
 Radio Today  / Radio & Television Today

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   Radio set retail, radio technology and programming news ...from 1935 to 1941

Radio Today was published from September, 1935 to November of 1941- The journal focused on the radio set retail sector, but included many articles about stations, radio programming and networks to illustrate the potential for selling radio sets to the public.
In 1942 the magazine merged with Radio Retailing to become Radio Retailing Today. The magazine is a mix of interesting broadcast related content and insights into the field of the many radio sales and repair shops that existed in America in the 30's and 40's.

Radio Retailing
Radio Today merged with Radio Retailing at the end of 1939
Year J F M A M J J A S O N D
1935 This is a Complete Collection
Year J F M A M J J A S O N D
Extra Special Editions
1937 Radio Today Yearbook 1937-1938
Year Radio Today