
 "The Radio Station"


 The definitive radio textbook of the last three decades

The Radio Station

First published in 1986, Michael Keith's "The Radio Station" is considered the best as well as the most widely used text on radio broadcasting.

Michael Keith
Michael Keith is an American media historian. He has served as a faculty member of the Boston College   Communication Department and is the author of some two dozen books on media. He is one of the country's foremost authorities on the social impact and role of radio in American culture. It is with Mr. Keith's consent that we present the first editions of this important text.
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A great gift for anyone interested in learning more about radio.
The Radio Station offers a concise and insightful guide to all aspects of radio broadcasting, streaming, and podcasting. This book’s tenth edition continues its long tradition of guiding readers to a solid understanding of who does what, when, and why in a professionally managed station. This new edition explains what "radio" in America has been, where it is today, and where it is going, covering the basics of how programming is produced, financed, delivered and promoted via terrestrial and satellite broadcasting, streaming and podcasting, John Allen Hendricks and Bruce Mims examine radio and its future within a framework of existing and emerging technologies. The companion website is new revised with content for instructors, including an instructors’ manual, lecture slides, and test questions. .
Description of 10th Edition
First Edition 1986 Second Edition 1989
Third Edition 1993 Fourth Edition 1997
Michael Keith speaks of his inspiration for this series:
When I began fulltime college teaching in 1978,I discovered that no text existed that adequately conveyed the reality of the radio industry at least from my perspective. I'd Just spent a dozen years in the trenches of commercial radio, and the most prominent text at the time read like a 1950s government instruction manual. It devoted whole chapters to subjects that had no real relevance to the contemporary audio medium. Furthermore, it was virtually devoid of visuals. To me that seemed a huge deficiency because so much about radio is visual. On top of that, I was teaching a generation that was completely screen (picture) oriented. Therefore, a text consisting primarily of type and white space Just didn't cut it, as far as I was concerned. Therefore, a text consisting primarily of type and white space Just didn't cut it, as far as I was concerned. Perhaps the thing that struck me as most lacking in the dominant radio text of the period was its nearly complete lack of industry input, which I felt was absolutely essential in any publication purporting to comprehensively cover a subject. So with the preceding in mind, I set out to rectify those (and other) short falls. Based on what I've heard from users over the many years. I managed to do this. Every so often, if you're lucky, you hit the target. (In the interest of retaining a dear friendship and prolific collaboration. I'll not reveal the author's name of the dated text referenced above.)