A newsletter for Lenkurt users, dealers and suppliers
begun in 1951.
Lenkurt Electric Company was an American
microwave and telecommunications company. It was
established in California and grew to a sizable
company by 1955. It was later acquired by General
Telephone and Electronics Company.
The roots of Lenkurt Electric Company can be traced
as early as 1935 when its predecessor started the
development and manufacture of electronic equipment.
The company adopted its name in 1933 and was taken
from its founders Lennart Erickson and Kurt Appert
By this time, it focused on the development and
manufacture of carrier current communications
equipment. In the first year they were based in San
Francisco with 10 employees, but this grew to around
75 by 1947 when they moved to San Carlos,
California. The company published a monthly
monograph for customers titled Lenkurt
Demodulator that served as both educational and
promotional material. |