN(TV)
KREV      Lakeville, MN            S  R)e)v)olution Radio Note: now KZNR
KREX      Grand Junction, CO       O  R)e)x) Howell
KRFO      Owatonna, MN             L  R)adio F)rom O)watonna
KRGI      Grand Island, NE         S  R)adio G)rand I)sland
KRGO      West Valley City, UT     E  KRGO='Cargo' Note: now KMRI, was a
                                      country station during the height of
                                      CB/trucking music craze
KRGV      Weslaco, TX              L  R)io G)rande V)alley Note: now KRGE
KRHM(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          O  R)obert H). M)iles, original owner
                                      later KKDJ now KIIS
KRJB      Ada, MN                  O  R)&J) B)roadcasting
KRKC      King City, CA            S  R)adio K)ing C)ity
KRKD      Los Angeles, CA          E  RKD = Arcade Spring Street Arcade Note:
                                      original location
KRKE(FM)  Denver, CO               E  RKE = Rocky
KRKO      Everett, WA              E  KRKO='Crocodile'
KRLA      Pasadena, CA             L  R)adio L)os A)ngeles
KRLC      Lewiston, ID             S  R)adio L)ewiston-C)larkston
KRLD      Dallas, TX               O  R)adio L)abs of D)allas
KRLV      Las Vegas, NV            S  R)adio L)as V)egas
KRLX      Northfield, MN           E  KRL-ton = 'Carleton'
KRMD      Shreveport, LA           O  R)obert M). D)ean
KRMG      Tulsa, OK                O  K)er)r-M)cG)ee Oil Company
KRML      Carmel, CA               E  KRML = Carmel
KRNA(FM)  Iowa City, IA            S  K)iss R)ob N)orton's A)**, legend
KRNO      Reno, NV                 L  R)en)o)
KRNT      Des Moines, IA           O  R)egister an)d T)ribune newspaper,
                                      original owner
KRNW      Chillicothe, MO          S  R)adio N)orthw)est (Northwest Missouri
                                      State University)
KRNY(FM)  Kearney, NE              L  K)ear)n)ey)
KROC      Rochester, MN            L  R)o)c)hester
KROD      El Paso, TX              O  Dorrence D. R)o)d)erick
KROF      Abbeville, LA            S  R)ice O)il and F)urs
KROK      DeRidder, LA             E  KROK ROK = Crocodile Rock
KROQ(FM)  Pasadena, CA             E  ROQ = Rock
KROY      Sacramento, CA           O  R)o)y)al Miller Note: now KSAC although
                                      the FM maintains the calls
KRPL      Moscow, ID               L  R)adio P)al)ouse
KRRO(FM)  Sioux Falls, SD          E  KRRO='The Crow'
KRRV      Sherman, TX              L  R)ed R)iver V)alley Note: now KBLN
KRSC      Claremore, OK            O  R)ogers S)tate C)ollege, now University
KRSC      Seattle, WA              O  R)adio S)ales C)orporation Note: now
KRSD-TV   Rapid City, SD           L  R)apid City, S)outh D)akota
KRSL      Russell, KS              L  RSL='FAA designator for Russell'
KRSY      Albuquerque, NM          E  KRSY = Crazy
KRTH(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          E  KRTH='K-Earth'
KRTR(FM)  Kailua, HI               E  KRTR = Crater (Volcano)
KRUZ(FM)  Santa Barbara, CA        E  KRUZ='Cruise'
KRVN      Lexington, NE            S  R)ural V)oice of N)ebraska
KRWB      Roseau, MN               L  R)oseau, W)arroad, B)adger, cities in
                                      service area
KRWC      Buffalo, MN              L  R)adio W)right C)ounty
KRWC      Forest Grove, OR         L  R)adio W)ashington C)ounty, now dark
KRWF(TV)  Redwood Falls, MN        L  R)edw)ood F)alls
KRXV      Ft. Worth, TX            F  R)adio XV=Roman number for 15 (1540
                                      kHz), now KZMP
KRYK(FM)  Chinook, MT              E  KRYK = crick
KRYS      Corpus Christi, TX       L  KRYS = Christi
KRZI      Waco, TX                 E  KRZI='Krazy'
KRZN      Englewood, CO            E  KRZN = Crusin' (Oldies Format)
KSAC      Manhattan, KS            O  K)ansas S)tate A)gricultural C)ollege
KSAJ      Abilene, KS              L  S)alina, A)bilene, J)unction City
KSAL      Salina, KS               L  S)a)l)ina
KSAM      Huntsville, TX           S  S)a)m) Houston, Texas Historical Figure
KSAN(FM)  San Franscisco, CA       L  S)a)n) Francisco
KSBL(FM)  Carpinteria, CA          S  'S)anta B)arbara's L)ite FM'
KSBW(TV)  Salinas, CA              S  S)alad B)owl of the W)orld
KSCB      Liberal, KS              O  S)eward C)ounty B)roadcasting
KSCJ      Sioux City, IA           O  S)ioux C)ity J)ournal, original
KSCR      Benson, MN               L  S)wift C)ounty R)adio
KSCT(TV)  Sitka, AK                S  S)itka C)ommunity T)elevision
KSCU(FM)  Santa Clara, CA          O  S)anta C)lara U)niversity
KSD       St. Louis, MO            O  S)t. Louis Post-D)ispatch, Newspaper
                                      Note: now KUSA, calls used on FM 93.7
KSDO      San Diego, CA            L  S)an D)iego), CA
KSEB      Sleepy Eye, MN           O  S)leepy E)ye B)roadcasters
KSEI      Pocatello, ID            L  S)outhe)ast I)daho
KSEK      Pittsburg, KS            L  S)outhe)ast K)ansas
KSEL      Lubbock, TX              S  Buy and S)e)l)l (see once co-owned
                                      KBUY, Amarillo, TX), now KJTV
KSEO      Durant, OK               L  S)outhe)astern O)klahoma
KSEV      Tomball, TX              F  S)e)v)en, for 700 kHz
KSFE      Needles, CA              S  S)ante F)e) Railroad, Needles was a big
                                      railroad town
KSFI(FM)  Salt Lake City, UT       O  S)immons F)amily, I)nc.
KSFO      San Francisco, CA        L  S)an F)rancisco), CA
KSGB      University Park, TX      O  S)tuart G)aines B)roadcasting
KSGF      Springfield, MO          L  'SGF'=Springfield airport designation
                                      code, was KTTS
KSGL      Wichita, KS              S  K)ansas S)haring G)od's L)ove
KSGS      St. Louis Park, MN       S  S)olid G)old S)oul
KSHB(TV)  Kansas City, MO          O  S)cripps-H)oward B)roadcasting
KSHE      St. Louis, MO            S  originally featured a format targerted
                                      toward women
KSHY      Cheyenne, WY             E  SHYenne = Cheyenne
KSIL      Silver City, NM          L  S)i)l)ver city
KSIM      Sikeston, MO             L  S)i)keston, MO
KSIR      Estes Park, CO           S  New S)ound i)n the R)ockies, note: now
                                      in Ft. Morgan, CO
KSIV      St. Louis, MO            S  S)t. Louis I)nspirational V)oice
KSJN      St. Paul, MN             O  S)t. J)ohn's N)etwork (Minnesota Public
KSJO(FM)  San Jose, CA             L  S)an J)o)se, CA
KSJQ      St. Josepth, MO          L  S)t. J)oseph, MO
KSJR      Collegeville, MN         O  S)t. J)ohn's R)adio University (Founder
                                      of Minnesota Public Radio)
KSJS(FM)  San Jose, CA             O  S)an J)ose S)tate
KSJU      Collegeville, MN         O  S)t. J)ohn's U)niversity
KSKI      Hailey, ID               S  SKI Sun Valley
KSKY      Balch Springs, TX        S  K-'sky'
KSL       Salt Lake City, UT       L  S)alt L)ake City, Utah
KSLQ      St. Louis, MO            S  S)t. L)ouis Q)
KSLR      San Antonio, TX          S  S)on L)ight R)adio (Light of Jesus)
KSLU(FM)  Hammond, LA              O  S)outheastern L)ouisiana U)niversity
KSMA      Santa Maria, CA          L  S)anta M)a)ria
KSMJ      Sacramento, CA           S  S)acramento's M)aj)ic
KSMO      Kansas City, MO          L  K)ans)as M)isso)uri, postal codes for
                                      the states
KSNB      St. Louis Park, MN       S  S)ports n) B)usiness, was KCCO and KRSI
KSNF-TV16 Joplin, MO               O  K)ansas S)tate N)etwork, F)our-States
                                      (Joplin, MO), formerly KTVJ
KSNO      Aspen, CO                E  SNO = snow
KSNW(TV)  Wichita, KS              O  K)ansas S)tate N)etwork-W)ichita
KSO       Des Moines, IA           S  K)eep S)erving O)thers Note: now
KSOC      Gainesville, TX          S  S)oul o)f the C)ity, Dallas/Ft. Worth
KSOK      Arkansas City, KS        L  Kansas (KS) and Oklahoma (OK) (city is
                                      just north of the state line)
KSOO      Sioux Falls, SD          E  SOO = Sioux
KSPA      Santa Paula, CA          L  S)anta P)a)ula, later KQIQ, 'Quick'
KSPD      Boise, ID                E  S)p)eed), all-news radio or s)p)ud) for
                                      Idaho potatos
KSPL      Kalispell, MT            L  K)alis)p)el)l
KSPN      Aspen, CO                L  As)p)en)
KSPN      Pasadena, CA             S  ES)P)N) Radio
KSQY      Deadwood, SD             E  SQY = Sky, located in high mountain
KSRA      Salmon, ID               S  S)almon R)iver A)rea
KSRF(FM)  Santa Monica, CA         E  SRF='Surf' (beach city)
KSRM      Soldotna, AK             O  S)olid R)ock M)inistries
KSRO      Santa Rosa, CA           L  S)anta R)o)sa
KSSN(FM)  Little Rock, AR          E  KSSN = Kissin'
KSTL      St. Louis, MO            L  S)t). L)ouis
KSTP      St. Paul, MN             L  St). P)aul, Minnesota
KSTT(FM)  San Luis Obispo, CA      E  KSTT='Coast' 101.3 FM
KSTU(TV)  Salt Lake City, UT       O  S)pringfield T)elevision in U)tah, see
KSTV      Stephenville, TX         L  St)ephenv)ille, TX
KSTW(TV)  Tacoma, WA               L  S)eattle-T)acoma W)ashington
KSUB      Cedar City, UT           O  S)outhern U)tah B)roadcasting Co.
KSUN      Phoenix, AZ              S  S)u)n)ny Arizona
KSUU      Cedar City, UT           O  S)outhern U)tah U)niversity
KSWK      Lakin, KS                L  S)outhw)est K)ansas
KSWK(TV)  Lakin, KS                S  S)outh W)est K)ansas
KSWO      Lawton, OK               L  S)outhw)estern O)klahoma
KSXY      Fresno, CA               E  SXY = Sexy 101.1
KTAB      Oakland, CA              O  T)enth A)venue B)aptist Church Note:
                                      now KSFO-SF
KTAC      Tacoma, WA               L  T)a)c)oma
KTAL(FM)  Texarkana, TX            L  T)exas A)rkansas L)ouisiana
KTAM      Bryan, TX                L  T)exas A) & M), adjacent to University
KTAR      Phoenix, AZ              S  K)eep T)aking the A)rizona R)epublic,
KTBN(SW)  Salt Lake City, UT       S  T)rinity B)roadcasting N)etwork
KTBN(TV)  Fontana, CA              O  T)rinity B)roadcasting N)etwork
KTBT(FM)  Tulsa, OK                S  T)he B)eat)
KTCJ      Minneapolis, MN          S  T)win C)ities J)azz Note: now KXBR
KTCK      Dallas, TX               E  TCK = Ticket (all sports format)
KTCL      Seattle, WA              S  T)he C)harmed L)and, now KOMO
KTCO      Duluth, MN               S  K)at) C)o)untry
KTCR      Minneapolis, MN          S  T)win C)ities R)adio Note: now
KTCT      San Mateo, CA            E  TCT='Ticket', sports format
KTCU(FM)  Ft. Worth, TX            O  T)exas C)hristian U)niversity
KTEM      Temple, TX               L  T)e)m)ple
KTFI      Twin Falls, ID           L  T)win F)alls, I)daho
KTGS      Ada, OK                  S  T)he G)ospel S)tation
KTHE      Thermopolis, WY          L  T)h)e)rmopolis
KTHO      S. Lake Tahoe, CA        L  T)ah)o)e
KTHS      Berryville, AR           S  K)ome t)o H)ot S)prings Note: Became
                                      KAAY in Little Rock, calls used in
KTHX      Reno, NV                 S  T)h)e X)
KTIS      Minneapolis, MN          O  T)ravelers I)nsurance S)ervice
KTKU-FM   Juneau, AK               E  TKU='Taku'
KTLA(TV)  Los Angeles, CA          S  T)elevision L)os A)ngeles
KTLB      Twin Lakes, IA           O  T)win L)akes B)roadcasters
KTLO      Mountain Home, AR        S  T)win L)akes of the O)zarks
KTLQ      Tahlequah, OK            L  T)ahl)eq)uah, Oklahoma
KTMO(LP)  Amarillo, TX             E  T)elem)undo)
KTMO(LP)  Amarillo, TX             O  T)elem)undo) affiliate
KTMS      Santa Barbara, CA        O  T)homas M). S)torke, original owner
KTNN      Window Rock, AZ          O  T)he N)avajo N)ation
KTNT      Eufaula, OK              S  TNT='dynamite'
KTNT      Tacoma, WA               O  T)acoma N)ews T)ribune
KTNY      Libby, MT                E  LTNY='Kootenai' River, Mountains, etc.
KTNZ      Amarillo, TX             F  TNZ='tens', 1010 kHz
KTOB      Petaluma, CA             S  T)op 40 o)f San Francisco B)ay
KTOE      Mankato, MN              L  ManK)aT)O) +E) for Mankato
KTOP      Topeka, KS               L  T)o)p)eka
KTPI(FM)  Tehachapi, CA            L  T)ehachap)i)
KTRA      Dallas, TX               S  Ext)r)a) Sports 1190, see XETRA
KTRF      Thief River Falls, MN    L  T)hief R)iver F)alls
KTRH      Houston, TX              O  T)he R)ice H)otel
KTRN      Wichita Falls, TX        O  T)imes-R)ecord N)ews(paper) Note: now
KTRV(TV)  Boise, ID                S  T)r)easure V)alley
KTSA      San Anotnio, TX          L  T)exas S)an A)ntonio
KTSB      Sioux Center, IA         O  T)ri-S)tate B)roadcasters
KTSM      El Paso, TX              O  T)ri S)tate M)usic Company
KTTL(FM)  Dodge City, KS           E  KTTL = Cattle Country
KTTN      Trenton, MO              L  T)rent)on)
KTTR      Rolla, MO                S  K)eep T)uned T)o R)olla
KTTS      Springfield, MO          S  K)eep T)alking t)o S)pringfield
KTTV(TV)  Los Angeles, CA          O  T)imes TeleV)ision (original owner, Los
                                      Angeles Times)
KTUC      Tucson, AZ               L  T)u)c)son
KTUL-TV   Tulsa                    L  T)u)l)sa
KTUM      Tatum, NM                L  T)atu)m)
KTVB(TV)  Boise, ID                S  T)elev)ision B)oise
KTVO(TV)  Kirksville, MO/Ottumwa,  L  K)irksville T)V)-O)ttumwa
KTVT(TV)  Ft. Worth, TX            S  T)elev)ision T)exas
KTWN(FM)  Texarkana, TX            L  TWN = Twin Cities of Texarkana, AR & TX
KTWU      Topeka, KS               O  T)opeka W)ashburn U)niversity
KTWV      Los Angeles, CA          S  T)he W)av)e, was KMET
KTXA(TV)  Arlington, TX            L  T)ex)as, A)rlington
KTXO      Sherman, TX              S  Lake T)ex)o)ma
KTXS(TV)  Sweetwater, TX           L  K-T)ex)as)
KTYL(FM)  Tyler, TX                L  T)y)l)er, TX
KTYS      Flower Mound, TX         S  TYS='Twister'
KUAF(FM)  Fayetteville, AR         O  U)niversity of A)rkansas-F)ayetteville
KUAM      Agana, GU                L  Gu)a)m)
KUAT      Tucson, AZ               O  U)niversity of A)rizona, T)ucson
KUDO      Anchorage, AK            S  KUDOs for Anchorage
KUEL      Ft. Dodge, IA            E  KUEL = 'Cool' 92
KUHF(FM)  Houston, TX              O  U)niversity of H)ouston F)M
KUHT(TV)  Houston, TX              O  U)niversity of H)ouston T)V
KUID      Moscow, ID               O  U)niversity of I)d)aho
KUKI      Ukiah, CA                L  U)k)i)ah
KULY      Ulysses, KS              L  U)l)y)sses
KUMD(FM)  Duluth, MN               O  U)niversity of M)innesota-D)uluth
KUMM      Morris, MN               O  U)niversity of M)innesota-M)orris
KUMR      Rolla, MO                O  U)niversity of M)issori-R)olla
KUNI(FM)  Cedar Falls, IA          O  U)niversity of N)orthern I)owa
KUNM(FM)  Albuquerque, NM          O  U)niversity of N)ew M)exico
KUNR      Reno, NV                 O  U)niversity of N)evada-R)eno
KUNV      Las Vegas, NV            O  U)niversity of N)ev)ada
KUOI      Moscow, ID               O  U)niversity o)f I)daho
KUOM      Minneapolis, MN          O  U)niversity o)f M)innesota
KUOO      Spirit Lake, IA          S  U)niversity o)f O)koboji, make believe
KUOW      Seattle, WA              O  U)niversity o)f W)ashington
KUPD(FM)  Phoenix, AZ              E  KUPD = Cupid
KUPI      Idaho Falls, ID          S  U)nited P)ress I)nternational
KUSC(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          O  U)niversity of S)outhern C)alifornia
KUSD      Vermillion, SD           O  U)niversity of S)outh D)akota
KUSF(FM)  San Francisco, CA        O  U)niversity of S)an F)rancisco
KUSH      Cushing, OK              L  K)u)s)h)ing, Oklahoma
KUT(FM)   Austin, TX               O  U)niversity of T)exas Note: Originally
                                      on AM in 1920's
KUUY      Cheyenne, WY             E  UUY = 'Double U Y' WY
KUVN(TV)  Garland, TX              O  U)n)iv)ision
KUWS      Superior, WI             O  U)niversity of W)isconsin-S)uperior
KVAL      Eugene, OR               L  Willamette V)a)l)ley
KVAN      Vancouver, WA            L  V)a)n)couver
KVBR      Brainerd, MN             S  V)oice of B)r)ainerd
KVCK      Wolf Point, MT           O  V)ukelich, C)offey and K)rebsbach
KVEA(TV)  Corona, CA               S  'Vea' is Spanish for 'watch it'
                                      originally KBSC, K)aiser B)roadcasting
                                      S)tation C)alifornia
KVEC      San Luis Obispo, CA      O  V)alley E)lectric C)ompany, the
                                      original owners of the station. Note:
                                      KSBY-TV once used these calls.
KVEG      Henderson, NV            L  Las V)e)g)as
KVEL      Vernal, UT               L  V)e)rnal)
KVEN      Ventura, CA              L  V)e)n)tura
KVFD      Ft. Dodge, IA            L  V)oice of F)t. D)odge
KVGB      Great Bend, KS           L  V)oice of G)reat B)end or K)ansas
                                      V)oice of the G)olden B)elt
KVII(TV)  Amarillo, TX             F  VII=7, channel 7
KVIK      Decorah, IA              S  V)i)k)ing - large Norwegian heritage
KVIL      Highland Park, TX        L  V)i)l)lage of Highland Park
KVLF      Alpine, TX               S  V)oice of the L)ast F)rontier
KVLY(FM)  Edinburg, TX             L  Rio Grande V)al)ley)
KVMA      Magnolia, AR             S  V)oice of M)agnolia A)rkansas
KVNA      Flagstaff, AZ            S  V)oice of N)orthern A)rizona
KVNI      Coeur'd Alene, ID        S  V)oice of N)orth I)daho
KVOA      Tucson, AZ               S  V)oice o)f A)rizona Note: now KIIM(AM)
                                      - formerly KCUB
KVOD      Denver, CO               S  K)lassical V)oice o)f D)enver
KVOE      Emporia, KS              S  K)ansas V)oice o)f E)mporia
KVOM      Morrilton, AR            S  V)oice o)f M)orrilton
KVON      Napa, CA                 S  V)oice o)f N)apa
KVOO      Tulsa, OK                S  V)oice o)f O)klahoma
KVOR      Colorado Spring, CO      S  V)oice o)f the R)ockies
KVOX      Moorhead, MN             S  VOX='Voice'
KVRN      Sonora, TX               E  KVRN = 'caverns' of Sonora, now KHOS
KVSC      St. Cloud, MN            S  V)oice of S)t. C)loud
KVSM      San Mateo, CA            S  V)oice of S)an M)ateo, now KTCT
KVSO      Ardmore, OK              S  V)oice of S)outhern O)klahoma
KVSV      Beloit, KS               S  V)oice of the S)olomon V)alley
KVTA      Port Hueneme, CA         L  V)ent)ura) County was formerly KACY
                                      'Casey' as a top-40 station and KTRO
                                      'Tiro' (Spanish for 'bullet', used
                                      sound of a pistol firing as on-air
KVTT(FM)  Dallas, TX               S  K)eep V)oicing t)he T)ruth
KWAD      Wadena, MN               L  W)a)d)ena
KWAK      Stuttgart, AR            E  KWAK = Quack, Area noted for ducks
KWAR      Waverly, IA              O  W)a)r)tburg College
KWAS      Amarillo, TX             S  K)eep W)earing a) S)mile, Christian
KWAT      Watertown, SD            L  W)a)t)ertown
KWAV      Monterey, CA             E  WAV = Wave, Coastal Location
KWAX      Eugene, OR               E  KWAK = 'Quacks', University of Oregon
KWAY      Waverly, IA              L  W)a)verly)
KWBG      Boone, IA                S  K)eep W)atching B)oone G)row
KWBU(FM)  Waco, TX                 O  W)aco B)aylor U)niversity
KWCH(TV)  Wichita, KS              L  W)ic)h)ita
KWCR      Ogden, UT                O  W)eber C)ollege R)adio (Weber State
KWDM      West Des Moines, IA      L  W)est D)es M)oines
KWED      Seguin, TX               S  K)eeps W)orking E)very Day
KWEI      Weiser, ID               L  W)e)i)ser
KWFB      Wichita Falls, TX        S  B)ob F)M
KWFT      Wichita Falls, TX        L  W)ichita F)alls, T)exas
KWGN(TV)  Denver, CO               O  W)G)N), owned by WGN's parent company
KWHP(FM)  Edmond, OK               O  W)illiam H)oward P)ayne, now KKWD
KWHR(SW)  Honolulu, HI             O  W)orld H)arvest R)adio
KWHY(TV)  Los Angeles, CA          S  'K-Why' (station was financial news
                                      first 30 years of operation)
KWIT(FM)  Sioux City, IA           O  W)estern I)owa T)ech
KWJJ      Portland, OR             O  W)ilbur J). J)erman
KWKH      Shreveport, LA           O  W). K). H)enderson
KWKY      Des Moines, IA           E  KWKY='Quickie', from top 40 era
KWLC      Decorah, IA              O  L)uther C)ollege
KWLM      Willmar, MN              L  W)il)lm)ar
KWLO      Waterloo, IA             L  W)aterl)o)o, IA
KWLW      North Salt Lake, UT      O  Named after co-owned and same frequency
                                      sister, WLW in Cincinnati
KWMT      Ft. Dodge, IA            O  Originally owned by the WMT group of
                                      Cedar Rapids
KWMT-FM   Tucson, AZ               S  The M)ount)ain
KWMU      St. Louis, MO            O  M)issouri U)niversity
KWNA      Winnemucca, NV           L  W)in)nemucca)
KWNE(FM)  Ukiah, CA                E  WNE = Wine Country of California
KWNG      Red Wing, MN             L  Red W)in)g)
KWNK      Simi Valley, CA          S  'K-Wink'
KWNO      Winona, MN               L  W)in)o)na
KWNS      Pratt, KS                S  K)ansas W)eather N)ews and S)ports
KWNS-FM   Winnsboro, TX            E  K-Wins WNS='wins'
KWOR      Worland, WY              L  W)o)r)land
KWOS      Jefferson City, MO       S  K)eep W)atching O)ur S)tate
KWRD(FM)  Arlington, TX            E  WRD = Word (religious format)
KWSC      Pullman, WA              O  W)ashington S)tate C)ollege
KWSH      Wewoka, OK               L  W)ewoka, S)eminole and H)oldenville, OK
KWSN      Sioux Falls, SD          S  W)eather S)ports and N)ews
KWST(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          E  WST='West' (now KPWR)
KWSU      Pullman, WA              O  W)ashington S)tate U)niversity
KWTC      Anaheim, CA              S  K)ome W)est t)o C)alifornia Note: now
KWTO      Springfield, MO          S  K)eep w)atching t)he O)zarks
KWTV(TV)  Oklahoma City, OK        S  W)orld's T)allest V)ideo, TV tower
KWTX-TV   Waco, TX                 L  W)aco T)ex)as
KWVE(FM)  San Clemente, CA         S  K)-W)av)e)
KWWK(FM)  Rochester, MN            S  KWWK='Quick', Quick Country
KWYO      Sheridan, WY             L  W)y)o)ming
KXAN(TV)  Austin, TX               L  Tex)a)n)
KXAS(TV)  Ft. Worth, TX            L  Tex)a)s)
KXBR      Minneapolis, MN          E  BR='Bear'
KXCI      Tucson, AZ               F  XCI = frequency (91.3) in Roman
KXCV      Maryville, MO            F  XCV = frequency (90.5) in Roman
KXIC      Iowa City, IA            L  I)owa C)ity
KXII(TV)  Sherman, TX              F  XII=12, channel 12
KXLI(TV)  St. Cloud, MN            F  XLI=Roman numerals for '41' Note: now
KXLU(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          O  L)oyola Marymount U)niversity
KXMS      Jpolin, MO               S  K)lassix) M)issouri S)outhern State
                                      College, classical format
KXRA      Alexandria, MN           L  Alex)andr)ia)
KXSS      St. Cloud, MN            E  KXSS = kicks Note: now Magic 1390
KXTA      Los Angeles, CA          S  Ex)t)ra) Sports 1150, see XETRA
KXUS-FM   Springfield, MO          S  U)S) 97
KXXV-TV   Waco, TX                 F  XXV=25 channel 25
KYAK      Anchorage, AK            E  KYAK = kayak
KYKC(FM)  Ada, OK                  S  K)eepin' Y)our K)inda C)ountry
KYLT      Missoula, MT             E  KYLT = kilt
KYNG      Dallas, TX               S  Y)oun)g) Country
KYNT      Yankton, SD              L  Y)an)kt)on
KYSR(FM)  Los Angeles, CA          S  S)tar) 98.7 formerly KJOI, 'K-Joy'
KYTN      Union City, TN           L  K)entucky)-T)en)nessee
KYUS(TV)  Miles City, MT           E  KYUS = 'cayuse', a wild horse
KYVE(TV)  Yakima, WA               S  Y)akima V)alley E)ducation
KYW       Philadelphia, PA         S  Y)oung W)arriors
KZEG      Manila, Phillipines      O  E)rlanger and G)allagher (business that
                                      owned the station)
KZEL(FM)  Eugene, OR               O  George Z)e)l)lner
KZIB      Manila, Phillipines      O  I). B)eck Department Store
KZNA      Hill City, KS            E  KZNA='Kanza', Indian tribe for which
                                      Kansas is named
KZNN(FM)  Haltom City, TX          E  ZNN = Zone
KZRC      Cebu, Phillipines        S  R)adio C)ebu
KZRF      Manila, Phillipines      S  R)adio F)ilipinas
KZRH      Manila, Phillipines      O  R)adio H)eacock (department store)
KZRM      Manila, Phillipines      S  R)adio M)anila
KZRP      Manila, Phillipines      S  R)adio P)hilippines
KZSC      Santa Cruz, CA           O  University of California-S)anta C)ruz
KZSU(FM)  Stanford, CA             O  S)tanford U)niversity
VOA       Marathon, FL             S  V)oice o)f A)merica
VOAR      St. John's, NF           S  V)oice o)f A)tlantic R)eligion (Seventh
                                      Day Adventist Church)
VOCM      St. John's, NF           S  V)oice o)f the C)ommon M)an
WAAC      Valdosta, GA             S  A)ny and A)ll C)ountry
WAAI-FM   Hurlock, MD              O  A)pex A)ssociates I)nc., original
WAAL(FM)  Binghamton, NY           E  WAAL = Whale
WAAM      Ann Arbor, MI            L  A)nn A)rbor, M)I
WAAV      Wilmington, NC           E  WAAV='wave', due to coastal location
WABC-770  New York, NY             O  A)merican B)roadcasting C)ompany Note:
                                      formerly WJZ(AM)
WABC-880  New York, NY             O  A)tlantic B)roadcasting C)ompany Note:
                                      now WCBS
WABD(TV)  New York, NY             O  A)llen B). D)uMont Note: later WNEW-TV,
                                      now WNYW-TV
WABE      Atlanta, GA              O  A)tlanta B)oard of E)ducation
WABM      Birmingham, AL           L  A)labama B)irm)ingham
WABS      Arlington, VA            S  W)ashington A)rea B)ible S)tation
WABT      Birmingham, AL           S  A)labama's B)est T)elevision, later
                                      WAPI-TV, now WVTM
WABT(FM)  Dundee, IL               S  W)a)b)bit
WABT(TV)  Birmingham, AL           S  A)labama's B)est T)elevision
WABY      Albany, NY               L  A)lb)any), New York
WACL      Waycross, GA             S  A)tlantic C)oast L)ine Railroad
                                      (largest local employer)
WACO      Waco, TX                 L  W)a)c)o), Texas
WACT      Tuscaloosa, AL           S  A)labama C)rimson T)ide
WACY-TV   Appleton, WI             O  Owned by A)c)e Broadcasting
WADB(FM)  Belmar, NJ               O  A)damant and D)orothy B)rown, now WRAT
WADN      Concord, MA              L  W)a)ld)en, for Walden Pond
WAEB      Allentown, PA            L  A)llentown E)aston B)ethelehem
WAER(FM)  Syracuse, NY             S  A)lpha E)psilon R)ho, broadcasting
                                      fraternity-later referred to as A)lways
                                      E)xcellent R)adio
WAEV(FM)  Savannah, GA             E  WAEV = Wave
WAFN      Arab, AL                 S  A)rab F)un) 92.7
WAFR      Tupelo, MS               O  A)merican F)amily R)adio (flagship
WAGA(TV)  Atlanta, GA              L  A)tlanta, G)A)
WAGF      Dothan, AL               L  A)labama, G)eorgia and F)lorida
WAHG      New York, NY             O  A). H). G)rebe Note: evolved into
WAHR(FM)  Huntsville, AL           O  A)rnold H)ornbuckle R)ecords
WAIA(FM)  Miami, FL                S  A1A, same road as US-1 Note: now WFLC
WAIC(FM)  Springfield, MA          O  A)merican I)nternational C)ollege
WAIL(FM)  Key West, FL             E  WAIL='Whale'
WAIR      Atlanta, MI              E  On the A)i)r)
WAIS      Nelsonville, OH          S  A)rea I)nformation S)tation
WAIU      Columbus, OH             O  A)merican I)nsurance U)nion Note: now
WAJC      Indianapolis, IN         O  A)rthur J)ordan C)onservatory (of
                                      Music), now WJJK
WAJR      Morgantown, WV           O  A)gnes J)ane R)eeves
WAKR      Akron, OH                L  A)k)r)on
WAKW      Cincinnati, OH           S  W)ith A) K)ing's W)itness
WAKY      Louisville, KY           S  W)a)ck)y) Note: now WWKY, calls in
                                      Danville, KY
WALA      Mobile, AL               L  A)l)a)bama
WALL      Middletown, NY           S  A)L)L) of Orange County
WALX(FM)  Selma, AL                O  A)l)ex)ander Broadcasting
WAMC(FM)  Albany, NY               O  A)lbany M)edical C)ollege
WAMD      St. Paul, MN             S  W)here A)ll M)innesota D)ances Note:
                                      now KSTP
WAME      Miami, FL                S  W)ha)m)my in Miami Note: now WSUA
WAMH      Amherst, MA              L  A)m)h)erst
WAMN      Green Valley, WV         E  AMN = amen
WAMO      Pittsburgh, PA           L  A)llegheny M)onogahela O)hio, 3 Rivers
                                      converge there
WAMU      Washington, DC           O  A)m)erican U)niversity
WAMV      Amherst, VA              L  A)m)herst, V)A
WAMX      Milton, WV               S  A)lbum M)ix)
WAMZ(FM)  Louisville, KY           S  A)merica's M)uz)ic (Country format)
WANB      Waynesburg, PA           L  W)a)yn)esb)urg, Pennsylvania
WANC      Ticonderoga, NY          L  A)dirondack N)orth C)ountry
WANE(TV)  Ft. Wayne, IN            L  Fort W)a)yn)e)
WANY(FM)  Albany, KY               L  A)lban)y)
WAOW      Wausau, WI               L  Sister station of W)KO)W); W)A)usau
WAPB      Murfreesboro, TN         S  A)ll P)oints B)ulletin (was a news/talk
WAPE(FM)  Jacksonville, FL         S  The Big A)p)e)
WAPI      Birmingham, AL           O  A)labama P)olytechnic I)nstitute
WAPL-FM   Appleton, WI             L  A)p)pl)eton
WAPP(FM)  New York, NY             S  Big A)p)p)le
WAPR      Selma, AL                O  A)labama P)ublic R)adio
WAPT      Jackson, MS              O  A)merican P)ublic (Life Insurance)
WAQI      Miami, FL                S  A)q)ui) Mambi Note: Spanish: 'Mambi is
                                      Here' Mr. Mambi is a Cuban Patriot,
                                      aqui = here
WAQY(FM)  Springfield, MA          E  W)A)CKQ)Y) 'Wacky 102'
WARA      Attleboro, MA            L  A)ttleboro R)adio A)ssociates
WARD      Pittston, PA             O  Jim W)a)r)d), owner/PD/talk show host,
                                      until his death in 1997
WARE      Ware, MA                 L  W)a)r)e), MA
WARH-FM   Grantite City, IL        S  The St. Louis Gateway A)r)ch)
WARM-FM   York, PA                 O  Station was a sister station to WARM in
                                      Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, PA
WARO      Canonsburgh, PA          S  W)e A)re R)adio O)ne (at 540 kHz), also
                                      known as 'Arrow'
WASH      Washington, DC           S  W)a)s)h)ington
WATD      Marshfield, MA           L  W)e're a)t the D)ump, where the
                                      transmitter was located
WATO      Oak Ridge, TN            S  A)t)o)m Note: Secret work was done on
                                      the atomic bomb during World War II
WATR      Waterbury, CT            L  W)a)t)er)bury, CT
WATS      Sayre, PA                L  A)t)hens and S)ayre
WATV(TV)  Newark, NJ               O  A)tlantic T)elev)ision (Now WNET)
WATW      Ashland, WI              S  A)shland T)ops W)isconsin or A)t the
                                      T)op of W)isconsin
WAUC      Wauchula, FL             L  W)a)u)c)hula
WAUK      Waukesha, WI             L  W)a)u)k)esha
WAUN      Kewaunee, WI             L  Kew)a)u)n)ee
WAUR      Aurora, IL               L  A)u)r)ora
WAUS(FM)  Berrien Springs, MI      O  A)ndrews U)niversity S)tation
WAVA(FM)  Arlington, VA            L  A)rlington, V)irginia)
WAVI      Dayton, OH               S  A)v)i)ation Note: now WDAO
WAVK(FM)  Marathon, FL             S  W)a)v)e of the K)eys
WAVR(FM)  Waverly, NY              L  W)av)er)ly
WAVS      Davie, FL                E  W)a)v)es)
WAVT(FM)  Pottsville, PA           O  A)V) T)idmore
WAVY-TV   Portsmouth, VA           L  Nearby ocean is wavy
WAWA      West Allis, WI           L  W)est A)llis, W)isconsin now dark
WAWA      West Allis, WI           L  W)est A)llis-W)a)uwatosa
WAWZ      Zarephath, NJ            O  A)lma W)hite Z)arephath Note: Alma
                                      White founded a college in connection
                                      with the Pillar Of Fire religious
                                      group. Zarephath is next to Bound
WAXN-TV   Charlotte, NC            E  AXN='Action' (Action 64)
WAXO      Kenosha, WI              E  Chosen because it could be said as a
                                      word [1962-1969]
WAXY(FM)  Ft. Lauderdale, FL       E  WAXY = Waxie
WAYL      Minneapolis, MN          E  WAYL='whale' Note: now KXXR
WAYX      Waycross, GA             L  W)a)ycross (X)
WAZL      Hazleton, PA             L  Ha)z)l)eton
WBAB      Atlantic City, NJ        S  W)ith B)oardwalk a)nd B)eaches Note:
                                      Calls now in Babylon, NY
WBAB(FM)  Babylon, NY              L  B)a)b)ylon, NY
WBAI(FM)  New York, NY             O  B)roadcast A)ssociates I)nc.
WBAL      Baltimore, MD            L  Bal)timore, Maryland
WBAM(FM)  New York, NY             O  B)a)m)berger Broadcasting Note: later
WBAM-FM   Montgomery, AL           S  B)a)m)a Country
WBAP      Ft. Worth, TX            S  W)e B)ring a) P)rogram
WBAR      Bartow, FL               L  B)a)r)tow
WBAU(FM)  Garden City, NY          O  B)roadcasting-A)delphi U)niversity
WBAW      Barnwell, SC             L  B)arnwell A)llendale W)illiston
WBAX      Wilkes-Barre, PA         S  W)e B)urn A)nthracite Ex)clusively
WBAY      Green Bay, WI            L  Green B)a)y)
WBBM      Chicago, IL              S  W)orlds B)est B)attery M)aker,
                                      originally owned by Mallory Battery Co.
WBBR      New York, NY             S  B)loomburg B)roadcasting R)adio Note:
                                      formerly WNEW
WBCH      Hastings, MI             L  B)arry C)ounty H)astings
WBCK      Battle Creek, MI         L  B)attle C)reek)
WBCM      Bay City, MI             L  B)ay C)ity, M)ichigan
WBCN      Boston, MA               O  B)oston C)oncert N)etwork
WBCO      Bucyrus, OH              L  B)uc)yrus, O)hio
WBCT(FM)  Grand Rapids, MI         S  B)est C)ount)ry (was WJFM)
WBDC      Washington, DC           S  W)B) affiliate in D).C).
WBDG      Indianapolis, IN         S  B)en D)avis (High School) G)iants
WBDK      Algoma, WI               L  B)rown, D)oor and K)ewaunee counties
WBDN      Brandon, FL              L  B)rand)on)
WBDT      Dayton, OH               S  W)B) D)ayt)on
WBEC      Pittsfield, MA           O  B)erkshire E)agle C)o. Note:
                                      'Berkshire Eagle' newspaper
WBEE      Rochester, NY            S  Busy B)e)e)
WBEN      Buffalo, NY              O  B)uffalo E)vening N)ews(paper)
WBEV      Beaver Dam, WI           L  B)e)av)er
WBEY-FM   Crisfield, MD            E  BEY='Bay' Country
WBEZ(FM)  Chicago, IL              O  B)oard of E)ducation
WBFD      Bedford, PA              L  B)edf)ord)
WBFF      Baltimore, MD            S  B)altimore F)ourty-F)ive
WBFG(FM)  Detroit, MI              S  W)e B)roadcast F)or G)od Note: now
WBFM      Sheboygan, WI            S  B)-93 F)M)
WBFR      Birmingham, AL           O  B)irmingham F)amily R)adio
WBGA      Brunswick, GA            L  B)runswick, G)a)
WBGE(FM)  Peoria, IL               O  B)&G) E)nterprises [B&G being the last
                                      initials of the station owners]
WBGG      Pittsburgh, PA           S  BGG='The Burgh', was WWSW
WBGN      Bowling Green, KY        L  B)owling G)reen), KY
WBGO      Newark, NJ               O  B)ob G). O)ttenhoff, one of the
WBGU      Bowling Green, OH        O  B)owling G)reen U)niversity
WBHB      Broadway, VA             L  B)roadway-H)arrisonb)urg
WBHJ      Tuscaloosa, AL           S  B)irmingh)am J)amz
WBHK      Birmingham, AL           S  B)irmingh)am's K)iss FM
WBHM      Birmingham, AL           L  B)irmingh)am)
WBHP      Huntsville, AL           O  W)ilton B)uster H)arvey P)ollard
WBHR      St. Cloud, MN            S  The B)ig H)ouse that's R)ed Note:
                                      formerly WVAL
WBIC      Islip, NY                L  B)ay Shore, I)slip, C)enter Moriches,
                                      later WLIX, WLUX, now WLIE
WBIQ      Birmingham, AL           S  B)irmingham I)Q)
WBIR      Knoxville, TN            O  John B)i)r)dwell Note: now WIMZ
WBJI      Blackduck, MN            L  B)emidj)i)
WBJZ      Berlin, WI               S  B)erlin J)az)z
WBKB(TV)  Chicago, IL              O  B)alaban & K)atz B)roadcasting Note:
                                      later WENR-TV, now WLS-TV
WBKI(TV)  Campbellsville, KY       S  The W)B) for K)entucki)ana
WBKR(FM)  Owensboro, KY            S  B)ig K)entucky R)adio
WBKW      Beckley, WV              L  BKW = Airport Code for Beckley
WBLF      Bellefonte, PA           L  Initials of owner's (Cary Simpson) wife
                                      or B)ell)ef)ont
WBLK      Buffalo, NY              E  BLK = Black, (Urban format)
WBLM      Portland, ME             S  B)l)im)pville Beat
WBLY      Springfield, OH          O  B)ob L). Y)ontz, founder
WBMA      Beaufort, NC             S  W)elcome B)eaufort M)orehead A)rea
WBMA      Birmingham, AL           L  B)irm)ingham, A)labama
WBMB      West Branch, MI          L  W)est B)ranch M)ichigan's B)est
WBMD      Baltimore, MD            L  B)altimore, M)D)
WBMG      Birmingham, AL           L  B)irm)ing)ham, now WIAT
WBMI      West Branch, MI          L  W)est B)ranch M)I)chigan
WBMS      Boston, MA               S  W)e're B)oston's M)usic S)tation, now
WBMX(FM)  Oak Park, IL             S  B)lack M)usic Ex)perience Note: calls
                                      now in Boston
WBNB      St. Thomas, VI           O  B)ob 'n) B)ob (Bob Nobel and Bob Moss)
WBND-LP   South Bend, IN           L  South B)en)d)
WBNG      Binghamton, NY           L  B)in)g)hamton
WBNJ(FM)  Barnegat, NJ             L  B)arnegat, N)ew J)ersey
WBNR      Beacon, NY               L  B)eacon-N)ewburgh R)adio
WBNS      Columbus, OH             O  W)olfe B)ank N)ewspaper and S)hoes
WBNS      Columbus, OH             O  W)olfe (famuly) B)ank N)ews and S)hoes
WBNW      Concord, MA              S  B)loomberg N)etwork business news
WBNX      Bronx, NY                L  B)ron)x) Note: Now WKDM, New York
WBNZ      Benzonia, MI             L  B)eN)Z)ie County
WBOC-TV   Salisbury, MD            S  W)e're B)etween the O)cean and the
WBOG      Tomah, WI                L  Refers to area's cranberry b)o)g)s
WBOQ(FM)  Gloucester, MA           E  BOQ = 'Bach', classical format
WBOS(FM)  Boston, MA               L  B)o)s)ton
WBOW      Terre Haute, IN          S  B)anks o)f W)abash River
WBPM      Kingston, NY             S  B)est P)opular M)usic
WBPR      Barrington, IL           S  B)arrington P)ublic R)adio, silent,
                                      calls now in Worcester, MA
WBPR(FM)  Worcester, MA            O  B)oston P)ublic R)adio
WBPV(FM)  Charlton, MA             O  B)ay P)ath V)ocational High School
WBRC      Birmingham, AL           O  B)ell R)adio C)orporation, now WERC,
                                      calls on TV channel 6
WBRE      Wilkes-Barre, PA         O  Louis B)altimore R)adio & E)lectric
                                      Note: now on TV 28, radio is WBCR
WBRI      Indianapolis, IN         S  W)onderful B)ible R)adio for
WBRK      Pittsfield, MA           L  B)er)k)shire Mountains
WBRM      Marion, NC               S  W)onderful B)lue R)idge M)ountains
WBRU(FM)  Providence, RI           O  B)R)own U)niversity or B)r)u)ins
WBRV      Booneville, NY           L  B)lack R)iver V)alley
WBRW      Bridgewater, NJ          L  B)r)idgew)ater, later WSPW, now WWTR
WBRY      Woodbury, TN             L  W)oodb)ur)y)
WBRY      Waterbury, CT            L  W)aterb)ur)y), calls now in Woodbury,
WBSB      Baltimore, MD            S  B)altimore'S B)est Note: now using
                                      other calls
WBSD      Bulington, WI            O  B)urlington area S)chool D)istrict
WBSO      Wellesley Hills, MA      O  B)abson's S)tatistical O)rganization
                                      Note: now WROL-Boston
WBT       Charlotte, NC            S  W)orld's B)est T)extiles, W)atch
                                      B)uicks T)ravel, W)orld's B)lowT)orch
                                      Note: station started by Chamber of
WBTH      Williamson, WV           O  W)illiamson B)inehorne T)homas H)ogg
WBTM      Danville, VA             S  W)orld's B)est T)obacco M)arket
WBTN      Bennington, VT           L  B)enningt)on)
WBUK      Ft. Shawnee, OH          S  BUK = Buck(eye) State
WBUR-FM   Boston, MA               O  B)oston U)niversity R)adio
WBUS(FM)  Miami Beach, FL          S  Magic BUS Note: now WLVE
WBUT      Butler, PA               L  B)u)t)ler, PA (see WLER)
WBUX      Doylestown, PA           E  BUX=Bucks (Bucks County, PA), now WISP
WBVA      Bayside, VA              L  B)ayside, V)a)
WBVM      Tampa, FL                S  B)lessed V)irgin M)ary
WBVR(FM)  Bowling Green, KY        E  BVR='Beaver'
WBWI-FM   West Bend, WI            L  W)est B)end W)i)isconsin
WBZA      Springfield, MA          O  W)B)Z) Note: was repeater for WBZ,
WBZE      Tallahassee, FL          E  BZE = breeze
WBZR      Tunkhannock, PA          S  B)uz)zar)d Country
WCAA      Newark, NJ               S  C)a)liente 105.9 Note: was WNWK and
WCAC      Storrs, CT               O  C)onnecticut A)gricultural C)ollege
WCAE      Pittsburgh, PA           S  W)e C)an A)lways E)ntertain Note: was
                                      WTAE, now WEAE
WCAI-FM   Woods Hole, MA           L  C)ape a)nd I)slands
WCAK      Cattletsburg, KY         L  C)attletsburg-A)shland, K)entucky
WCAN      Canajoharie, NY          L  Can)ajoharie, NY
WCAU(TV)  Philadelphia, PA         S  W)here C)heer A)waits Y)ou Note:
                                      Original CBS radio station under Bill
                                      Paley's ownership, now WPHT
WCAX      Burlington, VT           S  C)ollege of A)gricultural Ex)tension
WCBE-FM   Columbus, OH             L  C)olumbus B)oard of E)ducation
WCBI      Columbus, MS             O  C)olumbus B)irney I)mes
WCBM      Baltimore, MD            L  C)hateau Hotel, B)altimore M)aryland
WCBN      Ann Arbor, MI            O  C)ampus B)roadcasting N)etwork,
                                      University of Michigan's student
WCBS      New York, NY             O  C)olumbia B)roadcasting S)ystem
WCBU      Peoria, IL               O  B)radley U)niversity
WCBY      Cheboygan, MI            L  C)heB)oY)gan, MI
WCCC      Hartford, CT             S  C)olor, C)larity and C)ut, was owned by
                                      Savitt Jewelers
WCCM      Lawrence, MA             F  non-standard Roman numerial
                                      representation of frequency, 800 kHz
WCCO      Minneapolis, MN          O  W)ashburn C)rosby Milling Co)mpany
WCCR      Clarion, PA              L  C)larion C)ounty R)adio
WCCW      Traverse City, MI        S  C)herry C)apitol of the W)orld
WCDB(FM)  Albany, NY               S  C)apital D)istrict's B)est
WCDL      Carbondale, PA           L  C)arbond)al)e
WCDN      Chardon, OH              L  C)hard)on)
WCDR      Cedarville, OH           O  C)ed)ar)ville Baptist College
WCDS      Glasgow, KY              O  C)indy, Christy, D)avid, Danny and
                                      S)arah Note: daughters, sons and wife
                                      of owner
WCEH      Hawkinsville, GA         L  C)ochran E)astman and H)awkinsville
WCEM      Cambridge, MD            L  C)ambridge) M)aryland
WCEN      Mt. Pleasant, MI         L  C)E)N)tral Michigan
WCEV      Cicero, IL               S  C)hicagoland's E)thnic V)oice
WCFL      Chicago, IL              S  C)hicago F)ederation of L)abor Note:
                                      now WMVP
WCFM      Williamstown, MA         O  W)illiams C)ollege F)M)
WCFT      Tuscaloosa, AL           O  C)hapman F)amily T)elevision
WCFX(FM)  Mt. Pleasant, MI         S  F)ox)y 95 (current slogan: All Hits 95
WCGO      Chicago Hights, IL       L  C)hicago)o) Heights
WCGQ      Columbus, GA             S  C)olumbus G)eorgia's Q)
WCGV(TV)  Milwaukee, WI            S  W)isconsin's C)hoice for G)reat
WCGY(FM)  Lawrence, MA             O  C)urt G)owdy), now WSTR
WCHA      Chambersburg, PA         L  C)h)a)mbersburg
WCHL      Chapel Hill, NC          S  W)here C)hapel H)ill L)istens
WCHR(FM)  Trenton, NJ              S  C)h)r)istian (format) Note: now WNJO,
                                      see WTTM
WCHS      Charleston, WV           L  C)h)arles)ton
WCHV      Charlottesville, VA      L  Ch)arlottesv)ille, VA
WCIC(FM)  Pekin, IL                S  W)e're C)entered I)n C)hrist
WCIL      Carbondale, IL           L  C)arbondale, I)l)linois
WCIN      Cincinnati, OH           L  C)i)n)cinnati, OH
WCIQ      Mt. Cheaha, AL           S  C)heaha Mt. I)Q), all Alabama PTV
                                      Affiliates have IQ in call letters
WCIR(FM)  Beckley, WV              S  C)hrist I)n R)adio
WCIU-TV   Chicago, IL              S  C)hicago I)llinois U)HF, Chicago's
                                      first UHF
WCIX(TV)  Miami, FL                F  CIX = 6
WCJT(FM)  Louisville, KY           O  C)ourier-J)ournal & T)imes Note: later
                                      WHAS-FM, off air in the early 50s
WCKL      Catskill, NY             L  C)atsk)il)l, NY
WCKR      Miami, FL                O  C)ox-K)night R)adio Note: now WIOD
WCKT(TV)  Miami, FL                O  C)ox-K)night T)elevision Note: now WSVN
WCKY      Cincinnati, OH           L  C)ovington, K)entuckY), Original City
WCLE      Clevland, TN             L  C)l)e)veland, TN
WCLG      Morgantown, WV           O  C). L)eslie G)olliday
WCLI      Corning, NY              O  C)orning L)eader Newspaper
WCLR      Skokie, IL               S  C)hicago's L)ight R)ock, now WTMX
WCLR-FM   Piqua, OH                E  CLR='clear', now WDPT
WCLV      Cleveland, OH            L  C)l)ev)eland
WCLX      Westport, NY             E  CLX='CLassic', Progressive Rock format
WCMB      Harrisburg, PA           L  C)um)b)erland County
WCMC      Wildwood, NJ             L  C)ape M)ay C)ounty
WCMF(FM)  Rochester, NY            O  C)ommunity M)usic Service
WCMH(TV)  Columbus, OH             L  CMH = 'Columbus Muncipal Hanger',
                                      airport designator Note: formerly
WCMI      Ashland, KY              S  W)here C)oal M)eets I)ron
WCMQ      Miami, FL                E  CMQ = Callsign of popular Havana
WCMU      Mt. Pleasant, MI         O  C)entral M)ichigan U)niversity
WCNA      Scottsboro, AL           S  W)e C)over N)orth A)labama, now WKEA-FM
WCNC-TV   Charlotte, NC            L  C)harlotte N)orth C)arolina
WCNL      Newport, NH              L  C)laremont, N)ewport/New L)ondon
WCNN      Atlanta, GA              S  C)able N)ews N)etwork
WCNW      Fairfield, OH            S  C)ountry an)d W)estern, former format
WCNY(TV)  Syracuse, NY             L  C)entral N)ew Y)ork
WCOA      Pensacola, FL            S  W)onderful C)ity o)f A)dvantages
WCOC      Meridian, MS             O  C)rystal O)il C)ompany
WCOD      Hyannis, MA              L  Cape C)o)d), MA
WCOL      Columbus, OH             L  C)o)l)umbus, OH
WCOP      Boston, MA               O  C)o)p)ley Square Broadcasting Co. Note:
                                      has had numerous call letters since
WCOR      Lebanon, TN              S  W)ilson C)ounty's O)wn R)adio
WCOS      Columbia, SC             S  C)olumbia's O)wn S)tation
WCOU      Lewiston, ME             O  Faust C)o)u)ture, also see WFAU,
                                      Augusta, ME
WCOW      Sparta, WI               L  COW - America's Dairyland
WCOZ      Boston, MA               E  COZ = 'Cozy', now WJMN
WCPA      Clearfield, PA           L  C)learfield, P)A)
WCPO      Cincinnati, OH           O  C)incinatti P)o)st Newspaper Note: now
                                      WUBE, calls used by TV-9
WCPX      Chicago, IL              O  C)hicago P)ax), formerly WCFC
WCQM      Park Falls, WI           L  C)hequamegon N)ational F)orest
WCRB(FM)  Waltham, MA              O  C)harles R)iver B)roadcasting
WCRM      Clare, MI                S  C)rossr)oads of M)ichigan, located near
                                      geographic center Note: now dark
WCRN(FM)  Tamaqua, PA              O  C)ur)ran) Communications Note: formerly
                                      WZTA, now WMGH
WCRV      Washington, NJ           S  W)arren C)ounty's R)adio V)oice, now
WCRW      Chicago, IL              O  C)linton R). W)hite
WCRX(FM)  Springfield, MA          O  C)harles R)iver Brdcsting eX)tension
                                      Note: formerly owned by (Ted Jones)
                                      WCRB Boston, now WAQY
WCSC      Charleston, SC           L  C)harleston, S)outh C)arolina
WCSG      Grand Rapids, MI         O  C)ollege and S)eminary of G)rand Rapids
                                      Baptist College
WCSH-TV   Portland, ME             O  C)ongress S)quare H)otel Note: once
                                      owned AM 970
WCSM      Celina-St. Marys, OH     L  C)elina-S)t. M)ary
WCSN      Chicago, IL              S  C)hicago's S)porting N)ews
WCSP      Washington, DC           O  C)-S)P)an
WCST      Berkeley Springs, WV     O  C)harles S)amuel T)rump
WCSU      Wilberforce, OH          O  C)entral S)tate U)niversity
WCSX(FM)  Detroit, MI              E  CSX = Classics
WCTC      New Brunswick, NJ        O  C)hant)ic)leer Broadcasting, original
WCTD      Federalsburg, MD         L  C)aroline, T)albot and D)orchester
                                      counties, now WTDK-FM
WCTH(FM)  Plantation Key, FL       E  CTH='Catch' now 'Thunder Country'
WCTN      Potomac, MD              S  C)hrist t)o t)he N)ation
WCTR-AM   Centreville, MD          L  C)ent)r)eville
WCTS      Minneapolis, MN          O  C)entral T)heological S)eminary
WCTS(FM)  Cincinnati, OH           O  C)incinnati T)imes-S)tar Note: later
                                      WKRC-FM, now WKRQ(FM)
WCTY      Norwich, CT              S  C)ount)ry)
WCUB      Manitowoc, WI            O  C)u)b) Radio, Inc.
WCUM      Bridgeport, CT           S  Radio C)u)m)bre, Spanish for
                                      Mountaintop, was WNAB
WCUP      L'Anse, MI               L  W)estern C)entral U)pper P)eninsula
WCVB(TV)  Boston, MA               F  CVB = C)hannel V) [Roman numeral 5]
WCVE(TV)  Richmond, VA             O  C)entral V)irginia E)ducational TV
WCVH(FM)  Flemington, NJ           S  C)ommunity V)oice of H)unterdon County
WCVN(TV)  Covington, KY            L  C)ov)in)gton
WCVO(FM)  Columbus, OH             S  C)hristian V)oice of O)hio
WCVU(FM)  Naples, FL               E  CVU = Sea View
WCVY(FM)  Coventry, RI             L  C)ov)entry) High School
WCWA      Toledo, OH               E  CWA = Seaway (St. Lawrence Seaway)
WCWC      Ripon, WI                S  W)e're C)entral W)isconsin's C)hoice
WCWM(FM)  Wiliamsburg, VA          O  C)ollege of W)illiam and M)ary
WCWP(FM)  Long Island, NY          O  C).W). P)ost University
WCXI      Detroit, MI              S  C)ountry Eleven XI = 11, 1130 kHz Note:
                                      now WWWW(AM)
WCZY(FM)  Mt. Pleasant, MI         S  C)oz)y)-FM
WDAC(FM)  Lancaster, PA            O  D)ean A)llen C)rawford
WDAE      Tampa, FL                S  W)onderful D)ays a)nd E)venings Note:
                                      now WUSA(AM)
WDAL      Meridian, MS             S  W)e D)o a) L)ot
WDAM(TV)  Hattiesburg, MS          O  D)avid A). M)adison
WDAN      Danville, IL             L  D)a)n)ville, IL
WDAO      Dayton, OH               L  D)a)yton O)hio
WDAQ      Danbury, CT              S  D)a)nbury 98Q)
WDAS      Philadelkpha, PA         O  D)annenbaum a)nd S)teppacher
WDAV(FM)  Davidson, NC             O  D)a)v)idson College
WDBF      Delray Beach, FL         L  D)elray B)each F)lorida
WDBO      Orlando, FL              L  D)own B)y O)rlando
WDBQ      Dubuque, IA              L  D)ub)uq)ue, IA
WDCB      Glen Ellyn, IL           O  D)uPage C)ommunity B)roadcasters
WDCD      Albany-Clifton Park, NY  O  D)ean C)rawford
WDCF      Dade City, FL            L  D)ade C)ity F)lorida
WDCG(FM)  Durham, NC               S  D)urham's C)ountry G)iant, now CHR
WDCN      Nashville, TN            L  D)avidson C)ounty-N)ashville, now WNPT
WDDZ      Pawtucket, RI            O  DZ = 'Disney' (Radio Disney)
WDEK      DeKalb, IL               L  D)e)K)alb, now WCPY)
WDEL      Wilmington, DE           L  Wilmington, D)e)l)aware
WDET(FM)  Detroit, MI              L  D)e)t)roit
WDFH(FM)  Ossining, NY             S  W)ild D)ogs f)rom H)ell
WDFN      Detroit, MI              S  D)etroit's F)an) (was WWWW(AM) & WCXI)
WDGC      Downer's Grove, IL       L  D)owners G)rove C)ommunity
WDGG(FM)  Ashland, KY              E  DGG='Dog', 93.7 The Dawg
WDGY      Minneapolis, MN          O  D)octor G)eorge Y)oung Note: now on 630
                                      from 1130
WDHA(FM)  Dover, NJ                O  D)rexel H)ill A)ssociates
WDHF(FM)  Chicago, IL              O  D)e Haan H)i-F)i store, now WNUA
WDIA      Memphis, TN              O  D)i)a)ne (first name of daughter of
                                      original owner) Note: also attributed
                                      to W)e did) i)t a)gain when the owners
                                      were able to get two stations (first in
                                      Jackson, MS) on the air after WWII
WDIO(TV)  Duluth, MN               F  D)uluth channel 1)0) IO=10
WDIQ      Dozier, AL               S  D)ozier I)Q)
WDIV-TV   Detroit, MI              F  D)etroit IV = 4 (Channel 4)
WDIY-FM   Bethlehem, PA            S  D)o I)t Y)ourself
WDIZ(FM)  Orlando, FL              E  DIZ = 'Dis'ney World
WDJC      Birmingham, AL           S  W)itnessing D)aily for J)esus C)hrist
                                      OR D).J). C)rawford, owner
WDJF      Westport, CT             O  D)onald J). F)lamm, now WEBE
WDJK-FM   Xenia, OH                S  D)J) 95, now WZLR
WDJM-FM   Framingham, MA           O  D. Justin McCarthy, former President of
                                      Framingham State College
WDJS      Mount Olive, NC          L  W)ayne D)uplin J)ohnston S)ampson
WDJZ      Bridgeport, CT           O  Started by D)aniel J). Fernicola
WDKB      DeKalb, IL               L  D)eK)alb)
WDKX(FM)  Rochester, NY            S  D)ouglas K)ing Malcolm X)
WDLC      Port Jervis, NY          S  W)e D)eliver L)arger C)overage
WDLP      Panama City, FL          O  D)orothea L)indstrom P)erry [owner's
WDLP-LP   Miami, FL                O  W)illiam D)e L)a P)ena
WDMJ      Marquette, MI            O  M)ining J)ournal
WDMP      Dodgeville, WI           L  D)odgeville-M)ineral P)oint
WDNC      Durham, NC               L  D)urham, N)orth C)arolina
WDNH(FM)  Honesdale, PA            L  D)elaware an)d H)udson Canal
WDNL(FM)  Danville, IL             L  D)an)vil)le, IL
WDNT      Dayton, TN               L  D)ayton), T)ennessee
WDOD      Chattanooga, TN          S  D)ynamo o)f D)ixie
WDOL      Athens, GA               E  DOL='doll', the 'Dixie Doll'
WDOR      Sturgeon Bay, WI         L  D)o)or) County
WDOV      Dover, DE                L  D)o)v)er, DE
WDOW      Dowagiac, MI             L  D)O)W)agiac, MI
WDRC      Hartford, CT             O  D)oolittle R)adio C)ompany
WDRE      Hempstead, NY            E  DRE='dare, as in daring music, now WZAA
WDRK      Greenville, OH           L  D)ar)k)e County, note: now defunct
WDRM(FM)  Decatur, AL              L  D)ecatur R)adio M)arket
WDRV      Chicago, IL              S  The D)r)iv)e, reference to Lake Shore
WDSD-FM   Dover, DE                L  D)over-S)myrna, D)elaware
WDSM      Duluth, MN               L  D)uluth-S)uperior M)arket
WDST(FM)  Woodstock, NY            L  W)ood)s)t)ock
WDSU(TV)  New Orleans, LA          O  D)e Soto Hotel/New Orleans S)tates
                                      (newspaper)/Joseph R. U)halt Note: was
                                      on AM 1280
WDSY(FM)  Pittsburgh, PA           E  DSY = Daisy (former slogan)
WDTH      Duluth, MN               L  D)ulut)h) Note: now KUMD
WDTL      Cleveland, MS            L  DTL='Delta' (Mississippi Delta)
WDTN(TV)  Dayton, OH               L  D)ayt)on)
WDTV(TV)  Pittsburgh, PA           O  D)uMont T)V) Note: now KDKA-TV
WDTW(FM)  Detroit, MI              L  'DTW'=Detroit airport designation code
WDUQ(FM)  Pittsburgh, PA           O  D)u)q)uesne University
WDUX      Waupaca, WI              O  Once owned by the owners of W)D)U)Z,
                                      Green Bay
WDUZ      Green Bay, WI            S  Founded in the 40s and borrowed the
                                      detergent slogan 'D)u)z) does it all'
WDVE      Pittsburgh, PA           E  DVE='dove', was airing ABC's Love
WDVR(FM)  Philadelphia, PA         S  D)elaware V)alley R)adio
WDWS      Champaign, IL            O  D)avid W). S)tevick
WDXB      Jasper, AL               S  D)ix)ie 102.5
WDXE      Lawrenceburg, TN         O  D)ix)ie) Network, Former Owner
WDXI      Jackson, TN              O  D)ix)i)e Network, Former Owner
WDXN      Clarksville, TN          O  D)ix)ie N)etwork, Former Owner
WEAF      New York, NY             S  W)ater E)arth A)ir and F)ire Note: now
WEAN      Providence, RI           S  W)e E)nterain a) N)ation
WEAS      Savannah, GA             S  E)mory and A)gnes S)cott, two
                                      universities in original city of
                                      license, Decatur, GA
WEAU      Eau Claire, WI           L  E)A)U) Claire
WEAW      Evanston, IL             O  E)dward A). W)heeler Note: now WPRZ
WEBB      Baltimore, MD            S  W)e E)njoy B)eing B)lack, now WVIE/1370
WEBC      Duluth, MN               O  E)dwina & B)arbara C)linton
WEBE(FM)  Bridgeport, CT           S  WEBE = WeeBee
WEBO      Owego, NY                O  E)rdman B)roadcasting of O)wego
WEBQ      Harrisburg, IL           S  W)e E)ntertain B)eyond Q)uestion
WEBR      Buffalo, NY              S  W)e E)xtend B)uffalo's R)egards
WECL      Elk Mound, WI            S  E)au C)laire L)ite
WEDC      Chicago, IL              O  E)mil D)enemark C)adillac
WEDH(TV)  Hartford, CT             S  E)d)ucational H)artford
WEDR-FM   Miami, FL                O  E). D). R)ivers, same person
                                      WGOV/Valdosta, GA named for
WEEF      Highland Park, IL        S  Your E)thnic E)ntertainment F)requency
WEEF      Highland Park, IL        O  E)ly E). F)ink
WEEI      Boston, MA               O  E)dison E)lectic I)lluminating
WEEP      Pittsburgh, PA           S  'WEEP' for Joy
WEEX      Easton, PA               O  E)aston E)x)press, Newspaper
WEFM(FM)  Chicago, IL              O  E)dwin F). M)cDonald Note: now WUSN,
                                      former Zenith Corp. president
WEGE      Westerville, OH          S  E)ag)le)
WEGG      Rose Hill, NC            L  EGG=Town is in center of NC's vast
                                      poultry growing/processing area
WEGL(FM)  Starview, PA             E  EGL='eagle', was WRHY
WEGX(FM)  Philadelphia, PA         E  EGX = 'Eagle'
WEHT(TV)  Evansville, IN           L  E)vansville-H)enderson, KY T)V
WEIB      Northampton, MA          O  Cutting E)dge I)ncorporated
WEIO      Eau Claire, WI           S  'E-I-E-I-O' from 'Old McDonald Had A
WEIR      Weirton, WV              L  W)e)i)r)ton
WEIU(FM)  Charleston, IL           O  E)astern I)llinois U)niversity
WEJL      Scranton, PA             O  E)dward J). L)ynett
WEKH(FM)  Hazard, KY               O  E)astern K)entucky University-H)azard
WEKU(FM)  Richmond, KY             O  E)astern K)entucky U)niversity
WELA      Elizabeth, NJ            L  E)l)iza)beth Note: now WJDM
WELC      Welch, WV                L  W)e)l)ch
WELI      New Haven, CT            S  Eli) Yale University or Eli) Whitney
WELO      Tupelo, MI               L  Tupe)l)o), MS
WELS      Kinston, NC              O  E). L)inwood S)cott
WELV      Ellenville, NY           L  E)l)lenv)ille
WELY      Ely, MN                  L  E)l)y)
WEMC      Berrien Spings, MI       O  E)manuel M)issionary C)ollege Note: now
WEMD-AM   Easton, MD               L  E)aston, M)aryland)
WEMM      Huntington, WV           O  Dr. E). M). M)ortenson
WEMP      Milwaukee, WI            L  E)m)p)ire Building
WEMR      Tunkhannock, PA          L  E)ndless M)ountains R)adio
WEMU      Ypsilanti, MI            O  E)astern M)ichigan U)niversity
WENE      Endicott, NY             O  E)mpire N)e)wspapers Note: now WMRV
WENG      Englewood, FL            L  E)n)g)lewood
WENR      Chicago, IL              O  E). N). R)oland Electric Co. Note:
                                      merged with WLS
WENS(TV)  Pittsburgh, PA           S  W)e're E)ntertainment N)ews S)ports,
                                      now WQEX-TV
WEOA      Evansville, IN           S  E)vansville O)n the A)ir, old call
                                      letters have been revised
WEOS      Geneva, NY               S  E)cho o)f the S)eneca
WEOW(FM)  Key West, FL             E  WEOW='Wow'
WEQX(FM)  Manchester, VT           L  Mt. E)q)uinox)
WERE      Cleveland, OH            E  WERE...We're Cleveland
WERI      Westerly, RI             L  WE)sterly, R)hode I)sland
WERS(FM)  Boston, MA               O  E)mer)s)on College or E)merson R)adio
WERT      Van Vert, OH             L  Van W)e)r)t)
WERV      Aurora, IL               L  RV='River', Fox River nearby
WERZ      Exeter/Portsmouth, NH    E  WE R = 'we are Z-107'
WESH(TV)  Daytona Beach, FL        O  W)right E)s)ch), original licensee
WESM-FM   Princess Anne, MD        L  E)astern S)hore of M)aryland
WESO      Southbridge, MA          L  WE)bester-SO)outhbridge
WEST      Easton, PA               L  E)as)t)on, PA
WESU(FM)  Middletown, CT           O  W)e)s)leyan U)niversity
WESX      Salem, MA                L  E)s)sex) County
WETA      Washington, DC           O  W)ashington E)ducational T)elevision
WETK(TV)  Burlington, VT           S  E)ducational T)elevision
WETN(FM)  Wheaton, IL              O  W)he)at)on) College
WETS(FM)  Johnson City, TN         O  E)ast T)ennessee S)tate University
WETT      Ocean City, MD           L  Atlantic Ocean is wet
WEUC      Ponce, PR                O  E)ducacion U)niversidad C)atolica
WEUP      Huntsville, AL           O  W)e) U)p) (allegedly when this daytimer
                                      signed on each morning, the first
                                      broadcast was 'We up...are you?')
WEVC-FM   Evansville, IN           O  E)v)ansville C)ollege, now WUEV
WEVD      New York, NY             O  E)ugene V). D)ebs Memorial Radio Fund
WEVE      Eveleth, MN              L  E)v)e)leth
WEVS      Holland, MI              O  E)dward V)erS)ears
WEW       St. Louis, MO            S  W)e E)nlighten the W)orld
WEWB(TV)  Schenectady, NY          O  E)astern? W)arner B)rothers
WEWN(SW)  Birmingham, AL           O  E)ternal W)ord N)etwork
WEWS(TV)  Cleveland, OH            O  E)dward W)illis S)cripps
WEXL      Royal Oak, MI            S  W)e E)x)cel)l
WEZF(FM)  Burlington, VT           S  E)Z) F)avorites
WEZK(FM)  Knoxville, TN            S  EZ) Listening, K)noxville
WEZO      Rochester, NY            S  E)Z) Listening
WEZV      Allentown, PA            S  E)Z) Listening for the V)alley
WEZX(FM)  Scranton, PA             E  EZ=easy Note: once easy listening, now
                                      classic rock
WFAA      Dallas, TX               S  W)orking F)or A)ll A)like Note: now
                                      KLIF, calls in use by TV was KLDD and
WFAN      New York, NY             S  Sports F)a)n)
WFAS      White Plains, NY         O  F)rank A). S)eitz
WFAT(FM)  Portage, MI              O  Winking reference to owner's girth ;)
WFAT-TV   Johnstown, PA            S  FAT, we'll grow on you
WFAU      Augusta, ME              O  F)a)u)st Couture, also see WCOU,
                                      Lewiston, ME
WFAW      Fort Atkinson, WI        L  F)ort A)tkinson, W)isconsin
WFBC      Knoxville, TN            O  F)irst B)aptist C)hurch Note: When
                                      licensed to Knoxville, TN
WFBG      Altoona, PA              O  W)illiam F). G)able Co.
WFBL      Syracuse, NY             S  F)irst B)roadcast L)icense or W)e
                                      F)eature B)etter L)istening Note: now
                                      WDCW, calls now on 1050 in
                                      Baldwinsville, NY
WFBR      Baltimore, MD            S  F)irst B)altimore R)adio
WFCC      Chatham, MA              L  F)rom C)ape C)od
WFCJ      Dayton, OH               S  W)itnessing F)or C)hrist J)esus
WFCJ(FM)  Miamisburg, OH           S  W)itnessing f)or C)hrist J)esus
WFCR(FM)  Amherst, MA              S  F)ive C)ollege R)adio Note: once F)our
                                      College Radio
WFCV      Ft. Wayne, IN            S  F)t. Wayne C)hristian V)oice
WFDD      Winston-Salem, NC        S  W)ake F)orest D)emon D)eacons
WFDF      Flint, MI                O  F)rank D). F)allain
WFDL      Fond du Lac, WI          L  F)ond d)u L)ac
WFDU-FM   Teaneck, NJ              O  F)arleigh D)ickenson U)niversity
WFEC      Miami Springs, FL        O  F)lorida E)ast C)oast Broadcasting
                                      Note: now WCMQ
WFFG      Marathon, FL             S  W)orld's F)inest F)ishing G)round
WFFT(TV)  Fort Wayne, IN           F  F)ifty F)ive T)elevision
WFGE(FM)  Murray, KY               E  FGE='Froggie', Froggy 103.7
WFGL      Fitchburg, MA            L  F)itchburg) L)eominster
WFGM(FM)  Fairmont, WV             S  F)airmont's G)ood M)usic
WFGY(FM)  Altoona, PA              S  F)rog)gy)
WFHB(FM)  Bloomington, IN          S  F)ire H)ouse B)roadcasting, housed in
                                      the old fire house headquarters on 4th
WFHC-FM   Henderson, TN            O  F)reed H)ardeman C)ollege (now
WFHN(FM)  Fairhaven, MA            L  F)airh)aven)
WFIA      Lousiville, KY           S  F)aith I)n A)merica
WFIF      Milford, CT              F  F)i)f)teen Hundred on the Dial
WFIG      Sumter, SC               S  W)orld F)amous I)ris G)ardens
WFIL      Philadelphia, PA         E  FIL='Phil'adelphia
WFIN      Findley, OH              L  F)i)n)dley
WFIQ      Florence, AL             S  F)lorence I)Q)
WFIT(FM)  Melbourne, FL            O  F)lorida I)nstitute of T)echnology
WFIU(FM)  Bloomington, IN          O  F)M I)ndiana U)niversity
WFIW      Hopkinsville, KY         S  W)hitest F)lour i)n the W)orld (Acme
WFKN      Franklin, KY             L  F)rank)lin)
WFKS      Daytona Beach, FL        S  F)lorida's K)is)s
WFKY      Frankfort, KY            L  F)rankfort, K)Y)
WFKZ(FM)  Plantation Key, FL       O  F)rank K)uliz)ky, original owner
WFLA      Tampa, FL                L  W)estern F)l)orida)
WFLC(FM)  Miami, FL                S  F)l)orida's C)oast
WFLD(TV)  Chicago, IL              O  F)iel)d) Communications, original owner
WFLS      Fredericksburg, VA       O  F)ree-L)ance S)tar (Newspaper)
WFLY      Albany, NY               O  Frank Lord York, original owner
WFLY(FM)  Albany, NY               O  F)rank L)ord Y)ork
WFMD      Frederick, MD            L  F)rederick, MD)
WFME(FM)  Newark, NJ               S  W)here F)aith M)eans E)verything
WFMF(FM)  Chicago, IL              S  F)rom M)arshall F)ields department
                                      store, now WILV
WFMJ      Youngstown, OH           O  W)illiam F). M)aag, J)unior
WFMN(FM)  Alpine, NJ               O  Commercial license for pioneering FM,
WFMO      Fairmont, NC             L  F)airm)o)nt
WFMR      Milwaukee, WI            S  F)M) R)adio-first FM in the city
WFMS      Indianapolis, IN         O  W)illiams F)M) S)ervice [original owner
                                      - Martin Williams]
WFMU(FM)  East Orange, NJ          S  F)M) U)psala College, license
                                      transferred to Auricle Communications,
                                      a group of former staffers
WFNC      Fayetteville, NC         L  F)ayetteville, N)C)
WFNP(FM)  New Paltz, NY            L  F)rom N)ew P)altz
WFNX(FM)  Boston, MA               E  FNX = Phoenix, Boston weekly
WFOL      Fairfield, OH            O  Walter F. F)o)l)lmer Note: now WCNW
WFOR      Hattiesburg, MS          L  F)o)r)rest County, MS
WFOX      Norwalk, CT              S  The F)o)x)
WFOY      St. Augustine, FL        S  F)ountain o)f Y)outh
WFPB(FM)  Falmouth, MA             O  F)almouth P)ublic B)roadcasting
WFPG      Atlantic City, NJ        S  W)orld's F)amous P)layground Note: now
                                      on FM, once was WPG at 1100 kHz
WFPL(FM)  Louisville, KY           O  F)ree P)ublic L)ibrary
WFQR-FM   Harwichport, MA          E  WFQR='Frank' FM, also see WFRQ
WFRO      Freemont, OH             L  F)r)eemont, O)hio
WFRQ-FM   Mashpee, MA              E  FRQ='Frank' FM, also see WFQR
WFRS(FM)  Smithtown, NY            O  F)amily R)adio S)mithtown
WFRV-TV   Green Bay, WI            L  F)ox R)iver V)alley
WFSB(TV)  Hartford, CT             O  F)ranklin S) B)eebe-former publisher of
                                      Washington Post (Post-Newsweek)
WFSU(FM)  Tallahassee, FL          O  F)lorida S)tate U)niversity
WFTC      Kinston, NC              S  W)orld's F)inest T)obacco C)enter
WFTC(TV)  Minneapolis, MN          S  W)e're F)ox T)win C)ities
WFTE(TV)  Salem, IN                F  channel F)ifT)y-E)ight
WFTL      Ft. Lauderdale, FL       L  F)t). L)auderdale
WFTM      Maysville, KY            S  W)orld's F)inest T)obacco M)arket
WFTQ      Worcester, MA            F  F)ourt)een Q), 1440 kHz
WFTS-TV   Tampa, FL                S  F)amily T)elevison S)tation
WFTW      Ft. Walton Beach, FL     L  F)t). W)alton Beach
WFTY(TV)  Washington, DC           F  F)if)ty) Note: now WBDC
WFUL      Fulton, KY               L  F)u)l)ton, KY. Note: now WKZT
WFUN      South Miami, FL          S  FUN Spot Note: now WMRZ
WFUR      Grand Rapids, MI         O  F)u)r)niture City Broadcasting
WFUV(FM)  Bronx, NY                O  F)ordham U)niversity's V)oice
WFVA      Fredericksburg, VA       L  F)redericksburg V)A)
WFXB      St. Louis, MO            S  the F)ox)
WFXF(FM)  Chillicothe, IL          S  94.3 The F)ox)
WFXW      Geneva, IL               L  F)ox) River is nearby
WFYC      Alma, MI                 S  W)orking F)or Y)our C)ommunity
WFYI(TV)  Indianapolis, IN         S  F)or Y)our I)nformation
WFYR      Chicago, IL              E  FYR='fire' (Great Chicago Fire) Note:
                                      now WWBZ, calls now on in Elmwood, IL
WGAL      Lancaster, PA            S  W)onderful G)arden's a)t L)ancaster
WGAN      Portland, ME             O  Guy G)a)n)nett Broadcasting
WGAR      Cleveland, OH            O  G). A). R)ichards Note: now WNKR
WGAY(FM)  Washington, DC           O  Connie B. G)a)y), acquired station with
                                      those call letters
WGBA-TV   Green Bay, WI            L  G)reen B)ay-A)ppleton formerly WLRE-TV
                                      for founder Lyle R. Evans
WGBB      Freeport, NY             S  W)here G)reat B)roadcasting B)egins
WGBC-TV   Meridian, MS             O  G)lobal B)roadcasting C)ompany,
                                      original owner
WGBF      Evansville, IN           O  G). B). F)inke Furniture Co.
WGBH(FM)  Boston, MA               L  Transmitter on G)reat B)lue H)ill
WGBI      Scranton, PA             S  G)od B)less the I)rish
WGBS      New York, NY             O  G)imbel B)rothers S)tore Note: evolved
                                      into WINS
WGCA-FM   Quincy,IL                S  W)e're G)od's C)hristian a)lternative
WGCB      Red Lion, PA             S  G)od C)hrist and the B)ible
WGCH      Greenwich, CT            L  G)reenwic)h), CT
WGCI      Chicago, IL              O  G)lobetrotter C)ommunications I)nc.
WGCL-TV   Atlanta, GA              S  W)e're G)eorgia's C)l)ear TV, formerly
                                      WGNX(TV) until 4 July 2000
WGCM(FM)  Gulfport, MS             L  G)ulf C)oast of M)ississippi
WGDR      Plainfield, VT           O  G)oddard C)ollege R)adio, originally
WGEE      Green Bay, WI            L  'GEE'=long G for G)reen Bay
WGEM      Quincy, IL               S  G)e)m) City
WGEO(SW)  Schenectady, NY          O  G)eneral E)lectric O)verseas Note:
                                      later VOA, now silent
WGER      Bay City, MI             O  GER)ity Broadcasting
WGFA      Watseka, IL              S  W)orld's G)reatest F)arming A)rea
WGFM      Cheboygan, MI            S  G)old F)M), calls once used in
                                      Schnectady, NY
WGFW      Black Mountain, NC       O  G)raham, W)illiam F)ranklin (Billy
WGGA      Gainesville, GA          L  G)ainesville, G)eorgia)
WGGB(TV)  Springfield, MA          O  G)uy G)annett B)roadcasting Note:
                                      formerly WHYN-TV
WGGG      Gainesville, FL          S  W)atch G)reater G)ainesville G)row
WGGH      Marion, IL               O  G)eorge G). H)arold
WGGR      Greenwood, IN            S  G)reater G)reenwood R)adio, now WTLC
WGH       Newport News, VA         S  W)orld's G)reatest H)arbor
WGHP      Detroit, MI              O  G)eorge H). P)helps Note: now WXYT
WGHP-TV   High Point, NC           L  W)inston-Salem, G)reensboro, H)igh
WGHQ      Kingston, NY             S  G)eneral H)eadq)uarters, popular term
                                      after WWII
WGHT      Pompton Lakes, NJ        S  G)old H)it)s
WGIV      Charlotte, NC            S  G)I) Veterans, now silent
WGKA      Atlanta, GA              O  G)lenk)a)ren Associates
WGKS      Lexington, KY            E  KS='kiss'
WGL       Ft. Wayne, IN            S  W)orld's G)reatest
                                      L)oudspeaker-Magnavox or W)ith G)od's
WGLF(FM)  Tallahassee, FL          L  G)ul)f) of Mexico
WGLR      Lancaster, WI            S  G)rant County-L)ancaster R)adio
WGLT(FM)  Normal, IL               S  G)ladly We L)earn and T)each [Illinois
                                      State University motto, from Chaucer]
WGLV(TV)  Easton, PA               S  G)reater L)ehigh V)alley (Station now
WGLY(FM)  Goulds, FL               S  W)here G)od L)oves Y)ou Note: now WRTO
WGME      Portland, ME             O  Guy G)annette of M)aine), former owner
WGMS      Bethesda, MD             S  W)ashington's G)ood M)usic S)tation
WGN       Chicago, IL              S  W)orld's G)reatest N)ewspaper
WGNB(FM)  Chicago, IL              O  W)G)N)
WGNC      Gastonia, NC             L  G)astonia, N)C)
WGNG      Pawtucket, RI            S  G)old 'n) G)reat, was WPAW, now WDDZ
WGNO(TV)  New Orleans, LA          S  W)e've G)ot N)ew O)rleans
WGNS      Murfreesboro, TN         S  G)ood N)eighbor S)tation
WGNU      Granite City, IL         S  What's G)n)u), GNU = NEW
WGNX(TV)  Atlanta, GA              O  W)G)N), Note: owned by WGN's parent
WGNY      Newburgh, NY             L  G)oshen N)ew Y)ork, original location
WGNZ-AM   Fairborn, OH             S  G)ood N)ewz) 1110
WGOG      Walhalla, SC             S  W)alhalla, G)arden o)f the G)ods
WGOP      Albany, GA               S  W)onderful G)od o)f P)ower Note: now
WGOV      Valdosta, GA             O  G)o)v)ernor E.D. Rivers
WGPA      Bethelehem, PA           O  G)lobe P)ublishing A)ssociation
WGPC      Albany, Ga               S  W)orld's G)reatest P)ecan C)entre
WGPL      Portsmouth, VA           S  G)osp)el)
WGPR      Detroit, MI              S  W)here G)od's P)ower R)adiates
WGR       Buffalo, NY              O  G)eorge R)and
WGRB      Chicago                  S  G)ospel R)adio B)lessed, was WGCI,
                                      those calls remain on FM
WGRD      Grand Rapids, MI         L  G)r)and) Rapids
WGRP      Greenville, PA           L  G)r)eenville, P)ennsylvania
WGRR(FM)  Cincinnati, OH           S  G)r)eat Oldies
WGRY      Grayling, MI             L  G)R)aY)ling, MI
WGRZ(TV)  Buffalo, NY              F  Z resembles 2, TV channel, also see WGR
WGS       Bethel Park, PA          S  W)orld's G)reatest S)tation, part 15
                                      low power AM
WGSA      Ephrata, PA              S  G)arden S)pot of A)merica
WGSB      Geneva, IL               L  G)eneva, S)t. Charles and B)atavia
                                      Note: now WFXW
WGSB      Mebane, NC               S  G)reat S)peckled B)ird, southern gospel
WGSK      South Kent, CT           L  W)arren, W)ashington, W)ingdale
                                      W)ebatuck G)aylorsville S)herman S)outh
WGSM      Huntington LI, NY        S  W)orld's G)reatest S)uburban M)arket.
                                      now WNYH
WGST      Atlanta, GA              O  G)eorgia S)chool of T)echnology
WGTB      Washington, DC           O  G)eorget)own University B)rodcasting,
                                      now WCSP
WGTC      Greenville, NC           S  W)orld's G)reatest T)obacco C)enter
WGTD      Kenosha, WI              O  G)ateway T)echnical D)istrict
WGTE(FM)  Toledo, OH               O  G)reater T)oledo E)ducational
                                      Television Foundation
WGTM      Wilson, NC               S  W)orld's G)reatest T)obacco M)arket
WGTO      Cypress Gardens, FL      S  G)ulf T)o O)cean, 50 kW at 540 kHz
WGTS(FM)  Takoma Park, MD          S  G)ateway t)o S)ervice
WGTZ(FM)  Eaton, OH                O  G)reat T)rails Broadcasting
WGUC(FM)  Cincinnati, OH           O  U)niversity of C)incinnati
WGUN      Atlanta, GA              S  The Big GUN in Dixie, was once WEAS in
                                      Decatur, GA
WGVO      Greenville, OH           L  G)reenv)ille, O)hio
WGY       Schenectady, NY          O  G)eneral Electric, SchenectadY)
WHA       Madison, WI              S  W)isconsin, H)eartland of A)merica
WHAD      Delafield, WI            O  W)H)A)-D)elafield Note: WHA, Madison,
WHAD      Delafield, WI            S  WHA-D)elafield
WHAG      Hagerstown, MD           L  H)a)g)erstown
WHAI      Greenfield, MA           O  John H)a)i)gis
WHAJ(FM)  Bluefield, WV            O  H)ugh a)nd J)im Shott
WHAK      Rogers City, MI          O  H)arvey A). K)lann
WHAM      Rochester, NY            E  Chosen by owner George Eastman because
                                      they sounded nice
WHAR      Clarksburg, WV           L  Har)rison County, WV
WHAS      Louisville, KY           S  W)e H)ave a) S)ignal
WHAV      Haverhill, MA            L  H)a)v)erhill, MA
WHB       Kansas City, MO          S  W)orld's H)appiest B)roadcaster
WHBF      Rock Island, IL          S  W)here H)istoric B)lackhawk F)ought
WHBG 1400 Harrisburg, PA           L  H)arrisb)urg), now WNNK-AM
WHBI      Newark, NJ               O  H)oyt B)rothers I)ncorporated Now:
                                      WCAA, was WNWK
WHBM      Park Falls, WI           O  H)arold B). M)cCarty
WHBQ      Memphis, TN              S  W)e h)ave B)etter Q)uartets
WHBS      Holiday, FL              O  H)oliday B)roadcasting S)ystem
WHCM      Palatine, IL             O  W)illiam H)arper C)om)munity College
WHCN(FM)  Hartford, CT             O  H)artford C)oncert N)etwork
WHCT-TV   Hartford, CT             O  H)artford C)BS T)elevision, now WUVN,
                                      calls now on an LPTV
WHCU      Ithaca, NY               L  H)ome of C)ornell U)niversity
WHDF      Huntsville, AL           L  H)untsville, D)ecatur and F)lorence
WHDG      Rhinelander, WI          S  H)od)ag) Country (a Hodag is a mythical
                                      creature that supposedly lives in
WHEB      Portsmouth, NH           O  carries the initials, H.E.B., of the
                                      original owner
WHEC      Rochester, NY            O  H)ickson E)lectric C)o Note:(now used
                                      on TV channel 10), now WWWG
WHED      Washington, NC           S  W)e H)elp E)nterprise D)evelop
WHEN      Syracuse, NY             E  Easily remembered, single syllable word
WHER      Memphis, TN              S  Sam Phillip's station for 'HER', all
                                      female airstaff, see WHIM, Providence,
                                      RI, now WOWW
WHEZ      Portage, MI              S  W)h)ere the music is always E)Z)
WHFH      Flossmoor, IL            O  H)omewood-F)lossmoor H)igh school
WHFM(FM)  Rochester, NY            O  W)H)AM F)M)
WHFR(FM)  Dearborn, MI             O  H)enry F)ord College R)adio
WHFR-FM   Dearborn, MI             O  H)enry F)ord Community College R)adio
WHFS(FM)  Annapolis, MD            S  H)igh F)idelity S)tereo
WHFV(TV)  Fredericksburg, VA       S  H)istoric F)redericksburg V)irginia,
                                      now dark
WHGR      Houghton Lake, MI        L  H)oughton Lake, G)rayling, R)oscommon
WHHH      Warren, OH               O  H)elen H)art H)ulbert, publisher of
                                      co-owned newspaper, now WRBP
WHHH(FM)  Indianapolis, IN         S  H)oosier H)ot H)its, slogan not
                                      currently used
WHIM      Providence, RI           S  Once a station for 'HIM', countering
                                      female-targetting stations, see WHER,
                                      Memphis, TN
WHIO      Dayton, OH               L  Oh)i)o
WHIQ      Huntsville, AL           S  H)untsville, I)Q)
WHIS      Bluefield, WV            O  H)ugh I). S)hott
WHIZ      Zanesville, OH           L  W)e're H)ere I)n Z)anesville
WHJB      Greensburg, PA           O  H). J). B)rennan, Former Owner
WHJC      Matewan, WV              S  W)e H)erald J)esus C)hrist
WHK       Cleveland, OH            O  H). K). Carpenter (VP & GM)
WHKO-FM   Dayton, OH               O  FM sister of W)H)IO), slogan is K99.1
WHKP      Hendersonville, NC       S  W)here the H)eavens K)iss the P)eaks
WHKW(FM)  Louisville, KY           E  The Hawk
WHKY      Hickory, NC              L  H)ick)ory)
WHLA      La Crosse, WI            O  W)H)A)-La Crosse Note: WHA, Madison, WI
WHLB      Virginia, MN             O  H)ead of the L)akes B)roadcasting Co.
WHLI      Hempstead LI, NY         L  H)empstead L)ong I)sland
WHLM      Bloomsburg, PA           O  Harry) L). M)agee
WHLO      Akron, OH                E  HLO = 'Hello' Radio
WHLS      Port Huron, MI           O  H)armon L). S)tevens
WHLT-TV   Hattiesburg, MS          S  H)attiesburg-L)aurel T)elevision
WHLW      Lakewood, NJ             L  H)owell-L)akew)ood, NJ
WHMB      Indianapolis, IN         S  H)eralding the M)essiah's B)lessings
WHMH(FM)  Sauk Rapids, MN          O  H)erbert M)atthew H)oppe
WHMI-FM   Howell, MI               S  H)it M)usic and I)nformation
WHMP      Northampton, MA          L  H)am)p)shire County
WHMS(FM)  Champaign, IL            O  H)elen M). S)tevick Note: original
                                      owner's wife
WHN       New York, NY             L  H)otel N)avarro, first studio location
                                      (now WEVD)
WHNC      Henderson, NC            L  H)enderson, N)C)
WHNF(FM)  New York, NY             O  W)H)N F)M Note: later WMGM and WHN-FM
WHNK      Parkersburg, WV          S  H)an)k) 1450
WHNS      Greenville, SC           O  H)arry n) S)tella, original owner Harry
                                      Pappas and wife Stella
WHNT      Huntsville, AL           L  H)un)t)sville
WHO       Des Moines, IA           S  Who is it? or W)ith H)ands O)nly
                                      (allegedly, due to slogan associated
                                      with owner, Palmer Chiropractic School)
WHOD      Homestead, PA            L  H)o)mestead), now WAMO, Pittsburgh
WHOI(TV)  Peoria, IL               L  H)eart o)f I)llinois
WHOK      Lancaster, OH            L  H)o)ck)ing County
WHOM      Jersey City, NJ          O  H)arry O') M)ealia
WHON      Centerville, IN          S  H)eart o)f N)ation
WHOP      Hopkinsville, KY         L  H)o)p)kinsville, KY
WHP       Harrisburg, PA           L  H)arrisburg, P)A
WHPA      Honesdale, PA            L  H)onesdale, P)A), now WDNH
WHPA(FM)  Hollidaysburg, PA        L  H)ollidaysburg, P)A), now WMAJ-FM
WHQR-FM   Wilmington, NC           S  W)ilmington's H)igh Q)uality R)adio
                                      (classical-music public radio)
WHRB(FM)  Cambridge, MA            O  H)arvard R)adio B)roadcasting
WHRD      Huntington, WV           E  HRD = 'herd' (Thundering Herd, Marshall
                                      University team)
WHRF      Riverhead, NY            S  WHRF = 'Wharf' Radio
WHRI(SW)  Noblesville, IN          O  W)orld H)arvest R)adio I)nternational
WHRK(FM)  Memphis, TN              O  H)arold R). K)relstein, Plough Bcstg
WHRM      Wausau, WI               L  R)ib M)ountain, transmitter location
WHRM      Wausau, WI               L  R)ib M)ountain
WHRW(FM)  Binghamton, NY           O  H)arpur College R)adio W)orkshop
WHRY      Hurley, WI               L  H)ur)ley)
WHSA      Brule, WI                L  H)ayward, S)uperior, A)shland
WHSM      Hayward, WI              L  H)ayward-S)pooner-M)inong
WHSS      Hamilton, OH             O  H)amilton S)chool S)ystem
WHTG      Eatontown, NJ            O  H)arold and T)heo G)ade
WHTH      Heath, OH                L  H)eat)h)
WHTM-TV   Harrisburg, PA           O  H)arrisburg T)imes-M)irror (former
WHTZ      Newark, NJ               E  HTZ = Hits (known as Z100)
WHUD(FM)  Peekskill, NY            L  H)u)d)son Valley
WHUN      Huntingdon, PA           L  H)u)n)tingdon
WHUR      Washington, DC           O  H)oward U)niversity R)adio
WHUS      Storrs, CT               S  UConn H)u)s)kies
WHVK(FM)  Tullahoma, TN            S  H)untsv)ille K)ountry
WHVR      Hanover, PA              L  H)anov)er)
WHVY(FM)  Springfield, MA          S  H)eav)y) for AOR Note: now WMAS-FM
WHWC      Menomonie, WI            L  W)H)A-W)est C)entral Wisconsin Note:
                                      WHA, Madison, WI
WHWH      Princeton, NJ            O  H)erbert W)indsor H)obler, founder
WHYL      Carlisle, PA             L  H)arrisburg, Y)ork and L)ancaster
WHYN      Springfield, MA          L  H)olY)oke-N)orthampton Note: original
                                      cities of license Holyoke-Northampton
WHYY      Philadelphia, PA         S  W)idening H)orizons for Y)ou and Y)ours
WHZN      Hazleton, PA             L  H)az)leton) note: now WKZN
WIAT      Birmingham, AL           S  I)t's A)bout T)ime, was WBMG
WIBA      Madison, WI              O  W)i)sconsin-B)a)dger Broadcasting,
                                      former owner
WIBC      Indianapolis, IN         O  I)ndiana B)roadcasting C)ompany
WIBG      Philadelphia, PA         S  I) B)elieve in G)od Note: once owned by
                                      St. Paul's Church, now WZZD
WIBH      Anna, IL                 S  I)'ll b)e h)appy
WIBU      Poynette, WI             S  W)ind i)s b)eing u)sed, was
                                      wind-powered, now WDLS
WIBW      Topeka, KS               S  W)here I)nvestments B)ring W)ealth
WICC      Bridgeport, CT           S  I)ndustrial C)enter of C)onneticut
WICE      Providence, RI           L  ICE = 'Ice' for broadcast of hockey
WICH      Norwich, CT              L  Norw)i)c)h)
WICN      Worcester, MA            S  I)nter-c)olligate N)etwork
WICO      Salisbury, MD            L  W)i)c)o)mico County, MD
WICR      Indianapolis, IN         O  I)ndiana C)entral University R)adio
                                      [now the University of Indianapolis]
WICZ      Binghamton, NY           O  Guziew)i)c)z)
WIDR      Kalamazoo, MI            O  W)estern I)nter-D)ormitory R)adio,
                                      Western Michigan University's student
WIEL      Elizabethtown, KY        L  E)l)izabethtown
WIFR      Freeport, IL             L  W)isconsin-I)llinois-F)reeport-R)ockfor
WIGM      Medford, WI              O  I)rma and G)eorge M)eyer
WIHS      Middletown, CT           S  W)e're i)n H)is S)ervice, Religious
WIIL      Kenosha, WI              L  WI)sconsin and IL)linois, postal
                                      abbreviations for the two bordering
WIIT(FM)  Chicago, IL              O  I)llinois I)nstitute of T)echnology
WIKB      Iron River, MI           L  I)ron Mountain K)ingsford B)reitung
                                      Township, original location of license
WIKE      Newport,                 VT S
WIL       St. Louis, MO            S  W)atch i)t L)ead
WILI      Willimantic, CT          L  W)i)l)li)mantic, CT
WILK      Wilkes-Barre, PA         L  W)i)l)k)es-Barre
WILL      Urbana, IL               L  University of I)l)l)inois
WILM      Wilmington, DE           L  W)i)l)m)ington, DE
WIMA      Lima, OH                 L  Li)m)a)
WIMN      Stillwater, MN           L  W)i)sconsin-M)in)nesota Note: now WEZU
WINC      Winchester, VA           L  W)i)n)c)hester
WIND      Chicago, IL              L  Gary, I)n)d)ana, original city of
WING      Dayton, OH               S  Airplane WING, birthplace of aviation
WINS      New York, NY             O  I)nternational N)ews S)ervice, Hearst
                                      Wire Service
WINV      Inverness, FL            L  I)n)v)erness
WINX      Rockville, MD            E  WINX = winks
WIOD      Miami, FL                S  W)onderful I)sle of D)reams
WIOI      Brunswick, GA            F  IOI = 101, 100.7 mHz
WION      Ionia, MI                L  I)o)n)ia
WIOO      Carlisle, PA             F  I00=100, at 1000 on the dial (shown as
                                      100 on many radios)
WIOQ(FM)  Philadelphia, PA         F  IOQ = 102, 102.1 mHz
WIOS      Tawas City, MI           L  I)O)S)co County
WIOV      Ephrata, PA              F  IOV=105 on the dial
WIOV(FM)  Ephrata, PA              F  IOV='one oh 5', Roman numeral V=5
WIP       Philadelphia, PA         L  W)ireless i)n P)hiladelphia Note: calls
                                      may have been random
WIRE      Indianapolis, IN         O  I)ndianapolis R)adio E)nterprise, now
WIRN      Buhl, MN                 S  I)ron R)an)ge
WIRO      Ironton, OH              L  I)r)o)nton
WIRQ      Irondequoit, NY          L  I)r)ondeq)oit
WIRR      Virginia-Hibbing, MN     S  I)ron R)ange R)adio
WIRT(TV)  Hibbing, MN              S  I)ron R)ange T)elevision
WIS       Columbia, SC             S  W)onderful I)odine S)tate Note: now
                                      WVOC, used on TV-10
WISC-TV   Madison, WI              L  W)i)s)c)onsin
WISM      Madison, WI              L  W)i)s)consin M)adison, now WTDA, calls
                                      used in Altoona, WI
WISN      Milwaukee, WI            O  The W)i)s)consin N)ews
WISP      Doylestown, PA           S  I)nspired by the S)p)irit (logo at
                                      site: '24-Hour All-Catholic Radio')
WISU      Terre Haute, IN          O  I)ndiana S)tate U)niversity
WITF      Harrisburg, PA           S  W)here I)t's T)op F)light
WITI(TV)  Milwaukee, WI            O  I)ndependent T)elevision I)nc.
                                      (original owner)
WITO      Ironton, OH              L  I)ront)o)n
WITR      Rochester, NY            O  I)nstitute T)echnology of R)ochester
WIUM(FM)  Macomb, IL               O  W)estern I)llinois U)niversity's
                                      M)acomb station
WIUS(FM)  Macomb, IL               O  W)estern I)llinois U)niversity's
                                      s)tudent station
WIUW(FM)  Warsaw, IL               O  W)estern I)llinois U)niversity's
                                      W)arsaw station
WIVB(TV)  Buffalo, NY              S  W)e're 4 [IV] B)uffalo, formerly
WIVS      Crystal Lake, IL         E  WIVS='Wives', for a couple owners who
                                      bought it for their wives, now WAIT
WIWB-TV   Suring, WI               S  W)i)sconsin's W)B) Network
WIWS      Beckley, WV              O  I)ra W). S)outhern
WIXT(TV)  Syracuse, NY             F  IX = Roman numeral 9 T)elevision
WIXV(FM)  Savannah, GA             F  IXV = 95 (frequency is 95.5 mHz)
WIXY      E. Longmeadow, MA        E  WIXY = Wixie Note: was WTYM, now
WIYC      St. Thomas, VI           S  I)t's Y)our C)ountry Note: now WVPI
WIZD      Rudolph, WI              E  WIZD='Wizard'
WIZF(FM)  Erlanger, KY             E  The W)I)Z) F)M
WJAB      Huntsville, AL           S  J)azz A)nd B)lues
WJAC      Johnstown, PA            O  J)ohnstown A)utomotive C)ompany
WJAD      Bainbridge, GA           O  J)ohn A). D)owdy (owner's son) Note:
                                      calls moved to Albany, GA
WJAG      Norfolk, NE              S  W)ith J)oy a)nd G)ladness
WJAR      Providence, RI           S  J)ohn A)rthur R)eilly, stations first
WJAS      Pittsburgh, PA           S  W)orld's J)olliest A)erial S)tation
WJAX      Jacksonville, FL         E  JAX = Jacks(onville)
WJBE      Knoxville, TN            O  J)ames B)rown E)nterprises
WJBK      Detroit, MI              S  J)esus, B)e K)ind Note: now WCZY(AM)
                                      (calls on TV channel 2)
WJBO      Baton Rouge, LA          O  J)enson B)roadcast O)rganization
WJBW(FM)  Jupiter, FL              S  J)uke B)ox 99.5
WJCF(FM)  Westover, WV             O  C)raig F)rankenstein Note: now WMCG(FM)
WJCL(FM)  Savannah, GA             O  J). C). L)ewis
WJCR(SW)  Upton, KY                S  W)here J)esus C)hrist R)eigns
WJDA      Quincy, MA               O  J)ames D). A)sher
WJDM      Elizabeth, NJ            O  J)ohn, D)ominick and M)ike Note: now
WJDQ      Meridian, MS             S  W)e J)ust D)on't Q)uit
WJDX      Jackson, MS              S  J)ackson D)istant X) - Transmitter (as
                                      in the old ham 'DX' lingo)
WJEL      Indianapolis, IN         O  J). E)verett L)ight Career Center
WJER      Dover/New Phila, OH      O  J)erry E). R)eeves
WJER      Dover-New Philadelphia,  O  J)eramiah E). R)eeves (father of Agnes
                                      J. R. Greer)
WJET      Erie, PA                 S  J)e)t) Note: calls have changed city
WJFK      Manassas, VA             S  J)ohn F)itzgerald K)ennedy
WJFL      Vicksburg, MS            S  W)in J)ust f)or L)istening
WJFM      Grand Rapids, MI         O  J)ohn F)etzer
WJFW-TV   Rhinelander, WI          O  J)asper F). W)illiams, owner of the TV
                                      station who was killed in a plane crash
                                      a couple of years ago
WJGS(FM)  Houghton Lake, MI        O  J)acob and G)arnett S)parks (now WUPS)
WJHP      Jacksonville, FL         O  J)ohn H). P)erry Note: once WVOJ and
                                      WQIk, now WJGR
WJHR      Flemington, NJ           S  J)ersey's H)ometown R)adio
WJIB      Cambridge, MA            S  JIB=ship part
WJIB(FM)  Boston, MA               S  JIB is a ship part Note: now WCDJ,
                                      calls on AM 740
WJIE(FM)  Louisville, KY           S  W)here J)esus i)s E)xalted
WJIL      Jacksonville, IL         S  W)here J)acksonville i)s L)istening
WJIT      New York, NY             E  JIT = Spanish, 'Hit', now WZRC
WJIW      Greenville, MS           S  W)here J)esus i)s W)orthy
WJJD      Chicago, IL              O  J). J). D)avies, now WYLL
WJJG      Elmhurst, IL             O  J)oseph J). G)entile, Inc.
WJJH      Ashland, WI              O  J)erry J)ames H)ackman, original owner,
                                      now owned by Heartland Communications
WJJZ      Philadelphia, PA         S  J)az)z), calls previously used in Mt.
                                      Holly, NJ
WJKC      St. Croix, VI            O  J)onathan K)eys C)ohen
WJKL      Elgin, IL                O  Rick J)ak)l)e
WJKY      Jamestown, KY            L  J)amestown, K)Y)
WJLA-TV   Washington, DC           O  J)oseph L). A)lbritton
WJLB      Detroit, MI              O  J)ohn L). B)ooth Broadcasting Co.
                                      Note: now WQBH(AM), calls on FM
WJLK      Asbury Park, NJ          O  J)ohn L). K)eilly (former publisher of
                                      Asbury Park Press)
WJLS(FM)  Beckley, WV              O  J)oe L). S)mith
WJMJ(FM)  Hartford, CT             S  J)esus, M)ary and J)oseph
WJML      Petoskey, MI             O  J)ohn, M)ichael, and L)inda Harrington
                                      Note: children of original owner (now
WJMN      Boston, MA               E  JMN = 'Jammin'
WJMN-TV   Escanaba, MI             O  J)ane M)orton N)orton of the station's
                                      ownership family
WJNC      Jacksonville, NC         L  J)acksonville, N)C)
WJNY      Watertown, NY            L  J)efferson County, N)ew Y)ork
WJOE      Port St. Joe, FL         L  Port St. J)o)e)
WJOI(FM)  Detroit, MI              E  JOI = Joy, once in Pittsburgh at 93.7
WJOK      Gaithersburg, MD         E  JOK='joke', had all-comedy format, now
WJOL      Joliet, IL               L  J)o)l)iet
WJON      St. Cloud, MN            O  See WWJO
WJOX      Birmingham, AL           E  JOX='Jocks, sports-talk format
WJPA      Washington, PA           S  W)ashington-J)efferson (College), P)a)
WJPC      Chicago, IL              O  J)ohnson P)ublishing C)ompany
WJPF      Herrin, IL               L  W)illiamson J)ackson P)erry F)rankin
WJPG      Green Bay, WI            O  J)ohannas (owner) P)ress-G)azette
                                      (newspaper) Note: now WNFL
WJR       Detroit, MI              O  J)ewett R)adio & Phonograph Co.
WJRD      Tuscaloosa, AL           O  J)ames R). D)oss, Jr.
WJRH      Easton, PA               S  J)ames R)enwick H)ogg, honors long-time
                                      member of the college's Board of
WJRO      Glen Burnie, MD          S  W)here J)esus R)ings O)ut
WJRT      Flint, MI                O  Original licensee W)J)R) Detroit
WJRZ(FM)  Manahawkin, NJ           E  JRZ = Jersey
WJSM      Martinsburg, PA          S  J)esu S)alvador M)undo Note: Latin:
                                      Jesus, Savior of the World
WJSN      Jackson, KY              L  J)acks)on)
WJSU      Anniston, AL             O  J)acksonville S)tate U)niversity,
                                      original licensee
WJSV      Mt. Verson Hills, VA     O  J). S). V)ance (see WTFF) Note: now
WJTL      Lancaster, PA            S  J)oy T)o the L)ord
WJTO      Bath, ME                 S  W)here J)ets T)ake O)ff, Brunswick
                                      Naval Air station is nearby
WJTV      Jackson, MS              S  J)ackson T)elev)ision
WJTW      Joliet, IL               L  J)oliet), IL
WJUB      Plymouth, WI             O  J)u)b)ilation Ministries
WJUN      Mifflinton, PA           L  J)u)n)iata County
WJUX      Monticello, NY           E  'Jukebox'
WJVL      Janesville, WI           L  J)anesv)il)le
WJVS(FM)  Cincinnati, OH           O  Great Oaks J)oint V)ocational S)chool
WJW       Cleveland, OH            O  J)ohn W)eimer Note: Originally in
                                      Mansfield, then Akron, now used on TV
WJWL      Georgetown, DE           S  W)onderful, J)ust W)onderful L)istening
WJXN      Jackson, MS              L  JXN = Jackson
WJXR(FM)  Maclenny, FL             S  J)ax)onville R)adio
WJYI      Milwaukee, WI            E  JYI='joy', Joy 1340
WJYL(FM)  Louisville, KY           S  J)oy) of L)ouisville
WJYM      Bowling Green, OH        E  JYM = Jim (owned by Jimmy Swaggart)
WJZ       Newark, NJ               L  J)erZ)ey Note: now WABC, calls on TV-13
WJZB(TV)  Worcester, MA TV         S  J)ohn Z). B)uckley, employee of WJZB,
WJZM      Clarksville, TN          O  J). Z). M)iller
WJZZ(FM)  Detroit, MI              S  J)az)z) Format
WKAD-FM   Canton, PA               O  W)atts, (K)elly and A)lan Pruse and
                                      D)ave Casselbury, original owners, now
WKAT      Miami Beach, FL          O  Frank L. Kat)zentine
WKBD(TV)  Detroit, MI              O  K)aiser B)roadcasting-D)etroit Note:
                                      now owned by Paramount
WKBG(TV)  Cambridge, MA            O  K)aiser B)roadcasting-G)lobe Note:
                                      publishers of Boston Globe, was WTAO-TV
                                      and WXHR-TV, now WLVI(TV)
WKBK      Keene, NH                O  see WKBR, Manchester, NH - K)eene
WKBR      Manchester, NH           O  K)ilgore B)arkley R)ust, original
WKBW      Buffalo, NY              S  W)ell K)nown B)ible W)itness Note: Put
                                      on air by Evangelist Clinton Churchill,
                                      now WWKB, calls on TV 7
WKCI      New Haven, CT            O  K)opps C)ommunications I)ncorporated
WKCK-FM   Chesapeake, VA           S  K)ic)k)
WKCR      New York, NY             S  K)ing's C)rown R)adio (Columbia Univ
WKDZ      Cadiz, KY                E  KDZ = Cadiz
WKEE(FM)  Huntington, WV           E  KEE = key
WKEF-TV   Dayton, OH               S  K)athryn E). F)lynn, secretary (and now
                                      wife) of original owner
WKEN      Dover, DE                L  K)e)n)t County, Delaware, now using
                                      other calls
WKER      Pompton Lakes, NJ        O  K)e)r)r [Bob Kerr] Radio Corporation
                                      Note: Now WGHT
WKEZ(FM)  Tavernier, FL            E  KEZ='Keys' EZ listening in the K)eys
WKFD      Wickford, RI             L  W)ick)f)ord)
WKFR(FM)  Kalamazoo, MI            S  K)eener F)ourteen R)adio, tribute to
                                      WKFR(AM) of Battle Creek
WKHS      Worton, MD               O  K)ent County H)igh S)chool
WKIO(FM)  Urbana, IL               S  K)eep I)t O)n
WKIP      Poughkeepsie, NY         L  PoughKIP)sie (some liberties with
WKIS(FM)  Boca Raton, FL           S  K)i)s)s
WKIZ      Key West, FL             L  KIZ = Keys
WKJC      Tawas City, MI           O  J)ohn C)arroll
WKJF      Cadillac, MI             O  J)ohn F)etzer
WKJG-TV   Ft. Wayne, IN            O  W)illaim K)unkel, president of the Ft.
                                      Wayne J)ournal-G)azette
WKJG-TV   Ft. Wayne, IN            O  W)illaim K)unkel, president of the Ft.
                                      Wayne J)ournal-G)azette
WKKD(FM)  Aurora, IL               L  K)endall, K)ane and D)uPage Counties
WKLB      Manchester, KY           O  L)arry and L)inda B)arker
WKLB(FM)  Lawrence, MA             E  KLB = Country 'Club', once used on
                                      105.7 in Framingham, MA
WKLD      Cleveland, AL            L  K)level)and), AL
WKLE(TV)  Lexington, KY            L  K)ET L)e)xington
WKLK      Cloquet, MN              E  KLK='Cloquet'
WKLN      Cullman, AL              L  K)ul)man), now WKUL
WKLO      Louisville, KY           L  K)Y-L)o)uisville Note: now WDJX, calls
                                      in Danville, KY
WKLS(FM)  Atlanta, GA              O  K)ennedy, L)atham & S)wan
WKMC      Roaring Spring, PA       O  W)alter K)ramp - M)orrison's C)ove,
WKMG(TV)  Orlando, FL              O  K)atherine M)eyer G)raham [Washington
                                      Post-owned] was WCPX
WKMI      Kalamazoo, MI            L  K)alamazoo, MI)
WKMT      Kings Mountain, NC       L  K)ings M)ount)ain
WKMU(TV)  Murray, KY               L  K)ET M)u)rray
WKMX      Enterprise, AL           E  MX='Mix'
WKNT      Kent, OH                 L  K)en)t)
WKNW      Sault Ste. Marie, MI     S  'KNOW-AM'
WKNY      Kingston, NY             L  K)ingston, N)ew Y)ork
WKOJ(FM)  Middletown, NY           S  K) from previous calls (WKGL), O)range
WKON(TV)  Owenton, KY              L  K)ET O)wen)ton
WKOR      Starkville, MS           S  K)ing o)f R)ock
WKOT      Kingston, NY             S  K)ingston, O)ur T)own, now dark
WKOW      Madison, WI              S  K)O)W) = Cow
WKPC-TV   Louisville, KY           S  K)entuckiana P)eople's C)hoice
WKPD(TV)  Paducah, KY              L  K)ET P)ad)ucah
WKPE-FM   South Yarmouth, MA       L  K)ap)e) Cod (Kod?)
WKPR      Kalamazoo, MI            O  W)illiam K)uip)er)
WKPT      Kingsport, TN            L  K)ingsp)ort), TN
WKQX(FM)  Chicago, IL              E  Chosen by then-owner NBC because it
                                      sounded experimental
WKRB(FM)  Brooklyn, NY             O  K)ingsborough College R)adio-B)rooklyn
WKRC      Cincinnati, OH           O  K)odel R)adio C)ompany
WKSE      Buffalo, NY              E  KSE = Kiss
WKSO(TV)  Somerset, KY             L  K)ET S)o)merset
WKSS      Hartford-Meriden, CT     S  K)is)s)
WKSU(FM)  Kent, OH                 O  K)ent S)tate U)niversity
WKSW-FM   Urbana, OH               E  KS='Kiss' Country 101.7
WKTI(FM)  Milwaukee, WI            S  I)-94, interstate runs through the city
WKTL(FM)  Struthers, OH            S  W)e're the K)ey t)o L)earning
WKTN      Kenton, OH               L  K)ent)on)
WKUE(FM)  Elizabethtown, KY        O  W)estern K)entucky
WKUL      Cullman, AL              L  K)u)l)lman
WKUZ-FM   Wabash, IN               S  Your Indiana K)u)z)in
WKWF      Key West, FL             L  K)ey W)est F)lorida
WKYC      Cleveland, OH            S  Originally K)Y)W; slogan at the time of
                                      call change was 'K)Y) in C)leveland'
WKYU      Bowling Green, KY        O  W)estern K)entucky U)niversity
WKZN      Kenosha, WI              L  W)aukegan K)enosha Z)ion N)ewport
WKZO      Kalamazoo, MI            L  K)alamaz)o)o, Michigan
WKZT      Fulton, KY               O  K)enneth Z). T)urner.
WKZT(TV)  Elizabethtown, KY        L  K)ET Eliz)abetht)own
WKZW      Sandersville, MS         S  K)Z) 94.3
WLAC      Nashville, TN            O  L)ife a)and C)asualty Insurance Co.
WLAD      Danbury, CT              O  L)ee a)nd D)aniel, hatmakers in Danbury
                                      in 1948
WLAN      Lancaster, PA            L  L)a)n)caster, PA
WLAP      Lexington, KY            S  W)e L)ove a)ll P)eople Note: once
                                      religious format
WLAQ      Rome, GA                 S  W)e L)augh A)t Q)uarles, competitor was
                                      co-owned by Happy Quarles
WLAT      Manchester, CT           S  L)a)t)ino Radio
WLAV      Grand Rapids, MI         O  L)eonard A). V)erslius
WLAX-TV   La Crosse, WI            L  L)a), X stands for Crosse
WLBB      Carrollton, GA           S  W)e L)ove B)utter B)eans Note: Judge
                                      Tisinger, the original owner was a big
                                      fan of butter beans
WLBL      Auburndale, WI           S  W)isconsin, L)and of B)eautiful L)akes
WLBN      Lebanon, KY              L  L)eb)an)on
WLBT(TV)  Jackson, MS              O  L)amar (Life Insurance) B)roadcast
WLCR      Torrrington, CT (dark)   L  L)itchfield C)ounty R)adio, now silent
WLCV(CC)  Louisville, KY           S  L)ouisville C)ampus V)oice
WLDB      Atlantic City, NJ        O  L)eroy & D)orothy B)remmer Note: was
                                      WUSS, now WGYM
WLDS      Jacksonville, IL         S  L)incoln D)ouglas S)tation
WLDY      Hollywood, FL            S  The L)ad)y) Note: now WLQY
WLEM      Emporium, PA             S  L)and of the E)endless M)ountain
WLER(FM)  Butler, PA               L  Butl)e)r). PA, FM sister of WBUT
WLEV(FM)  Easton, PA               L  L)e)high V)alley
WLGC(FM)  Greenup, KY              S  W)e L)ove G)reenup C)ounty
WLHS      West Chester, OH         O  L)akota H)igh S)chool
WLIB      New York, NY             L  L)i)b)erty Bank Building, original
WLIE      Islip, NY                L  L)ong I)sland E)xpressway, was WLUX
WLIM      Patchogue, NY            S  L)ong I)sland
WLIP      Kenosha, WI              O  William L)i)p)man, the founder and 40
                                      years-plus owner
WLIQ      Quincy, IL               S  W)e're L)i)ght, as in 'lite rock'
WLIR(FM)  Garden City, NY          S  L)ong I)sland R)adio Note: now WDRE(FM)
WLIS      Old Saybrook, NY         L  L)ong I)sland S)ound
WLIT(FM)  Chicago, IL              E  LIT = Lite
WLIX      Islip, NY                L  L)ong I)sland X)-roads, later WLUX, now
WLJN      Traverse City, MI        S  L)ord J)esus' N)ame
WLJS      Jacksonville, AL         O  J)acksonville S)tate University
WLKF      Lakeland, FL             L  L)ak)eland F)lorida
WLKI(FM)  Angola, IN               O  L)ak)e Cities Broadcasting, I)nc. (also
                                      refers to 101 lakes in and around area)
WLKK(FM)  Wethersfield, NY         E  LKK='Lake', Buffalo market on Lake Erie
WLKM      Three Rivers, MI         S  W)el)k)om)e
WLKW      Providence, RI           S  L)=Roman 50, K)W); was 50 Kw at 990 kHz
WLKY-TV   Louisville, KY           L  L)ouisville, K)Y)
WLLH      Lawrence, MA             L  L)owell L)awerence H)averhill, MA
WLLI      Joliet, IL               L  Read sideways, looks like 'WILL' for
                                      Will County, IL
WLLK(FM)  Burnside, KY             E  LLK='Lake', Lake 93.9
WLLV      Louisville, KY           S  L)ov)e
WLLZ(FM)  Detroit, MI              E  WLLZ = Wheels
WLMI      Kane, PA                 O  L)aurel M)edia I)ncorporated
WLMU      Syracuse, NY             O  L)eM)oyne College
WLNA      Peekskill, NY            S  L)ocal N)ews A)uthority
WLNC      Laurinburg, NC           L  L)aurinburg, N)C)
WLNE      New Bedford, MA          S  W)e L)ove N)ew E)ngland
WLNH      Laconia, NH              L  L)aconia, N)H)
WLNY-TV   Riverhead, NY            S  W)e L)ove N)ew Y)ork
WLOB      Portland, ME             S  L)o)b)ster State
WLOC      Munfordville, KY         S  W)e L)ove O)ur C)aves
WLOD      Pompano Beach, FL        S  W)onderfull L)and o)f D)reams Note: now
WLOE      Eden, NC                 S  L)and O)f E)den
WLOF      Orlando, FL              S  W)e L)ove O)rlando F)lorida Note: now
WLOH      Lancaster, OH            L  L)ancaster, O)h)io
WLOL      Minneapolis, MN          L  L)and o)f L)akes Note: now KSJN
WLOS      Asheville, NC            S  W)onderful L)and o)f S)ky
WLOU      Louisville, KY           L  L)o)u)isville, KY
WLOV-TV   Tupelo, MS               O  L)o)v)e Communications
WLOX      Biloxi, MS               L  Bil)o)x)i
WLPL      Baltimore, MD            S  L)and of P)leasant L)iving Note: now
                                      using other calls
WLQY      Hollywood, FL            E  LQY = Lucky 13
WLRE      Elloree, SC              E  LRE=Elloree
WLRH(FM)  Huntsville, AL           O  L)ibrary R)adio H)untsville
WLRN(CC)  Bethlehem, PA            S  L)ehigh R)adio N)etwork
WLRN(FM)  Miami, FL                E  L)eaRN), Note: school board station
WLRS(FM)  Louisville, KY           O  L)ouisville R)adio S)chool
WLS       Chicago, IL              S  W)orlds L)argest S)tore (once owned by
WLSD      Big Stone Gap, VA        S  W)here L)ove S)ounds D)ifferent,
WLSH      Lansford, PA             L  L)ansford S)ummit H)ill
WLSR      Lima, OH                 S  L)ima's S)oft R)ock
WLTF(FM)  Cleveland, OH            S  L)it)e F)M
WLTH      La Grange, IL            O  L)aGrange T)ownship H)igh School
WLTN      Littleton, NH            L  L)ittlet)on)
WLUC-TV   Marquette, WI            O  Former sister station of WLUK, Green
WLUK-TV   Green Bay, WI            S  L)u)ck)y 11
WLUM      West Allis, WI           S  W)e L)ove You) M)ilwaukee
WLUP      Chicago, IL              E  The L)u)p) Loop-Central Part of Chicago
WLVE(FM)  Miami Beach, FL          S  L)ov)e)
WLVI(TV)  Cambridge, MA            F  LVI = Roman numeral 56
WLVJ      Royal Palm Beach, FL     L  L)ov)e J)esus
WLVL      Lockport, NY             S  Lively) Voice) of L)ockport
WLVP(FM)  Franklin, NJ             O  L)ouis V)ander P)latte Now: WSUS (FM)
WLVT(TV)  Allentown, PA            L  L)ehigh V)alley T)elev)ision
WLW       Cincinnati, OH           S  W)orld's L)owest W)ages
WLWA(TV)  Atlanta, GA              O  Was Crosley/W)L)W) A)tlanta, now WXIA
WLWC(TV)  Columbus, OH             O  WLW C)olumbus, now WCMH(TV)
WLWD(TV)  Dayton, OH               O  WLW D)ayton
WLWI(TV)  Indianapolis, IN         O  WLW I)ndianapolis
WLWL      New York, NY             S  W)e L)isten and W)e L)earn (no longer
                                      in use)
WLWT(TV)  Cincinnati, OH           O  WLW T)elevision
WLXG      Lexington, KY            S  L)ex)ington G)old Note: changed from
                                      oldies to sports
WLXR      La Crosse, WI            S  L)a Crosse R)adio, X='Crosse'
WLYC      Williamsport, PA         L  L)y)c)oming County
WLYF(FM)  Miami, FL                E  LYF = Life
WLYH(TV)  Lancaster, PA            L  L)ancaster Y)ork H)arrisburg
WLYH-TV   Lancaster-Labanon, PA    L  L)ancaster/L)ebanon-Y)ork-H)arrisburg;
                                      dual city ID
WLYN      Lynn, MA                 L  L)y)n)n
WLYT      Cleveland, OH            S  W)e L)ove Y)ou T)ruely Note: now using
                                      other calls
WLYT(FM)  Charlotte, NC            E  'LYT'=Lite
WLZR(FM)  Milwaukee, WI            E  LZR = Laser (CD's)
WLZZ(FM)  Bryant, OH               S  WLZZ = wheels (WLLZ was already taken)
WMAD      Sun Prairie, WI          L  M)a)d)ison, suburban Madison
WMAF      Madison, FL              L  M)a)dison, F)lorida
WMAG(FM)  High Point, NC           S  M)a)g)ic
WMAJ      State College, PA        S  M)a)j)or in college (home of Penn
WMAJ-FM   Hollidaysburg, PA        S  M)a)j)ic 104.9
WMAL      Washington, DC           O  Dr. M). A). L)eese, optician
WMAM      Marinette, WI            L  M)arinette a)nd M)enominee
WMAQ      Chicago, IL              O  W)illiam) A). Q)uinn, publisher of
                                      Chicago Daily News, now WSCR
WMAQ-TV   Chicago, IL              S  W)e M)ay A)sk Q)uestions (from the TV's
                                      50th anniversary)
WMAR(TV)  Barltimore, MD           L  M)a)r)yland
WMAS      Springfield, MA          O  M)offat, A)lbert S).  Note: FCC issued
                                      call WHEU, Moffat appealed and WMAS was
                                      granted in 1932
WMAX      Grand Rapids, MI         S  M)a)x)imum News, Weather and Sports
WMAZ      Macon, GA                S  W)atch M)ercer A)ttain Z)enith Note:
                                      Mercer University
WMBA      Ambridge, PA             O  M)iners B)roadcasting-A)mbridge
WMBD      Peoria, IL               S  W)orld's M)ost B)eautiful D)rive
                                      [Grandview Drive, original location of
WMBF      Miami Beach, FL          L  M)iami B)each, F)L Note: now WQAM
WMBH      Joplin, MO               S  W)here M)emories B)ring H)appiness
WMBI      Chicago, IL              O  M)oody B)ible I)nstitute
WMBL      Morehead City, NC        S  W)here M)orehead Beaufort L)istens
WMBM      Miami Beach, FL          S  W)here M)inistry B)lesses M)any
WMBN      Petoskey, MI             L  M)ichigan's B)eautiful N)orth
WMBR(FM)  Cambridge, MA            L  W)alker M)emorial B)asement R)adio,
                                      studio located in the basement of that
                                      MIT building, formerly known as
WMBT      Shenandoah, PA           O  W)olf M)urray B)rennan T)oole, now dark
WMC       Memphis, TN              O  M)emphis C)ommercial-Appeal, Newspaper
WMCA      New York, NY             O  Hotel M)c)A)lpin
WMCB      Martinsville, IN         O  M)organ C)ounty B)roadcasters
WMCN      St. Paul, MN             O  M)acalester C)ollege
WMCR      Kalamazoo, MI            O  W)estern M)ichigan C)ollege R)adio, now
WMCR      Oneida, NY               L  M)adison C)ounty R)adio Note: 1600KHz,
                                      was WONG: 'The Wong station on the
                                      Right side of your dial'
WMCS      Milwaukee, WI            S  M)ilwaukee's C)ommunity S)tation
WMCU(FM)  Miami, FL                O  M)iami C)hristian U)niversity
WMCW      Harvard, IL              S  M)ilk C)apital of the W)orld, town
WMDC      Mayville, WI             L  M)ayville and D)odge C)ounty
WMDN(TV)  Meridian, MS             L  M)erid)ian)
WMDO      Wheaton, MD              E  M)und)o) = World (Spanish)
WMDT-TV   Salisbury, MD            S  M)aryland) T)elevision
WMEL      Melbourne, FL            L  M)e)l)bourne
WMER      Celina, OH               L  M)e)r)cer County
WMFD      Mansfield, OH            L  M)ansf)ield)
WMFL      Monticello, FL           L  M)onticello F)L)
WMFM(FM)  Milwaukee, WI            O  M)ilwaukee Journal F)M)
WMFO(FM)  Medford, MA              L  M)edf)o)rd
WMFR      High Point, NC           S  W)e M)ake F)urniture R)ight
WMGA      Moultrie, GA             S  W)atching M)oultrie G)row
WMGE(FM)  Ft. Lauderdale, FL       S  MGE='Mega' 103.5 (rhythmic oldies), was
WMGG(FM)  Columbus, OH             S  MGG = Magic
WMGK      Philadelphia, PA         E  MGK = 'Magic'
WMGM(FM)  New York, NY             O  M)etro-G)oldwyn-M)ayer, calls now in
                                      Linwood, NJ
WMGN      Madison, WI              S  M)ag)ic N)inety-eight
WMGR      Bainbridge, GA           O  M)arvin G)riffin R)adio, former GA
WMGW      Meadville, PA            O  M)arry G)ean W)inslow
WMGZ      Montgomery, AL           S  M)ontg)omery's Z)103 Note: now using
                                      other calls
WMHB      Waterville, ME           L  M)ayfower H)ill B)roadcasting, Colby
                                      College sits atop that hill
WMHC(FM)  South Hadley, MA         O  M)ount H)olyoke C)ollege
WMHT(FM)  Schenectady, NY          L  M)ohawk-H)udson T)elevision
WMHW(FM)  Mt. Pleasant, MI         S  W)e're M)oore H)all W)ireless (or Elmer
                                      Fudd version: W)e're M)oore H)all
                                      W)adio)(WMHW is Central Michigan
                                      University's student-run radio station)
WMID      Atlantic City, NJ        O  M)i)d) Atlantic Broadcasting Co.
WMIL      Milwaukee, WI            L  M)i)l)waukee
WMIN      Hudson, WI               L  Refers to adjacent M)i)n)nesota
WMIT(FM)  Black Mountain, NC       L  Mount M)i)t)chell Note: transmitter
                                      site on highest peak East of the
WMJC      Smithtown, NY            E  MJC = Magic
WMJI      Cleveland, OH            E  MJI = Magic
WMJJ      Birmingham, AL           E  MJJ='Magic'
WMJT(TV)  Milwaukee, WI            O  M)ilwaukee J)ournal T)V Note: now
WMJX      Boston, MA               E  MJX = 'magic'
WMKV      Reading, OH              L  M)aple K)noll V)illage retirement
                                      community, studio location
WMLM      Saint Louis, MI          S  W)e're the M)iddle of L)ower M)ichigan,
                                      in geographical center of Michigan's
                                      Lower Peninsula
WMLP      Milton, PA               L  M)ilton-L)ewisburg P)A
WMMM      Westport, CT             S  W)estport's M)odern M)inute M)an Note:
                                      Reference to Minuteman Statue in area
WMMN      Fairmont, WV             O  M)ansfield M). N)eely, later Senator
WMMR      Philadelphia, PA         O  M)etrom)edia R)adio
WMMS      Bath, ME                 S  W)here M)ost of M)aine is S)erved, big
                                      signal at 730 Note: now WJTO
WMMS(FM)  Cleveland, OH            O  M)etrom)edia S)tereo
WMNB      North Adams, MA          S  M)usic for the N)orthern B)erkshires
WMNC      Morganton, NC            L  M)organton, N)C)
WMNF-FM   Tampa, FL                S  M)ember-Sponsored N)on-Commercial F)M
WMNI      Columbus, OH             O  W)illiam R. M)n)i)ch, founder
WMNN      Minneapolis, MN          O  M)innesota N)ews N)etworks
WMNN      Mineapolis, MN           S  M)innesota N)ews N)etwork
WMNR      Monroe, CT               L  M)on)r)oe
WMOG      Brunswick, GA            S  W)onderful M)arshes o)f G)lynn [County]
WMOH      Hamilton, OH             L  M)iddletown-O)xford-H)amilton
WMOR      Morehead, KY             L  M)o)r)ehead, KY
WMOU      Berlin, NH               L  In the White M)o)u)ntains
WMOW      Crandon, WI              L  Sister station of W)AO)W); M)etonga
WMPS      Memphis, TN              O  M)emphis P)ress-S)cimitar, Newspaper
                                      Note: now WODZ, formerly WRVR(AM)
WMPT      South Williamsport, PA   L  W)ill M)ont P)A T)own, AM silent, FM
                                      now WZXR-FM
WMPT(TV)  Annapolis, MD            O  M)aryland P)ublic T)elevision
WMQC      Westover, WV             S  W)e're M)organtown's Q)uality C)hoice
WMQT      Marquette, MI            E  MQT='Marquette'
WMRD      Middletown, CT           L  M)iddletown R)ad)io
WMRE      Charles Town, WV         S  M)emor)ie)s 1550
WMRH      Waupun, WI               L  Refers to nearby Horicon M)ar)sh)
WMRN      Marion, OH               L  M)ar)ion), OH
WMRO      Aurora, IL               O  M)artin R). O)'Brien, now used in
                                      Gallatin, TN
WMRV      Endicott, NY             O  M)er)v) Griffin
WMRZ      South Miami, FL          E  MRZ = Memories
WMSE      Milwaukee, WI            O  M)ilwaukee S)chool of E)ngineering
WMSL      Decatur, AL              O  M)utual S)avings L)ife Insurance Note:
                                      now WAVD
WMSN-TV   Madison, WI              L  M)adis)on)
WMSP-FM   Harrisburg, PA           O  M)arket S)quare P)resbyterian C)hurch
WMSR      Manchester, TN           L  M)anches)ter), TN
WMST      Mt. Sterling, KY         L  M)t. S)t)erling
WMT       Cedar Rapids, IA         O  W)aterloo M)orning T)ribune
WMTA      Central City, KY         O  M)essenger T)imes A)rgus, newspaper
                                      (original owner) Note: 45th anniversary
                                      on 11 January 2000
WMTC      Vanceleve, KY            S  W)in M)en t)o C)hrist
WMTG      Dearborn, MI             S  M)ot)own G)old
WMTH      Park Ridge, IL           O  M)aine T)ownship H)igh School
WMTR      Morristown, NJ           L  M)orrist)own R)adio
WMTS      Murfreesboro, TN         O  M)iddle T)ennessee S)tate (call letters
                                      were donated by 810 WMTS, now WAPB)
WMTU      Houghton, MI             O  M)ichigan T)echnological U)niversity
WMTV(TV)  Madison, WI              S  M)adison T)V)
WMTW(FM)  Poland Springs, ME       L  M)t). W)ashington - transmitter
                                      location, now WHOM, TV station retains
                                      the calls
WMUA(FM)  Amherst, MA              O  M)assachusetts U)niversity - A)mherst
WMUB      Oxford, OH               O  M)iami U)niversity B)roadcasting
WMUF      Paris, TN                O  M)u)f)fin, name of owner's dog
WMUK(FM)  Kalamazoo, MI            O  W)estern M)ichigan
WMUL      Huntington, WV           O  M)arshall U)niversity
WMUS      Muskegon, MI             L  M)u)s)kegon
WMUU      Greenville, SC           O  W)orld's M)ost U)nusual U)niversity
                                      Note: Bob Jones University
WMVS(TV)  Milwaukee, WI            O  M)ilwaukee V)ocational S)chool,
                                      original name of the licensee, which is
                                      now known as Milwaukee Area Technical
WMVY(FM)  Tisbury, MA              L  M)artha's V)iney)ard
WMXJ(FM)  Pompano Beach, FL        E  MXJ = Magic
WMXQ      Birmingham, AL           E  MXQ='Mix', now WYSF
WMXS      Montgomery, AL           E  MX='Mix'
WMYR      Ft. Myers, FL            L  Ft. M)y)er)s
WMYX(FM)  Milwaukee, WI            E  MYX = mix
WNAB      Bridgeport, CT           S  We're N)uts a)bout B)ridgeport, now
WNAH      Nashville, TN            L  Na)sh)ville, TN OR W)ith N)ews A)bout
WNAM      Neenah, WI               L  N)eenah a)nd M)enasha
WNAN-FM   Nantucket. MA            L  N)a)n)tucket
WNAO(TV)  Raleigh, NC              O  N)ews a)nd O)bserver (newspaper) Note:
                                      now WRDC, channel 28
WNAR      Murfreesboro, TN         S  W)e N)eed A) R)adio! Note: now WMTS
                                      (was used when the station was on the
                                      cable system, as a promotional tool to
                                      get support for student radio at Middle
                                      Tennessee State University)
WNAS(FM)  New Albany, IN           O  N)ew A)lbany High S)chool
WNAT      Philadelphia, PA         S  W)e N)ever a)re T)ired Note: station no
                                      longer exists
WNAV      Annapolis, MD            L  N)a)v)al Academy in Annapolis
WNAW      North Adams, MA          L  N)orth A)dams
WNAX      Yankton, SD              S  N)orth A)merican Ex)periment Note:
                                      Slogan used in 1922 by the Federal
                                      Radio Apparatus Company, the
                                      Yankton-based transmitter manufacturer
                                      (original licensee)
WNBC      New Britain, CT          L  N)ew B)ritain, C)t Note: now used on
                                      channel 4 in New York City
WNBC(TV)  New York, NY             O  N)ational B)roadcasting C)ompany (once
                                      also on AM 660)
WNBF      Binghamton, NY           S  W)ins N)ew B)inghamton F)riends
WNBH      New Bedford, MA          L  N)ew B)edford H)otel
WNBI      Park Falls, WI           O  N)orthland B)roadcasting, I)nc., former
WNBK(TV)  Cleveland, OH            O  N)B)C K)leveland (they couldn't use
WNBP      Newburyport, MA          L  N)ewb)uryport)
WNBQ(TV)  Chicago, IL              O  N)B)C, sister to WMAQ), call now
WNBT(TV)  New York, NY             O  N)B)C T)elevision (later WRCA-TV, now
WNBW(TV)  Washington, DC           O  N)B)C W)ashington Note: now WRC-TV
WNBY      Newberry, MI             L  N)ewB)errY), MI
WNCB      Duluth, MN               O  N)orth C)entral Christian B)roadcasting
WNCI(FM)  Columbus, OH             O  N)ationwide C)ommunications, I)nc.
WNCK-FM   Nantucket, MA            L  N)antuc)k)et
WNCN(FM)  New York, NY             O  N)ew York C)oncert N)etwork
WNCY(FM)  Green Bay, WI            S  N)ew C)ountrY
WNDB      Daytona Beach, FL        L  D)aytona B)each
WNDE      Indianapolis, IN         E  NDE = Indy
WNDR      Syracuse, NY             S  Your W)on)d)er) Station at 1260 on the
WNDT(TV)  Newark, NJ               S  N)ew D)imensions in T)elevision, now
WNDU      South Bend, IN           O  N)otre D)ame U)niversity
WNDY-TV   Marion, IN               E  NDY='Indy' (Indianspolis)
WNEB      Worcester, MA            O  N)ew E)ngland B)roadcasting
WNEC      Henniker, NH             O  N)ew E)ngland C)ollege
WNEK      Springfield, MA          O  W)estern N)ew E)ngland K)(c)ollege
WNEM      Flint, MI                O  N)orthe)astern M)ichigan Corp.,
                                      original owner
WNEP(TV)  Scranton, PA             L  N)orthe)ast P)ennsylvania
WNET(TV)  Newark, NJ               O  N)ational E)ducational T)elevision
WNEU(CC)  Boston, MA               O  N)orthE)astern U)niversity Note:
                                      student carrier current station at 560
                                      kHz from 1961 to 1968, now WRBB at
WNEW      New York, NY             L  N)e)w) York Note: now WBBR
WNFA-FM   Port Huron, MI           S  W)onderful N)ews F)or A)ll
WNFL      Green Bay, WI            S  N)ational F)ootball L)eague
WNGC(FM)  Athens, GA               S  N)orth G)eorgia C)ountry
WNHC      New Haven, CT            L  N)ew Haven, C)onnecticut
WNHS      Newcomerstown, OH        O  N)ewcomerstown H)igh S)chool (LPFM)
WNHV      White River Jct, VT      L  N)ew H)ampshire-V)ermont
WNIB(FM)  Chicago, IL              O  N)orthern I)llinois B)roadcasting
WNIC      Detroit, MI              E  NIC = Nice
WNIJ(FM)  DeKalb, IL               S  N)orthern I)llinois University's j)azz
WNIN-TV   Evansville, IN           F  Channel N)i)n)e
WNIU(FM)  Rockford, IL             O  N)orthern I)llinois U)niversity
WNJO      Trenton, NJ              S  N)ew J)ersey's O)ldies Note: was WCHR
WNJR      Newark, NJ               L  N)ew J)ersey R)adio
WNJU(TV)  Linden, NJ               L  N)ew J)resey U)HF
WNKU      Highland Heights, OH     O  N)orthern K)entucky U)niversity
WNLC      New London, CT           L  N)ew L)ondon C)onneticut
WNLK      Norwalk, CT              L  N)orwal)k), CT
WNMT      Nashwauk, MN             S  N)orthern M)innesota's T)alk Radio
WNMU      Marquette, MI            O  N)orthern M)ichigan U)niversity
WNNC      Newton, NC               L  N)ewton, N)C)
WNND(FM)  Chicago, IL              E  WNND='Windy'
WNNE-TV   White River Jct, VT      L  N)orthern N)ew E)ngland
WNNJ      Newton, NJ               L  N)ewton N)ew J)ersey
WNNK      Harrisburg, PA           E  WNNK = Wink
WNNO      Wisconsin Dells, WI      F  N)ine N)ine O)h, Former Frequency
WNNY      New York, NY             S  N)oticias N)ueva Y)ork, was WBNX, WKDM
WNOE      New Orleans, LA          O  James A. Noe)
WNOG      Naples, FL               L  N)aples O)n the G)ulf
WNOP      Newport, KY              L  N)ewp)o)rt
WNOR      Norfolk, VA              L  Nor)folk, VA
WNOU      Indianapolis, IN         E  NOU='now' - Radio Now, now WIBC
WNOV      Milwaukee, WI            S  W)isconsin's N)egroes' O)wn V)oice
WNOW      York, PA                 O  N)aomi O). W)illiams, wife of the owner
                                      HJ Williams
WNOX      Knoxville, TN            L  Kn)o)x)ville, TN Note: now WIVK(AM)
WNPB      Morgantown, WV           O  W)est Virginia N)orthern P)ublic
                                      B)roadcasting or in jest, W)e N)eed
                                      P)ledge B)reaks
WNPE      Watertown, NY            O  N)orth Country P)ublic E)ducation
WNPI      Watertown, NY            S  N)orth Country P)ublic I)nformation
WNPR      Norwich, CT              S  N)orwich P)ublic R)adio
WNPT      Northport, AL            L  N)orthp)ort)
WNPT(TV)  Nashville, TN            O  N)ashville P)ublic T)elevison
WNPV      Lansdale, PA             S  N)orth P)enn V)alley
WNQM      Nashville, TN            S  N)ashville Q)uality M)inistries
WNRB      Boston, MA               O  N)ational R)religious B)roadcasters,
                                      onetime owner, formerly WMEX, WITS,
WNRE      Circleville, OH          O  N)elson R). E)mbrey, founder, note: now
WNRI      Woonsocket, RI           L  N)orthern R)hode I)sland
WNSB      Norfolk, VA              O  N)orfolk S)tate University
WNSH      Beverly, MA              L  N)orth S)h)ore
WNSI      Jacksonville, AL         S  N)ews, S)ports and I)nformation
WNSR      Lynn, MA                 S  N)orth S)hore R)adio Note: now WLYN
WNSR      Brentwood, TN            S  N)ashville's S)ports R)adio
WNST      Milton, WV               O  N)aseeb S). T)weel Note: Now WZZW
WNTA(TV)  Newark, NJ               O  N)ational T)elefilm A)ssociates (Now:
WNTH(FM)  Winnetka, IL             O  N)ew T)rier H)igh School
WNTI(FM)  Hackettstown, NJ         F  NTI = Ninty-One mHz
WNTK      New London, NH           S  N)ews T)alk) Radio
WNTM      Mobile, AL               S  News)-T)alk M)obile, was WKRG
WNTN      Newton, MA               L  N)ewt)on)
WNTP      Philadelphia, PA         S  N)ews T)alk P)hiladelphia, was WZZD and
WNTQ(FM)  Syracuse, NY             F  Ninety T)hree Q)uality
WNTR      Silver Spring, MD        S  N)ews-T)alk R)adio
WNTS      Indianapolis, IN         S  N)ews T)alk S)ports, now Hispanic was
WNUA      Chicago, IL              S  NU='new' N)u) A)ge
WNUR      Evanston, IL             O  N)orthwestern U)niversity R)adio
WNVE      Rochester, NY            S  The N)erv)e)
WNVR      Naugatuck, CT            L  N)augatuck V)alley R)adio
WNVT      Parkersburg, WV          S  V)alley's N)ews T)alk
WNVY      Pensacola, FL            S  N)av)y), a big part of Pensacola's past
                                      and present
WNWC      Madison, WI              O  N)orthw)estern C)ollege
WNWC      Madison, WI              O  N)orth W)estern C)ollege
WNWK(FM)  Newark, NJ               L  N)ew)ark), was WHBI, now WCAA
WNWN(FM)  Coldwater, MI            E  Revised form of WANG, calls from
                                      1972-77 Note: was WTVB-FM from
WNWO(TV)  Toledo, OH               L  N)orthw)est O)hio, formerly WDHO
WNWS      South Miami, FL          S  N)ew)s)-Talk Note: now WMRZ
WNYC      New York, NY             L  N)ew Y)ork C)ity
WNYE(FM)  New York, NY             O  N)Y) Department of E)ducation
WNYG      Babylon, NY              S  N)ew Y)ork G)ospel
WNYH      Huntington, NY           L  N)ew Y)ork H)untington, was WGSM
WNYT(TV)  Albany, NY               S  W)atch (or W)e're?) N)ew Y)ork
WNYU(FM)  New York, NY             O  N)ew Y)ork U)niversity
WNYW(SW)  New York, NY             O  Radio N)ew Y)ork W)orldwide Note: now
WOAI      San Antonio, TX          S  W)orld O)f A)griculture I)nformation
WOAK(FM)  La Grange, GA            O  O)a)k)side Christian School
WOAY      Oak Hill, WV             L  was to be WOAK (Oak Hill), handwritten
                                      FCC application was misread
WOBL      Oberlin, OH              L  O)b)erl)in
WOBM(FM)  Toms River, NJ           L  O)cean B)urlington M)onmouth
WOBN      Westerville, OH          O  O)tterb)ein) College
WOBO      Batavia, OH              L  B)atavia O)H
WOBR      Wanchese, NC             S  W)onderful O)uter B)anks R)adio (on
WOC       Davenport, IA            S  W)orld o)f Chiropractic, Palmer School
WOCA      Ocala, FL                L  O)c)ala)
WOCB      West Yarmouth, MA        L  O)sterville, C)ape Cod, B)arnstable
WOCG      Huntsville, AL           O  O)akwood C)olleg)e
WOCN      Miami, FL                E  OCN = Ocean
WOCN-FM   Orleans, MA              S  O)c)ean) 104
WOCO      Oconto, WI               L  O)c)o)nto
WOCQ(FM)  Berlin/Ocean City, MD    L  O)cean C)ity
WODE(FM)  Easton, PA               E  ODE=O)ld)ie)s
WODL      Birmingham, AL           E  ODL='Oldies'
WODS(FM)  Boston, MA               S  O))d)ies) 103
WOFL(TV)  Orlando, FL              L  O)rlando F)l)orida
WOFX      Cincinnati, OH           S  The F)ox)
WOGB      Kaukauna, WI             L  O)shkosh-G)reen B)ay
WOGL(FM)  Philadelphia, PA         S  O)ld G)ol)d
WOIO(TV)  Cleveland, OH            L  O)hi)o)
WOIR      Homestead, FL            E  OIR = HEAR in Spanish
WOKY      Milwaukee, WI            E  Mil-w)o)k)y
WOLC(FM)  Princess Anne, MD        S  W)atch, O)ur L)ord C)ometh, non-profit
                                      Christian station
WOLF      Syracuse, NY             S  Memorable name and image for 'WOLF'
WOLM      Lake Mary, FL            L  L)ake M)ary
WOLS      Florence, SC             O  O). L)ee S)tone
WOMC      Detroit, MI              L  W)ayne O)akland & M)acomb Counties
WOMI      Owensboro, KY            O  O)wensboro M)essenger I)Inquirer,
WOMN      Hamden, CT               S  W)om)an), now WQUN [was targeting
WOMR-FM   Provincetown, MA         S  O)uter M)ost R)adio
WOMT      Manitowoc, WI            S  O)ver M)anitowoc T)heatre (site of
                                      original studios)
WOND      Pleasantville, NJ        S  W)o)n)d)erful Music
WONE      Dayton, OH               O  Group O)n)e) Broadcasting, see WTUE
WOOD      Grand Rapids, MI         L  Wood, used in furniture making
WOPA      Oak Park, IL             L  O)ark P)ark A)rms Hotel
WOR       New York, NY             S  W)orld o)f R)adio
WORC      Worcester, MA            L  Worc)ester, MA
WORD(FM)  Pittsburgh, PA           S  Word of God (religious format)
WORG      Orangeburg, SC           S  W)atching O)rangeburg's R)apid G)rowth
                                      Note: now on FM in Elloree, SC
WORK      York, PA                 L  Yo)r)k), later WZIX and WOYK
WORL      Christmas, FL            L  O)r)l)ando, in Orlando metro, calls
                                      once in Boston
WOSH      Oshkosh, WI              L  Oshkosh, WI
WOSU      Columbus, OH             O  O)hio S)tate U)niversity
WOTV(TV)  Grand Rapids, MI         O  Modification of WOOD-TV after WOOD
                                      AM-FM sold TV station in early
                                      seventies and kept rights to WOOD call
                                      sign Note: now, current owner LIN
                                      Broadcasting is re-using WOOD-TV sign
                                      on Channel 8 and shifted WOTV sign to
                                      the former WUHQ(TV) Channel 41 Battle
                                      Creek, MI, which it is LMAing
WOTX      Lunenburg, VT            S  The O)ut)law
WOUB      Athens, OH               O  W)e're O)hio U)niversity B)roadcasting
WOUC      Cambridge, OH            O  O)hio U)niversity-C)ambridge
WOW       Omaha, NE                O  W)oodmen o)f the W)orld Insurance Co.
WOWK(TV)  Huntington, WV           L  O)hio W)est Virginia K)entucky
WOWO      Ft. Wayne, IN            S  Ft. W)ayne o)ffers W)onderful
WOYK      York, PA                 S  Baltimore Radio Show bought the station
                                      in the 80's, tried to return to the
                                      original call letters. They were not
                                      available, so this was the next best
WPAD      Paducah, KY              L  P)a)d)ucah, Kentucky
WPAM      Pottsville, PA           L  P)ottsville A)mplitude M)odulation
WPAT      Paterson, NJ             L  Pat)erson, NJ
WPAW      Pawtucket, RI            L  P)a)w)tucket, later WXTR, WGNG, WICE,
WPBC      Bangor, ME               O  P)enobscot B)roadcasting C)ompany
WPBG(FM)  Peoria, IL               S  P)eoria's B)ig) Oldies
WPBN(TV)  Traverse City, MI        O  P)aul B)unyan Network)
WPBR      Palm Beach, FL           L  P)alm B)each R)adio
WPCD(FM)  Champaign, IL            O  P)arkland C)ollege D)istrict
WPCF(FM)  Panama City, FL          L  P)anama C)ity F)lorida
WPCH(FM)  Atlanta, GA              E  PCH = Peach
WPCK      Kaukauna, WI             S  Green Bay P)ac)k)ers
WPCN      Mount Pocono, PA         L  P)oc)on)o Mountains
WPCS(FM)  Pensacola, FL            O  P)ensacola C)hristian S)chool
WPCT      Putnam, CT               L  P)utnam, C)T)
WPDH(FM)  Poughkeepsie, NY         L  P)oughkeepsie D)utchess County H)udson
WPDR      Portage, WI              O  P)ortage D)aily R)egister, newspaper
WPDR      Portage, WI              O  P)ortage D)aily R)egister
WPEN      Philadelphia, PA         O  William Pen)n Broadcasting
WPEO      Peoria, IL               L  P)e)o)ria, IL
WPFB      Middletown, OH           O  P)aul F). B)radon
WPFL(FM)  Winter Park, FL          L  W)inter P)ark F)L)
WPFM      Providence, RI           S  P)rovidence F)M), now WBRU
WPFP      Park Falls, WI           L  P)ark F)alls P)hillips
WPFR(FM)  Terre Haute, IN          O  P)aul F)ord R)adio
WPFW      Washington, DC           O  P)acifica F)oundation W)ashington
WPG       Atlantic City, NJ        S  W)orld's P)layg)round Note: merged with
WPGB(FM)  Pittsburgh, PA           L  P)ittsb)urg)h
WPGC(FM)  Morningside, MD          L  P)rince G)eorges C)ounty, MD
WPGH-TV   Pittsburgh, PA           L  P)ittsburg)h)
WPGR      Monroeville, PA          S  W)e're P)ittsbugh G)ospel R)adio
WPGU(FM)  Urbana, IL               L  P)arade G)round U)nit Note: where some
                                      post WW-II hammers set up a lot of
                                      their equipment, now a dormitory for U
                                      of I students
WPHB      Philipsburg, PA          L  P)h)ilipsburg)
WPHG      Atmore, AL               S  W)e P)roclaim H)is G)lory
WPHM      Port Huron, MI           L  P)ort H)uron, M)ichigan
WPHR(FM)  Cleveland, OH            E  PHR = 'Power' FM
WPHT      Philadelphia, PA         S  W)e're P)hiladelphia's T)alk S)tation
                                      Note: was WPTS (briefly) and WCAU
WPIT      Pittsburgh, PA           L  P)i)t)tsburgh, Pennsylvania
WPIX(TV)  New York, NY             E  PIX = Picture, Daily News-NY's Picture
WPJB(FM)  Providence, RI           O  P)rovidence-J)ournal B)ulletin
WPJK      Orangeburg, SC           S  W)e P)roclaim J)esus K)ing
WPKE      Pikeville, KY            L  P)ik)e)ville
WPKN(FM)  Bridgeport, CT           S  P)urple K)night N)etwork Note:
                                      originally the campus station for the
                                      University of Bridgeport (Purple
WPLA      Plant City, FL           L  P)l)a)nt City Note: now WFNS
WPLB      Lakeview, MI             O  P)aul L)ewis B)roadcasting
WPLG(TV)  Miami, FL                O  P)hilip L)eslie G)raham [Washington
WPLJ      New York, NY             S  W)hite P)ort & L)emon J)uice, R&B song
WPLM      Plymouth, MA             L  P)l)ym)outh or W)e P)lay L)ovely M)usic
WPLR(FM)  New Haven, CT            S  P)opul)ar) 99, Note: now AOR
WPLW      Carnegie, PA             S  W)e P)reach the L)iving W)ord, now WZUM
                                      once again
WPLY      Plymouth, IL             L  P)l)y)mouth, WI
WPLY      Philadelphia, PA         S  W)e P)l)ay)
WPMT      York, PA                 S  P)ennsylvania M)ovie T)ime, when it
                                      switched from CBS to independent in the
                                      early 1980's it showed mostly movies
WPNA      Oak Park, IL             O  P)olish N)ational A)lliance
WPNC      Plymouth, NC             L  P)lymouth, N)C)
WPNE-TV   Green Bay, WI            S  P)ublic N)ews and E)ducation
WPNF      Brevard, NC              L  P)isgah N)ational F)orest
WPNH      Plymouth, NH             L  P)lymouth, N)H)
WPOE      Greenfield, MA           L  P)o)e)t's Seat Tower, local landmark,
                                      now WGAM
WPOM      Riviera Beach, FL        E  POM = 'Palm' trees
WPON      Pontiac, MI              L  Pontiac, MI
WPOP      Hartford, CT             S  P)o)p)ular Music, Now All News
WPOR      Portland, ME             L  P)o)r)tland
WPOW(FM)  Miami, FL                S  P)o)w)er 96
WPPA      Pottsville, PA           L  P)ottsville P)A)
WPPJ(CC)  Pittsburgh, PA           S  P)oint P)ark (College) J)ournalism
WPQR(FM)  Uniontown, PA            S  W)estern P)ennsylvania Q)uality R)adio
WPRB(FM)  Princeton, NJ            O  P)rinceton R)adio B)roadcasting
WPRE      Prairie du Chien, WI     E  PRE='Prairie'
WPRI(TV)  Providence, RI           L  P)rovidence, R)hode I)sland
WPRK(FM)  Winter Park, FL          L  W)inter P)ar)k)
WPRO      Providence, RI           L  Pro)vidence, Rhode Island
WPRR      Altoona, PA              S  P)ennsylvania R)ailr)oad Note: Altoona:
                                      Major railroad center
WPRW      Manassas, VA             L  P)r)ince W)illiam County
WPRY      Perry, FL                L  P)err)y)
WPRZ      Evanston, IL             E  PRZ = Praise (Religious Format)
WPSC-FM   Wayne, NJ                O  W)illiam P)aterson S)tate C)ollege
WPSE      Erie, PA                 O  P)enn S)tate, E)rie
WPSL      Port St. Lucie, FL       L  P)ort S)t. L)ucie
WPSL      Monroeville, PA          O  P)unchy S)ylves L)eib, owner's
                                      daughter, later WRUA
WPST(FM)  Trenton, NJ              S  P)as)sport) Radio
WPTB      Statesboro, GA           S  W)onderful P)lace t)o B)e
WPTF      Raleigh, NC              S  W)e P)rotect T)he F)amily, slogan of
                                      owner: Durham Life Insurance Company
WPTR      Albany, NY               O  P)at)r)oon Broadcasting Co.
WPTT      McKeesport, PA           L  P)it)t)sburg, was channel 22, now AM
WPTZ(TV)  Plattsburg, NY           E  PTZ = Plattsburg
WPVI(TV)  Philadelphia, PA         F  P)hilly VI=6 (TV channel 6)
WPVL      Platteville, WI          L  P)lattev)il)le
WPVQ      Greenfield, MA           L  P)ioneer V)alley
WPXC-FM   Hyannis, MA              E  PXC='Pixy'
WPXH      Gadsden, AL              S  P)ax) TV Network
WPXI(TV)  Pittsburgh, PA           F  P)ittsburgh XI=11 (TV channel 11)
WPXN(TV)  New York, NY             O  P)ax)on N)et
WPXT      Portland, ME             S  P)ortland Fox) T)elevision, now
                                      affiliated with WB
WPZA      Ann Arbor, MI            O  P)iz)za) (Domino's Pizza) Note: now
WPZM      Athens, AL               E  PZM='Possum'
WQAM      Miami, FL                S  W)e Q)uit a)t M)idnight, a long time
WQBA      Miami, FL                E  QBA = Cuba, Spanish format
WQBC      Vicksburg, MS            S  W)e Q)uote B)ettter C)otton
WQCC      La Crosse, WI            S  C)oulee C)ountry
WQCR(FM)  Burlington, VT           S  Q)ueen C)ity R)ock Note: now WOKO
WQCY      Quincy, IL               L  Q)uinc)y), IL
WQDR      Raleigh, NC              S  Q)uad)r)aphonic, from early 1970's when
                                      FM quad technology debuted
WQDY      Calais, ME               L  Q)uod)dy) Bay, located to the south of
                                      the city
WQEC-TV   Quincy, IL               S  Q)uincy E)ducational C)hannel
WQED-FM   Pittsburgh, PA           S  Q)uod E)rat D)emonstrandum, Latin for
                                      'that which was to be demonstrated, has
WQEW      New York, NY             E  QEW = NEW (as close as they could get
                                      to WNEW) Note: formerly WQXR(AM)
WQFM      Milwaukee, WI            S  Allegedly Q)uiet F)or M)ilwaukee (now
WQIN      Lykens, PA               O  Q)ui)nn) Note: now dark
WQLR(FM)  Kalamazoo, MI            S  Cl)ear) 106.5 FM (when it was MOR; now
                                      hot AC with slogan 'Q-Lite 106.5')
WQLV      Millersburg, PA          S  L)ov)e 99 FM
WQNF(FM)  Valley Station, KY       O  Co-owned with W)Q)M)F
WQOW      Eau Claire, WI           L  Sister station of W)KO)W); Q = Eau
WQPM      Princeton, MN            S  Q)uick P)ower M)agnet Note: now KCLI
WQQQ      Easton, PA               F  QQQ = 99.9 mHz, now in Sharton, CT
                                      (103.3 mHz)
WQQQ(FM)  Sharon, CT               S  Q)-103 FM
WQRA      Warrenton, VA            S  W)arrenton's Q)uality R)a)dio Note: now
WQSR-FM   Sarasota, FL             S  Q)uality S)tereo R)ock, calls now in
WQSV      Ashland City, TN         L  W)onderful Q)uaint S)ycamore V)alley
WQTE      Adrian, MI               E  QTE = Cutie
WQVR      Rochester, NY            S  The R)iver)
WQXI      Atlanta, GA              S  QXI = 'Quixie' in Dixie
WQXQ(FM)  New York, NY             O  FM sister to WQXR (call now WQXR)
WQXR(FM)  New York, NY             E  W2XR, Derived from Experimental Call
WQYT(FM)  Binghamton, NY           E  QYT = Quiet as in 'Your Quiet Island'
                                      Note: now WHWK(FM)
WRAC      Racine, WI               L  R)a)c)ine, WI
WRAL-FM   Raleigh, NC              L  R)a)l)eigh, NC
WRAN      Dover, NJ                L  R)an)dolph Township Note: now dark
WRAS(FM)  Atlanta, GA              O  R)adio a)t S)tate (Georgia State
WRBA      Homestead, FL            O  R)edlands B)roadcasting Note: now WOIR
WRBB(FM)  Boston, MA               S  R)adio B)ack B)ay Note: evolved from
                                      carrier current WNEU
WRBC      Jackson, MS              O  R)ebel B)roadcasting C)ompany (now
WRBD      Pompano Beach, FL        S  R)adio B)roward) or R)ockin' B)ig
WRBH(FM)  New Orleans, LA          O  R)adio for the B)lind and H)andicapped
WRBQ      Tampa, FL                O  R)alph B)eaver (Chief Engineer)
WRBR(FM)  South Bend, IN           S  W)here R)iver B)end R)ocks
WRBS      Baltimore, MD            S  R)eligious B)roadcasting S)ervice
WRC       Washington, DC           O  R)adio C)orporation of America Note:
                                      now WWRC
WRCA      New York, NY             O  R)adio C)orporation of A)merica Note:
                                      now WFAN (formerly WNBC (again), WRCA,
                                      WNBC and WEAF), calls used in Waltham,
WRCB      Chattanooga, TN          O  R)ust C)raft B)roadcasting
WRCG      Columbus, GA             S  W)onderful R)adio C)olumbus G)eorgia
WRCH      New Britain, CT          S  R)ic)h) Music Note: became WRCQ
WRCH(FM)  New Britain, CT          O  R)adio C)orporation of H)artford,
                                      original owner
WRCK      Chicago, IL              S  The R)oc)k), now WLS-FM
WRCN(FM)  Riverhead, NY            O  R)iverhead C)on)temporary
WRCO      Richland Center, WI      L  R)ichland C)o)unty
WRCT(FM)  Pittsburgh, PA           O  R)adio C)arnegie T)ech
WRCU      Hamilton, NY             O  R)adio C)olgate U)niversity
WRCV-TV   Philadelphia, PA         O  R)C)A V)ictor (based across the river
                                      in Camden), now KYW-TV
WRCX-TV   Dayton, OH               O  R)oss C)ommunications Ex)cellent
WRDB      Reedsburg, WI            L  R)eed)sb)urg
WRDI      Egg Harbor City, NJ      O  James R)od)eo I)nc.
WRDU(FM)  Raleigh, NC              L  R)D)U)-Airport Symbol for
WRDW      Augusta, GA              S  W)here R)adio d)oes W)ander
WRDZ      LaGrange, IL             O  R)adio D)isney
WREC      Memphis, TN              O  W)ooten R)adio and E)lectric C)ompany
WREF      Ridgefield, CT           L  R)idge)f)ield, also R)adio E)ight
WREK(FM)  Atlanta, GA              E  REK='wreck' Ramblin' wreck from Georgia
WREL      Lexington, VA            S  R)obert E). L)ee (Burried at Washington
                                      & Lee Univ)
WREN      Topeka, KS               O  Jenny W)r)e)n) Flour Company, now KKHK,
                                      Kansas City
WREO      Ashtabula, OH            O  R)adio E)nterprises of O)hio Note: now
WRET(TV)  Charlotte, NC            O  R)obert E)dward T)urner Note: now WCNC
WREV-FM   Cambridge, MN            S  R)e)v)olution Radio Note: now KZNT
WREX      Rockford, IL             O  Named for son of original owner L.E.
                                      Caster, Rex N. Caster, who was killed
                                      in action during World War II.
WRFC      Athens, GA               S  W)e're R)adio's F)irst C)hoice
WRFL(FM)  Lexington, KY            S  R)adio F)ree L)exington
WRFM      Hialeah, FL              S  R)adio F)am)iliar
WRFT      Indianapolis, IN         O  R)adio F)ranklin T)ownship Schools
WRFW      River Falls, WI          L  R)iver F)alls W)I
WRGA      Rome, GA                 L  R)ome G)eorgia)
WRGB(TV)  Schenectady, NY          S  W). R). G.) B)aker, GE engineer, head
                                      of the NTSC
WRGP-FM   Homestead, FL            S  R)adio G)olden P)anther, Florida
                                      International University's mascot
WRGT-TV   Dayton, OH               S  R)eal G)ood T)elevision or W)rig)ht)
                                      before your eyes, Dayton is home of the
                                      Wright Brothers
WRHC      Coral Gables, FL         S  R)adio H)avana C)uba
WRHN      Rhinelander, WI          L  R)h)in)elander
WRHO-FM   Oneonta, NY              S  Was W)arrior R)adio H)artwick O)neonta,
                                      now R)adio H)artwick O)neonta
WRHU(FM)  Hempstead, NY            O  R)adio H)ofstra U)niversity
WRHY(FM)  Starview, PA             S  R)adio H)arrisburg-Y)ork
WRIB      Providence, RI           O  R)I) B)roadcasting
WRIF(FM)  Detroit, MI              S  RIF=The 'riff'
WRIP      Windham, NY              S  RIP='Rip' van Winkle (lived in Greene
WRIZ      Coral Gables, FL         S  RIZ = Rise to the Right Side of Your
                                      Dial Note: now WRHC
WRJC      Mauston, WI              L  R)adio J)uneau C)ounty
WRJL      Eva, AL                  S  W)e R)ejoice in J)esus our L)ord
WRJN      Racine, WI               O  R)acine J)ournal N)ews
WRJN      Racine, WI               O  R)acine J)ournal N)ews
WRJO      Eagle River, WI          O  R)oger and Mary J)o) Utnehmer, ex wife
WRKC(FM)  Wilkes-Barre, PA         O  R)adio K)ing's C)ollege
WRKL      New City, NY             L  R)ock)l)and County
WRKO      Boston, MA               O  RKO)-General Broadcasting
WRKR      Racine, WI               L  R)acine-K)enosha-R)ock counties
WRKR(FM)  Portage, MI              S  The Classic R)ock)er) Note: now
                                      classic-leaning AOR
WRKT      Erie, PA                 S  R)ock)et) Note: now using other calls
WRKU      Forestville, WI          O  R)oger and K)aren U)tnehmer
WRKY      Hollidaysburg, PA        S  R)ock)y) 104.9
WRKY(FM)  Steubenville, OH         E  RKY = Rocky
WRLL      Berwyn, IL               E  RLL='real' Real Oldies 1690
WRLU      Algoma, WI               O  R)oger L). U)tnehmer
WRM       Urbana, IL               S  W)e R)each M)illions Note: now WILL
WRMR      Cleveland, OH            S  R)em)ember) (MOYL-type format)
WRMT      Rocky Mount, NC          L  R)ocky M)ount)
WRNG      Atlanta, GA              S  R)in)g) named for Atlanta highway
                                      permimiter known as the 'ring' (now
WRNL      Richmond, VA             O  R)ichmond N)ews-L)eader, Newspaper
WRNN(TV)  Kingston, NY             S  R)egional N)ews N)etwork Note: formerly
WRNO(FM)  New Orleans, LA          S  R)ock of N)ew O)rleans
WRNW(FM)  Mount Kisco, NY          S  W)onderful R)adio N)orthern
                                      W)estchester Notes: now: WYNY,
                                      RNW-107.1 is where Howard Stern got his
                                      start. COL was moved to Briarcliff
WROA      Gulfport, MS             S  W)onderful R)ivera o)f A)merica
WROC      Rochester, NY            L  R)o)c)hester Note: now WPXY(AM) (calls
                                      on TV channel 8)
WROK      Rockford, IL             L  R)o)ck)ford, IL
WROL      Boston, MA               S  relationship to WORL, longtime previous
                                      set of calls
WROS      Scottsboro, AL           S  Wild R)o)s)e of Scottsboro, now WZCT
WROZ-FM   Lancaster, PA            E  ROZ='rose', was WGAL-FM
WRPI(FM)  Troy, NY                 O  R)ensselaer P)olytechnic I)nstitute
WRPN      Ripon, WI                L  R)ip)on), was WCWC
WRQC      Cleveland, OH            E  RQC = Rock Note: now using other calls
WRQN(FM)  Westbrook, ME            S  R)ockq)in)' 101
WRR(FM)   Dallas, TX               S  W)hite R)ock R)adio (lake in city)
WRRD      Jackson, WI              E  WRRD='word', Milwaukee's Word
WRRF      Washington, NC           S  W)e R)adiate R)eal F)riendship
WRRH      Franklin Lakes, NJ       O  R)amapo R)egional H)igh, now silent,
                                      calls used in Puerto Rico
WRRM      Cincinnati, OH           E  WRRM = warm
WRRN-FM   Warren, OH               L  W)ar)r)en)
WRRO      Warren, OH               L  W)ar)r)en, O)hio, now WRBP formerly
WRRS      Cullman, AL              O  R)eality R)adio S)tation
WRSA(FM)  Decatur, AL              L  R)eds)tone A)rsenal
WRSC      State College, PA        L  R)adio S)tate C)ollege
WRSD      Homestead, FL            L  R)adio S)outh D)ade Note: now WOIR
WRST(FM)  Oshkosh, WI              S  R)adio S)tation of the T)itans, school
                                      couldn't get WSUO for Wisconsin State
                                      University-Oshkosh and wanted
                                      consecutive call letters)
WRSU      New Brunswick, NJ        O  R)utgers, S)tate U)niversity
WRTA      Altoona, PA              S  R)adio T)alk-A)ltoona
WRTL      Rantoul, IL              L  R)ant)oul), IL Note: became WUFI, now
WRTO(FM)  Goulds, FL               S  Radio R)it)mo), Spanish-Radio Rhythm
WRTP      Chapel Hill, NC          L  R)esearch T)riangle P)ark
WRTT      Huntsville, AL           S  R)ocket), Huntsville is known as Rocket
WRTV(TV)  Indianapolis, IN         S  W)e ar)e T)V), years before the Toys
                                      `R' Us concept
WRUA      Monroeville, PA          O  Bur)u)a) Communications, Greensburgh
                                      dentist, later WXVX
WRUC(FM)  Schenectady, NY          O  R)adio of U)nion C)ollege
WRUF      Gainesville, FL          O  R)adio: U)niversity of F)lorida
WRUR      Rochester, NY            O  R)adio U)niversity of R)ochester
WRUS      Russellville, KY         L  R)u)s)sellville
WRVA      Richmond, VA             L  R)ichmond V)irginia)
WRVB      Madisom, WI              S  W)isconsin's R)adio V)oice of the
                                      B)ible, now WNWC
WRVC(FM)  Cattletsburg, WV         S  R)iv)er C)ities
WRVE      Schenectady, NY          S  The R)iv)e)r
WRVL      Lynchburg, VA            S  R)adio V)oice of L)iberty University
WRVR      Aurora, IL               S  The R)iv)er), reference to Fox River
WRVR(FM)  New York, NY             O  R)iv)er)side Church Note: now WLTW(FM)
WRVV      Harrisburg, PA           S  RVV-'the RiVer', the 2 V's on their
                                      logo form a wave
WRXO      Roxboro, NC              L  R)ox)boro)
WRZE-FM   Hyannis, MA              E  RZE='Rose'
WSAC      Ft. Knox, KY             S  W)e S)erve A)rmor C)enter
WSAI      Cincinnati, OH           S  W)e're S)ick a)nd I)rritated
WSAR      Fall River, MA           S  W)e S)how A)dvertising R)esults
WSAU      Wausau, WI               L  Waus)a)u), WI
WSAV-TV   Savannah, GA             L  S)a)v)annah Note: calls once on 630 kHz
WSAW-TV   Wausau, WI               L  W)aus)a)u, W)isconsin, formerly WSAU
WSAY      Rochester, NY            E  Wha' S)a)y)?  Note: now WXXI-AM
WSB       Atlanta, GA              S  W)elcome S)outh, B)rother
WSBC      Chicago, IL              O  W)orld S)torage B)attery C)ompany
WSBE(TV)  Providence, RI           O  S)tate B)oard of E)ducation Note: now
                                      owned by Rhode Island Public
                                      Telecommunciations Association
WSBF(FM)  Clemson, SC              S  S)tudent B)roadcast F)acilities
WSBF(FM)  South Bend, IN           O  S)outh B)end T)ribune F)M
WSBG(FM)  Stroudsburg, PA          L  S)troudsb)urg)
WSBK(TV)  Boston, MA               O  SBK = Storer Broadcasting NYSE
WSBR      Boca Raton, FL           L  B)oca R)aton
WSBS      Great Barrington, MA     S  S)outhern B)erkshire's radio S)tation
WSBT      South Bend, IN           O  S)outh B)end T)ribune (newspaper)
WSBW      Sister Bay, WI           L  S)ister B)ay, W)I
WSBY-FM   Salisbury, MD            L  S)alisb)ury)
WSCB(FM)  Springfield, MA          O  S)pringfield C)ollege B)rdcsting
WSCD      Duluth. MN               O  St. S)cholastica C)ollege-D)uluth
WSCR      Chicago, IL              S  The S)c)or)e [sports talk]
WSDM-FM   Chicago, IL              S  S)mack D)ab in M)iddle of FM dial at
                                      97.9 Note: WLUP-FM
WSDR      Sterling, IL             L  S)terling D)ixon R)ock Falls, IL
WSDS      Ypsilanti, MI            S  W)e S)erve D)etroit's S)uburbs
WSEO(FM)  Nelsonville, OH          L  S)outh E)ast O)hio
WSFA(TV)  Montgomery, AL           S  W)ith the S)outh's F)inest A)irport,
                                      the radio predecessor was located at
                                      what is now Gunter Air Force Station
WSFL      Springfield, MA          L  S)pringf)iel)d Note: became WJKO 1953
WSFT      Baltimore, MD            S  S)of)t)
WSFX      Wilmington, NC           S  S)uper F)ox)
WSGN      Birmingham, AL           S  S)outh's G)reatest N)ewspaper (B'ham
                                      News) Note: now WZZK(AM), now in
WSGW      Saginaw, MI              L  S)aG)inaW), MI
WSHB(SW)  Columbia, SC             O  H)erald B)roadcasting
WSHE(FM)  Orlando, FL              S  S)h)e)'s Only Rock and Roll, formerly
                                      in Ft. Lauderdale
WSHG(FM)  Ridgeland, SC            E  SHG = Shag, for the popular SC/NC dance
WSHH      Pittsburgh, PA           E  SSH = Wish
WSHM      Springfield MA)          L  S)pringfield-H)olyoke, M)assachusetts
WSHU      Fairfield, CT            O  S)acred H)eart U)niversity
WSIA(FM)  Staten Island, NY        L  S)taten I)sla)nd
WSIE(FM)  Edwardsville, IL         O  S)outhern I)llinois University at
WSIU      Carbondale, IL           O  S)outhern I)llinois U)niversity
WSIU(FM)  Carbondale, IL           O  S)outhern I)llinois U)niversity [at
WSIV      Pekin, IL                S  W)e S)erve the I)llinois [River]
                                      V)alley, now WGLO
WSIX      Nashville, TN            O  S)i)x) Thirty-Eight Tire Co., Former
WSJM      St. Joseph, MI           L  S)t. J)oseph, M)ichigan
WSJS      Winston-Salem, NC        O  W)inston-S)alem J)ournal S)entinel
WSJV(TV)  Elkhart, IN              L  S)t. J)oseph V)alley
WSKG(FM)  Binghamton, NY           L  S)tanley K)iehl G)amble Note: named in
                                      memory of well-known local clergyman
WSKI      Montpelier/Barre, VT     L  Winoos)k)i River or 'SKI-ing'
WSKY      Asheville, NC            S  The Big S)k)y)
WSLB      Ogdensburg, NY           O  S)t. L)awrence B)roadcasting Co.
WSLI      Jackson, MS              O  S)tandard L)ife I)nsurance Co.
WSLM      Salem, IN                L  S)al)em)
WSLR      Akron, OH                E  WSLR = Whistler Radio
WSLS      Roanoke, VA              O  S)henadoah L)ife S)tation Note: now
WSLV      Ardmore, TN              L  S)tate L)ine V)oice (Borders Alabama)
WSM       Nashville, TN            S  W)e S)hield M)illions, slogan of owner:
                                      National Life and Accident Insurance
WSMB      New Orleans, LA          O  S)aenger Amusement-M)aison B)lanche
WSMD      Mechanicsville, MD       L  S)outhern M)aryland)
WSMK      Dayton, OH               O  S)tanley M). K)rohn Note: now WING
WSMM      Sault Ste. Marie, MI     L  S)ault Ste. M)arie, M)ichigan Note: now
WSMN      Nashua, NH               L  S)alem, M)anchester and N)ashua
WSMV      Nashville, TN            S  W)e S)hield M)illions, V added for
WSNC-FM   Winston-Salem, NC        S  W)inston-S)alem, N)orth Carolina
WSNG      Torrington, CT           S  S)in)g)
WSNI(FM)  Philadelphia, PA         E  SNI = Sunny
WSNJ      Bridgeton, NJ            L  S)outh N)ew J)ersey
WSNO      Barre, VT                E  SNO='snow'
WSNW      Seneca, SC               L  S)eneca an)d W)alhalla
WSNY(FM)  Columbus, OH             S  S)un)ny), once in Boston and
                                      Schenactady, NY
WSOC      Charlotte, NC            S  S)ounds o)f C)harlotte
WSOM      Salem, OH                S  W)onderful S)ound o)f M)usic
WSON      Henderson, KY            L  Henders)o)n)
WSOO      Sault Ste. Marie, MI     L  SOO = Sault
WSOU(FM)  South Orange, NJ         L  S)o)u)th Orange
WSOY      Decatur, IL              L  S)o)y)beans, the primary crop of the
WSPA      Spartanburg, SC          L  S)p)a)rtanburg, South Carolina
WSPB      Sarasota, FL             L  S)arasota, P)almetto and B)radenton
WSPC      Albermarle, NC           S  W)e S)erve P)feiffer C)ollege, owned by
                                      an alum of the university
WSPD      Toledo, OH               O  S)p)eed)y Oil Company
WSPK      Poughkeepsie, NY         S  S)tereo P)oughk)eepsie
WSPR      Springfield, MA          O  S)p)ringfield R)epublican, local
WSPT      Stevens Point, WI        L  S)tevens P)oint)
WSPW      Bridgewater, NJ          S  S)P)orts
WSPY      Sandwich, IL             L  S)andwich, P)lano and Y)orkville
WSPZ      Northport, AL            E  SPZ='Sports'
WSRF      Ft. Lauderdale, FL       E  S)ur)f)
WSRS(FM)  Worcester, MA            S  W)orcester's S)tereo R)adio S)tation
WSRW      Hillsboro, OH            O  S)erena R)ose W)inslow, founded David
WSSC      Sumter, SC               S  W)e S)erve S)umter C)ounty
WSSH(FM)  Lawrence, MA             E  WSSH = Wish, calls now in Vermont
WSSQ(FM)  Sterling, IL             O  S)eith S)erafin Q)uality
WSSS-FM   Charlotte, NC            S  S)uper S)ounds of the S)eventies
WSSU      Superior, WI             O  S)uperior S)tate U)niversity Note: now
WSTC      Stamford, CT             S  S)tamford T)own C)hannel, S)tamford
                                      T)own C)enter, S)t)amford C)T
WSTM(FM)  St. Matthews, KY         L  S)t). M)atthews Note: now WRKA
WSTM(TV)  Syracuse, NY             O  S)yracuse T)imes-M)irror
WSTU      Stuart, FL               L  S)t)u)art
WSTV      Steubenville, OH         L  St)eubenv)ille, OH
WSUA      Miami, FL                S  S)u)a)ve-Spanish, Radio Smooth
WSUA(CC)  Albany, NY               O  S)tate U)niversity at A)lbany
WSUA(CC)  Albany, NY               O  S)tate U)niversity at A)lbany
WSUB      Groton, CT               L  S)u)b)marines based in Groton-New
WSUE      Sault Ste. Marie, MI     L  SUE = Sault
WSUF-FM   Noyack, NY               L  S)u)f)folk County, NY
WSUI      Iowa City, IA            O  S)tate U)niversity of I)owa
WSUN      St. Petersburg, FL       S  W)hy S)tay U)p N)orth?
WSUS(FM)  Franklin, NJ             L  S)u)s)sex county
WSUX      Seaford, DE              L  S)u)ssex) county"
WSVA      Harrisonburg, VA         L  S)henandoah Valley of V)irginia)
WSVH-FM   Savannah, GA             L  S)av)annah)
WSVN(TV)  Miami, FL                F  SVN = 7
WSVP      West Warwick, RI         S  S)ea V)oice of the P)eople, was WWRI,
                                      now WLKW
WSWB (TV) Scranton, PA             L  S)cranton/W)ilkes-B)arre
WSWP(TV)  Beckley, WV              O  S)outhern W)est Virginia P)ublic TV
WSWT(FM)  Peoria, IL               E  SWT = Sweet
WSWW      Plattville, WI           S  W)e S)erve W)estern W)isconsin
WSYB      Rutland, VT              S  W)e S)erve Y)ou B)est
WSYR      Syracuse, NY             L  S)y)r)acuse
WSYX(TV)  Columbus, OH             F  SYX = 'six', channel 6 TV Note:
                                      formerly WTVN-TV
WTAB      Tabor City, NC           L  T)a)b)or City
WTAG      Worcester, MA            O  W)orcester T)elegram a)nd G)azette
WTAJ(TV)  Altoona, PA              S  T)elevision A)ltoona-J)ohnstown
WTAL      Tallahassee, FL          L  T)a)l)lahassee OR T)al))k radio
WTAM      Cleveland, OH            S  W)here t)he A)rtists M)eet Note:
                                      Currently- W)e're Cleveland's T)alk
WTAQ      La Grange, IL            S  W)estern T)owns A)long the Q)uincy RR
WTAS      Crete, IL                O  T)ony A). S)antucci, now WYCA
WTAW      College Station, TX      S  W)atch T)exas A)ggies W)in, Texas A&M
WTAZ(FM)  Morton, IL               L  T)a)z)ewell county, Illinois
WTBC      Tuscaloosa, AL           O  T)uscaloosa B)roadcasting C)ompany
WTBS(FM)  Cambridge, MA            O  T)ech B)roadcasting S)ervice, MIT Note:
                                      calls now used by Ted Turner
WTBU(CC)  Boston, MA               S  T)erriers (of) B)oston U)niversity,
                                      Howard Stern, John Gambling III, Pete
                                      Salant and others started at WTBU
WTBU-TV   Indianapolis, IN         O  T)elevision from B)utler U)niversity
WTCB      Columbia, SC             S  W)e T)ake C)are of B)usiness
WTCC(FM)  Springfield, MA          O  S)pringfield T)echnical C)ommunity
WTCG(TV)  Atlanta, GA              O  T)urner C)ommunications of G)eorgia
                                      Note: now WTBS
WTCM      Traverse City, MI        L  T)raverse C)ity M)I
WTCR(FM)  Huntington, KY           S  T)ri-State C)ountry R)adio
WTCS      Fairmont, WV             S  T)own and C)ountry S)tation
WTCX      Lakeville, MN            S  T)win C)ities Note: now KZNR
WTDK-FM   Federalsburg, MD         S  T)he D)uck)
WTDR      Talladega, AL            S  T)hund)er) 92.7
WTDS(FM)  Toledo, OH               O  T)oledo D)epartment of S)chools, it
                                      should have been WTBE for Toledo Board
                                      of Education
WTDY      Madison, WI              S  T)od)ay) radio
WTEB(FM)  New Bern, NC             S  W)here T)omorrow's E)ducation B)egins
                                      or T)hurman E) B)rock, school president
WTEM      Bethesda, MD             S  The T)e)am) Note: sports format
WTEN(TV)  Albany, NY               F  T)e)n), Station is on channel 10
WTFF      Mt. Verson Hills, VA     O  T)he F)ellowship F)orum, KKK
                                      publication Note: now WTOP-DC
WTFX(FM)  Louisville, KY           S  T)he F)ox)
WTHD(FM)  Lagrange, IN             S  T)h)und)er Country
WTHI-TV   Terre Haute, IN          L  T)erre H)aute, I)N
WTHR(TV)  Indianapolis, IN         F  Channel T)h)ir)teen
WTHS(FM)  Miami, FL                S  W)orlds T)o H)ear and S)ee Note: now
WTHS-TV   Miami, FL                S  W)orlds T)o H)ear and S)ee
WTHU      Thurmont, MD             L  T)h)u)rmont
WTIC      Hartford, CT             O  T)ravelers I)nsurance C)ompany
WTID      Reform, AL               S  T)i)d)e 101.7, Alabama Crimson Tide
WTIG      Massillon, OH            S  T)i)g)ers, Massillon Tigers [high
                                      school sports team and name of early
                                      NFL team]
WTIK      Durham, NC               S  W)here T)obacco i)s K)ing
WTIQ      Manistique, MI           L  ManisT)I)Q)ue, MI
WTIU(TV)  Bloomington, IN          O  T)elevision-I)ndiana U)niversity
WTIU-TV   Bloomington, IN          O  T)elevision from I)ndiana U)niversity
WTJC-TV   Springfield, OH          S  W)itnessing 'T)il J)esus C)omes, now
WTJS      Jackson, TN              O  T)he J)ackson S)un, Newspaper
WTJU-FM   Charlottesville, VA      S  T)homas J)efferson's U)niversity Note:
                                      owned by the Board of Visitors of the
                                      University of Virginia
WTKM      Hartford, WI             S  W)e're t)he K)ettle M)oraine, a glacial
                                      formation common in the area
WTKN      Daleville, AL            S  W)e're T)alk)in) (Talk radio)
WTLC(FM)  Indianapolis, IN         S  W)ith T)ender L)oving C)are
WTMC      Ocala, FL                S  W)elcome T)o M)arion C)ounty
WTMD      Towson, MD               L  T)owson, M)D)
WTMJ      Milwaukee, WI            O  T)he M)ilwaukee J)ournal, Newspaper
WTMP      Tampa, FL                L  T)am)p)a, FL
WTMX      Skokie, IL               S  T)he M)IX)
WTNC      Thomasville, NC          L  T)homasville, N)C)
WTND      Orangeburg, SC           O  T)imes an)d D)emocrat [Newspaper] Note:
                                      now silent
WTNJ(FM)  Mt. Hope, WV             O  T)ony Gonzales & N)ick J)oe Rahall
WTOD      Toledo, OH               S  W)e're T)op o)f the D)ial, 1560 kHz
WTOE      Spruce Pine, NC          L  T)o)e) River which flows through Avery,
                                      Mitchell and Yancey Counties
WTOF      Canton, OH               S  T)ower o)f F)aith
WTOP      Washington, DC           F  T)o)p) of the Dial, at 1500 kHz
WTOS      Wauwatosa, WI            L  City known locally as 'T)o)s)a'
WTPA-TV   Harrisburg, PA           S  T)elevision P)ennsylvania), was
                                      associated with FM that became WNNK;
                                      another FM station (WQVE) then picked
                                      up the WTPA call sign
WTPI      Indianapolis, IN         S  T)op) of I)ndy at 107.9, top of the
WTRC      Elkhart, IN              O  T)ruth R)adio C)ompany, Newspaper
WTRL      Bradenton, FL            O  T)r)ail) Broadcasting, near the Tamiami
WTRN      Tyrone, PA               L  T)yr)on)e
WTRW      Two Rivers, WI           L  T)wo R)ivers, W)isconsin
WTRY      Troy, NY                 L  T)r)oy), NY
WTSB      Lumberton, NC            S  W)here T)obacco S)ells B)est
WTSJ      Covington, KY            S  W)ith T)he S)ounds of J)oy
WTSK      Tuscaloosa, AL           L  T)us)k)aloosa
WTSL      Lebanon, NH              L  T)win S)tates L)ebanon
WTSN      Dover, NH                O  T)ri S)tate N)etwork
WTSO      Madison, WI              F  T)en S)even O)h, 1070 KHz
WTSO      Madison, WI              F  T)en S)even O)h, 1070 kHz
WTSR(FM)  Trenton, NJ              O  T)renton S)tate C)ollege (now College
                                      of New Jersey)
WTSU-FM   Troy, AL                 O  T)roy S)tate U)niversity
WTSV      Claremont, NH            L  T)win S)tates V)alley radio
WTSX(FM)  Port Jervis, NY          L  T)ri S)tate Ex)cellence
WTTB      Vero Beach, FL           S  W)here t)he T)ropics B)egin
WTTG(TV)  Washington, DC           S  T). T). G)oldsmith, DuMont engineering
WTTM      Trenton, NJ              S  W)orld T)akes, T)renton M)akes (clever
                                      rearrangement of slogan associated with
                                      city) Note: Now WCHR
WTTN      Watertown, WI            L  W)at)ert)own)
WTTO      Birmingham, AL           F  T)elevision T)wenty-O)ne
WTTV      Bloomington, IN          O  Sarkes T)arzian T)elev)ision
WTTW(TV)  Chicago, IL              S  W)indow t)o t)he W)orld
WTUE(FM)  Dayton, OH               E  TUE = 'two', see sister station WONE (1
                                      and 2)
WTUP      Tupelo, MS               L  T)u)p)elo, MS
WTUS      Mannington, WV           S  T)oday's U). S). Country
WTVB      Coldwater, MI            O  T)win V)alley B)roadcasters, original
WTVM(TV)  Columbus, GA             O  T)elev)ision M)artin [Theatres]
WTVP(TV)  Peoria, IL               L  T)elev)ision P)eoria
WTWN      Wells River, VT          L  T)w)in) states (VT and NH)
WTWO-TV   Terre Haute, IN          F  Channel T)w)o)
WTYD      New London, CT           E  TYD = Tide, Station on Long Island
WTYM      E. Longmeadow, MA        E  TYM = TIME for Beautiful Music Note:
                                      was WJKO w/ R&R, became WTYM 1963
WTZA(TV)  Kingston, NY             S  T)appan Z)ee Bridge) to A)lbany
WTZR(TV)  Chicago, IL              O  T)V from Z)enith R)adio) Note: now
WUAB      Cleveland, OH            O  U)nited A)rtists B)roadcasting
WUAL-FM   Tuscaloosa, AL           O  U)niversity of A)l)abama
WUBZ(FM)  Philipsburg, PA          E  UBZ='B)uz)Z'
WUCF-FM   Orlando, FL              O  U)niversity of C)entral F)lorida
WUEV      Evansville, IN           O  U)niversity of E)v)ansville, was WEVC
WUFI      Rantoul, IL              L  U)niversity of) I)illinois
WUGA-FM   Athens, GA               O  U)niversity of G)eorgia)
WUHF      Rochester, NY            F  U)H)F) TV band
WUHQ(TV)  Battle Creek, MI         S  You)r H)eadq)uarters, studios in HQ of
                                      former FortCuster army base, now WOTV
WUIS(FM)  Springfield, IL          O  U)niversity of I)llinois at
WUKY(FM)  Lexington, KY            O  U)niversity of K)entucky)
WULF(FM)  Hardinsburg, KY          E  WULF='Wolf', 94.3 The Wolf
WUMB(FM)  Boston, MA               O  U)niversity of M)assachusetts-B)oston
WUMP      Athens, AL               S  U)m)p)ire, sports-talk format
WUNC-FM   Chapel Hill, NC          O  U)niversity of N)orth C)arolina
WUOG-FM   Athens, GA               O  U)niversity o)f G)eorgia
WUOL(FM)  Louisville, KY           O  U)niversity o)f L)ouisville
WUOM-FM   Ann Arbor, MI            O  U)niversity o)f M)ichigan
WUPE      Pittsfield, MA           E  WUPE = Whoopie
WUPI      Peabody, MA              E  WUPI = Whoopie
WUPM      Ironwood, MI             L  U)pper P)eninsula M)ichigan
WUPN(TV)  Greensboro, NC           S  U)nited P)aramount N)etwork
WUPQ      Newberry, MI             L  U)pper P)eninsula
WUPS(FM)  Houghton Lake, MI        S  UPS-'We deliver the hits'
WUSB      Stony Brook, NY          O  U)niversity of S)tony B)rook
WUSF(FM)  Tampa, FL                O  U)niversity of S)outh F)lorida
WUSL(FM)  Philadelphia, PA         L  USL='US 1', US Federal Highway 1 runs
                                      through area
WUSM-FM   Hattieburg, MS           O  U)niversity of S)outhern M)ississippi
WUSN(FM)  Chicago, IL              S  U)S) N)inety-Nine, 99.5 KHz
WUST      Bethesda, MD             L  U). S)t)reet in minority neighborhood
WUSV-TV   Albany, NY               O  U)nion S)treet V)ideo, now WEWB
WUTC(FM)  Chattanooga, TN          O  U)niversity of T)ennessee at
WUVR      Lebanon, NH -            L  U)pper V)alley R)adio
WUWF(FM)  Pensacola, FL            O  U)niversity of W)est F)lorida
WUWM      Milwaukee, WI            O  U)niversity of W)isconsin-M)ilwaukee
WVAF(FM)  Charleston, WV           S  W)est V)irginia F)M
WVAH(TV)  Hurricane, WV            S  W)est V)irginia, A)lmost H)eaven
WVAL      St. Cloud, MN            O  V)a)l) Jacobson, former owner
WVAM      Altoona, PA              S  V)oice of the A)llegheny M)ountains
WVAR      Richwood, WV             L  W)est V)irginia), R)ichwood
WVAS-FM   Montgomery, AL           S  V)oice of A)labama S)tate
WVBC      Bethany, WV              O  V)oice of B)ethany C)ollege
WVBF(FM)  Framingham, MA           O  V)irginia B). F)airbanks, wife of owner
WVBG(TV)  Albany, NY               O  V)ision B)roadcasting G)roup
WVBO      Oshkosh, WI              S  V)alley's B)est O)ldies
WVBR-FM   Ithaca, NY               S  V)oice of the B)ig R)ed (Cornell)
WVCA      Gloucester, MA           S  V)oice of C)ape A)nn, now WBOQ
WVCF      Eau Claire, WI           S  W)isconsin V)oice of C)hristian Youth
WVCG      Coral Gables, FL         L  V)oice of C)oral G)ables
WVCS(FM)  California, PA           S  V)oice of C)alifornia S)tate College
WVCX      Tomah, WI                S  W)isconsin V)oice of C)hristian Youth
WVCY(TV)  Milwaukee, WI            O  V)oice of C)hristian Y)outh
WVEC      Norfolk, VA              S  W)e V)alue E)ach C)ustomer
WVER(TV)  Rutland, VT              L  V)e)r)mont
WVET      Rochester, NY            O  V)eterans B)roadcasting C)orp. Note:
                                      now WPXY(AM)
WVFR      Ridgefield, CT           S  V)oice of F)airfield in R)idgefield
WVGO      Richmond, VA             S  V)irg)inia's O)ldies
WVHC(FM)  Hempstead, NY            O  V)oice of H)ofstra C)ollege Note: now
WVIA-TV   Scranton, PA             S  The W)orld V)i)a) T)elev)ision
WVII(TV)  Bangor, ME               F  VII = Roman numeral 7
WVIP      Mt Kisco, NY             S  V)ery I)mportant P)lace (on your dial)
                                      for V)ery I)mportant P)eople
WVIR(TV)  Charlottesville, VA      L  V)i)r)ginia
WVIT-TV   New Britain, CT          O  V)iacom I)nc. T)elevision, previous
                                      owners, now owned by NBC
WVJS      Owensboro, KY            O  V)incent J)oseph S)teele
WVKO      Columbus, OH             S  V)oice of K)olumbus, O)hio
WVLD      Valdosta, GA             L  V)al)d)osta
WVLK      Lexington, KY            S  V)ersailles-L)exington K)entucky
                                      (Versailles was first city of license)
WVLT(FM)  Vineland, NJ             S  V)ineland L)it)e
WVLT-TV   Knoxville, TN            S  V)ol)unteer T)V
WVLY(FM)  Milton, PA               L  The Susquehanna V)al)ley)
WVMA      Oak Hill, WV             S  W)est V)irginia M)usic A)uthority
WVMR      Frost, WV                S  W)est V)irignia M)ountain R)adio
WVMT      Burlington, VT           L  V)erm)ont) Note: ex-WCAX(AM)
WVNA      Tuscumbia, AL            S  V)oice of N)orth A)labama
WVNJ      Newark, NJ               S  V)oice of N)ew J)ersey Note: later
                                      WSKQ, now WJWR. Calls now used in
                                      Oakland (Bergen County) at 1160AM
WVNO      Mt. Vernon, OH           S  V)oice of N)orthern O)hio
WVNY(TV)  Burlington, VT           L  V)ermont/N)ew Y)ork
WVOC      Columbia, SC             S  V)oice o)f C)olumbia
WVOJ      Jacksonville, FL         S  V)oice o)f J)acksonville Note: once
                                      used by WQIK(AM)-1320, now at 970
WVOL      Berry Hill, TN           S  V)o)l)unteer (State Slogan)
WVON      Chicago, IL              S  V)oice o)f N)egro Note: now WGCI(AM)
WVOR      Rochester, NY            S  V)oice o)f R)ochester
WVOS      Monticello, NY           S  V)oice o)f S)ullivan County
WVOT      Wilson, NC               S  V)oice o)f T)obacco
WVOV      Huntsville, AL           S  V)oice o)f the V)alley Note: now WTAK
WVOX      New Rochelle, NY         S  VOX=Latin, 'Voice', Voice of
                                      Westchester County
WVOY      Charlevoix, MI           L  CharleV)O)Y), MI
WVPO      Stroudsburg, PA          S  V)oice of the P)o)conos
WVPR(FM)  Windsor, VT              O  V)ermont P)ublic R)adio
WVPS(FM)  Burlington, VT           O  next letter up from WVPR
WVRQ      Viroqua, WI              L  V)ir)oq)ua
WVSC      Somerset, PA             S  V)oice of S)omerset C)ounty
WVSL(FM)  Valley Station, KY       L  V)alley Station-L)ouisville Note: now
WVSR(FM)  Charleston, WV           S  West V)irginia S)uper R)adio
WVTL      Amsterdam, NY            S  V)alley's T)alk L)eader
WVTM(TV)  Birmingham, AL           O  V)ulcan T)imes-M)irror, Vulcan statue
                                      is in Birmingham
WVTV(TV)  Milwaukee, WI            O  One-time owner Gaylord Broadcasting had
                                      the letters TV in all its stations'
WVUA      Tuscaloosa, AL           S  V)oice of the U)niversrity of A)labama
WVUD      Newark, DE               S  V)oice of the U)niversity of D)elaware
WVUM(FM)  Coral Gables, FL         S  V)oice of the U)niversity of M)iami
WVVA(TV)  Bluefield, WV            L  W)est Virignia-V)irginia)
WVXU      Cincinnati, OH           S  V)oice of X)avier U)niversity
WWBB      Madison, WV              O  B)oone B)roadcasting
WWBF      Bartow, FL               L  B)artow F)lorida
WWBR      Windber, PA              L  W)indb)er)
WWBT      Richmond, VA             O  Sister station of W)B)T) Charlotte
WWCA      Gary, IN                 S  W)orking W)ith the C)alumet A)rea
WWCC      Honesdale, PA            S  W)ayne C)ounty's C)ountry, now WSPN
WWCF      Baraboo, WI              O  W)illiam C). F)orrest, now WOLX
WWCH      Clarion, PA              O  W)illiam C)urtis H)earst
WWCO      Waterbury, CT            L  W)aterbury, C)o)nnecticut
WWCR(SW)  Nashville, TN            S  W)orld W)ide C)hristian R)adio
WWCT(FM)  Peoria, IL               E  C)aterpillar T)ractor [Rumored.
                                      Caterpillar was not the owner.
                                      Supposedly was going to be WCAT, but
                                      Caterpillar Tractor Co. was going to
                                      fight it, so the final callsign came
                                      from quick backpedalling.]
WWDB(FM)  Philadelphia, PA         O  W)illiam and D)olly B)anks, co-owners
WWDC      Washington, DC           L  W)ashington D)C)
WWDL(FM)  Scranton, PA             O  D)oug L)ane, founder/owner
WWEB      Wallingford, CT          O  W)allingford E)ducational B)roadcasting
WWFG-FM   Ocean City, MD           S  F)rog)gy 99
WWGY      Grove City, PA           S  Frogg)y), frequently-used country
                                      format moniker
WWJ       Detroit, MI              O  W). J). Scripps of Scripps-Howard
WWJO      St. Cloud, MN            O  WJ)O)N Broadcasting Corp.
WWKI      Kokomo, IN               L  K)okomo I)ndiana
WWLC      Balsam Lake, WI          S  L)ake C)ountry
WWLE      Cornwall-On-Hudson, NY   O  W)illiam L). E)dmonds
WWLG      Baltimore, MD            S  L)eg)ends 1360
WWLP-TV   Springfield, MA          O  W)illiam L). P)utnam, original owner
WWLS      Moore, OK                O  L)arry S)teckline
WWMD      Hagerston, MD            L  W)estern M)aryland)
WWMT(TV)  Kalamazoo, MI            S  W)e're W)est M)ichigan T)elevision (was
WWNC      Asheville, NC            L  W)estern N)orth C)arolina
WWNK      Cincinnati, OH           E  WNK = Wink
WWNL      Pittsburgh, PA           S  W)e're N)ew L)ife Radio, formerly WEEP
WWNN      Pompano Beach, FL        S  W)inners N)ews N)etwork
WWNR      Beckley, WV              S  N)ick R)ahall
WWNS      Statesboro, GA           S  W)elcome W)here N)ature S)miles
WWNY      Watertown, NY            L  W)atertown, N)ew Y)ork
WWOC(FM)  Avalon, NJ               L  W)ildwood-O)cean C)ity
WWOG(FM)  Boca Raton, FL           S  W)onderful W)ord o)f G)od Note: now
WWOM(FM)  Albany, NY               S  W)onderful W)orld o)f M)usic Note: now
WWOM(TV)  New Orleans, LA          S  W)onderful W)orld O)f M)ovies
WWON      Woonsocket, RI           L  W)o)on)socket, see WWON Waynesboro, TN,
                                      now WOON
WWON      Waynesboro, TN           E  WON='one', W-ONE
WWOR(TV)  Worcester MA             L  W)o)r)cester, now used by Secaucus, NJ
                                      channel 9
WWPB(FM)  Miami, FL                O  W)onderful W)illiam P)aul B)rake Note:
                                      now WLYF
WWPT      Westport, CT             L  W)estp)ort)
WWRI      West Warwick, RI         L  W)est W)arwick, R)I), became WSVP and
WWRI      West Warwick, RI         L  W)est W)arwick R)hode I)sland
WWRL      New York, NY             O  W)oodside R)adio L)abs, Woodside, LI
WWRU      Elizabeth, NJ            O  R)adio U)nica Note: was WJDM
WWRV      Brockton, MA             S  The R)iv)er
WWRW-FM   Wisconsin Rapids, WI     L  W)onderful W)isconsin R)apids,
                                      W)isconsin, now WGLX in Plover, WI
WWSC      Glens Falls, NY          L  W)arren-W)ashington-S)aratoga C)ounties
WWSE      Jamestown, NY            S  W)onderful W)orld of S)tereo
WWSW      Pittsburgh, PA           O  W)illiam S). W)alker
WWTC      Minneapolis, MN          L  T)win C)ities
WWTI      Watertown, NY            L  W)atertown - T)housand I)slands
WWUH      West Hartford, CT        O  U)niversity of H)artford
WWUS(FM)  Big Pine Key, FL         S  U)S)-1, only road through the Keys
WWVA      Wheeling, WV             L  W)heeling W)est V)irginia)
WWVU      Morgantown, WV           O  W)est V)irginia U)niversity
WWWB(TV)  Campbellsville, KY       S  The W)-W)-W)B)! (now WBKI)
WWWG      Rochester, NY            S  W)here W)e W)orship G)od
WWZB(FM)  Chicago, IL              O  Z)enith B)roadcasting Note: later WEFM
WXCC      Williamson, WV           S  C)oal C)ountry
WXCI      Danbury, CT              F  XCI='91' in Roman numerals (91.7)
WXFL      Florence, AL             L  F)l)orence
WXHB      Richton, MS              L  H)attiesb)urg, MS or H)ub), when former
                                      talk format
WXIA(TV)  Atlanta, GA              F  X)I) A)tlanta, Roman numerals for 11
WXIX(TV)  Cincinnati, OH           F  XIX = Roman numerals for Channel 19
WXKS-FM   Boston, MA               E  KS = 'Kiss'
WXLC      Waukegan, IL             S  X='across', Across L)ake C)ounty
WXMC      Parsippany, NJ           L  X)roads of M)orris C)ounty
WXOW      La Crosse, WI            L  Sister station of W)KO)W); X = Crosse
WXPK      Briarcliff Manor, NY     S  The P)eak)
WXPS(FM)  Briarcliff Manor, NY     E  XPS = Express radio
WXRK(FM)  New York, NY             S  RK = Rock format
WXRL      Lancaster, NY.           O  R)amblin' L)ou Schriver, President and
WXRR      Hattiesburg, MS          S  WX)XX R)ock and R)oll, (WXXX was area
                                      rock station in 60's and 70's)
WXRV      Haverhill, MA            S  The R)iv)er
WXTK-FM   West Yarmouth, MA        S  Ex)treme T)alk), original branding
WXTR      Pawtucket, RI            S  Ex)t)r)a Radio. was WPAW, now WDDZ
WXTZ      Indianapolis, IN         E  XTZ='Ecstasy' in Stereo
WXVI      Montgomery, AL           F  XVI = 16, 1600 kHz
WXVT-TV   Greenville, MS           F  XV=Roman numeral for channel 15,
WXVX      Monroeville, PA          F  XVX=Roman 1510, later WPGR
WXXA-TV   Albany, NY               S  X)X), most recognizable combination of
                                      letters, like eXXon, A)lbany
WXXI(TV)  Rochester, NY            F  Channel 21 (XXI)
WXXI-TV   Rochester, NY            F  XXI=Roman Numerals for Channel 21
WXXS      Lancaster, NH            S  XXS='Kiss' Kiss 102
WXXV-TV   Gulfport, MS             F  XXV=Roman numeral for channel 25
WXYZ      Detroit, MI              S  XYZ = 'The Last Word in Broadcasting',
                                      now WXYT, calls on channel 7 TV
WYBC(FM)  New Haven, CT            O  Y)ale B)roadcasting C)ompany
WYBT      Blountstown, FL          L  B)lountst)own
WYCC(TV)  Chicago, IL              S  W)e're Y)our C)ity C)olleges, owned by
                                      City Colleges of Chicago
WYCR(FM)  Hanover, PA              L  Y)ork C)ounty R)adio
WYDD(FM)  Pittsburgh, PA           E  WYDD='wide' Widen the World of
                                      Pittsburgh Note: now WJJJ
WYFF      Greenville, SC           S  Y)our F)amily F)riend, formerly WFBC-TV
WYFR(SW)  Okeechobee, FL           S  W)e're Y)our F)amily R)adio
WYGR      Wyoming, MI              L  W)y)oming-G)rand R)apids
WYLL      Chicago, IL              S  His WYLL (Will, religious format)
WYLN-TV   Hazleton, PA             S  W)e're Y)our L)ocal N)etwork
WYLO      Jackson, WI              F  W)ay) L)o)w, 540 kHz (now WZER)
WYMJ-FM   Beavercreek, OH          S  M)aj)ic 104, now WXEG
WYMT-TV   Hazard, KY               S  W)e're Y)our M)ountain T)elevision
WYNF(FM)  Tampa, FL                S  Y)ou N)ow F)ound and Y) N)inety F)ive
WYNS      Lehighton, PA            E  WYNS='wins'
WYOW      Eagle River, WI          L  Sister station of W)AO)W)
WYRS(FM)  Manahawkin, NJ           S  W)e're Y)our R)adio S)tation
WYSS      Sault Ste. Marie, MI     S  YES-FM
WYST      Baltimore, MD            S  Y)our S)t)ars Note: now using other
WYSU(FM)  Youngstown, OH           O  Y)oungstown S)tate U)niversity
WZAD(FM)  Wurtsboro, NY            E  WZAD = Wizard
WZBG      Litchfield, CT           O  B)oys & G)irls, name of licensee
WZBN      Zion, IL                 L  W)aukegan Z)ion B)Benton N)ewport
                                      (townships) [1967-1982]
WZEE      Madison, WI              S  ZEE 104
WZGC(FM)  Atlanta, GA              O  G)eneral C)inema
WZIP(FM)  Akron, OH                S  University of Akron Z)i)p)s
WZIX      York, PA                 E  Music='MuZIX', owner in the early 70's
                                      was Shelly Gross owner of Music Fair
WZMX      Hartford, CT             S  M)ix), from former AC format, now Urban
WZNF(FM)  Rantoul, IL              F  Z) N)inety-F)ive
WZNL      Norway, MI               S  Z)ephyr Broadcasting's N)orthern
WZON      Bangor, ME               O  Stephen King's 'The Dead Z)o)n)e'
WZOR      Mishicot, WI             S  Raz)o)r), formerly WGBM
WZPR      Meadville, PA            S  Z)ip)per) Note: Zipper was invented in
WZRC      New York, NY             S  Z) R)oc)k, now brokered Korean
WZRD(FM)  Chicago, IL              S  WZD='Wizard'
WZRH      Zephyr Hills, FL         L  Z)ephyr) H)ills
WZRZ(FM)  Cincinnati, OH           S  Z)-R)ock Format
WZTA-FM   Tamaqua, PA              O  Floyd Z)immerman/T)a)maqua (Now: WMGH)
WZUM      Carnegie, PA             E  ZUM='zoom', became WPLW and is again
WZZM(TV)  Grand Rapids, MI         S  Chosen because the calls look the same
                                      upside down
WZZN(FM)  Chicago, IL              E  ZZN='The Zone, changed calls TEN TIMES
                                      in its history (all under the same
WZZO      Allenton, PA             E  ZZO='zoo'
WZZS(FM)  Zolfo Springs, FL        L  Z)olfo S)prings
XEFAJ     Mexico City, DF          O  F)rancisco A)guirre J)iminez, founder
                                      of Grupo Radio Centro.
XERB      Tijuana, BN              L  R)osarito B)each, BC, Original City
                                      Note: now XEPRS
XETRA     Tijuana, BN              E  XTRA = Extra (for former all news
ZBM       Bermuda                  L  B)erm)uda
ZNS       Nassau, Bahamas          S  Z)ephyr N)assau S)unshine