
 Modern Wireless

Modern Wireless

   Monthly electronics construction and hobbyist magazine from the U.K

"Modern Wireless" covered radio technology, communications, set construction and broadcast stations. It began publishing in 1923, and following the December 1933 issue it was merged with Wireless Constructor It was part of the publishing enterprise of John Scott-Taggart named "Radio Press, Limited."

Modern Wireless
Tuning Aides
Wireless Dial Diamonds
Wireless Station Placer
From the
"First Anniversary Issue"
Twelve months ago. the first issue of MODERN WIRELESS appeared on the bookstalls. Was such a magazine really wanted? Would it appeal to the public?. What was the circulation likely to be ? These were a few of . the questions which exercised the minds of the proprietors. The emphatically affirmative, answer of the public soon set aside all doubts, and the first issue of 20,000 copies disappeared in a few hours. The actual number of copies sold was so great that after a few months the publishers issued what few magazines can .give-a certified net sales certificate showing an average net sale of over 100,000 copies a month. The threefold ideal of MODERN WIRELESS-to give the right articles by the right authors in the right way-has animated us from: the beginning. We believed that the public wanted a magazine such as MODERN WIRELESS, and we knew that if we gave them such a magazine we could count upon wide support.
Scanning and logistics courtesy of David Andrews
Other Radio Press, Ltd. Magazines
Wireless Weekly
Wireless Constructior
Year J F M A M J J A S O N D
Year J F M A M J J A S O N D
Year J F M A M J J A S O N D
1928 Pamphlet: "Sets for Every Pocket"
Volume IV (Feb - Sept 1925) Index
  From the December, 1933 issue:
This is the last number of MODERN WIRELESS to be issued as a separate shilling journal.
In 1934 it will be incorporated with its popular sister -journal, " The Wireless Constructor,"
which will continue to be published mid -monthly. at sixpence.