UK magazine covering all hobbies
which includes many radio related features.
Hobbies Magazine, or Hobbies
Weekly, was the regular publication of
Hobbies Ltd. of Norfolk from 1895
onwards. Officially titled just "Hobbies"
for much of its life (subtitled variously "A
Weekly Journal for Amateurs of Both Sexes"
and "The Fretworker's Weekly. For all
Amateurs and Craftsmen"), the magazine
was informally known as Hobbies Weekly
to distinguish it from the company and the
company's yearly catalogue/annuals. It
became officially named Hobbies
Weekly in 1933. The magazine went through a
number of name changes during its run,
notably toward
the middle to end of the craze for home
constructed wireless sets that lasted from
the late 1920s to the mid 1930s. The
magazine's circulation declined after WW2 in
sympathy with the general downturn in the
company's fortunes, and ceased publication
in 1965, followed a year or two later by
Hobbies Ltd. going into receivership.