
 Citizen's Radio Call Book Magazine 

Citizens Call Book
 Station Listings, technical articles and listening guides: 1921 to 1932 
In 1922 the Citizen's Radio Callbook Magazine began publication  with lists of radio stations, with location, frequency, power, and programming descriptions and contained both consumer-oriented and technical articles on radio and how to listen.
More about the Call Book
The Callbook was two issues per year from inception to the end of 1925, in the form of "Spring" and "Fall" issues. In 1926 and 1927, the Callbook was 3 issues per year: Spring (Mar), Fall (Sep) and Winter (Nov or Dec). In 1928-1930, it was 4 issues per year (Jan, Mar, Sep, Nov). In 1931, they did 5 issues (Jan, Mar, Oct, Nov, Dec) and in 1932 they ran monthly from Jan to Jun when it was absorbed into Radio News.
In 1928 the editor wrote, "With this issue, the CITIZEN'S RADIO CALL BOOK enters into the seventh year of publication. The CITIZEN'S RADIO CALL BOOK of today is very much different from the modest loose-leaf Call Book of 1921. Originally conceived to supply the demand of the commercial and amateur operator for a Call Book containing all of the radio stations of the world, this magazine has slowly changed, both in physical appearance and type of content. We have endeavored, as year after year passed, to improve the magazine so that it would appeal to the radio public as a whole. Nor have we neglected our original readers."
Editions Available
May November
Spring Fall
Spring Fall
Spring Fall Winter Amateur
Spring Fall Winter
Spring Summer Fall Winter
Spring Summer Fall Winter
Spring Summer Fall Winter
Jan Mar Oct Nov Dec
Radio Service Schematics        
Jan Feb Mar April May Jun
<center><h3>FBIS</h3><h3>- Foreign Broadcast -<br>-  Information Service -</h3><hr>Prepared by the CIS <BR>Lists AM, FM, TV and SW<BR>Frequency order and<br> Country and City Order<BR>Has lots of errors <BR>But is only public domain <br>foreign list<br>since WRTVH does not<br> make any online <br>data available</center> <center><h2>Radio News</h2><h3>Radio & Televsion News</h3><hr>1919 to 1958 <br> More than 450 Issues<hr>Receivers, Stations and<BR>Electronic Technology<BR>Many diagrams <br>and illustrations<BR> <center><h3>FM Atlas 1970 - 2010</h3><hR> 20 of 21 total editions <BR> The late Dr Bruce Elving's  <BR>marvelous publication which plots <BR> every FM on maps  <BR>plus listings by frequency and  <BR>state & city including  <BR>formats and SCA.</center> <center><h3>The Vane A Jones</h3><h3>- North American -<br>-  Radio & Television -<br> Guide</h3><hr>Published 1957 to 1985 <BR>17 editions available. <BR>This was The DXer's <br>and station owner's <BR>favorite list of all <br>US Radio and TV stations. <BR>Includes Canada <br>Mexico Caribbean</center> <center><h3>White's Log and Station Lists</h3><hr>White's Stevenson Burgess, FBIS<BR>1923 to 1980's.<BR>Nearly 200 Radio Logs<BR> with  stations by frequency,<BR> location and call letters.<BR> FM and TV are included<BR> in later editions.</center> <center><h2>All Wave Radio</h2><hr>1930's <hr> Short Wave Radio<hr>International stations<BR>Receivers<BR>DX and Listening
FBIS Foreign Lists Radio News FM Atlas Jones Logs Whites'
Radio Logs
All Wave Radio
<center><h3>RADEX <br>'The RAdio inDEX'</h3><hr>Published 1925 to 1942 <BR> Over 100 issues <BR> All are Searchable <br>by keywords <BR> Radex was the <br>listener's guide when <BR>there were fewer local <br>stations and much listening <br> was at night to skywave signals. <BR>US, Canada, Mexico <br>by frequency and location. <br> Great articles on radio listening.</center> <center><h2>Citizen's Radio Callbook</h2><h3>Technolgy and station listings</h3><hr>1921 - 1932<hr>Very extensive listings of stations <BR>Technology articles<BR>Listener features</center> <center><h2>Short Wave Craft</h2><h3>Short Wave & Television</h3><hr>1930 to 1938 <br> Over 75 Issues<hr>Short wave radio<BR>Early Television<BR>Many diagrams <br>and illustrations<BR> <center><h2>Radio-Craft</h2><h3>from Hugo Gernsback</h3><hr>1929 to 1948 <br> Over 150 issues<hr>Receivers, news and<BR>Electronic Technology<BR>Many diagrams <br>and illustrations<BR> <center><h2>Radio Engineering</h2><hr>1920 to 1937<br> Radio receiver technology<hr>and related fields<BR>including broadcast<BR>antennas and transmitters.<BR>
The Radio Index
Early Radio Publicactions Short Wave Craft Radio Craft Communication &
Broadcast Engineering
Radio Engineering