
  F.C.C. Rules & Regulatory Publications & Intesting Filings

 Rules, Interpretations, and related publications
Rules Extracts
1937  (From Variety Radio Annual)
1938 (From Broadcasting Yearbook)
1940 (From Broadcasting Yearbook)
1942 (From Broadcasting Yearbook)
1946 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1950 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1956 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1957 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1960 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)

1965 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1970 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1975 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1980 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1985 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1991 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1992 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1993 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1994 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1995 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1997 (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
1980  (from Broadcasting Yearbook)
FCC Reports
1966 Sep
1968 Nov
1973  Feb
1938 Jul
1972 August
1972 Sept
1972 Nov I
1972 Nov II
1972 Dec I
1972 Dec II
1973 Jan
1973 Mar
1973 Apr
1973 Jul
1973 Aug
1973 Oct
1973 Nov I
1973 Nov II
1973 Dec
1974 Jan
1974 Feb
1974 Mar
1974 Apr
1974 May
1974 Jun I
1974 Jun II
1974 Jul
FCC Annual Reports
Rules Extracts
"Puddle" Logo
Recent Era Logo
(We favor the original one)
FCC Documents & Related Materials
1912 Radio Act of 1912 Earliest radio regulations
1915-32 Radio Service Bulletins Licensing and regulator actions pre-FCC
1931 Procedures Rules of the FRC Brief descriptions of the Federal Radio Commission's procedural rules.
1933 Code of Fair Competition Legislation signed by Franklin D Roosevelt
1927 Federal Radio Act Complete Text
1933 Radio Law Extract from Keyes Annual
1934 Communications Act Creation of the FCC
  Communications Act Second copy. Take your pick.
1938 FCC Rules Complete set of radio rules
  FCC Standards of Good Engineering Practice Complete including charts and graphs.
  Ground Conductivity Chart US map with ground conductivity regions.
1939 FCC List of Broadcast Stations Listing by state and city of all radio stations.
  FCC Standards of Good Engineering Practice Best practices including ground conductivity and filed strength charts by frequency.
  FCC Annual Reports 1933-1939 Compilation of FCC activity
  Standards of Good Engineering Technical standards of "good engineering" some of which go beyond specific rules.
1940 Rules Governing Radio Broadcast Broadcast Station rules
  FCC Reports March 1940 to August 1941
1941 What the New Rules Mean A CBS publication about new FCC rules.
  FCC Reports Volume 8: March 1940 to August 1941
1943 Statistics of the Communications Industry 1943 reporting period
  Financial Data for Networks and Stations Data on income, revenue sources etc.
1944 Statistics of the Communications Industry 1944 reporting period
  Financial Data for Networks and Stations Data on income, revenue sources etc.
1945 Statistics of the Communications Industry 1945 reporting period
1946 FCC Blue Book: Public Service Responsibility of Broadcast Licensees: FCC policy on service to the community
(comment on the above) The Battle over the FCC Blue Book Determining the role of broadcast media in a democratic society,
  FCC Annual Reports 1940-1949 Compilation of FCC activity
  Statistics of the Communications Industry 1946 reporting period
  Financial Data for Networks and Stations Data on income, revenue sources etc.
  WHAM Rochester New York Clear channel hearing
1947 Statistics of the Communications Industry 1947 reporting period
  Financial Data for Networks and Stations Data on income, revenue sources etc.
1948 Statistics of the Communications Industry 1948 reporting period
  Financial Data for Networks and Stations Data on income, revenue sources etc.
  License Renewal; WGAR WJR KMPCl Proposed  finding of the FCC on the renewal applications for WGAR-Cleveland. WJR-Detroit and KMPC Los Angeles from 1948
1949 Statistics of the Communications Industry 1949 reporting period
  Editorializing by Broadcast Licencees Filings before the FCC on the subject.
  Financial Data for Networks and Stations Data on income, revenue sources etc.
1950's Proof of Performance List Hints and techniques for the PoP from Gates
1950 Statistics of the Communications Industry 1950 reporting period
  Editorializing by Licensees Filing before the Commission
1951 FCC Field Strength Measurements Standards for making measurements
  Statistics of the Communications Industry 1951 reporting period
  Statistics of the Communications Industry 1952 reporting period
1955 FCC Rules Complete set of radio rules
Study Guide for Commercial Radio Reference material for commercial radio operator examinations.
  Digest of Regulations for Restricted Licenses Summary listings of new regulations
  Radio Operator Licenses Details of licensing requirements for operators.
  Aural Equipment Lists Aural service type accepted equipment.
  FCC Annual Reports 1950-1955 Compilation of FCC activity
1956 UHF VHF Allocations Problems Federal government hearing and inquiry
1957-58 Regulation Revisions Various service regulation updates
1958 General Guide for AM Permitees Details on licensee requirements
  Type Acceptance List FCC type accepted gear for aural services
  Rules & Regulations Part 73 FCC Rule for AM, FM and TV
1959 Rules & Regulations Vol III FCC rules in effect 1959
1961 CONELRAD California Script for a 28 minute CONELRAD drill / alert
1963 Congressional Hearings Broadcast Ratings Hearings.
The Methodology, Accuracy and Use of Ratings
970 Pages.
  FCC Rules Parts 0. 1, 13 & 17
1964 FCC Rules Parts 73, 74
  EBS Manual 1964 EBS operating instructions for stations
1968 How to Apply for a Broadcast Station Procedure for applications
  Information Bulletin Station lists
1970's FCC Station Checklist FCC self-inspection checklist
1971 Texas EBS Operational Plan Detailed description of Texas' Emergency Broadcast System.
1974 Commercial License Study Guide Guide to taking FCC elements 1,2 and 9
Various FCC Rules - Condensed FCC rules sections from a number of Broadcasting Yearbook issues
1972 Interpreting FCC Rules Part III of a "How to" guide
  The Public and Broadcasting General Public's guide to radio and regulation
1976 FCC Broadcast Operator Handbook Manual and test questions for the operator's license from the FCC itself
FCC in Brief: Explanation of Functions A short explanation of how the FCC works and what its purpose is.
  Sports Blackouts 3rd annual report on sporting events blackouts
1977 Short History of Electrical Communication A consumer's brief history of communications
  How To Identify Radio TV Interference Problems Guide to finding cause of radio and TV reception interference
  How to Apply for a Broadcast Station Guide to making an application for a licensed radio station.
1979 Federal Register October 5 Deregulation of FCC
  Filing by CKLW on AM Stereo Filing showing no adjacent channel interference of AM Stereo system
1980 Law of Political Broadcasting Rules for political advertising and campaigning
  FCC Part III Rues & Regulations Complete 1980 Part III rules with updates to 1981
80's FCC White Paper on Deregulation Synopsis of the scope and content of future FCC deregulation.
1982 FCC Statistical Determinants of Station Revenues and Trading Prices Just what the title says"
1983 "Docket 80-90" Changing classes, separation, etc., to allow many more stations and upgrades.
  Freedom Of Expression Act Extend to broadcast media the priviledges of print media
Code of Federal Regulations 47 Telecomunicationns. Dated 10-31-1983
1984 Law of Political Broadcasting A Political Primer from 1984 by the FCC
1985 Fairness Report Report on Notice of Inquiry on the Fairness Doctrine
1986 FCC Rules Parts 70 to 79
  Interference Handbook How to resolve interference to your radio and TV reception.
1987 Code of Federal Regulations 47 Parts 70 to 79 from 1987 Contains FCC regulations.
1989 FCC Rules Rules And Regulation
  FCC Standards Standards for AM, FM and TV
  FCC Internal Procedures Internal FCC operating regulations
1990 Indecency Ruling Indecency ruling on Howard Stern Show content.
1994 Implementation of Spectrum Auctions Auction procedure for station applications
  Commissioners of the FCC 1927-1994 Book by Flannerty from 1995
  Amend Communications Act House bill to make changes in act.
1998 FCC Rules Parts 70 to 79
Policy on AM Stereo An explanation of the FCC's decision making on the adoption of AM stereo.
2007 FCC Rules Part s70 to 79
  KFI Los Angeles Tower Replacement Filing regarding replacement tower following destruction of old tower by aircraft accident..
2009 FCC Rules Parts 70 to 79
  The Public & Broadcasting 2008 revised edtion of consumer guide to radio and TV.
2010 FCC Rules Parts 70 to 79
  Objection to Transmitter Move Filing against the move of KULF in Houston
Current FCC Rule lookup From Hallikain and & Friends
Current FCC Website Current Rules in subsets
Current ECFR Complete 2013 Rules Federal Electronic Regulation site
Current EAS Operating Handbook 2016 Revision
Current EAS Operating Handbook 2017 Revision