
Bookshelf: Ratings and Audience Research

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 Books related to radio and TV ratings, survey techniques and ratings usage / reliability
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Bookshelf: Biography
Biography & Careers
The stories of the people who created and built the broadcast industry
History of Television
Books about TV's history from the 30's to the new Millennium
Bookshelf: Books about Radio's History
History of Radio
Books about the history of programming, operations and engineering
Radio Programming
(And Operations)
Books station programabout  ming and operations.
The business side of broadcasting:: management, sales and  programming
Opinions, critiques, forecasts and
theories about broadcasting
Bookshelf: Ratings
Ratings and research
Books and publications about radio and TV research and ratings 
The Enjoyment of Radio And Television
Books about understanding and enjoying electronic media
Bookshelf: The Listener Experience
The Listener Experience
How to listen, understanding technology, stars of radio and programs
Books: Textbooks for Broadcasting Courses
Education & Training
Books for students of radio & TV as a career.
Regulation & Legal
Government regulation, FCC rules and general outside factors affecting broadcasting.
Radio Research
and Ratings

Books about radio and media research.
News & Editorializing
Books about news gathering and reporting in the electronic media.
<center><h2>WLW</h2><hr><h3>The Nation's Station</h3><hr><img src="Archive-Station-Albums/Covers/WLW.jpg">
Radio & TV Stations
Books about the history of stations and broadcasting groups.
Short Wave Radio
Books and booklets about shortwave and listener hobbies about this service.
Directory Collection
Directories from the 1930's to today
RBR, Inside Radio, Kagan, Keyes, Data World
The Radio Station by Keith
The Radio Station
The earliest editions of Michael Keith's "gold standard" text on radio, 1986-1997
Mass Media Research Wimmer
5th 1997
Mass Media Research Wimmer Dominick 2nd 1983      
 C E Hooper Day Part Recall vs Coincidental  1941  Recommended Standards for Radio and TV Program Audience ARF 1954 Mass Media Research Wimmer
1st 1983
Mass Media Research Wimmer
3rd 1991
Mass Media Research Wimmer
4th 1994
Greater Prosperity Through Marketing Research A C Nielsen 1964 Measurement In Radio Lumley 1934 Qualitative Analysis of Radio Listening Sandage 1949 Radio and the Printed Page Audience Ratings A Primer for Non Commercial Radio 1986
Ratings Analysis
Webster et. al.
2nd Edition 2000
Ratings Analysis by Webber &  Lichty
 1st Edon1991
Television Audiences & Cultural Studies
Morley 1992
Audience Ratings Beville 1988 Cable-Audience-Methodology-1983
Handbook of Radio and TV Broadcasting
Introduction to Mass Communications Research
Nafziger & White
Broadcasting Research Methods
Domenich & Fletcher
Rules of the Ratings Game
NAB 1988
Milestones In Mass Communication Research
Lowery De Fleur
Radio Audience Measurement
C. E. Hooper and 
Matthew Chappell
Qualitative Analysis of Radio Listening
University of Illinois  
Greater Prosperity through Marketing Research 1964
An address by Arthur C. Nielsen for the Newcomen Society
Radio Research
Frank Stanton and Paul Lazarsfeld
The state of radio research
Radio Research 1942-1943
Second volume of the Stanton / Lazarsfeld collaboration on the state of radio research.
The People Look at Radio
An  analysis of a National Association of Broadcasters study of radio listening in America
Hoop of Hooperatings
Biography of ratings pioneer C E Hooper
ARB Replication Study 1974
Verification of sample size and reliability
Arbitron Replication
Study II
Update to 1974 Replication and Reliability study
Communications Research 1948-1949
A further examination of the state of media research and part of the 40's publications by  Lazarsfeld and CBS's Frank Stanton
The People Look at Radio... Again
Paul Lazarsfield analyzes another study of radio listening two years after the first one.
 ARB Ratings Report
San Francisco ratings as sample of early 70's ratings report
Nielsen Seattle TV
Example of 1970's TV ratings
Nielsen TV Questions
Brochure with answers to common questions about TV ratings.
Arbitron Programmers Guide
How to use ratings
Nielsen Television
An explanation of TV ratings for the layman.
Radio and the Printed Page
Paul Lazersfeld's book on evaluation of the radio medium vs. print media