Harmsworth's Wireless
Encyclopedia followed a
marketing device that was
popular in much of the world
in its period; the assembly
of a major volume from
chapters issued regularly.
In the case of Harmsworth's
Wireless Encyclopedia, a new
volume was published each
fortnight. A collection of
all 24 completed the
collection and could be
studied as a full course in
wireless. Here we present
the entire set from the
printing of 1923 |
Wireless Encyclopedia
Additional historical notes
will be welcome and added. |
Issued in serial fashion
each fortnight 1923 / 1924 |
#1 A-to-ALU |
#2 ALU-to-AUD |
#3 AUD-to-BOL |
#4 BOO-to-COL |
#5 CAL-to-COI |
#6 COI-to-COU |
#7 COU-to-CYM |
#8 CYM-to-DRA |
#9 DRI-to-ELE. |
#10 ELE-to-FIL |
#11 FIL-to-GEN |
#12 GEN-to-HIG |
#13 HIG-to-IVO |
#14 IOV-to-LON |
#15 LON-to-MAR |
#16 MAR-to-OSC |
#17 OSC-to-POW |
#18 POW-to-REG |
#19 REG-to-SEL |
#20 SEL-to-STA |
#21 STA-to-TEL |
#22 TEL-to-TRA |
#23 TRA-to-UNI |
#24 UNI-to-ZIR |