British Broadcasting A Study
in Monopoly Coase 1950 |
A Concise History of British
Radio 1922 2002 Street |
A Concise History of British
Television 1930 2000 Currie |
For the Love of Radio 4
Hodgson 1988 |
Laughter in the Air Took
1981 |
Ten Seconds from Now UK
Talbot 1973 |
The Radio Companion Donovan
1991 |
The Art of Radio McWhinnie
1959 |
Behind The Microphone
Shesmore 1935 |
British Broadcasting In
Transition Paulu 1961 |
Behind the Screen Lord Hill
of Luton 1974 |
Broadcasting a Life Shapley
1996 |
Amateur Radio
1982 -
British Ham Radio Manual |
And Now
Television in the UK
BBC - 1938 |
70 Years of Broadcasting
Cain 1992 |
Broadcasting in Britain 1922
1972 Geddes 1972 |
The Cat's Whisker 50 Years
of Wireless Design Hill 1978 |
The Amateur Radio Handbook
2nd Edition
1940 |
Briggs (Asa and Susan) The History of
Broadcasting in the United
Kingdom |
The Birth of Broadcasting
Briggs -
1961 |
The Golden Age of Wireless
Briggs -
1965 |
The War of Words
1970 |
The Sound & Vision
1969 |
1979 |
Those Radio Times
Susan Briggs
1980 |
The Early British Radio
Industry Pocock 1988 |
Forty Years of Television
Story of ATN-7 1996 |
40 Years of British
Harbord &
Wright1 992 |
15 Years on TV
Joseph 1980 |
Daily Mail Television
1952 |
Factual Television
1966 |
Daily Mail Television Guide
1949 |
Daily Mail
Television Guide
1954 |
Eye on TV
The First 21 Years of
Independent TV |
John Logie Baird A Life Kamm
Baird 2002 |
The Inventor of Stereo
Blumlein Alexander 1999 |
Inside the BBC Miall 1994 |
Here's Looking At You
British Television 1908 1939
Norman |
Laughter in the Air UK Took
1976 |
Let the Truth Be Told
1982 |
Keep it Going Murphy Radio
During WW II |
Herbert W Armstrong Radio
Church of God Martin 1968 |
Paying for Broadcasting The
Handbook 1992 |
The Mass Media Radio & Television Heath 1969 |
Manual of Modern Radio
Taggart - 1933 |
Oliver Lodge and the
Invention of Radio Rowlahds
1994 |
Reith The BBC Years Milner
1983 22 07 10 |
Radio 270
Yorkshire's offshore Station
Bob Preedy 2002 |
Radio Luxembourg
1983 |
Radio Caroline
1967 |
The Sinclair Story
1985 |
2MT Writtle
The Birth of British
Wander |
Radio Engineering
Roy Norris |
Radio: The Great Years
Parker 1977 |
Tommy Handley Kavanagh 1949 |
Sermons Soap and Television
John Logie Baird 1988 |
Sinclair Books |
Electronic Power Supplies |
Digital Audio |
Radio Servicing Instruments
Bradley -1953 |
Your Independent Radio
Annual Radio Aire 362 |
Your Radio and Television
1950 |
World Radio and Television
1946 |
Years of the Locust
1947 |
Wireless Really Explained
Risdon |