
  NAB Publications 

NAB Publications   

  Booklets and publications from the National Associations of Broadcasters

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1937 NAB Special Report: SESAC NAB examination of SESAC offerings and relevance to American broadcasters.
1938 Radio Reaches People - Sales success stories Sales promotion booklet: same graphic format as a PowerPoint of today would use. 
1938 How to Use Radio
Kenneth Bartlett
Manual fro educational and public service organizations on how to make the best use of radio.
1938 The ABC of Radio Explanation of radio for the non-radio person.
1939 NAB Code 1939 edition of the NAB
1940 ASCAP and the forming of BMI A booklet illustrating to the average listener the conflict over radio music rights from ASCAP
1941 Management in the Public Interest Short book about the public and community service given by radio stations
  ASCAP and BMI Open letter to members and the public about the reasons for forming BMI to counter ASCAP
1943 NAB Petrillo / AFM Updates Several urgent updates from the NAB about the actions of the American Federation of Musicians against the recording and radio industries.
  NAB Special Legislative Bulletins A group of bulletins about pending legislation affecting broadcasting.
  NAB Swap Bulletin Regular listings of electronic parts available for trade / swap. A necessity of wartime rationing when many spares were not available.
  NAB Bulletins Regular bulletins from the NAB about sales, the War, Selective Service, Taxes, Music, etc.
1944 Postwar Broadcasting and Television Four-page news release from the NAB News Bureau featuring the text of a speech to the "NAB Executives War Conference" on August 31, 1944 about post- World War II radio and TV broadcasting by Paul Chamberlain of General Electric,. Featured are remarks about FM and television.
1945 Management in the Public Interest "A Picture Story of Radio" is an illustrated "tour of the things that radio does for the community and its listeners.
1946 Public Service Responsibility of Broadcast Licensees Report by the Federal Communications Commission sponsored by the NAB in March of 1946
1947 Broadcasting and the Bill of Rights Testimony given before Congress in regards to amending the communications act.
1948 Radio Broadcasting: A Profession A speech by Justin Miller, President of NAB.
1949 Sample Transmitter Logs NAB-NARTB Sample transmiter logs.
  NAB Program Clinic Program for radio programming conference.
1950 Sales Potential of FM Includes listing of all operating FM stations as of mid-1950 and a discussion of the markets and potentials of FM.
1952 NAB Television Code
The NAB television code, issued the year prior to the lifting of the FCC "freeze" on new licenses.
1955 NARTB Changes in FCC Rules Update on changes in Commission rules.
1958 NAB Financial Report Income and profitability of radio stations
1958 Television Quarterly Added the Winter issue of this NAB magazine.
1959 NAB Financial Report Income and profitability of radio stations
60's NAB-Maintenance-Log-Requirements Details and sample maintenance log forms.
1960 NAB Financial Report Income and profitability of radio stations
1961 NAB Financial Report Income and profitability of radio stations
1962 NAB Financial Report Income and profitability of radio stations
1966 Political Catechism & The Fairness Doctrine 5th Edition Fifth edition of this NAB publication. Section on the Fairness Doctrine included
1964 WCBS WNBC Shared Antenna Site, NAB paper on the diplexing of these two A-1 50 kw clear channel stations at one site.
1964 Standard Cartrige Tape Recording  
  Cartridge Tape Recording NAB Standards for Cartridge tape recorders and playbacks
1966 Technical Papers 1966 Convention

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1965 Disk Recording & Playback NAB Standards for disc recording and plyback
  Magnetic Tape Recording NAB Standards for reel to reel magnetic tape recording and playback
1966  Political Broadcast Catechism & The Fairness Doctrine  Edition 5 of the NAB's legal guide to these critical FCC regulated areas 
  Dimensions of Television Booklet about Television Broadcasting
1967 Careers in Radio Description of radio career opportunities
1969 Radio & TV Program Log Recommendations A guide to preparing program logs
  The Television Code The Television Code, an industry policy on advertising acceptability programming issues.
  Build Radio with Radio On air promos texts for radio
1970's Radio Program Department Handbook A guide for program department organization and goal setting.
1970's Tuning In: The Senate, The House, The BAB Convention Program
1972 A Date With Radio A radio moment in history for each day of the year
1972 Political Broadcast Catechism 7th edition of this guide to political advertising and programming
1974 Broadcasting & Lottery Law 5th edition
1975 Broadcaster's Wage & Hour Guide Understanding wage and hour rules as they apply to radio
1976 CPB Ascertainment Handbook
Guided and detailed instructions on doing community ascertainment for license renewal in the 1970's.
1976 Political Broadcast Catechisms
8th Edition
Following the rules for political broadcasts
  Cartridge Tape Recordings and Reproduction NAB Standards for Cartridge tape recorders and playbacks 1986
1977 Proceedings of the 31st Engineering Conference
1978 Candidate's Guide to Political Broadcasting For distribution to political candidates
1980 Political Broadcast Catechism 9th Edition Following the rules for political broadcasts
1980 Why Do Radio Research A workbook on why research should be done
  Syndicated Programming Directory 1980 edition
1981 FCC Checklist for On Air Radio Personnel Brief guidelines showing the legal duties of broadcast station airstaff.
1983 Subcarrier Services "How to make dollars and sense" out of SCA opportunities
1984 Broadcast Lending An introduction to the radio industry for lenders
1984  AM Technical Improvement: A Plan for the Future  91 page booklet on ways to keep AM successful in the future.
1984 NAB Legal Guide
Second Generation
Guide to FCC Broadcast Regulations
1985 Radio: In search of excellence Profiles of winning strategies at successful radio stations
  Drug and Alcohol Abuse Campaign Brochure describing 1985-1986 campaign
Issues of  the NAB Magazine March 1985
Sept 1985
1986 MegaRates Book on getting better rates in radio sales
1986 Radio Active April 1986 issue
1986 Careers in Radio Career guide to positions in Radio Broadcasting
1986 Careers in Television Career guide to positions in a TV station
1987  Music & Program Research  James Fletcher's NAB booklet about radio programming research
1988 NAB Legal Guide 3rd Edition Legal aspects of broadcasting. CAUTION: use for historic and research perspectives only. Information not up to date.
This guide presented as historical data only; the rules and regulations are considerably changed today.
1988 Record Retention Guide for Radio and Television Stations Guide for saving documents at broadcast stations.
1988 NAB Successful Radio Promotion Creating good station promotions. Written by The Research Group.
1988  Buying or Building a Broadcast Station "Everything you want - and need to know, but didn't know who to ask.
Second edition.
1989 Developing and Effective Marketing Plan Marketing and promoting a broadcast station
1989 Megasales How America's most successful radio salespeople do it.
1990 Radio in the 90's Audience promotion and marketing strategies by Rob Balon
1990 Radio Financing A guide for lenders and investors.
  1990  Lotteries & Contests
A Broadcaster's Handbook
3rd Edition of this guide to the highly regulated area of broadcast promotional activities.
1991 Careers in Television Career guide to positions in a TV station
1991  Guide for Broadcast Station Chief Operators  Details on the FCC and practical requirements for a Chief Operator of a broadcast station
1991 Buying or Building a Broadcast Station in the 1990's Third edition by Krasnow, Bentley and Martin.
1992 NAB Legal Guide 3rd Edition Supplement Update to 3rd edition from 1988. Please note that this is not current information and intended for historical research only
1993  NAB Optimum Effective Scheduling System Effective scheduling of commercials 
1992 NAB Broadcast Engineering Tutorial for Non-Engineers Technical facts that the non-engineer should know to manage and budget a station.
1994 The Franchise
Building Radio Brands
Creating radio station images by the former head of Cumulus, a major US group of radio stations.
1996 NAB Legal Guide 5th Edition Legal aspects of broadcasting. CAUTION: use for historic and research perspectives only. Information not up to date
This is presented as historical data only; the rules and regulations are considerably changed today.
1996 Program & Buyer's Guide
1996 Convention
Complete convention guide
1999 Television Employee Compensations Pay and compensation survey for 1999
2000 Political Broadcast Catechism 15th Edition of this NAB Guide for political broadcasts and advertising.
2000 Troubleshooting Audience Research Troubleshooting Audience Research is designed to help non-research
media professionals make better use of the research they encounter on an everyday basis. It highlights the most important attributes
of good (and bad) audience research in a clear and easy-to understand way.
1998 Guidebook for On-Air Radio Personnel A small booklet giving orientation to persons new to the industry or wishing to begin a career in it.
1999  Tech Terms
Second Edition
Terminology of new technology impacting radio and TV.
2000  Troubleshooting Audience Research DETECTING PROBLEMS IN
2001 NAB Convention Dailty News Batch  
2001 NAB Convention Program 2001  
2003 NAB 57th 2003 Broadcast Engineering Conference Summary  
2003 NAB 2003 Broadcast Engineering Conference Program  
2003 NAB 2003 Convention Exhibit Guide  
2003 NAB 2003 Convention Program  
2003 NAB Brochure Multimedia World Conference 2003
2006 NAB Publications Guide Catalog of books for sale at NAB Store
2007 NAB Convention Program Program and Exhibit guide
2008 Convention Program and Exhibit Guide for 2008 convention Complete 300 page convention and exhibitor's guide
2017 Convention Program and Exhibit Guide Complete show direcotry