
 Bookshelf: Bernards and Babani Books

Bernards-Babani Books
 Two major collections of  hobbyist and constructor's books from the UK  
Additions being
made frequently
 Bernards Please contribute any
issues you have!
Bernards 1-25 26-50 51-75
-- A Broadcast of Useful Data
1 Amalgamated Engineering Tables
2 Little Marvel Vegetable Reference
3 Services Signaling Manual
4 Radio Manual: Calling Men at War
5 Elements of Mathematics
6 Electrical Engineers Handbook
7 Manual of Metals and Alloys
8 Manual of Modern Automatic Guns
9 Manual of Photography
10 Manual of Mathematical Tables
11 Manual of Cycle Maintenance
and Hints
12 Manual of Commando and Guerilla Tactics Unarmed Combat
13 Manual of Commando and Guerilla Tactics:
House to House Fighting
14 Manual of Small Arms and Special Weapons
15 Manual of Wartime Household Repairs
16 Illustrated Engineering Practice
Machine tools
17 Manual ·of Rifles. usual series
18 Weapons and Armaments of the Modern German Army
19 Manual of Map and Compass Reading
20 Manual of Gliding and
Motorless Flight
21 Manual of Science
22 Handbook of Radio Circuits
23 Manual of Hand Grenades, Mines and Bombs
24 Uniform, Rank Badges and intelligence Data on the Modern German Armed Forces
25 Strategy and Tactics of the
German Army
26 Tanks at War-Friend or Foe !
27 Fighter Controller
28 Income Tax for the Working Man
29 Did This Really Happen
30 Manufal of Radio Valves,
British and American
31 Explosives: Nature, variety and uses as Projectile Fillings, Propellants, Mines, Demolition Charges
32 You can fly
33 Invasion Tactics. Here and on the Continent
34 Guerillas v Tanks
35 Mathematical Data
36 Defense against Gas
37 Manual of Direct Disc Recording
38 Aeronautics Illustrated
39 Tool Makers' and
Engineers' Manual
40 Carpenter's Handbook
41 Wireless Amplifier Manual
42 Short-Wave Radio Handbook
43 Modern Radio Test Gear Construction
44 Bulgin Radio Service Manual
45 Radio Reference Handbook
46 Motor Car Queries
47 Pay as You Earn
48 Radio Coil And
Transformer Manual
49 Shoe Repairing at Home

Items in Gray are Missing
  Albion Babanai Tube Equivalents
51 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
52 Radio Tuner Unit Manual
53 Radio Constructors Manual
55 HANDBOOK OF RADIO Circuits No. 2
56 Radio Aerial Handbook
57 Ultra Shortwave Handbook
58 Radio Hints Manual
59 Television Construction Manual
60 Radio Repairs Manual
61 Amateur Transmitter Construction
62 Car and Portable Radio  Constructors' Manual
64 Sound Equipment Manual
65 Radio Designs Manual
66 Communications
Receiver Manual
67 Radio Valve Equivalents Manual
68 Frequency Modulation
Receivers Mmanual
69 Radio Inductance Manual
70 The Loudspeaker Manual
71 Modern Battery Receivers
72 Radio Experimental
Circuits Manua
73 Radio Test
Equipment Manual
74 Radio Valve Application Manual
  International Radio Tube Encyclopedia

Bernards 76-100 101-125 126-150
76 Radio Anti-Interference-Manual
77 Walkie Talkie Construction Manual
78 Radio and Television Laboratory Manual
79 The Radio Modernisation Manual
80 Television Servicing Manual
81 Using Ex Service Radio Apparatus
82 AC/DC Receiver Construction Manual
83 Radio Instruments and their Construction
84 International World Radio Station List
85 Miniature Radio Equipment Construction Manual
86 The Midget Radio Construction Manual
87 The Oscilloscope: Design and Construction
88 Wire Recorder Construction Manual
89 High Definition Television Construction Manual
90 Wireless Amplifier Manual No, 2
91 Handbook of Radio Circuits No 3
92 Introduction to Ham Radio
93 Power Pack Manual
94 Practical Circuits. Manual
95 Radio Data Book
96 Crystal Set Construction
97 Radio For Beginners (Book 1)
98 Modern Valve Comparison Manual
99 One Valve Receivers
100 A Comprehensive Radio Valve Guide, Book 1
101 Two Valve Receiver
102 Forty Circuits Using Germanium Diodes
103 "Radlofolder" A Master Colour
Code Index
104 Three Valve Receivers
106 Radio Circuits Handbook No. IV
107 Four Valve Circuits
108 Five Valve Circuits
109 High Fidelity Radio; Design and Construction
110 The Emperor Radio-Gram for
Home Constructors
111 "A Practical Oscilloscope
112  Electronic Multimeter Construction
114  An Inexpensive Tape Recorder
115 Constructors Handbook Of Germanium Circuits
116 Radio & Television Valve Equivalents Manual
117 The '.Tele-King: Constructional Envelope
118 Practical Coil Construction for Radio and Television
119 Practical Superheterodyne Manual
120 Radio Pocket Book
121 A Comprehensive Valve
Guide Book 2 ...
122 Wide Angle Conversion: tor Home Constructed 'Televisions
123 "Radlofolder" The  Beginners Push-Pull Amplifier
124 At a Glance Valve and Tube Equivalents for Radio and Television
125 Listeners' Guide to Radio and Television Stations of the World
126 Boys Book of Crystal Sets v12
127 Amplifier Manual #3
128 Practical Transistors and Transistor Circuits
129 Universal Gram Motor Speed Indicator
130 Practical FM Circuits for the Home Constructor
131 Guide to Modem ·Valve Bases
132 Reactance Frequency Chart for Designers and Constructors
133 Radio Controlled Models for Amateurs
134 F .M. Tuner Construction
135 All Dry Battery Portable Construction
136 Tele-King Band 3 Converter
137 An AM FM De-Luxe Receiver
138 How To Make Aerials for TV
139 Practical Radio for Beginners,
Book 2
140 Television Servicing for
Beginners. Book 1
141 Radio Servicing for Amateurs
142 Modern T.V. Circuits and General Faultfinding Guide
143 A Comprehensive Radio Valve Guide, Book 3
144 The New "At a Glance" Valve and Television Tube Equivalents
145 Handbook of AM/FM Circuits and Components
146 High Fidelity Loudspeaker Enclosures
147 Practical Tape Recording Handbook
148 Practical Transistor Receiver
149 Practical Stereo Handbook
150 Practical Radio Inside. Out
Bernards 151-175 176-200 201-225
151 Transistor Superhet Receivers
152 Transistorised Car Radio for the Home Constructor
153 Miniature Portable Oscilloscope
155 Portable Transistor Radio and Radiogram
156 Transistor Circuits Manual 1
157 A Comprehensive Radio Valve Guide, Book 4
158 Radio, Television, Industrial Tubes, Semiconductor and Diodes
Equivalents Handbook
159 Realistic High Fidelity
160 Coil Design and Construction Manual
161 Radio, Television and Electronics Data Book
162 High Fidelity Stereo Gramophone
163 Manual de Circuitos Transistorizatdos
  Transistor Circuits Manual 2
164 High Fidelity Tape Recorder for the Home Constructor
165 Hartley on Hi-Fi, Book 1,
Radio Tuners
166 Public Address Systems
167 Eleven Tested Transistor Circuits Using Prefabricated Circuit Units
168 Transistor Circuits Manual No.4
169 Hi-Fi Transistor F .M. Tuner for the Home Constructor
170 Transistor Circuits for Radio Controlled Models
171 Super Sensitive Transistorized Pocket Radio
172 International Radio Stations List
173 Practical Transistor Audio Amplifiers for the Home Constructor
174 Transistor Subminiature Receivers Handbook
175 Transistorised Test Equipment and Servicing Manual
176 Transistor Audio. Amplifier Manual
177 Modern Transistor Circuits for Beginners
178 Comprehensive Radio Valve
Guide No 5
179 Transistor Circuits Manual
180 British Semiconductor Survey
181 22 Tested. Circuits using Micro Alloy Transistors
182 "At A Glance" Radio Valve & T.V. Tube Equivalents
183 How to Receive Foreign TV Programs
184 Tested Transistor Circuits using Professional Printed Circuit
Modules. Transistor Circuits Manual No. 3
185 Tested Shortwave Circuits
186 Tested Superhet Circuits for Shortwave And Communications Receivers
187 The TSL Mark IV F.M. Tuner
and Its Construction
188 Construction of the B.H. High Fidelity "14" watt Audio
189 How to build the world's smallest transistor radio. The Sinclair Micro
190 How to build the world's smallest High Fidelity Amplifier
191 Practical Car Radio Handbook
195 High Fidelity 1-4 Watt Amplifier Design Chart
196 AF-RF Reactance Frequency Chart
197 Inexpensive Push-Pull Amplifier Construction Chartt
200 Handbook of Practical Electronic Musical Novelties
201 Practical Transistorised Novelties for Hi-Fi Enthusiasts
202 IC Equivalents and Substitutes
203 IC's and Transistor Gadgets Construction Handbook
204 Second Book of Hi-Fi Loudspeaker Enclosures
205 First Book of Hi-Fi Loudspeaker Enclosures
206 Practical Transistor Circuits for Modern Test Equipment
207 Practical Electronics Science Projects
208 Practical Stereo and Quadrophony Handbook
209 Modern Tape Recording Handbook
210 The Complete Car Radio Manual
211 First Book of Diode Characteristics Equivalents and Substitutes
213 Audio Enthusiasts Handbook
214 Audio Enthusiasts Handbook
215 Shortwave Circuits and Gear for Hams
216 Electronic Gadgets and Games
217 Solid State Power Supply Handbook
218 Build Your Own Electronic Experimenters Laboratory
219 Solid State Novelty Projects
220 Build Your Own Solid State Hi-Fi and Audio Accessories
221 28 Tested Transistor Projects
222 Solid State Shortwave Receivers for Beginners
223 50 Projects Using IC CA3130
224 50 CMOS IC Projects
225 A Practical Introduction
to Digital IC's
226 How to Build Advanced
Short Wave Receivers
227 Beginner's Guide to Building Electronic Projects
228 Essential Theory for the
 Electronics Hobbyist
501 ABC's of Magnetism
502 ABC's of Missile Guidance
503 ABC's of Ultrasonics
504 ABC's of Transistors
Bernards Ham Notes
Ham notes No 1 Ham Notes No 2 Ham Notes No 3
Ham Notes No 4
Babani Press Books (BP Numbered)
 (Editions have "BP" as prefix to each edition number)
Robeert Kaminsky assisted in identifying the title sequence
BP-1-25 BP-26-50 BP-51-75
1 First Book of Transistor Equivalents
2 Handbook of Radio, TV and Ind. & Transmitting Tube & Valve
3 BP3-Handbook-of-Tested-Transistor-Circuits
4 World's Short, Medium & Long Wave
5 Handbook of Simple Transistor Circuits
6 Engineers and Machinists Reference Tables
7 Radio and Electronic Colour Codes and Data Chart
8 Sound & Loudspeaker Manual
9 Practical Tested Diode Circuits
10 Modern Crystal and Transistor Set Circuits for Beginners
11 Practical Transistor Novelty Circuits
12 Hi Fi, PA, Guitar & Discotheque Amplifier Design
13 Electronic Novelties for the Motorist
14 Second Book of Transistor Equivalents
15 Constructor's Manual of Electronic Circuits for the Home
16 Handbook of Electronic Circuits for the Photographer
17 Radio Receiver Construction Handbook using ICs
18 Boy's & Beginner's Book of Practical Radio & Electronics
19 Second Constructor's Manual: Electronics for the Home
20 Ham's Handbook of Radio & Electronic Circuits
21 Practical Circuits for Solid State Receivers
22 79 Electronic Novelty Circuits
23 First Book of Practical
Electronics Projects
24 52 Projects using IC741
25 How to Build Your Own Electronic and Quartz Controlled Watches & Clock
26 Radio Antenna Handbook for
Long Distance
27 Giant Chart of Radio Electronic. Semiconductor & Logic Symbols
28 Resistor Selection Handbook
29 Major Solid State Audio Hi-Fi Construction Projects
30 Rayer: Two Transistor Electronic Projects
31 Practical Electrical Re-wiring & Repairs
32 How to Build Your Own Metal and Treasure Locators
33 Electronic Calculator Users Handbook
34 Practical Repair & Renovation of Colour TV's
35 Handbook of IC Audio Preamplifier & Power Amplifier Construction
36 50 Circuits Using Germanium, Silicon and Zener Diodes
37 50 Projects Using Relays,
SCR's and TRIAC's
38 Fun & Games cab your Electronic Calculator
39 50 FET Projects
40 Digital IC Equivalents and Pin Connections
41 Linear IC Equivalents and Pin Connections
42 50 Simple L.E.D. Circuits
43 How To Make a Walkie Talkie
44 IC 555 Projects
45 Projects on Opto Electronics
46 Radio Circuits Using IC's
47 Mobile Discotheque Handbook
48 Electronic Projects For Beginners
49 Popular Electronic Projects
50 IC LM3900 Projects
51 Babani-BP-51-Electronic-Muisic-and-Creative-Tape-Recording
52 Long Distance Television Reception (TV -DX) for the Enthusiast
53 Practical Electronic Calculations and Formulae
54 Your Electronic Calculator and Your Money
55 Radio Stations Guide
56 Electronic Security Devices
57 How to Build Your Own Solid State Oscilloscope
58 50 Circuits Using 7400 Series ICs
59 Second Book of CMOS IC Projects
60 Practical Construction of Pre -Amps.
61 Beginners Guide to Digital Techniques
62 Elements of Electronics Book 1
63 Elements of Electronics Book 2
64 Elements of Electronics Book 3
65 Single IC Projects
66 Beginner's Guide to Computers and Microprocessors
67 Counter Driver and Numeral Display Projects
68 Choosing and Using Your Hi Fi
69 Electronic Games
70 Transistor Radio Fault Finding
71 Electronic Household Projects
72 A Microprocessor Primer
73 Remote Control Projects
74 Electronic Music Projects
75 Electronic Test Equipment Construction
Babani Press BP-76-100 BP-101-125 BP-126-150
76 Power Supply Projects
77 Elements of Electronics Book 4
78 Practical Computer Experiments
79 Radio-Control-for-Beginners
80 Popular Electronic Circuits
81 Electronic Synthesizer Projects
82 Electronic Projects Using Solar-Cells
83 Penfold: VMOS Projects
84 Digital IC Projects Rayer
85 International Transistor Equivalents Guide
86 An Introduction to Basic Programming Techniques
87 Simple L E D Circuits Book 2
88 How to Use Op Amps
89 Elements of Electronics Book 5
90 Audio Projects
91 An introduction to Radio DXing
92  Electronics Simplified Crystal
Set Construction
93 Electronic Timer Projects
94 Electronic Projects for Cars and Boats
95 Model Railway Projects
96 CB Projects
97 IC Projects for Beginners
98 Popular Electronic Circuits No 2
99 Mini-Matrix Board Projects
100 An Introduction to Video

Albion Babanai Tube Equivalents
101 How to Identify Unmarked ICs
102 6809 Companion 1982
103 Multi Circuit Board Projects
104 Electronic Science Projects
105  Aerial Projects
106 Penfold Modern-op-amp-projects
107 30 Solderless Breadboard
Projects - Book 1
108 International Diode Equivalents Guide
109 The Art of Programming the 1 K ZXB1
110 How to Get Your Electronic Projects Working
111 Elements of Electronics - Book 6 - Audio
112 A Z-80 Workshop Manual
113 30 Solderless Breadboard Projects - Book 2
114 The Art of Programming the 16K ZX81
115 The Pre-Computer Book
116 Electronic Toys Games & Puzzles
117 Practical Electronic Building Blocks - Book 1
118 Practical Electronic Building Blocks - Book 2
119 The Art of Programming the ZX Spectrum
120 Audio Amplifier Fault-Finding Chart
121 How to Design & Make
Your Own PCBs
122 Audio Amplifier Construction
123 A Practical Introduction to Microprocessors
124 Easy Add-on Projects for Spectrum ZX81 & Ace
125 25 Simple Amateur Band Aerials
126 Boys Book of Crystal Sets
127 How to Design Electronic Projects
128 20 Programs for the ZX Spectrum & 16K ZXB1
129 An-Introduction-to-Programming-the-ORIC 1
130 Micro Interfacing Circuits - Book 1
131 Micro Interfacing Circuits - Bo0k 2
132 25 Simple Shortwave Broadcast Band Aerials
133 An Introduction to Programming the Dragon 32
134 An Introduction to Programming the BBC Model B Micro
135 Secrets of the Commodore 64
136 25 Simple Indoor And Window Aerials
137 BASIC & FORTRAN in Parallel
138 How to make FM. and TV Aerials - Bands 1/2/3
139 An Introduction to Programming the BBC Model B Micro
140 Digital IC Equivalents and Pin Connections
141 Radio Servicing for Amateurs
142 An Introduction 10 Programming the Acorn Electron
143 A Comprehensive Radio Valve Guide - Book 3
144 Further Practical Electronics Calculations and
145 25 Simple Tropical and M.W. Band Aerials
146 The Pre BASIC Book
147 Babani-BP147-An Introduction-to-6502-Machine-Code
148 Computer Terminology Explained
150 Practical Radio Inside Out
 Babani Press BP 151-175 BP 176-200 BP 200-225
152 An Introduction to Z80 Machine Code
153 An-introduction-to-programming-the-AMSTRAD-CPC4
154 An Introduction to MSX BASIC
155 International Radio Station Guide
156 An Introduction to QL Machine Code
157  How to Write ZX Spectrum and Spectrum + Games Programs (WRH has the Bernards 157 title here)
158 An Introduction to Programming the Commodore 16 and Plus 4
160 Coil Design And Construction Manual
161 Radio, TV and Electronics Data Book
162 Counting on QL Abacus
163 Writing with QL Quill
164 Drawing on QL Easel
169 Howto Get Your Computer Programs Running
170 An Introduction to Computer Peripherals
171 Easy Add-on Projects for Amstrad CPC 464, 664, 6128 & MSX Computers
173 Computer Music Projects
174 More Advanced Electronic Music: Projects
175  How to Write Word Game Programs for the Amstrad CPC 464, 664 and 6128
176  A TV-DXers Handbook
177 An Introduction to Computer Communications
178 An Introduction to Computers in Radio
179 Electronic Circuits for the Computer Control of Robots
180 Electronic Circuits for the Computer Control of Robots
181 Getting the Most from Your Printer
182 MIDI Projects
183 An-introduction-to-CPM
184 An Introduction to 68000 Assembly Language
185 Electronic Synthesiser Construction
186 Walkie-Talkie Projects
187 A Practical Reference Guide to Word Processing on the Amstrad PCW8256 & PCW8512
188 Getting Started with BASIC and LOGO on the Amstrad PCW 8256 and PCW 8512
189 Using Your Amstrad CPC Disc Drives
190 More Advanced Electronic Security Projects
191 Simple-applications-of-the-AMSTRAD-CPCs-for-writers
192 More Advanced Power Supply Projects
193 LOGO for Beginners
194 Modem Opto Device Projects
195 An Introduction to Communications and Direct Broadcast Satellites
196 BASIC & LOGO in Parallel
197 Inexpensive Push-Pull Amplifier Construction Chart
198 An Introduction to Antenna Theory
199 Practical Electronic Filters
Babani Press BP-226-250 BP-251-275 BP-276-300
226 How to Build Advanced Short Wave Receivers
230 A-Precise-Introduction-to-GEM
232 A Concise Introduction to MS-DOS
233 Electronic: Hobbyists Handbook
239 Getting the Most From Your Multimeter
240 Remote Control Handbook
243 BBC BASIC86 on the Amstrad PC's & IBM Compatibles- Book 1: language
244 BBC BASICl6 on the Amstrad PC's & IBM Compatible
- Book 2: Graphics and Disk Files
245 Penfold: Digital Audio Projects
246 Musical Applications of the Atari ST
247 Babani-BP247-More-Advanced-MIDI-Projects
248 Penfold: Test Equipment Construction
249 More Advanced Test Equipment Construction
251 Computer-Hobbyist-Handbook
254 From Atoms to Amperes Wilson 1989
255 International Radio Stations Guide
256 An Introduction to Loudspeaker Enclosure Design
257 Poole: An Introduction to Amateur Radio
258 Learning-to-program-in-C
259 A Concise Introduction to UNIX
262 Concise Introduction to WordPerfect (Revised Edition)
264 A Concise Advanced User's Guide to MS-DOS {Revised Edition)
265 More Advanced Uses of the Multimeter
266 Electronics Modules and
Systems for Beginners
267 How to Use Oscilloscopes & Other Test Equipment
269 An Introduction to Desktop Publishing
270 A Concise Introduction to Symphony
271 How to Expand, Modernize & Repair PC's & Compatibles
272 Interfacing PC's and Compatibility
273 Practical Electronic Sensors ...
274 A Concise Introduction to SuperCalc
275 Simple Short Wave Receiver Construction
276 Short Wave Superhet Receiver Construction
277 High Power Audio Amplifier Construction
278 Experimental Antenna Topics
279 A Concise Introduction to Excel
280 Getting the Most From Your PC'1 Hard Disk
281 An Introduction to VHF/UHF for Radio Amateurs
282 Understanding PC Specifications
283 A Concise Introduction to SmartWare II
284 Programming in QulckBASIC
285 A Beginners Guide to Modern
Electronic Components
286 A Reference Guide to Basic Electronics Terms
287 A Reference Guide to Practical Electronics Terms
288 Concise Introduction to Windows3.0
290 An Introduction to Amateur Communications Satellite
291 A Concise Introduction to Ventura
292 Public Address Loudspeaker Systems
293 An Introduction to Radio Wave Propagation
294 Concise Introduction to Microsoft Works
297 Loudspeakers for Musicians
298 A Concise Introduction to the Mac System & Finder
299 Practical Electronic Filters
300 Setting Up an Amateur
Radio Station
Babani Press BP-300-325 BP-326-350 BP-351-375
301 Antennas For VHF and UHF Poole
302 Concise Users Guide to
 Lotus 1-2-3
303 Understanding PC Software
304 Projects for Radio Amateurs and SWLs
305 Learning CAD
306 A concise Introduction to Ami Pro
307 A concise Introduction to QuarkXPress
308 A Precise Introduction to Word 5.1 on the Mac
309 Penfold: Preamplifier and Filter Circuits
310 Acoustic Feedback - How to Avoid It
311 An Introduction to Scanners and Scanning
312 An Introduction to Microwaves
313 A Concise Introduction to Sage
314 A Concise Introduction to Quattro Pro
315 An Introduction to the Electromagnetic Wave
316 Practical Electronic Design Data
317 Practical Electronic Timing
318 A Concise Users Guide to MS-DOS
319 Making MS-DOS Work for You
320 Electronic Projects for Your PC
321 Circuit Source - Book 1
322 Circuit Source - Book 2
323 How to Choose a Small Business Computer System
324 The Art of Soldering
325 A Concise Users Guide to Windows3.1
326 The Electronics of Satellite Communications
327 MS-DOS One Step at a Time
328 Sage Explained
329 Electronic Music Learning Projects
330 A Concise Users Guide to Lotus 1-2.3 Release 2.4
331 A Beginners Guide to MIDI
332 A Beginners Guide to TTL Digital ICs
333 A Beginners Guide to CMOS Digital ICs
334 Magic Electronic Projects
335 Operational Amplifier Users Handbook
336 A Concise User's Guide to Lotus 1.2-3 Release 3.4
337 A Concise Users Guide to Lotus 1-2.3 for Windows
338 A Concise Introduction to Word for Windows
339 A Concise Introduction to WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows
340 A Concise Introduction to dBase V
341 A Concise Users Guide to MS-DOS 6
342 A Concise Users Guide to Lotus Improv
343 A-Concise-Introduction-to-Microsoft-Works
345 Babani-BP345-Getting-Started-in-Practical-Electronics
346 Programming-in-Visual-Basic-for-Windows
352 352-Excel-5-Explained
356 Electronic Projects for Video Enthusiasts
357 A-Concise-Introduction-to-Pressworks.
358 Projects for the Electric Guitar
359 An Introduction to Light in Electronics
362 Access-One-Step-at-a-Time
363 Babani-BP363-Practical-Electronic-Music-Projects
367 Electronic Projects for the Garden
368 Practical Electronic Musical Effects Units
370 The Superhet Handbook
371 Electronic Projects for Experimenters
373 An Introduction to Networks for PC and Mac Users
374 Practical Fibre Optic Projects
Babani Press BP-376-400 BP-401-425 BP-426-450
377 Babani-BP377-Practical_Electronic-Control-Projects
378 45 Simple Electronic Terminal Block Projects
379 30 Simple IC Terminal Block Projects
380 Babani-BP380-Advanced-Projects-for-the-Electric-Guitar
384 Practical Electronic Model Railway Projects
388 Why Not Personalise Your PC?
392 Electronic Project Building for Beginners
393 Practical Oscillator Circuits
394 Babani-BP394-An-Introduction-to-PIC-Miocrocontrollers
396 Electronic-Hobbyists-Data-Book
402 MS-Office-One-Step-At-A-Time
403 The-internet-and-World-Wide-
404 How-to-Create-Pages-for
406 MS-Word 95 Explained
407 Excel 95 Explained
408 Access 95 - One Step at a Time
409 Access 95 - One Step at a Time
410 35 Opto-Display Terminal Block Projects
411 A Practical Introduction to
Surface Mount Devices
413 Practical Remote Control Projects
418 Word 95 Assistant
420 E-Mail on the Internet
421 Windows 95 Assistant
422 Essentials of Computer Security
428 Essentials of Computer Security
429 MS-Excel-97-Explained
433 Your Own Web Site
on the Internet
434 PC Hardware Assistant
435 Programming in C++
437 Word 97 Assistant
440 Explaining Microsoft Money 97
441 IC 555 Projects
445 Windows 95 - Hard Disc and File Management
446 How to Get Your PC Up and Running
Babani Press BP-451-475 BP-476-500 BP-501-525
451 Troubleshooting Your PC Printer
455 Windows 98 Hard Disc and File Management
456 Windows-98-Explained
457 Windows 98 Applets Explaine

Tune Up Windows 98

459 Windows 98 Communications
460 Using Microsoft Explorer 4 on the Internet
461 Using FrontPage 98
463 Web Site Construction Simplified
465 Lotus SmartSuite Millennium explained
466 Understanding Windows 98 Registry

472 Microsoft-Word-2000-Explained
477 Using Microsoft FrontPage 2000
479 How-to-Build-Your-Own-PC
483 Fun Web Pages with JavaScript

A Practical Introduction to Microsoft Works 2000

486 Using Linux the Easy Way
487 Quicken 2000 UK Explained
488 Internet Explorer 5 Explained
489 Basic Microsoft Office 2000 Skills
490 Web Pages Using Microsoft Office 2000
491 Windows 2000 explained
492 A practical introduction to Microsoft Office 2000
493 Windows Me explained
494 Basic-Internet-Skills
495 Easy-Windows-Troubleshooting
496  Getting the Most from Windows M
497 Outlook 2000 Explained
498 Using-Visual-Basic
503 Using-Dreamweaver-4
504 Using Flash 5
505 Microsoft WorksSuite 2001 Explained
509 Microsoft Office XP explained
510 Microsoft Word 2002 explained
511 BP511 Microsoft Excel 2002 Explained
512 Microsoft Access 2002 Explained
513 Internet Explorer 6 and Outlook Express 6 Explained
514 Windows XP Explained
515 Getting the most from Windows XP
516 Basic Microsoft Office XP Skills
517 Understanding the Internet
518 Easy PC Peripherals Troubleshooting
519  How to use Norton SystemWorks 2002
520 Fun Web Pages with Javascript (2nd edition)
521 BP521 Easy Windows XP Troubleshooting
522 Microsoft Works Suite 2002 explained
523 Easy-PC-Interfacing
524 How to use Microsoft Powerpoint 2002
525 Controlling Windows XP the easy way
Babani Press BP-526-550 BP-551-575 BP-576-600
527 Using Flash MX
531 Easy PC Upgrading
532 How to use XML
533  A Practical Introduction to Office XP
534 BP534 Build your own PC
535 PC Interfacing Using USB
537 Digital Photography with your Computer
538 Windows-XP-for-Beginners
539 Easy PC Web Site Construction for Beginners
540 Easy-PC-Security
541 Boost your PC's Performance
542 BP542 Easy PC Case Modding
544 BP544 Microsoft Office 2003 Explained
545 Paint Shop Pro 8 explained
546 Microsoft Works Suite 2004 explained
547 Using Microsoft Powerpoint 2003
548 Easy-PC-Keyboard-Shortcuts
549 Easy PC Wifi Networking
550 Advanced Guide to Windows XP
551 eBay-for-Beginners
553 Using Microsoft FrontPage 2003
554 Getting-Started-in-Java
555 Using pdf Files
556 How to Transfer Computer Data and Files
557 How-did-I-do-taht-in-Windows-XP
558 Microsoft Works 8.0 and Works Suite 2005 explained
559 How-to-Set-Up-Your-New-Computer
561 BP561 Using iPod, MP3 and WMA with your PC

Getting Started with Java Applets

563 Using Windows XP's Accessories
564 BP564 Getting the Most from your iPod and MP3 Player
565 Using Microsoft Windows XP Media Center 2005
566 How-to-get-your-website-noticed
567 How to Set Up Your Home or Small Business Network
568 Creative-Crafts-Using-You-Computer
569 Microsoft Works 8 and Works Suite 2006 Explained
570 BP570 Visual Basic 2005 Express for Beginners
571 Getting the Most From Your Microsoft XBOX 360
572 Gentting-the-Most-from-your-Laptop
573 Using Windows Media Player 11
576 BP576 Internet Dating
578 Microsoft Windows Vista - an Ultimate Guide
579 Upgrading To and Troubleshooting Windows Vista
580 Windows Vista for Beginners
581 Windows Vista Explained
582 Using Microsoft Windows Vista Media Center
583 Microsoft Office 2007 Explained
584 Microsoft Word 2007 Explained
585 BP585 Microsoft Excel 2007 Explained
586 Using Ubuntu Linux
587 Getting the most from Broadband
588 Getting the Most from your Playstation 3
589 Perfect Presentations with PowerPoint 2007
590 Microsoft Access 2007 Explained
591 How to Build a Computer
592 Wireless Networking with Broadband Explained
593 BP593 Upgrading your Laptop or Desktop PC
595 BP595 Google Explored
600 BP600 The Internet for the Older Generation
Babani Press BP-600 BP-700 Other
601 Computing for the Older Generation
603 BP603 Creative Gardening with a Computer for the Older Generation
604 BP604 Internet banking and Shopping for the Older Generation
605 How-to-find-anything-on-the Internet-for-the-older-generation
606 BP606 Internet Travel and Holidays for the Older Generation
607 BP607 Finding Advice from the Internet for the Older Generation
608 BP608 Looking After Your Computer for the Older Generation
609 Easy-Word-Processing-For-The-Older-Generation
610 How-to-Make-Your-Own-Web-Site-for-the-Older-Generation
615 The-Internet-With-Vista-for-the-Older-Generation
701 An Introduction to Excel Spreadsheets
706 An-introduction-to-Windows-7
707 How-to-Build-a-computer-made-easy
709 An-Introduction-to-eBay-for-the-Older-Generation
710 Introduction-to-Windows-Live-Essentials
711 An-Introduction-to-the-Internet-for-the-Over-50s-Generation
720 How-to-trace-your-Ancestors
729 Computing-and-Digital-Photography-for-the-Older-Generation
733 An-Introduction-to-the-New-iPad
735 Windows-8-Explained
747 Windows-8.1-explained
756 A Beginner's Guide to Coding
Many books courtesy of Graeme "Zim" Zimmer from Australia and John Koster from the Netherlands .