Promotional Magazine for users of Crosley
radios and home appliances
The Crosley Radio Weekly and the Crosley
Broadcasters were promotional publications
for Crosley radios and, later, other home
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Company's Editions
Supplement Starting in
"Beginning with this issue of The Broadcaster
a service
supplement will be included with each
number. This will be
printed separately on punched sheets of
appropriate size for
an ordinary three-ring binder. It is planned
to cover in these
1. Crosley service policies.
2. The service department, its organization,
3. Equipment for servicing, both on service
calls and in the shop.
4. A radio course abridged from the course
in -The Broadcaster, - but containing more
examples and illustrations with regard to
Crosley receivers.
5. Methods of installing receivers,
including aerials, grounds, Underwriters'
rules, etc.
6. Troubles not in the receiver, outside
interference, etc.
7. Troubles in the receiver or loudspeaker,
methods of
locating them, various tests.
8. Circuits, chasses, test charts, and parts
lists for each individual receiver.