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  Broadcasting Industry: Business & Music Search Business 
Search Search Entire
Red Section
  Broadcasting Business  "The Most Viewed"
Broadcasting Magazine Broadcasting

The most respected business magazine in the industry.
R & R Radio & Records R & R
Radio and Records
Music and radio
industry news
(Listed in both business
and Music sections)
Television Magazine Television
Business publication covering TV.
Television Radio Age Television
Radio Age

Television and radio industry business journal
Radio Daily Radio Daily 
A daily newsletter from
 to the early 60's

Became "Television
Radio Daily"
US Radio U. S. Radio Magazine
Radio news journal.
 Broadcasting Business  "Alphabetical Order"
Broadcast Programming and Production Broadcast Programming
& Production

from the 70's
Broadcast Advertising Broadcast Advertising
Earliest radio business magazine
Merged with Broadcasting in 1932
Journal of the Radio Television News Directors' Association.
Channels of Communication Channels of

Insightful magazine
about television
content and society during the 1980's
Canadian Broadcaster Canadian Broadcaster
Radio and TV Industry news magazine from 1942 onwards.
Heinl Radio Business Letter 1928-1950 Heinel Radio Business Letter
Twice a week about radio and related industries
Electronic Media Electronic Media
1982 to 2003 TV and media professional's magazine. Became Television Week
Journal of Broadcasting Journal of Broadcasting
From the Association for Professional Broadcast Education
Low Power TV Low Power TV Publications
from the 80's
and early 90's
about Low Power TV
Media Decisions Media Decisions
Media buying
magazine, successor to Sponsor beginning in 1965
Media Week Magazine Mediaweek
Electronic and print media weekly focused on the buying function.
M Street Journal M Street Journal
Weekly publication documenting the 
latest FCC
applications, format changes.
Panorama TV Panorama TV
1981-1982. A consumer focused in depth magazine about the TV industry
Programmer's Digest
Radio program ideas newsletter from Todd Wallace
Radio Business Report - Newsletter Radio Business Report
Radio business and
finance journal.
Radio World: 1990's and 2000's Radio Department Head Magazine Radio World
Operations and management magazine starting in 1994
Radio Journal
Modern Era monthly from the publisher of Inside Radio
Radio Only Management magazine for radio manager, Radio Only
Jerry del Colliano's monthly radio management magazine
RIM Pacific Coast Radio Advertiser Magazine RIM Monthly
West Coast ad buyer's magazine starting in 1938.
Radio INK
Radio business, sales and programming beginning in 1985
Radio Month UK Business Magazine Radio Month
UK Radio Industry magazine.
Religious Broadcasting
Magazine of the National Religious Broadcasters from 1967
Showmanship Showmanship
1940's magazine for radio advertisers provided by local radio stations.
Small Market Radio Newsletter Small Market Radio Newsletter
Published in the 1980's and 1990s for smaller radio stations
Sponsor Sponsor
Radio-TV advertising  publication aimed at advertising buyers.
Scan Lines
Journal of the Broadcast Designers Association
Issues from 1979 to 1987
Television Chronicles
Retrospectives on famous older TV shows and artists.
Television Index Television Index
Ross Reports

Weekly newsletter about TV programming and talent
Television Quarterly Television Quarterly
National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.
Television Week Television Week
2003-2009 weekly TV industry management magazine..Successor to Electronic Media.
Television Digest Television Digest
Weekly TV industry newsletter beginning in 1945
Televiser Televiser
Magazine. Early Television Industry
trade magazine
Started in 1944.
Television International Television International
1956 and on.
Foreign TV
Tuned In: 1990's radio management magazine. Tuned In
Radio management magazine starting in 1994.
TBI Television Business International TBI
Television Business International

Global TV magazine
UHF Television in the US from its early origins to the present
UHF Television
The history and development  of
American UHF TV
 Broadcasting: & Advertising
The Advertiser
Advertising Industry publication begun in 1930
 Broadcasting: Music Related Search only   
Music Magazzines  
 United States - Music Industry "The Big Three"
Billboard Music Industry Magazine
Billboard Magazine
Industry and radio trade journal beginning in 1894
Cash Box Magazine Cash Box Magazine
1942 to 1996
Second only to Billboard as the leading music magazine in its era. .
Record World and Music Vendor Record World /
Music Vendor

Music industry news
and charts from 1946
to 1982
 United States - Music Industry "All The Rest"
Billboard Airplay Monitor Billboard Airplay Monitor
1993-2004 publication featuring weekly airplay monitors for Rock-Country-R&B-Top 40
Country Airplay Billboard
Country Airplay Monitor
Tracking the news and BDS plays of Americas major country stations.
Radio Monitor
Consolidation of the Airplay Monitors
Sound Format Sound Format
Mid-60's music trade
Music Reporter Music Reporter
50's and 60's Music trade magazine based in Nashville.
Music Business Music Business
60's Music trade magazine and successor to Music Reporter.
RCA's In The Groove
and Record Review
Consumer music magazines
Music and Record Business Miscellaneous collection.
Booklets, catalogs and short-run magazines.
Record Whil music magazine from early 1950's Record Whirl
Music Magazine from 1955 to 1956
Edison Phonograph Monthly 1903-1916 Edison Phonograph Monthly
1903-1916 monthly publication for music resellers
RCA Picture
Late 40's and early 50's magazine featuring RCA record artists.
Down Beat
U.S. Jazz publication.
Band Leaders
Late 40's magazine about big bands and their artists.
Music Technology
US Edition
Beginning in 1986
BMI Music World
Music author and composer magazine from the performance rights organization
Music magazine beginning in 1885 and ending in 1961
 United States - Radio and Music  To view United Kingdom Music
Click the Union Jack
R & R Radio & Records R & R
Radio and Records
Music and radio
The Gavin Report
The Gavin Report
A music tip sheet / magazine for radio programmers.
BRE Black Radio Exclusive BRE
Black Music Exclusive
Radio and Music trade magazine beginning in 1976
FMQB "Friday Mornijng Quarterback" music tipsheet FMQB Radio
Kal Rudman's
usic airplay report.
From the early 70's onwards.
Kal Rudman's FMQB Album Report from the early 80's FMQB Album Report
Bill Hard edited this album rock report for Kal Rudman in the early 80's
CMJ "Newe Music Monthly" college and alternative music magazine. CMJ "New Music Report"
1993 to 2009
Alternative and college radio music magazine
Hits Magazine Hits Magazine
Music and radio
tip-sheet started
in 1986
Hitmakers Hitmakers
LA based tip sheet and programmers news magazine from late 70's into the 90's
Fred Tip-Sheet Tip Sheets:
Airplay reports, 
industry news.
Album Network Album Network
Album Rock radio
music tip sheet beginning in 1978
Network 40 Music Tip-Sheet Network 40
1990's Radio and
Music trade magazine
The Hard Report: album rock. The Hard Report
Album rock airplay
and music report
from the 1990's
Special Editions Special Editions
from magazines
in this section. Anniversary and
themed issues.  
Claude Hall's Radio Report Claude Hall's
Radio Report
1978-1980 music tip
 sheet and industry newsletter.
Monday Morning Replay
1988 to the mid 90's
Mid to late 80's rock radio "tip sheet" publication.   
Country Radio Seminar
Convention guidebooks for this annual gathering begun in 1970
Bob Hamilton Radio Report
Music and radio weekly programming "tip sheet". starting in 1970
R&R Hotfax
Country edition of this "fast delivery" music report and format news.
R&B Report
Urban music release and airplay report published fortnightly beginning 1987
Link to website with thousands of radio music charts and hit lists Charts
"Top 40" Charts from US and World radio stations.
(Link to Independent site)
 United States - Other Music Related Publications Search in Full Red Section Search
Music Industry Collection
One-time and single copy publications
about music.
International Musician International Musician
Magazine of the American Federation of Musicians
Talking Machine World The Talking Machine World
Trade journal of the gramophone industry
Airheads radio survey collection Airheads Radio
Survey Archive.

Thousands of Top 40 record charts plus air checks and more.
Petrillo of the AFM James Caesar Petrillo
A collection of articles, books and links about the controversial head of the American Federation of Musicians
Talking Machine
& Radio Weekly
  RCA Picture
1949 to earlier 50's.
Promotional monthly for RCA records and record players 
RCA Record Review and "In the Groove"
Promotional magazines from later 40's and 50's from RCA
 UK  Europe and Canada (Click on Flag for complete UK Music Section On Another Page) UK Flag
RPM Canadian Music Industry Magazine RPM
1964 to 2000.
Music & Media Music & Media
magazine for
radio, music and entertainment.
Music Technology
Music Industry magazine beginning in 1986 from the UK
(Successor to Electronics and Music Maker)
 Broadcasting: Ratings Reports & "Books" Search Ratings Search
Duncan's American Radio Duncan's American Radio.
Arbitron ratings
by market
Duncan's American Radio Trilogy Duncan's American Radio Trilogy:
Ratings trends by market 1975-2004
R&R Ratings Reports R&R & Other
Ratings summaries
and supplier directory
Earlier Ratings Books Ratings Books
Actual Ratings reports: Arbitron, ARB, Birch, Hooper Crossley, Pulse  1935 to 1990's
Pulse Ratings Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Reports from
Puerto Rico by
Asesores, C&M,
Pulse, Birch, etc.
Arbitron and Nielsen Market Maps Arbitron/Nielsen
Market Maps and
Blue & Red Books
Methodology description (DoM)
 Broadcasting: Audience Behavior  Search Ratings Search
Arbitron BTR
"Beyond the Ratings"
Radio industry magazine from the ratings company
Research books and publicatios Ratings Publications
Radio audience measurement.
Many Arbitron, Nielsen and other  papers and documents.
  Research Collection
Reports, publications and booklets about research and ratings.
Radio Station Internal Research Station Research
How radio stations
get custom strategic research. Callout,
AMT's and perceptuals, as done in the early 2000's
The Radio Diary
How the diary radio research method works. Includes pictures of the "old" Arbitron facility in MD
 Broadcasting: Regulation and Associations Search in Full Red Section Search
Federal Communications Commission FCC & Regulation
Rules, documents and explanations of broadcast regulation.
NAB Books and Publications National Association of Broadcasters
Publications by the NAB 
NAB Report and NAB News NAB Report and NAB Broadcasters News
Member newsletters from 1931 to 1947
Bookshelf: Regulation and Laws LIBRARY:
FCC and other legal aspects of broadcasting
FCC Ground Conductivity Maps FCC Ground Conductivity Maps
Sectionalized larger color maps.
Federal Radio Commission reports Federal Radio Commission (FRC)
Annual Reports
1927-1933 and
monthly updates.
The FCC File Cabinet The File Cabinet
FCC technical and licensing filings including complete license renewal applications. .
Clear Channel Broadcasting Service
Group of the former 1-A clear channel radio stations.
Radio Service Bulletin
Monthly journal of the US  Department of Commerce, the  FRC's and FCC's predecessor from 1919 until 1933
 Broadcasting: Directories,  Annuals and Yearbooks Search Annuals
and Directories
Broadcasting Yearbook Broadcasting

The industry's favorite directory for decades.
Every issue
since 1935.
Telecasting Yearbook from Broadcasting Magazine Telecasting Yearbook
from Broadcasting Magazine 1953-1958
All issues.
(Scroll to 1950's)
Television Factbook TV Factbook
Television station directory. 8 issues 50's to 70's
Radio Annual Radio Annual
from "Radio Daily"

27 Editions
Variety Directory Variety
Annual directory of radio stations and related fields: 1937 to 1940
M Street Directory M Street Directory
Radio stations in North America. Complete set of issues.
Courtesy of Inside Radio
Directory Collection
Directories from the 1930's to today
RBR, Inside Radio, Kagan, Keyes, Data World
SRDS Spot Radio Rates & Data SRDS Spot Radio
Rates & Data. 
Media buyers' source
for ad rates and
station information.
M Street Journal M Street Journal
FCC applications,
format changes.
International Television Almanac International Television Almanac
TV directory and "Who's Who" in TV.
Annual of Advertising Art Annual of
Advertising Art

Art Directors Club
Graphic examples of the state of advertising from the 20's to the 70's.
1986-1987 Profiles of major markets with station formats and histories from Rollye Bornstein
Medios Publicitarios Mexicanos Medios Publictarios Mexicanos
Mexican media buying guide.    
R&R Program Supplier Guide R&R Program Supplier Guide and
Marketing Guide
80's and 80's 
NW Ayear Newspaper Annual N.W. Ayer Newspaper Annual
Newspaper directory with some of the best population data for US. 
Investing in Radio
A collection of directories and reports of interest to investors and owners.
Radio Logbooks and Station Listings Radio Station Lists & Logbooks
Publications featuring listings of radio and TV stations.
1920's to today.
Encyclopedia of Radio Encyclopedia
of Radio
From Museum of Broadcast Communications
(Out of Print)
Encyclopedia of Television Encyclopedia of Television
From Museum of Broadcast Communications
(Out of Print)
 Broadcasting: Station and Network Albums and Brochures  Search in Full Red Section Search
Radio Station Albums Radio Station Albums Promotional booklets, albums
and brochures for individual stations.
Radio At War Radio At War
Station booklets with war information and station profiles from W.W. II
Books about Radio Stations Station Books
Full  history of some major stations like WOR, WNEW and WLW and others.  
Station promotional albums Station Promotional & Sales Materials
Sales and promotional brochures and program schedules for radio and TV stations
Radio TV and Associated Industry Publications Modern Era Broadcast Industry Related Publications
Music industry, talent directories, fan directories and anything else that fits! (Post WW II)
City radio magazines and guides City Radio Magazines
Local Program Guides
Local magazines  Chicago, LA, DC,
New York,  Nashville, Luxembourg, Berlin
Radio Station Magazines Station Magazines.
Magazines from radio stations including WNYC, KMA, WOW, WIBA, WHB, KTWV and many others.
Radio Station Postcards First Set POST CARDS #2
A variety of cards from radio stations with
hi-resolution view option. 2 sets available
Radio Station Postcards First Set POST CARDS #1
A variety of cards from radio stations with
hi-resolution view option. 2 sets available
NBC Syndicated News Format NBC's 1975
All News Format
Full presentation
WSM Clear Channel Broadcasting Service Clear Channel Broadcasting Service & WSM
Documents about superpower AM
KOWH Omaha
Often called the
first Top 40 station.
Here is the story.
Coast FM Magazine Coast FM & Fine Arts. FM schedules and entertainment from Los Angeles CBS Network schedules CBS Radio Network Program Schedules 1937- 1946 Grand Ole Opry
Booklets and souvenirs from the WSM Nashville radio program
Broadcast Network Publications Networks and Programmers
Publications about
radio and TV networks and syndicators
Don McNiel's Breakfast Clug Don McNeil's
Breakfast Club. Morning entertainment show.  
Coverage Maps Coverage Maps
Engineering and promotional coverage maps by state.
The NBC Transmitter Staff Magazine The NBC Transmitter
1835-1945 staff magazine for NBC radio and the new TV section.
Two magazines, one title.  Program, star and station guides
Radio Programming Profiles Radio Programming Profile
Advertiser's sourcebook for station information
WGN Chicago
A whole page with booklets, photos, articles and documents about this station.
Who's Who in TV and Radio and other Fan Magazines
50's picture magazines about broadcast stars
from Tichenor / Heftel / Hispanic Broadcasting
1980's to 2002
Cincinnati Radio Dial
1930's weekly program guide with complete schedules and articles about shows and stars.
Forecast FM Forecast FM
Washington DC radio program guide and entertainment magazine.
60's - 70's  
Los Angeles
Radio Guide

Three Chicago Radio Guides
Radio Chicago
Chicago Airwaves
Chicago Radio Guide
LA Radio Guide
Los Angeles, CA radio listener magazine from the 80's
New York City
Other City Radio and Television Guides
Single issues or small sets.
ABC Radio and TV Network publications Help build this site. Do you have issues
and publications that
we are missing?
Please contact the webmaster!
Broadcasting: Cable Television Magazines Search in Full Red Section Search
CATV Magazine
Cable business magazine
"The Authoritative News Weekly of Cable Television"
CATJ Magazine
"The official journal of the Community Antenna Television Association"
starting 1973
Cable Collection
Single issues, brochures and other cable publications
 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS: Catalogs Pamphlets Brochures and Single Magazines
  Broadcast & Music Industries
Radio & TV Stations
Booklets and brochures from radio and TV  stations and group owners
Early Radio Programming Collection
Fan magazines, program and listener publications.
Early Radio Collection Early Radio
All the rest of the miscellanea collection from "the early years" (Up to WW II)
Music Industry Collection
One-time and single copy publications about music.
Modern Era Broadcasting
Sales, programming, technology, regulation and management
1940's to present
Directory Collection
(Broadcast Industry)
Miscellaneous directories from the 1930's to recent times.
Network Albums from CBS NBS ABC and Mutual Network booklets
and promotional literature 
  Electronic Supplier & Broadcast  Equipment Catalogs
American and European parts and component catalogs and guidebooks 
  Electronics (Consumer and Professional)
Service & Sales Collection
Publications, brochures, catalogs and the like that are not part of a collection.
Electronics Collection
Single publications and one-time editions related to electronics.
Early Radio Catalog Collection. Manufacturer and vendor catalogs & manuals
Consumer Electronics Catalogs
A variety of these from B-A to Heathkit to Allied.
Modern Era Technical
Booklets, brochures and publications from post-WW II period
Early Hobbyist Collection.
Booklets and single publications for builders and experimenters
Hobbyist Special Editions Hobbyist Special Editions.
One-time or annual publications for electronics hobbyists.
Amateur and Ham Radio - Short Wave - DXing DX Bookshelf
Amateur / Ham Radio, DXing and Short Wave
Books and miscellaneous
Short Wave Collection
Books specifically about Short Wave radio
Australian Radio Collection Australia Miscellaneous
Publications and booklets from Australia.
All eras.
Canadian Radio Collection Canada Miscellaneous
Publications, brochures, catalogs and the like that are not part of a collection. All eras.
UK Radio Collection UK Miscellaneous Publications and other  Items that "don't fit" on any other page of the site. All eras
Individual books and magazines from all over the world.  International Miscellaneous Collection
Publications from nations that don't have a specific collection yet. 
Encyclopedia of Radio Encyclopedia
of Radio
Encyclopedia of Television Encyclopedia of Television
Encyclopedia of Radio, Encyclopedia of Television, Encyclopedia of Communications, Amateur Radio Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Music and Others Encyclopedias & Dictionaries
Broadcast-related book done in topical encyclopedia style
TECHNICAL: Consumer Electronics (Modern Era) Search
Search Consumer Electronics Search
All Tech
Popular Electronics Popular Electronics
Electronics magazine starting in 1954
Electronics World Electronics World
From 1959. Successor to Radio News.
Radio & Electronics Radio Electronics
& Electronics Now

From 1948
Successor to
Radio Craft.
Modern Electronics Modern Electronics
Electronics magazine 1986 to 1991.
Electronics Catalogs Electronics Catalogs
from Allied, Olsen,
Heathkit and others
Lafayette Catalogs
Over 75 editions from the 30's until 1979
Electronics Now Electronics Now
1992 to 1999 as successor to Radio Electronics
Electronics Illustrated Electronics Illustrated
1958 to 1972 consumer electronics magazine
S9 CB Magazine Citizens Band Radio
CB Radio magazines and publications .    
RCA Electronic Age RCA Electronic Age
Technology quarterly from RCA

RCA Radio Age RCA Radio Age
Technology quarterly from RCA
Byte Byte
Early personal computer and microcomputer magazine.
Radio News Radio News 
Radio - TV News

Hobbyist & electronics magazine
Many Special Editions
1919 to 1959
 TECHNICAL: Hobbyist Publications    
Radio TV Experimenter Radio TV Experimenter
50's and 60's hobbyist magazine with projects and experiments.
Elementary Electronics Elementary Electronics.
60's to early 80's hobbyist magazine
Electronics Digest Electronics Digest US
US title produced by Radio Shack starting in 1967
Radio Shack
Engineer's Mini Notebook Series
Hands On Electronics Hands-On Electronics
Hobbyist publication from 1984 to 1989
Hobbyist Special Editions Hobbyist Special Editions. One-time or annual publications for electronics hobbyists.
Don Lancaster's Books Don Lancaster
Publications by a leading writer for the hobby & experimenter community
Vacuum Tube Valley
90's and 00's magazine about tube technology.
Elektor Electronics USA
The American version of this international hobbyist magazine
 TECHNICAL: Audio & Recording Search Audio
& Recording
Search Audio & Recording
Audio Magazine Audio Engineering / Audio Magazine.
1947 - 1964
Pro journal which became a leading consumer magazine.

db Sound Engineering db magazine. The Sound Engineering journal.1967 to 1994.
Professional audio.
High Fidelity Magazine High Fidelity
Milton Sleeper's consumer audio magazine 
Tape Recording Tape Recording Consumer magazine from the 50's and the 60's
Studio Sound Studio Sound &
The Tape Recorder

Sound and
professional audio journal from the UK
1969 to 2001
Modern Recording Modern Recording
Studio production and audio magazine
Audio Record Audio Record.
Publication of Audio Devices from 1944 to the late 50's
One to One One to One
Mastering, pressing
and duplication
Amateur Tape Recorder Amateur Tape

(United Kingdom)  
1959 to 1967
Recording Engineer Producer Recording Engineer / Producer. "REP"
Tape Recording
UK Edition
British magazine 1957 to 1971
Audiocraft Audiocraft
Do-it-Yourself Hi-Fi
1955 to 1958 from publisher of High Fidelity.
Stereo Review HiFi & Music Review
HiFi Review
HiFi & Stereo Review

Audiophile and music magazine from 1958 to 1999
Hi-Fi Stereo Buyers' Guide
Consumer Audio product guide and reviews from 1966
Audio Collection
Miscellaneous Magazines, booklets, books and pamphlets about audio and hi-fi.
A 1966 audio and HiFi enthusiast magazine.
Starting in 1962, this  high end audio magazine is still published
Hi Fi Music at Home from Milton Sleeper Hi Fi Music at Home
Milton Sleeper's 1950's
home audio publication
Mix Magazine
Recording studio and audio magazine beginning in 1976
High Fidelity Trade News
Home Audio dealer magazine starting in 1957
Hi-Fi News
UK stereo and hi-fi magazine begun in 1956 and still in publication
Pro Audio Review
Professional Audio Magazine starting in 1995
  Music at Home
Early audio magazine from Milton Sleeper 
Beginning in 1954
Sound & Communications - Professional Event Audio Magazine Sound & Communications
Professional audio for venues and events
TECHNICAL: Broadcast, Cable & Engineering Publications Search This Section Search Technical Broadcast Engineering Publications
ATE Journal ATE Journal
1935-1941 magazine
for the Association of Technical Employees (NABET) of NBC
Broadcast Engineering Broadcast Engineering Technical magazine for station engineers from 1959 to 2013 Broadcast Management Engineering
Broadcast Management / Engineering

Technical Magazine 1960's to 1900's
BE Radio
Radio only spin-off of Broadcast Engineering starting 1994
Broadcast Engineer's Journal Broadcast Engineer's Journal
(ATE Journal)
1941 to the 50's from NABET.
Broadcast Sound UK
Engineering publication starting in  
Broadcast Equipment Exchange Broadcast Equipment Exchange
Predecessor to
Radio World.
Broadcast Communications Broadcast
Radio and TV station engineering publication.
Started in 1978.
Communications & Broadcast Engineering Communications
& Broadcast Engineering

Communications Technology
Cable TV engineering.
Society of Cable Television Engineers
Magazine of Cable TV technology
Began in 1975
CATV Magazine beginning 1967 CATV Magazine
Cable Television magazine beginning in 1967
Common Point
Monthly newsletter for broadcast engineers from an equipment dealer.
Radio  /  CQ

1931-1936 journal for radio operators.
 (Not related to the Ham Radio Magazine)
FM Magazine FM & Television Magazine from Milton Sleeper: 40's and
50's Covers FM, communications 
and TV
The Journal of the Society of Broadcast Engineers Journal of the Society of Broadcast Engineers.
Begun in 1964
National Association of Broadcasters
Proceedings of the Engineering Conferences
NAB Engineering Handbooks
Older volumes
Vol. 4, 5 6 and 7
Proceedings of the Radio Club of America
Oldest radio association!
RCA Television
Book series
New technology  publications from
 (30's to 50's)  
RCA Broadcast News RCA Broadcast News
From 1931 to 1985.
RCA's broadcast equipment magazine.
All issues are here.
Radio Engineering Radio Engineering
Radio Guide
Radio Engineer's magazine from 1993 to 2010
Radio Engineer's Digest Radio Engineer's Digest
1944-1957 compendium of articles from leading publications
Television Engineering Television Engineering
Early 1950's
Television and related
TV Technical Review TV Technical Review
International TV engineering journal

TV Technology
Television and video technical and equipment magazine from 1982
TV & Communications TV & Communications
Cable and TV
distribution journal
from the 60's
Western Electric Oscillator Western Electric Oscillator
Promotional magazine fore WE's broadcast equipment division.
Western Electric Pick-Ups Western Electric
Predecessor title to the "Oscillator"
TECHNICAL: Related Engineering Fields Search This Section  Search Technical General Engineering Magazines
Tele-Tech Tele-Tech magazine, Radio, TV, electronics.   Electronic Industries Electronics Industries
40's to 60's
Electronics technology magazine
Overlapped with Tele-Tech
Communications Magazine
to 50's 
Broadcast Engineer's Journal
1934 to the 50's from NABET
Beginning 1928.
Electronics technology magazine.
Radio-Electronic Engineering
Supplement to  Radio News in the 1950's
IBEW Technician Engineer IBEW Technician Engineer
Union member journal about technology and labor relations
Radio Digest (Second Era) Technical Magazine Radio Digest
(Second Era)
Radio, TV and Communications journal from 1937
National Radio News National Radio News
The bulletin of home study school NRI
from 1928 to 1980
AIEE Journal 1920's American Institute of Electrical Engineers
1920's issues.
Proceedings of the IRE Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers
IRE Group on Broadcasting IRE Transactions
Professional Group on Broadcasting

Member papers on broadcast engineering.
Hugo Gernsback Publications Gernsback Publications
A collection of Hugo Gernsback's  publications and  including the Gernsback Library editions
Gernsback's Amazing Stories magazine.
(Not about radio but pure Gernsback)
Technical Collection
Single magazine issues, catalogs. brochures & directories
from the 40's to today
Electronic Design
Industry publication beginning in 1964
Above Ground Level Cellular towers and antenna publication AGL Above Ground Level
2006 to today
Cellular and communications antenna sites.
TECHNICAL - Broadcast Equipment Catalogs & Manuals Search
This Section 
Search Broadcast Equipment Catalogs and Manuals
The Jack Sellmeyer Collection
Books, manuals and catalogs from the collection of broadcast engineer Jack Sellmeyer
Broadcast Equipment Catalogs Broadcasting
Equipment Catalogs

& Manuals from
Gates and Harris transmitter and audio equipment catalogs, brochures and manuals RCA transmitters, studio and TV equipment
manuals, sales brochures and manuals
Western Electric Equipment Catalogs
& Manuals
General Electric
Catalogs and manuals for electronics and broadcast equipment
Collins transmitters and studio equipment catalogs and manuals 
  Broadcast Equipment Dealer Catalogs
Multi-line distributors of equipment, parts and supplies.  
Radio's Master
Catalog of industry-wide components, parts and assemblies.
Graybar Catalogs
For many years part of Western Union and then Western Electric, one of the oldest electronics suppliers in the world.
 TECHNICAL - Specialized "Company" Magazines Search This Section Search Service and Retailing Publications
See also "Early Radio Company Magazines"
RCA Review RCA Review
Radio and Electronics research and engineering. Began in 1937. 
RCA Engineer RCA Engineer
Publication for RCA engineers 1954 to 1980's
RCA Broadcast News RCA Broadcast News
From 1931 to 1985.
RCA's broadcast equipment magazine.
All issues are here.
ITT Communication ITT Electrical Communication
1922 to 1966  
Aerovox Reseaqrch Worker Aerovox Research Worker
A magazine from the Aerovox Corporation, maker of capacitors for users and hobbyists..
RCA: What It Is What It Does RCA "Who it is,
What it does"

Annual series from the 40's and 50's
Machlett Cathode News Machlett Cathode

Magazine from manufacturer of
vacuum tubes.
General Radio Experimenter General Radio Experimenter
1926 to 1970
Cornell-Dublier Capacitor Cornell-Dublier Capacitor
Monthly magazine for customers.
Bell Laboratories Record Bell Laboratories Record
Technical advances by the AT&T system
Bell System Journal Bell System Technical Journal
Scientific aspects of electrical communication.
From 1922
RCA Radiotrons "Good News" Good News about RCA Radiotrons
Tube dealer magazine from RCA starting in 1930
Sylvania News Sylvania News
1935 to 1950's technical bulletins from Sylvania
Boonton Radio "Notebook"
Gates Studio Review
Magazine for radio engineers and management starting in 1935
Westinghouse Engineer The Westinghouse Engineer.
Technical Journal beginning in 1940
Also: Westinghouse News
IRC Servicer The IRC Servicer
Customer publication of the International Resistance Co. in the 1930's  
Grundig Technische Informationen
Tech information and product line descriptions.
Philips Technical Revue
1936-1988 journal of technical advances and issues from the Netherlands.
Scott News frm E. H. Scott Scott News
Magazine of the early luxury radio manufacturer.
Amalgamated Wireless (AU)
Technical notes
GE Techni-Talk,
Service Parts & Portafax

General Electric newsletter publication for service shops and technicians from 1948
HP / Hewlett Packard
Technical publication
of Hewlett Packard
1949 to 1998 
Marconi Service News
Starting in 1916, was employee magazine of the Marconi Telegraph Company
DuMont Oscillographer
Technical and customer magazine beginning in 1937.
World Wide Wireless
RCA's employee magazine starting in 1922
Hazeltine Service Corp. Reports
Technology reports from the developer of NTSC Television.
Philco Serviceman
1930 to late 50's
Philco News
1920's and 30's
Philco TechRep Bulletin
Sencore Test Instrument catalogs and newsletters Sencore News
Test instrument company's newsletter and catalogs
Western Union Technical Review
From 1947 to 1969
Majestic Radios
Voice of the Air
Voice of Majestic
Early 30s
Philco Accessory Merchandiser
Dealer newsletter starting in 1948
Tektroinics Service Scope
1960's magazine for users of Tektronics test equipment
Harris Broadcast Communiqué
1990's promotional magazine
Tube Topics from ECONCO,
the Vacuum Tube rebuilding service
 TECHNICAL - Home Study / Servicing Training
Home Study Courses
A selection of complete home study courses from the 20's to the 70's
Correspondence Schools
A  varied selection of complete home study courses from the 20's to the 70's
Servicing Training and Education books.
Coyne Electrical School
Home study courses, books, training materials and brochures from leading career school
 TECHNICAL - Retail & Servicing Search Retail & Service Search Service and Retailing Publications
National Radio News National Radio News
The bulletin of home study school NRI
from 1928 to 1980
PF Reporter - PF Index - Electronic Servicing PF Reporter /
PF Index /

Electronics Servicing

Home electronics service magazine.
Radio Retailing Radio Retailing /
Technician /
Electronic Technician /

A magazine for radio sales and service stores
The Radio Dealer The Radio Dealer
1922 - 1928
Radio set sales
trade publication.  
Radio Industries Radio Industries.
Radio set manufacturing industry trade monthly from 1926 into the 30's.
Radio Service Dealer Radio Service Dealer from 1940 for servicing dealers.
Radio Maintenance Radio Maintenance
For the service professional from 1945
Radio Merchant Radio Merchant
Retail radio and electrical device retailer magazine
Radio Journal Radio Journal
Radio & TV Journal

1922 Hobbyist
Magazine becoming
a dealer journal
in the 30's
RCA Service Notes  RCA Victor
Service Notes / Service Data / Service News.

Service guides & News from 20's to 50s.
Talking Machine & Radio Weekly Talking Machine & Radio Weekly
1928 to 1933 radio and phonograph and music retailer magazine.
Beitman Supreme Schematics Beitman - Supreme
Radio and TV diagrams.
Page also includes books by Beitman
Radio Weekly Radio Weekly
Dealer journal from 1932 to 1939
Technician - Electronic Technician Technician / Electronic Technician
Electronics service journal. The continuation of Radio Retailing
Service Service
Radio Service journal from 1931 into the 50s
Rider's Service Manuals Rider's Perpetual Troubleshooter's Manual
Radio Sales & Service Radio Sales and Service
1930's dealer and servicer magazine
Radio Television and Appliance Sales Radio Television & Appliance Sales
Canadian appliance dealer magazine from 1946 to the 50's
Western Trades Journal Western Music & Radio Trades Journal
Western states radio and phonograph retailer magazine.
From 1927
Rider's Successful Servicing Rider's Successful Servicing
Tips, techniques and theory for radio service pros. 1934-1941
What's New in Television What's New in Television
1949 to the 50's television service and retail 
RCA Service News RCA Service News
RCA Radio / TV Tips

Newsletters for service professionals and radio dealers from the 30's into the 70's
RCA Plain Talk & Technical Tips
Service industry newsletter beginning 1958
Talking Machine World Talking Machine

1907 to 1928  Phonograph and music retailer magazine.
Official Radio Service Manual Official Radio Service Manual (Gernsback)
Diagrams and service notes.
Radio Retailer and Jobber Radio Retailer
& Jobber

Trade journal
beginning in 1922
Electronic Technician and

Later incarnations of Radio Retailing.
Radio Masters - New York City area servicemans' magazine. Radio Masters
1940 Radio serviceman's' magazine for New York City area based on WBNX radio show..
Electronic Service Dealer
Magazine of the California State Electronics Assoc.   
Servicing Training
and Education books.
Service & Sales Collection
Publications, brochures, catalogs, schematics that are not part of a collection.
Service Management
The business magazine of the radio electronics service industry starting in 1951
The Technician
Los Angeles area publication for radio repair shops
World Radio History's Early Radio Section
1900 through WW II Era
  EARLY RADIO - Miscellaneous and Single Issue Collections  Search Early Radio Search
Early Radio Catalog Collection. Manufacturer and vendor catalogs for both consumers and the trade. Early Hobbyist Collection.
Booklets and single publications for builders and experimenters
Early Radio Programming Collection
Fan magazines, program, station listings and fan publications.
Early Radio Miscellanea
Single or small publication batches not found on programming, technical or hobbyist  pages
Gernsback's Amazing Stories magazine.
(Not about radio but pure Gernsback)
Help build this site. Do you have issues
and publications that
we are missing?
Please contact the webmaster!
  EARLY RADIO - Company Magazines
Crosley news magazines. Crosley Broadcaster
Crosley Radio Weekly

1920's and 30's magazine from the radio manufacturer and broadcaster
Stewart Warner Announcer
Magazine from popular radio manufacturer
See Also
Separate Company Magazine Section
  EARLY RADIO - Consumer Electronics & Construction
Radio News Radio News 
Radio - TV News

Hobbyist & electronics magazine
Many Special Editions
1919 to 1959
Radio Television News Radio & Television News
Electronics Magazine formerly "Radio News" 
Radio Craft  Radio Craft
 Electronics & circuits.1929 to1948.
Radio Age Radio Age
Construction, stations and station lists
Television News Television News
Gernsback's early magazine about TV in its infancy.
Radui Broadccast Radio Broadcast.
Stations, circuits & programming.
Radio in the Home Radio In The Home.
Mid-20s radio and receiver publication.
Pacific Radio News Pacific Radio News
1919 to 1921 when it became Radio World
Antique Radio Classified Antique Radio Classified
A modern era publication about
vintage radios.
Early Radio - Science & Construction 
Science and Invention Science &
From fantastic to futuristic.
By Gernsback, of course. 1920-1931
Electrical Experimenter Electrical

Hugo Gernsback's science, technology and futuristic publication.
Modern Electrics Modern Electrics
Early hobbyist and experimenter magazine from Hugo Gernsback.
Popular Radio Popular Radio
Construction, amateurs, radio broadcast. 1922 to 1928
Wireless Age Wireless Age.
Early journal of radio and technology. 1913-1925
Radio World Radio World
Technical and construction journal from1922 to 1928
Radio Magazine Radio Magazine
Construction and technology magazine from 1922 to 1947
Radio Mechanics Radio Mechanics
from Milton Sleeper
1927 - ?
Radio Design Radio Design
Technical and electronics magazine from 1927 to 1931
Radio Today Radio Today
Radio set makers, featured radio stations, and radio programming articles.
Radio Topics Radio Topics
Construction and technical magazine
Radio Topics Radio Progress
1924 to mid 20's
Construction and technology
Radio Journal Radio Journal
1922 into the 1950's
Early hobbyist magazine, later a retail electrical
dealer magazine
Radio Instructor Radio Instructor
1922 construction and technology magazine.
Popular Electricity Popular Electricity
1908 to 1914 magazine written in non-technical language explaining new technology.
Audel's Library Audel's Electric Library
12 Volume encyclopedia of electricity and electronics.
1920's to the 40's
The Experimenter The Experimenter
Hugo Gernsback publication beginning 1920 
(Later called Amazing Stories)
E-Z Radio by Henry Neely E-Z Radio
A beginners' magazine beginning in 1922
The Horn Speaker The Horn Speaker
Modern era magazine about early radio  published from the 1970's to the 90's
Everyday Engineering Everyday Engineering / Everyday Mechanics
1915 to 1920 magazine about technology 
Modern Mechanics Modern Mechanics / Worlds' Advance.
Technology features from 1915-1916
(Former Popular Electricity)
Electrician and Mechanic Electrician & Mechanic
Electricity and technology magazine dating back to the 1890's
Radio Home magazine from the 1920's Radio Home
"A Home Magazine for the Radio Family" from the 1920's
EARLY RADIO - Programs & Stars / National
Early Radio Programming
Single or small collections of fan and listener magazines
and publications.
Radio Mirror Radio Mirror.
Radio fan magazine
full of broadcast history.
Radio Guide Radio Guide
Programs and Personalities  from the '31 to '43.
Radio Varieties Radio Varieties
Programming related articles.
1937 to 1941
Radio Digest Radio Digest
adio news & programming weekly 1922-32
Radio Revue Radio Revue
Fan Magazine
Radio Album Radio Album
The stars, singers and bands of radio from 1942
Rural Radio Rural Radio
Promoting America's clear channel radio outlets
Radio Best Radio Best
1947 to 1950
Fan and radio insider magazine
Radio Register Radio Register
Late 20's Log and station information monthly magazine
Radioland Radioland
Fan magazine from the 20's which returned in the late 40's
Radio Parade Radio Parade
Early 40's Fan Magazine
Tower Radio Tower Radio
1934-1935 radio programs and stars fan magazine
What's on the Air What's On The Air. Radio program guide from 1929 to 1931 Radio Log and Lore Radio Log and Lore
1930-1934 Radio program and station guide with articles and features.
Radio Stars Radio Stars
1932 to 1938 fan magazine from
Radio in the Home Radio In the Home
Receivers, reception and stations.. 1922-1926 
Modern Television and Radio Modern Television & Radio.
Fan magazine
beginning in 1948
On the Air On the Air
Programs and Stations
Tune In Tune In
Radio fan magazine with schedules
1943 to 1946
Telecast Telecast
1949 - 1950 Fanzine for the emerging TV
industry and its stars.
Microphone The Microphone. Mid-30s' program and station guide

GOld Time Radio
Jim Ramsberg's
History of American radio 1932-1953
Electrician & Mecanic from 1890 to 1914  Electrician & Mechanic 
Science and technology magazine beginning from 1890 to 1914
EARLY RADIO - Programs & Stars / Local and Regional
Radio Broadcasting News Radio Broadcasting News.
Issues from 1922 and 1923
Radio Life Radio Life
Los Angeles program directory
from the 30's and 40's
Radio Dial Radio Dial
Cincinnati radio
program listings
Radio Doings Radio Doings
Pacific Coast Program Guide from 1923 to 1935
Radio Log Radio Log
Boston program guide
1931 to 1933
Radio FanFare Radio FanFare
1936 to mid 40's
Program schedules
and articles for
Northern California 
Broadcast Weekly Broadcast Weekly
Pacific Coast  program guide 1922-1935
Chicago Radio Weekly Chicago Radio Weekly.
Early 30's Chicago area radio listings and station guide. 
NARBA Radio Announcements 1940 NARBA
 Radio Spots when US stations changed frequency.
Radiocast Weekly
Pacific Coast Schedules and station listings from the 1920's
EARLY RADIO - Clubs, Collectors & Associations
Call Letter
Journal of the Northwest Vintage Radio Society
The Radio Collector
1990's publication for collectors and rebuilders of early radio sets 
Radio Age
Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club
Nostalgia Digest
1983 to present
Earlier year issues
Indiana Historical Radio Society
Beginning in 1971 and continuing today.
Amateur / DXing / Shortwave    
DX & Radio Listings - Station Lists & Logs
Radex Radex
Radio Index
Listings of
all stations
Radio Logbooks Radio logs &
Station lists

White's, Stevenson's
Burgess & more
FM Atlas FM Atlas
All North
FM Stations
1970 2010  
FBIS Station Lists FBIS Radio Stations
of the World

Station lists from our friends at the  CIA
Guide To Broadcasting Guide to Broadcasting Station listing and logbook from
Wireless World magazine (UK)
Radio Service Bulletin Radio Service Bulletins: regulatory actions 1915 to 1932
Citizens Radio Callbook Citizen's Radio Callbook Magazine
Technical and station lists
Radio Review Radio Review / Radio Listeners' Callbook
Radio Register Radio Register
Late 20's Log and station information monthly magazine
Jones North American Radio & TV Guide Jones North American
Radio and TV
Late 50's to
Ham and DX -  Shortwave & Amateur & DX Listening (see also UK section)
The Modulator
ARRL magazine from the early 20's
XTAL for the Radio Amateur
Canadian ham radio magazine beginning in 1938
Short Wave and Ham Gear and Miscellanea
Catalogs, Manuals and limited run publications
The DX Collection
Shortwave, DXing and Amateur Radio

A large batch of  DX, Ham, Medium Wave and Short-Wave publications
Amateur and Ham Radio - Short Wave - DXing DX Bookshelf
Amateur / Ham Radio, DXing and Short Wave
Books and miscellaneous
Short Wave Radio  Short Wave Radio
Short Wave magazine begun in 1934
Monitoring Times Monitoring Times
DX, Short Wave and Utilities magazine from the 80's and 90's
73 Magazine
Amateur "Ham" radio monthly from 1960 to 2003
Popular Communications Popular Communications
DX, short waves and utilities.
Issues from the 80's and 90's
Short Wave Television Short Wave & Television
Also known as Short Wave Craft (which became) Radio & Television 1930-1941
All Wave Radio All Wave Radio
30's Short Wave and international broadcasting publication
Radio Verifications 1
Radio Verifications 2
Radio Station Verifications of reception. QSL's and "Veries" from real radio stations.
The Short Wave Magazine  The Short Wave Magazine
UK Short Wave and amateur journal 
Short Wave Listener US Short Wave Listener
Hugo Gernsback's
mid-1930s short wave
 Ham Tips  RCA Ham Tips
Publication for radio amateurs beginning in 1938
GE Ham News GE Ham News
Publication by General Electric for radio amateurs beginning in 1938
D.I.Y. Radio D.I.Y. Radio
Magazine for beginning amateurs from the UK.
NARBA 1941 1940 NARBA
Radio Spots when US stations changed frequency. (Audio MP3)
Ham Radio Horizons
Sister publication to "Ham Radio"
Communications World Communications
1970's and 80's Shortwave, scanner
and DX magazine
White's Radio Log  
Amateur Radio Defense
Early 1940's patriotic magazine for amateurs
Ham Radio Magazine 1968-1990 Ham Radio
1968 to 1990 amateur radio magazine.
Amateur Television Quarterly
Journal for TV "hams"
1988 to present.
 On the Shortwaves Website Jerry Berg's On the Shortwaves website with facts and history. 
Amateur Radio construction
VHF Communications: Amateur UHF VHF Microwave VHF Communications
Amateur UHF, VHF and Microwaves.  
Satellite Times 1994-1999 Satellite Times
Reception oin satellite frequencies.
DX CLUBS -  Shortwave & DXing & Amateur & Antique Radio Club Journals
The publication of the North American Short Wave Association 
National Radio Club
DX News
AM DX publication starting in 1933
Speedex DX Club Speedex
Magazine for Active DXers from the 70's
to the 90's 
International Short Wave Club International Short Wave Club
Monthly member magazine 1929 to late 30's 
The Globe Circler Globe Circler
1930's DX club
"Calling all Stations"

Journal of the ARRL
Earliest years only.
DX Horizons
Early 60's Long
Range TV and FM DX publication
Call Letters
Journal of the Northwest Vintage Radio Society.
THIS WEBSITE - Some facts about WorldRadioHistory

How scanning and page processing is done.
Chronology of Radio Related Magazines Chronology of Radio Related Magazines.
Listing of most US and world radio related periodicals with start (and end) dates.
Latin American Radio Photographs My radio photos. Stations in Latin America in 1963
 taken by David Gleason.
Radio World Article about This Site
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2012 Article about
This Site
Facebook The Facebook
page has occasional
highlights from
this site.
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Complete Radio and TV "Complete Radio & TV" 20 page eBook on the history of radio and TV magazines from 1909 to 1980's Rikki the Havanese site mascot Rikki.
This website's hyperactive Havanese mascot! (He likes to eat paper trimmings) 
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Everything Else: Sister Websites and Recommended Site Links 
David Gleason David

on the web.
My biography and
"ego wall" pages 
David Gleason Article David Gleason
(for readers of Spanish)
Chapter from "En la Misma SintonĂ­a" about your webmaster's radio stations in Ecuador
Associated Site: DFW Radio Archives.
Fascinating profile of a major market.
  En Frecuencia 
Mexican Media News updated instantly!
A granular dive into radio and radio stations from Mark Durenberger 
Radio news and
"world famous" station pictures.
Musicradio 77
WABC history, surveys, airchecks, jingles.
New York City
Broadcasting History
A message board covering New York City radio in the past. .
The Old CATV Equipment Museum
Early cable TV
Newspaper Radio Logs Link Newspaper Radio Logs New York, LA Chicago and Washington radio logs 1930-1960 John Schneider's
Radio Historian
A collection of articles and photos about early radio in the USA
Eyes of a Generation Television cameras were the Eyes Of A Generation; this is Television history the way they saw it.
The Radio Historian
A collection of articles and photos about early radio in the USA
"A History of American Broadcasting"
by  Jeff Miller.
Old TIme Radio programs Old Time Radio Researchers Group
Thousands of OTR shows in MP3 and downloadable.
REC Radio Networks REC Radio Networks
Station lookup, maps, applications and CPs
FCC Audio Division FCC Audio Division
Station Lookup, rules, tables and documents about radio stations in the US
Radio Music Survey Lists Airheads Radio Survey Archive. (ARSA)
Thousands of Top 40 record charts plus air checks and more.
Marlin Taylor's website
The author of FM radio's early success and renowned programmer.
Broadcaster's Desktop Resource Barry Mishkind's
Broadcaster's Desktop Resource
History of the Car Radio
A brief timeline of the ubiquitous mobile appliance!
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