CREI Officices and HQ

 Capitol Radio Institute

  Electronics Home Study Courses

Capitol Radio Engineering Institute was founded in 1927 as a correspondence school by Eugene H. Rietzke, a Navy radio operator and his wife Lillie Lou Rietzke. Eugene was born in 1897 and he served in WWI eventually becoming Chief Instructor at the Bellevue Naval Radio Material School.
Five years later, in 1932, a residence division was opened, allowing students to reside at the school and study in laboratories. This facility remained at the corner of 16th Street NW and Park Road in Washington, D.C. for 30 years. In 1946, following World War II, the Institute was accredited by the Engineers' Council for Professional Development
Photo: CREI Headquarters in Washington, DC, at 15th and Park Road, N.W.
Click the Lesson Number to View
1949 Series 2 1949 Series 3
211 Single and polyphase AC
212 Inductance
213 Impedance & Coil Q
214 Inductive Coupling
215 Capacity
216 Condensers
217 The Series LCR Circuit
218 The Parallel LCR Circuit
219 Series Parallel Circuits
220 Application of Serial and Parallel Systems
221 AF & RF Chokes
222 Circuit Power Consumption
223 Thermionic Emission
224 Power Supplies
225 Power Transformers
226 Triode Tubes
227 Vacuum Tube Amps
228 Screen Grid Tubes
229 Class C & Class A Amplifiers
- needed
231 Multi-Element Tubes
232 Complex Notation: Operator J
233 Complex Notation
234 Cathode Ray Tube
235 Oscillator and Neutralizing Circuits
236 Crystal Control of RF Frequencies
237 Receivers & RF Amplification
238 FM Receivers
239 Audio Frequency Amplification
240 Audio Frequency Amplification
241 Features & Adjustments of Transmitter Circuits
242 Modulation
243 Pulse Techniques
244 Line terminal & Input Equipment
245 Radiation & Radiators
246 Radiation Systems
247 Radio Wave Propagation: Receiving Antennas
248 Receiving Antennas
249 Radio Frequency Adjustments
250 Radio Frequency Adjustments
251 Ultra High Frequency
252 Wave Guides & Cavity Resonators
253 UHF Radiating Systems
254 Tubes & Associated Systems
255 Receiver Tubes at FM and TV frequencies
256 UHF Tubes
257 Final Examination
301 Overview
302 Audio Frequency Amplifiers
303 Loudspeakers
304 Loudspeakers
305 Microphones
306 Studio & Auditorium Acoustics
307 Audio Equipment
308 Audio Control Equipment
309 Recording Systems
310 High Power Broadcast Transmitters
311 Transmitter Control Circuits
312 FM Transmitters
313 UHF Broadcasting
314 Broadcast Antenna Systems
315 Broadcast Antenna Systems
1946 Series 7 TV
701 Fundamental Ideas
702 Arithmetic
703 Mesuration
704 Mechanism of the Eye
705 Positive & Negative Numbers
706 Logarithms
707 Algebra
708 Electron Physics
709 Ohm's & Kirchoff's Law
710 Meters & Measuring Instruments
711 Geometry & Trig
712 Principles of Optics
713 Vector Analysis
714 Graphical Analysis
715 Magnetic Circuits
716 Alternating Currents
717 Phase Angle & AC Systems
718 Inductance
719 Inductive Reactance
720 Inductive Coupling
721 Capacity
722 Condensers used in Radio
723 The Series LCR Circuit
724 The Parallel LCR Circuit
725 Series Parallel Circuits
726 Series and Parallel Circuits
727 Power Consumption in Circuits
728 Studio Ligting
729 Thermionic Emission
730 Power Supplies
731 Triode Tubes
732 Vacuum Tube Amplifiers
733 Screen Grid Tubes
734 Transmitter Power Amplifiers
735 Frequency Multiplying
736 Multi-Element Tubes
737 Complex Notation Operator J
738 Complex Notation II
739 Audio Frequency Amplification
740 Receivers & RF Amplification