New Additions
Titles bginning
with a number listed under first letter of
that number's spelling |
SAMS Amateur Radio Construction Projects
Caringella 1963 |
SAMS Amateur Tests and Measurements Dezettel
1976 |
SAMS Radio Transmitter Principles and Projects Noll 1971 |
SAMS So You Want to be a Ham Hertzberg 1971 |
SAMS TV Service Pricing Manual |
Television Tube Location Guide TGL 9 |
SAMS RF Circuit Design Bowick 1982
1988 Sams_Books |
1978 Sams_Books |
1971 Sams_Books |
101 Series |
101 Ways to Use Signal Generator 1959 |
101 Ways to Use VOM & VTVM
1959 |
101 Ways to Use Your Oscilloscope Middleton 1959 |
101 Ways to Use Your VOM and VTM
Middleton 1969 |
101 ways to use your VOM and VTVM
101 More Ways to Use Your VOM |
101 Ways to use Your Audio Test Equipment |
101 Ways to use your Oscilloscope |
101 Ways to use your Signal Generator |
SAMS Basic Electricity Vol 3 Understanding
1981 4th |
SAMS Basic Electricity Vol 5 Motors 1st 1964 |
SAMS All About Crossover Networks Tremaine
1960 |
Computer Data Handling Circuits Corbin 1974 |
Broadcast Industry Buyers Guide 1967 |
Ham Radio
Fye 1960 |
SAMS Audio Technology Essentials Cohen 1989 |
SAMS Basic Electricity Electronics
I to V
1964 |
Color TV Guidebook
#1 1965 |
Audio Cyclopedia
2nd Edition 1969 |
SAMS Basic Electricity Electronics Vol 1
Basic Principles 1968 |
SAMS Basic Electricity Electronics Vol 5
Test Instruments1968 |
ABC's Of Radio & TV Broadcasting
Waters 1967 |
ABC's of Transformers and Coils 1968 |
Citizens Band Manual 1962 Vol 2 |
Photofact CB Radio #4 1963 |
Photofact CB Radio #5 1964 |
ABC's of Mobile Radio
1962 |
ABC's of Electronic Test Probes |
Bridges and other Null Devices |
ABC's of Varactors |
ABC's of Boolean Algebra 1954 |
Computer Math
1964 |
Citizens Band Radio
2nd Edition 1964 |
CB Radios 1978 |
ABC's of Silicon Controlled Rectifiers |
ABC's of Transistors |
Amplifier Circuits |
ABC's of FET's |
ABC's of Integrated Circuits |
ABC's of Transformers and Coils 1968 |
Citizens Band Manual 1962 Vol 2 |
Color TV Servicing Guide Middleton 1965 |
SAMS Dial Cord Stringing Guides |
Dial Cord Stringing Guide DC 1 1948 |
Dial Cord Stringing Guide DC 2 1950 |
Dial Cord Stringing Guide DC 3 1953 |
Dial Cord Stringing Guide DC 4 1954 |
Dial Cord Stringing Guide DC 5 1955 |
Dial Cord Stinging Guide
DC 6
1958 |
SAMS Electronic Music Circuits Klein
1982 |
From CB radio to Ham Beginner
Stanley 1973 |
Detector and Rectifier Circuits |
FM Multiplexing for Stereo
Feldman 1962 |
Direct Readout Meters |
Effectively Using the Oscilloscope |
Electronic Component Tests and Measurements |
Frequency and its Measurement |
First Class License Handbook 1971 |
Design and Operation of Regulate Power
Supplies |
Diode Circuits Handbook |
From Tin Foil to Stereo |
FET Circuits |
Eliminating Man Made Interference |
SAMS Handbook of Electronic Tables &
Formulas Herrington 2nd |
SAMS Handbook of Electronic Tables &
Formulas 2nd 1962 |
How To Use Integrated Circuit Logic
Elements Streater 1 |
How to read Schematic Diagrams 1967 |
Getting the Most Out of Vacuum Tubes
1959 |
How to Build Electronics Projects |
Getting the Most Out of Vacuum Tubes 1960 |
Hi Fi Stereo Servicing Guide |
Hi Fi Stereo Handbook |
How to Read Schematic Diagrams |
Image Tubes
Csorba |
Getting Acquainted with the IC
Turner 1978 |
Hi Fi Stereo Handbook
Boyce 1961 |
SAMS Learning Electricity Fundamentals Crow 1957 |
Linear IC Principles Experiments Noll
1974 |
Low Power Telecasting 1957 |
Know Your Oscilloscope 1973 |
Know Your Oscilloscope 1980 |
Know Your Signal Generators |
Know Your VOM VTVM |
Know Your Oscilloscope 1962 |
Low Power Telecasting 1957 |
Know Your Signal Generator |
Know Your Oscilloscope |
Know Your Oscilloscope |
Modern Dictionary of Electronics
2nd Edition 1963 |
Oscillator Circuits |
Metallic Rectifiers |
SAMS Microphone
Manual Huber 1988 |
SAMS Modern Recording Techniques RIA Runstein 1974 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 77 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 78 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 80 |
SAMS Modular Hi Fi Components MHF 37 |
SAMS Tape Recorder Series Vol 38 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 36 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 37 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 70 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 71 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 76 |
SAMS Auto Radio Manual AR15 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series 53 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 29 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 30 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 32 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 35 |
SAMS Photofact Transistor Radio TSM 108 |
SAMS Transistor Radio TSM 148 |
SAMS Auto Radio Manual AR7 |
SAMS Auto Radio Manual AR8 |
SAMS Auto Radio Manual AR18 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series
Vol 19 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series
Vol 20 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 21 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 23 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 26 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series
Vol 27 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series
Vol 28 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 38 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 40 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 46 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series
Vol 52 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series
Vol 54 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 72 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 73 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series Vol 74 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series
Vol 75 |
SAMS Auto Radio Series
Vol 79 |
SAMS Auto-Radio Manual AR9 |
SAMS Modular Hi Fi Components MHF 36 |
SAMS Photofact 244 1977 |
SAMS Photofact Auto 226 1976 |
SAMS Photofact Auto 282 |
SAMS Photofact Auto AR 273 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 222 1976 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 223 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 228 1976 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 229 1976 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 230 1976 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 232 1977 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 233 1977 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 235 1977 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 236 1977 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 262 1978 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 263 1978 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 266 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 275 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 276 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 277 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 278 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 284 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 288 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 289 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 290 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 291 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio 292 |
SAMS Photofact Auto Radio AR 272 |
SAMS Photofact Hi Fi Components MHF 41 |
SAMS Photofact Hi Fi Components MHF 47 |
SAMS Photofact Hi Fi Components MHF 48 |
SAMS Photofact Videocassette Panasonic PV
1200 |
SAMS Photofact Television
Course 2nd 1959 |
Radio Receiver Servicing Guide |
RF Interference Control Handbook
1962 |
Photofact television Course 1950 |
Practical Transistor Theory 1964 |
The Recording and Reproduction of Sound 1953 |
Radio Service Training |
Practical Design with Transistors |
Practical Power Supply Circuits |
Practical Transistor Servicing |
Practical Transistor Theory |
Radio and TV Alignment Handbook |
Radio Circuits |
Radio Receiver Servicing |
SAMS Practical Training Manual Television Vol 1 1955 |
Sams Radio Red Book
1948 |
S |
Second Class Radiotelephone License
Course 1961 |
Scanner Monitor Servicing Data |
Servicing AGC Systems 1954 |
Scope Waveform Analysis |
Second Class License Handbook - 1974 |
Solid State Power Supplies and Converters
1974 |
Servicing AGC Systems 1954 |
Solid-State Power Supplies and Converters |
Solid-State Components |
Satisfying Customers for Profit 1960 |
SAMS Speaker Enclosures Badmaieff 1976 |
TU |
Transistor Transistor Logic Flynn 1974 |
Understanding CMOS Integrated Circuits
Melen 1975 |
Understanding IC Operational
Amplifiers Melen 1974 |
30 IC Projects Friedman 1975 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #11
1968 |
SAMS Television Antennas Nelson 1949 |
SAMS Television
Tube Location Guide 1953 |
SAMS TTL Cookbook Lancaster 1975 |
SAMS Using the Scopes in Color TV
Middleton1969 |
TV Test Instruments
Transistor Radio Servicing Course |
Troubleshooting with the VOM |
Transistor Specification Manual
4th 1970 |
TV Antennas & Signal Distribution 1959 |
Understanding Capacitors |
Troubleshooters Reference Handbook |
Troubleshooting the Oscilloscope 1968 |
Troubleshooting the Oscilloscope 1979 |
Using & Understanding Probes |
Technical Speller & Definition Finder 1965 |
Troubleshooting with the Oscilloscope |
Troubleshooting with the VOM |
Transistor Substitution Handbook |
Television Course
Transistor AF and RF Circuits |
Transistor Circuit Manual |
Using Scopes in Transistor Circuits |
Transistor Circuits |
Transistor Radio Servicing Made Easy |
Tube Substitution Handbook |
Tube Substitution Handbook #1 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #2 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #3 |
Tube Substitution Handbook 4 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #5 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #6 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #7 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #8 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #9 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #10 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #11 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #12 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #13 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #14 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #15 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #16 |
Tube Substitution Handbook #17 |
SAMS 2 Way
Mobile Radio Handbook Helmi 1960 |
Vector & Phase Analysis 1963 |
Workshop in Solid State Ennes 1970 |
Many books in the
Sams Library courtesy of
ncwalzs |