Illustrated Log Books (Station Lists with Feature Articles) |
General Electric
1936 "Listener's Guide to World Radio Tours"
Station lists and featured GE sets. |
Philco Radio Personalities and Radio Log
Philco Radio Atlas
Shortwave directory from 1935 |
Radio Photo Log
National Union Radio
Promotional booklet from
radio parts manufacturer |
Voice of the Air
from Majestic.
Station guide from 1930 with many radio entertainer pictures.
Vol 2 No 15 |
Better Listening through Technology |
The Radio Key Book
A guide to hear "farther and better" from 1925 |
Ray-O-Vac Radio Trouble Finder and Station Directory
1923 |
Ray-O-Vac "How to Use Radio Manual" and station list from 1925 |
Business & Regulation of Broadcasting |
A Thirty Year History of Programs
National Networks
1926-1956 |
Broadcast Reporter
Broadcast Management magazine from
July 1932 |
Continental Broadcasting
Plan to do national synchronized radio network on one frequency.
1929 |
How Far Should Government Control Radio?
1946 publication |
Magazines (Single Issues of Magazines)
Listed Here Until We Get More Issues |
Northwest Radio Weekly
Issue from April 1931 |
Radio World
October, 1944 (Not the "old" 1922 to 1939 magazine with same name) |
Radio Digest
May 1922
(At the time there were two magazines with the same title. This one did not last.) |
Popular Science
June, 1946
Cover story about advances in television |
Radiocast Weekly
Pacific Coast program and station guide. February, 1926 |
Radio Program Weekly
A Hugo Gernsback magazine from 1927 |
Radio Weekly
Canadian listener magazine form 1935 |
Radio News of Canada.
A single 1927 issue |
Broadcast World
Labor's perspective on radio. 1940 issue. |
Radio Issue
November 1926 |
German Radio Illustrated
A 1934 issue of this monthly program guide. |
NBC Digest
Vol. 1 #4
Listener current affairs magazine |
Majestic "Voice of the Air"
Several undated issues from the early 30's |
Experimental Electricity Course
1916 |
Programming & General Radio Topics |
Radio Pictorial
First Edition from
1931 |
Broadcast Listener
Radio program magazine from September of 1926 |
RCA's 1937
America's First Television Tour |
Stars of the Radio from Broadcast Weekly. 1932
Artist pictures.& bios. |
The Story of Radio
From the publisher of RaDex, |
Radio Foto Log
from National Union Radio Corp
Radio Personalities and station log
Fall 1939 |
Chicago Tribune Radio Book
1926/1927 edition. |
Chicago Tribune Picture Book of Radio
1928 edition |
People's Television Survey
1946 An analysis of TV use and technology |
Alice in Philcoland
Coloring Book for March of Dimes |
Professor Quiz
Radio Game
Inspired by his Radio Show. |
Philco Political Radio Atlas
1936 |
Broadcasting for the Home
1927-1928 |
WCFL Chicago
The Voice of Farmer-Labor
Spring 1929 magazine |
Chase & Sanborn Radio News
Publication of the popular NBC Red Network |
Chicago Radio Program
1927 Chicago radio schedules and information |
Radio in Red
Communists in broadcasting
1947 |
Best Broadcasts of 1939-40
Details on best radio shows |
Best Broadcasts
of 1938-39
Details on best radio shows |
Westinghouse "Radio Salutes Cotton"
Brochure |
AFRA Antics 1940.
Chicago chapter of American Federation of Radio Announcers. |
AFRA Antics
Chicago chapter of American Federation of Radio Announcers. |
AFRA Antics
Chicago chapter of American Federation of Radio Announcers. |
CBS: Close Up
The story of how a TV show is created. |
KNX Los Angeles
1944 Program log from the studio. |
Chicago Evening Post Radio Magazine
November 1923 to February 1924 |
On the Air
CBS Radio Network Show. |
Who's Who on the Air
A directory of talent by furniture and radio store Ludwig-Baldwin in NYC |
The New World of Radio Entertainment. 1934 shortwave promotion from a set maker. |
RCA Shortwave Journey of Discovery
1937 |
Annie Laurie's Philco Story
for March of Dimes |
Local Station Policies
at station WMBD in Peoria and from the Federal Radio Education Committee. |
Radio Stars and the Fans |
A Day With Charlie McCarthy
A story about
Edgar Bergen and his ventriloquist dummy from 1938 |
The Story of Charlie McCartney
"Big Little Book"
1938 |
Lum & Abner's 1936 Family Almanac and Helpful Hints.
NBC Blue network show. |
Stars of Radio
Artist and Program
Late 1937 to early 1938
Station list and star album 1932 |
Radio Stars and Stations
Stations and artists of radio in 1933
Who's Who in Radio
July 1935 edition of this radio talent album. |
Everyday Book of Radio Stars
Photo Album of network radio
Early 1933 |
Radio Album
Portraits and Stories of the Stars
1932 |
Radio Stars of Today or Behind the Scenes in Broadcasting
1937 |
Radio Announcers
1934 Edition
Featuring the talent on NBC Networks |
Radio Announcers
1933 Annual
Profiles of network radio talent |
Eveready Book of Radio Stars
Pictures and bios of radio stars.
Colgate's Radio Stars
Stories about the talents and programs sponsored by Colgate of Canada. |
Stars of Radio
Undated booklet from Golden Age of Radio. |
Blue Book of Radio Entertainers
from General Electric - 1935 |
Radio Stars of Today or Behind the Scenes in Broadcasting
1937 |
Personalities in Radioland
1931 |
1932 edition of Who's Who on the radio from retailer Ludwig Baumann |
Radio Stars of Today or Behind the Scenes in Broadcasting
1937 |
Radio Stars of Today with radio log from National Union Tubes |
Radio Row Fan Magazine |
Radio Row
Fall 1945 issue
of this "fanzine" with pictures of the stars.
Radio Row
October,1947, issue of this fan and listener magazine |