Newest Additions |
Foundations of Wireless
Scroggle 4th |
Foundations of Wireless
Scroggie 3rd 1942 |
Foundations of Wireless
Scroggie 5th 1951 |
Foundations of Wireless
Scroggie 6th 1958 |
Foundations of Wireless
Scroggie 9th 1975 |
Basic Mathematics for
Electronics Cooke Adams 3rd
1970 |
Fundamentals of Radio
Gorder 1945 |
Navy Electronics
Installation and Maintenance
1965 |
Radio Engineering Sandeman
1948 |
Radio for Amateurs Verron
1922 |
Radio Tech Modifications 5B
1990 |
Radio Tech Modifications
Number 5A 1992 |
Refresher Course in
Camm 1946 |
Sylvania 28 Uses for
Junction Transistors |
Television Engineering Amos
Birkinshaw Vol. 1 1953 |
Television Engineering Amos
Vol. 4 1958 |
Television Engineering
Vol. 2 Amos 1956 |
Television Engineering Vol.
3 Amos |
Victory Amalgamated
Engineering Reference Tables
UK |
1 to 10 |
106 Easy Electronic Projects
Turner |
110 IC Timer Projects
Gilder 1970 |
A |
Ameco 11 Transistor Theory
And Circuits Made Simple
Harvey Pollack |
AM / FM Broadcast Station
Planning Guide
Etkin 1960 |
Allied Understanding
Schematic Diagrams 1970 |
Allied Understanding
Transistors 1960 |
The Algebra Of
Electronics Page 1958 |
Active Filter Cookbook
Lancaster |
Allied Data Handbook 1966 |
Acrosokund Output
1955 |
Briggs & Garner
1952 |
York 1954 |
An Approach to Audio
Frequency Amplifier Design
1957 |
Applied Electronics
Gray 1954 |
Audels Radiomans Guide
1948 |
Allied Radio Circuit
Handbook 6th Edition 1961 |
Allied Basic Electronics 1st
Edition 1961 |
Allied Understanding
Transistors And How To Use
Them 1963 |
A C Calculation Charts
Lorenzen Rider 1942 |
B |
A Beginenrs Guide to Radio
Camm 1956 |
Basic Electron Tubes
Geppeart 1951 |
Build A Better Music
Synthesizer |
C |
Calectro Digital Handbook
1973 |
Calectro FET Circuit Book
1973 |
Calectro Semiconductor
Projects Handbook Ebens 1975 |
Capacitors Magnetic Circuits
and Transformers
Matsch 1964 |
Cathode Ray Oscillographs
Reyner |
Circuit Theory & Design
Stewart 1956 |
Circuit Theory of Electron
Boone 1953 |
Collins Radio Diary 1970 UK |
D |
.jpg) |
Dynaco Transformers
1968 |
Dumont Cathoder Ray
Equipment 8th 1951 |
The Development And Practice
Of Electronic Music (2) |
The Development And Practice
Of Electronic Music
Appleton-1975 |
E |
Electronic Music Circuit
Guidebook Brice Ward |
Electronic Musical Projects
Sood 1979 |
EEE Magazine Electronic
Circuit Design Handbook 1975 |
Electronics Installation And
Maintenance Book
Naval Engineering Center
1965 |
Everybody's Radio Manual
Popular Science 1942 |
Electromagnetic Waves and
Radiating Systems
1950 |
Television and Radio
Handbook Popular Science 1951 |
Electrical Engineering
3rd Kimberly
1952 |
Electron Tube Circuits
Seely 1950 |
Electronic Amplifier
Circuits Pettit McWhorter
1961 |
Electronic Circuit Theory
Zimmerman Mason 1959
Electronic Circuits and
Tubes Cruft 1947
Electronic Circuits Angelo
1958 |
Electronic Circuits Martin
1955 |
Electronic Designers
Handbook Landee et al 1967 |
Electronic Transformers and
Cabinetry Hammond 1974 |
Electronic Transformers and
Circuits Lee 1955 |
Electronics and Electron
Tubes McArthur 1936 |
Electronics for Engineers
Markus Zeluff 1945 |
Electronics for Everybody
Benrey 1970 |
Engineering Electronics
Happel Hesselberth 1953 |
Essentials of Electricity
Electronics Slurzberg 1965 |
F |
Federal Telephone & Radio
Handbook of Tube Operation
1944 |
Functional Circuits and
Oscillators Reich 1961 |
Fairchild Voltage
Regulator Handbook 1978 |
Fairchild TTL Applications
Handbook 1973 |
FM Radio Station Operations
1966 |
G |
H |
How to Build 78 Radio and
Television Sets
Popular Science 1950 |
Handbook of
Operational Amplifier RC
Networks Burr Brown 1966 |
Handbook of Oscilloscopes
Lenik 1968 |
Hayden Telephone Accessories
You Can Build Gilder 1976 |
A History of Engineering &
Science in the Bell System
1984 |
Hayden Transistor Basics A
Short Course 1975 Stanley,
Jr |
HP Power Supply Handbook
1970 |
Handbook of Noise Management
Peterson 9th 1980 |
Handbook of Noise
Measurement General Radio |
Handbook of Operational
Amplifier Applications Burr
Brown 1963 |
I |
ITT Electrical Communication
1967 #2 |
Rectifier Zener Doides 1969 |
International Library Radio
Receivers & Transmitters Da
1927 |
J K |
L |
Levers, Pulleys and Engines
Ladybird |
M |
Mullard Data Book 1965 66 |
Music Synthesizers
Delton T HornI |
Maintaining & Repairing
Videocassette Recorders
Goodman 1983 |
Materials Technology for
Electron Tubes Kohl 1951 |
Materials Technology for
Electron Tubes Kohl 1960 |
Mullard Circuits For Audio
Amplifiers |
Motorola HEP Semiconductor
Cross reference 1975 |
MS DOS 6 Concise User's
1993 |
N |
The New World Of Electronic
Music |
The New World Of Electronic
Music Sear-1972 |
Navy Electronics
Installation and Maintenance
1965 |
O |
The Oxide Coated Cathode
Wagener Vol 1 1951
The Oxide Coated Cathode
Wagener Vol 2 1951
Operational Amplifiers
Theory and Servicing Bannon
1975 |
P Q |
Philips The Transistor |
Practical Amplifier Diagrams
Robin 1947 |
Principles of Electricity
Applied to Telephone and
Telegraph Work 1953
Principles of Aeronautical
Radio Engineering Sandretto
1942 |
Postscript Language
reference 3rd Edition 1999 |
Postscript Language
reference Manual 2nd 1992 |
Postscript Reference
Manual 1st 1982 |
Practical Test Equipment
1976 |
Philco Everyday Electronics
Reference Manual |
R |
Réalisez Vous Même Un
Synthétiseur Musical Girard
1979 |
Refresher Course in
Mathematics Camm 1946
RCA Victor A Basic Concept
of Transistors 1964 |
Raytheon Receiving Tube Data
1957 |
Raytheon Transistor
1960's (?) |
Radio Servicing by Comparison Method Beitman 1950 |
Réalisez Vous Même Un
Synthétiseur Musical Girard
1979 |
Radio & Electronics Handbook
Boyce Roche 2nd Edition 1950 |
Radio Valve & Semiconductor
Data A M Ball
Optimised |
Radiotron Receiving Valve
Manual 1952 |
Radiotron Receiving Valve
Manual 1962 |
Raytheon Radio Tube_Data &
Substitution 1945 |
Reference Data for Radio
Engineers 1st ITT 1943 |
Reference Data for Radio
Engineers 2nd ITT 1946 |
Reference Data for Radio
Engineers 4th ITT 1956 |
Reference Data for Radio
Engineers 5th ITT 1956 |
Reliability Factors Ground
Electronic Equipment Henney
1956 |
Sylvania |
Sylvania Electronic
Shortcuts for Hobbyists 1951 |
Sylvania 40 Uses for
Germanium Diodes |
Sylvania Servicing TC
Receivers 1950 |
Sylvania Technical Manual
Tubes 1953 9th Edition |
S |
Semi conductors Wright 4th
1966 |
Storage Tubes Knoll Kazan
1952 |
Sarkes Tarzian Selenium
Rectifier Handbook 1950 |
Sourcebook of Electronic
Circuits Markus 1968 |
Sound Synthesis
Analog and Digital
Techniques. Terence Thomas |
T |
1st Edition
Kiver i956 |
3rd Edition
iver 1962 |
Transistors and Integrated Electronics Kiver 4th 1972 |
Transistor Circuits for
the Constructor No. 2 1957
Transistor Circuits for the
Constructor No. 2 OCR |
Transistors Theory And
Applications Coblenz Owens
1955 |
Technique of the
Sound Studio 3rd Nesbett
1974 |
The Technique of the
Sound Studio Nesbett 2nd
1974 |
Tektronix Some Transistor
Measurements Using the 575
1959 |
Television Receiver Design
8A Uitjens 1953 |
Television Receiver Design
Neeteson 1953 |
Television Servicing Sloop |
Theory and Applications of
Electron Tubes Reich 1944
Tuning Coils How to Wind
Them Kendall |
Transistor Circuits Sylvania
1958 |
Tuning Coils and How to Wind
Them Kendall 1924 |
Tape Recording from A to Z
Crawford 1974 |
Tech Tips from Radio Guide
Whitaker 1993 |
U V |
Vacuum Tub Oscillators Edson
1953 |
Vacuum Tubes Spangenberg
1948 |
Understanding Electronic
Circuits Ian Sinclair 1973 |
Victory Amalgamated
Engineering Reference Tables
UK |
W X Y Z |
Wireless Really Explained
Risdon UK |